Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 144 Strategic Illusion Magic (This book is on the battle power list today, number one in fan

"Lord, my brothers and I have scouted the entire area of ​​this range in the past few days. But all the wheel footprints, there are in the second half and in the first half, only in this range, all disappeared."

A surprise attack, the fourth day after the black-armored swordsman troops separated from the main force.

After four forest son scouts have been repeatedly checking almost sleeplessly in the past few days, they finally gradually found suspicious points.

"The wheel footprints of the transport are interrupted in the area? A large-scale illusion spell? There are such high-level spellcasters in the wilderness coalition?"

The magic power consumed by the large-scale illusion spell is not very large, but it is difficult for many spellcasters to master even if they reach a very high level, because its casting conditions and spell models are extremely demanding and complicated, but this kind of magic can indeed play a role and value of a small force to move a large object in many cases, and it can be called a strategic magic.

"If you can use magic to change the terrain of a certain area, not a real change, but it looks changed to other people, then, with this cover, where will you set up the supply base?"

In order for the four natives of this world to understand, Rhodes told the four sons of the Charr Forest the concept of illusion magic as briefly as possible.

Then, after communicating with each other, the four sons of the Charr Forest pointed to an area on the map, which was a swamp area.

"My lord, if those aliens find a floating land in the swamp area and can change the visual environment through the magic you mentioned, then the place most likely to be set up as a supply base is here."

"Very good, you rest today, and we will explore here tonight." Looking at the exhausted sons of the Charr Forest in front of him, Rhodes said so.

In their current state, if they continue to hold on, sudden death, that is, death from exhaustion, is very likely to happen.

Although it was an exploration, in fact, after midnight, Rhode assembled the entire dark swordsman army, because four days had passed, and the pressure from Fatis and Raymond was already extremely huge. Therefore, even if he was only somewhat sure, Rhode would go all out. At most, it would be better to miss once than to delay for another day.

Swamp area, this kind of terrain area itself means danger, not to mention night exploration. Fortunately, the ability of the Sons of the Shire Forest is particularly adaptable. They tied ropes to arrows and then cooperated with each other to set points, so that even one person can pass through the swamp area with a great probability, let alone four people cooperating with each other.

Rhode and Cress also joined in. Although the two are relatively weak in this aspect, their overall attributes are strong and can help a lot.

Finally, when the sky was about to brighten.

When Rhode pulled the rope and passed through an area, the scenery in front of him suddenly changed. A large area of ​​civilized buildings appeared, and there was a faint fire not far away.

"Found it! It's really a large-scale illusion spell!"

After finding the enemy's material storage location, Rhodes' mind changed, thinking whether he should return to command the troops first, or explore first and hide the arrow rope at the same time.

The next moment, Rhodes made a judgment. Whether he retreated or not, others would follow him, so it would be better to explore first to avoid being discovered by the enemy and the follow-up troops being passive.

Before a while, Rhodes, who was nervous and sensitive to the peak, noticed the sound nearby. Not far from his hiding place, there was a small fire, where two lizardmen and a bear man were roasting food.

After all, they were barbarians. They might be born strong and might still retain extraordinary heritage, but the lack of training and discipline of the tribal warriors was inevitable.

At this time, Cress had also passed through. After noticing the illusion magic, she was very alert and lowered her body, and quickly found Rhodes hiding not far away.

"Cress, we have to deal with the three of them first to buy time for the follow-up troops to come. We have to be fast and not let them make any noise."

"Got it, sir."

In order to find the right time, Rhodes took Cress to wait in the shadows for a while. The three night watch orcs not far away, after eating, actually started playing cards. Yes, it was the poker game that originated from the Lonely Mountain Castle and spread to the surrounding areas.

"Okay, it's time for us to take action!"

Seeing that the three orcs gradually entered the state and concentrated, Rhodes no longer hid. He suddenly stood up from the dark shadows, accelerated the circulation of his internal fighting spirit, and suddenly bounced up.

Bang, bang, bang!

Three steps of rushing, flying across the ground, the extraordinary combat skills of the light system, slaying evil!

At this time, of course, he took all his strength. Although he had no sword in his hand at this moment, Thunder's military hammer was like a cannonball at this moment, rushing, flying, and swinging down.

This full-strength attack was something Rhode had secretly planned for a long time. He had adjusted his body and fighting spirit to the best state.

He suddenly burst out, like a tiger descending from the mountain, and struck out the most powerful hammer since his cultivation.

Huh, a huge light hammer phantom appeared in the air!

The bear man facing this direction did not expect someone to suddenly rush over, as fast as lightning, and suddenly burst out, so fast and fierce that he could not see the attacker's appearance clearly.

Facing this attack, it instinctively raised its hands to try to block it!


Blocking was ineffective, and the figures crossed. Rhode's evil-slaying light hammer hit the bear man so hard that its entire body, weighing more than 200 kilograms, was hit into the air, and then it fell heavily on the ground, with its chest collapsed and blood gushing from its mouth and nose. It was obvious that it was dead.

Until this time, the two lizards on both sides reacted and instinctively drew their swords to stand up. However, before the one on the right could really stand up, Rhode had already hit it on the head with a hammer, and its brain burst directly.

Although the hammer is a blunt instrument, if the strength and force are enough to push it, the lethality and destructive power can be terrifyingly high!

The Thunder Military Hammer in Rhode's hand is only two circles larger than an adult's clenched fist, but it is thick and handy. With a swing of the hammer, the enemy's life and death are often controlled in his hands. If he wants to capture him, he uses the retraction force, and if he wants to smash him to death directly, he uses the explosive force.

Huh, the bloodthirsty spear was thrown suddenly, piercing the face of the last lizard man steadily and accurately, killing him instantly.

In an instant, all three guards were killed.

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