Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 12 Artifact: Supreme Magic Ring

Snowflakes are flying and the north wind is blowing.

The world is vast.

A cold plum blossom stands proudly in the snow.

Just for the sweetheart.




"I can't do this question. I can't do it. It's too difficult."

In the darkness, Rhodes was in so much pain that he was shaking his head. For a moment, he really wanted to hit himself to death. No one knows what he went through during this time.

From linear equations of one variable to geometric functions to solid geometry and plane analysis, these Rhodes gritted their teeth and endured it, but you can't be so unreasonable as to bring out calculus!

This thing is beyond the scope of what can be learned and solved with hard work. It is a restricted area for normal humans. There are more people who are familiar with this knowledge: Abnormal Human Research Center.

The previous math problems were surrounded by darkness and silence, and there was nothing else to do except understand them. Rhodes gritted his teeth and banged his head against the stone and endured it. However, this problem appeared in front of him at this moment. , the difficulty jumped a lot.

Rhodes could only identify that it involved calculus knowledge, but this was already the limit of his academic ability, and he really couldn't do it.

But just like the previous times, Rhodes now only had his head and one arm to move, and he had absolutely nothing else to do except answer questions.

Lock a person in a small dark room, in total darkness, without light or sound, and it won't take long for the person to have a mental breakdown or even fall into madness.

Rhodes is in the same situation now, so he can stimulate his academic potential and solve the tedious and difficult questions one after another. If under other circumstances, someone would have put these questions into a book that can make people's minds knotted. Placed in front of him, Rhodes' only thought and reaction was to slap the entire book on the other person's face, and finally stomp on it a few times. After all, after finishing school, who would have nothing to do to solve math problems?

Holding huge negative emotions, Rhodes fell asleep for an unknown amount of time. He felt that he might have been in this desperate darkness for ten days and a half months or even a whole year, but when he recovered slightly, When I saw it, what I saw before my eyes was still the blue firefly-like arrangement of words. They expressed an extremely obscure mathematical problem in mainland China's common language.

But this mathematical problem really exceeded Rhodes' analytical limit. When he was in college, he had not been able to understand the knowledge of calculus.

"I don't know how long it has been. How are Raymond's guys doing now? Although I feel like it's been a long time, I don't feel thirsty or hungry. Maybe it hasn't been too long... or maybe this area Is there something strange about space that allows me to maintain body functions and even restore body consumption without eating?" At this moment, Rhode suddenly thought of something.

During this time, most of his mind was attracted by the problems that appeared one after another in front of him. Until this moment, Rhodes raised his hand and waved in the void, calling up his system properties panel:

[Name: Rod Hart

Level: 2+4

Strength: 13

Agility: 7

Intelligence: 6+2

Charisma: 9

Remaining attribute points: 4

Skills: Iron Bone 4, Strong Attack 4, Weapon Mastery 2, Plunder 1, Riding 3, Tactics 2, Persuasion 1, Dominance 3.

Skill points remaining: 4

Weapon proficiency: One-handed weapon 74, two-handed weapon 72+2, pole weapon 77, bow and arrow 31, crossbow 41+1, throwing 31, fire sword skill 60. 】

Weapon proficiency remaining: 18

"Killing that ogre actually made me upgrade to four levels in a row? My intelligence attribute didn't add any points, but just doing these math problems made me improve by two points? Well, this should be my own intelligence. The data is much higher than that of the predecessor, so it is an abnormal improvement.”

While thinking like this, Rhodes quickly added all the unexpected attribute points to his intelligence attribute. In this way, his intelligence attribute became 12 points, which was only 1 point after the strength attribute among all attributes. , and is much more solid than the strength attribute.

As the attribute points were consumed, a cool and refreshing feeling slowly spread in his brain, probably between the eyebrows. At the same time, Rhodes began to consciously try to recall the college calculus course he had taken in his youth.

Self-study means going up the mountain to fetch water by yourself.

When you go to school, it is the teachers who work hard to divert and irrigate you.

Therefore, after many people leave school, they will somewhat regret that they did not study hard in the first place, because the hardship of being pressured by society to study on their own is much harder than the hardship of being taught by teachers when they were in school.

Of course, for human beings, even if they really have the opportunity to go back, they may not be able to change their past mistakes and work really hard. But more or less, there will be some growth and progress.

With the strengthening of intellectual attributes, the memories that had been buried deep in the brain seemed to become clear and vivid again. When studying mathematics in college, the knowledge points that had been summarized one after another were recalled again. Therefore, when Rhodes opened his eyes again When I open my own eyes, the mathematical problem with a profound algorithm in front of me no longer seems so difficult to understand.

If you add attribute points to strength, agility or charm, then each character level can only increase one skill point, but if you add attribute points to intelligence, then each character level can increase one skill point. Therefore, after Rhodes added 4 attribute points to intelligence, his remaining skill points are now 8. But this is not important for the time being. Rhodes himself is also very curious about what will happen after solving the problem in front of him. He vaguely feels that the problem in front of him is already a kind of hidden upper limit.

As long as you successfully break through it, some kind of "truth" will appear.

Fortunately, there is no time limit for research and problem solving here. If it is a normal exam, I must have been eliminated many times, but here I can solve it again and again and start over. Therefore, Rhodes slept after he was tired, and continued to solve after he woke up. After several rounds, he didn't know how long it had passed in a trance. Finally, with Rhodes's finger ticking, the blue firefly light screen in front of him suddenly spread out, colorful and dazzling, but no new questions appeared.

"Huh, I finally got through." As Rhodes shook his wrist, the light in the entire space gradually brightened.

All around, he saw an area full of metal and technology.

Rhodes found himself sitting on a huge inscribed steel seat, with the two-headed ogre at his feet, but for some reason, its body did not rot but withered and shrunken extremely quickly, as if it had been drained by some force.

"I finally waited for your arrival, the successor of the great sage civilization."

"Millions of years have passed, but the fire of civilization has not been cut off after all..." As the ancient common language sounded, in front of Rhodes, light and shadow intertwined and twisted, and finally a short figure with white hair and green skin appeared. It or he said that he was wearing a long robe, which was somewhat similar to the modern wizard robe but with obvious differences.

"Who are you?"

"Heir, I know you have many doubts in your heart at this moment, but I am just a backup image, so I can't answer too many doubts for you." As he spoke, this green-skinned goblin with deep eyes and great wisdom turned around and walked slowly.

"You only need to know that the noble goblins once created a rich and prosperous country and a powerful civilization on this continent of this world. In that short and glorious period, even the dragons in the sky had to bow to us, and even the arrogant gods had to look at us sideways."

Accompanied by the words, it was not just empty talk. The image of the goblin sage in front of him walked away, and a large number of light and shadows appeared on his left and right:

It was a giant and neat city full of green-skinned guys. They even created a city that could float in the sky with blue flames, small flying devices for family units, and all the architectural shapes were full of technology and even a strong sense of science fiction. These made Rhodes, who was sitting on the iron seat, feel overwhelmed and shocked.

"...Although we took different paths from the magic seekers, we were equally powerful and respected each other in that era."

"But it was precisely because of this growing power that it posed a great threat to the gods above. War has arrived."

"Great sages, in order to prevent the inheritance of the sage civilization from being completely cut off, several underground secret rooms have been set up to preserve the entire knowledge inheritance of the sage civilization. Only the inheritors of the sage civilization can open them."

"Now... I can no longer protect this place. Everything that comes next will be handed over to you, the inheritor of the sage civilization." As he spoke, the light and shadow around the goblin sage changed again, but this time, a picture of many humans holding pickaxes and shovels and digging down continuously appeared.

In this picture, Rhodes even saw Lady Masha, the Silver Frost Lord, and her silver-haired female knight with a deep demeanor.

It is unknown how long this goblin ruins has existed. No matter how powerful it is, it is difficult to resist the erosion of the torrent of time. Even if it has a technological power far superior to that of the outside world, as long as it continues to be excavated, there will always be a day when it will be completely dug through and see the light of day again.

At this time, all the light and shadow images around dissipated, and finally gathered into a golden red ring, floating in front of Rhodes.

"Accept it, as long as you can unlock the secrets in it, you can get all the inheritance of the sage civilization."

No one can refuse such a temptation.

The ultimate treasure that the Silver Frost Lord exhausted manpower and material resources to get fell into his hands. No one can refuse such a temptation, especially for a pioneering lord who is in the starting stage.

However, when Rhodes stretched out his palm and was about to take the ring, he suddenly paused. He stared at the goblin sage in front of him for a while, and then said:

"You are not a video backup, you are an artificial intelligence, right?"


In response to Rhodes, the other party remained silent for a long time. However, Rhode retracted his hand and did not take the floating ring.

Seeing this, the translucent white-haired, green-skinned old man finally flashed a helpless look in his eyes: "Artificial intelligence? Oh, this is also a rather interesting name, but I prefer to call myself: virtual life."

"It's all the same. I didn't expect that the civilization of sages has developed to this extent."

"Even in my time, I'm afraid it's still a little inferior." Of course, Rhodes didn't say the last half of the sentence.

"Human, how did you see through my flaw?"

"Because IQ is not equal to EQ, when you first met me, you were in a very excited emotional state, and you called me 'you', but after you found out that I was a human and not a goblin, you obviously Your interest in me has greatly diminished, and the title you use has changed to 'you'. If you are really the image backup as you said, you should not have such mood swings, so I guess you are an artificial intelligence. It’s not an image backup.”

"So what if you guessed this? Don't you want the inheritance of the extremely powerful sage civilization ten thousand years ago?" The translucent image of the goblin sage said indifferently. He knew very well. , no one can refuse this temptation.

"No one can refuse the legacy of the sage's civilization. But it is not that difficult to refuse the benefits that are destined to be unavailable. To get started, you need to take the calculus test. Can others unlock the secrets and obtain the sage's civilization? I don’t know the inheritance, but I know that I will definitely not be able to unravel it. If you don’t give me some other benefits, I would rather leave this thing here to avoid getting into trouble without getting the benefits.”

Look at the other person, be careful with your words, let the other person care, but try not to anger the other person.

Rhodes is also a well-known mature guy. He quickly judged that although the artificial intelligence in front of him looked down on him because he was not of goblin descent, compared to the guy outside who was engaged in violent demolition, the artificial intelligence in front of him was really useless. When it comes to choosing, I still prefer myself, because I have passed the entry-level test.

In this case, there is no reason not to reap some benefits from this.

It is difficult for a small pioneer lord in the wilderness of the northern border of the empire to survive. The feathers of geese are plucked when they pass by, and the legs of mosquitoes are used as meat, especially at this time.

"I'm just the manager here, and my authority is very limited..." Looking at the cunning and treacherous human in front of him, the goblin sage lamented in his heart while defending himself.

But he had no choice at all. Just like what the guy in front of him said, he was really unwilling to hand over the inheritance of the sage's civilization to the hands of the silver-haired elf outside who had a brain full of muscles.


"Ah owe!"

At the same time, in the forest near Silver Frost Castle, the silver-haired female knight, who was guarded by many soldiers, could not suppress herself and sneezed violently.

"What's the matter, Isa? Did you catch a cold last night?" Upon seeing this, the beautiful woman Masha stepped forward and asked with concern.

"It's okay, Aunt Masha, Master Dawen, let's continue the topic just now. As long as this blasting is completed, the exploration of the ruins can be greatly in-depth?"

"Yes, Your Highness, according to my repeated calculations, this should be a supporting point of the mountain. As long as a large amount of purified explosives are used to blow it up, the progress of the project can be greatly accelerated." Master Dawen is a man wearing a gold thread. Monocle, an attractive middle-aged elegant man. Scholars of this era often have certain achievements in many fields, because if they have the conditions and are willing to work hard to learn, many knowledge systems can be learned from beginning to end in just a few years.

Hearing Master Dawen's assertion, Isha nodded lightly with satisfaction. This ruins is the biggest secret of the entire Silver Frost Territory. The long-term heavy guarding has put great pressure on all aspects of the Silver Frost Territory. If it can be destroyed faster, It would be a good thing for me to explore the entire ruins clearly.

"In that case, then please ask the master to order the detonation. I fully believe in the talent and knowledge you possess, Master Dawen."

After hearing this, Master Dawen smiled, but the smile was a little stiff.

Because this blasting plan had actually been discussed and deduced many times, but when it came time to actually do it, His Highness was still uneasy and arrived at the scene in person. This was really not a sign of full trust.

"Forget it, let the facts prove everything."

With this thought in mind, scholar Dawen stepped forward and started making arrangements. About two-quarters of an hour later, with the laying of the fire line, everything was in place.


Wow, following the detonation command, the line of fire burned all the way into the extremely deep cave that had been excavated. Not long after, there was a loud bang and fire, and it exploded.

At this time, just as calculated countless times before, the collapsed part of the mountain revealed the outline of some steel ruins buried deep beneath it.

Seeing this, Dawen turned around with a confident smile. When he came to the Silver Frost Lord Isa, he was about to demonstrate his concealment when he noticed that Masha behind Her Highness Isa looked a little strange and even panicked.

Boom, boom, boom, boom…

"Run away, the mountain is collapsing." An experienced elderly miner shouted from behind.

Scholar Dawen turned around suddenly, and then watched in disbelief as the mountain shape completely collapsed, as if a huge whirlpool appeared underground, constantly swallowing everything.

"That's impossible, according to my calculations."

"Don't calculate, if you don't run, you'll die." Isha looked at the scene in front of her, her teeth were almost broken with hatred. Of course, she couldn't save the guy in front of her, but Masha beside her was also very skilled. At this moment, Masha flew forward and actually grabbed the figure of scholar Daven, and then turned around and ran away.

The scale of the landslide caused by mining and blasting was not too large, and it did not cause any casualties or economic losses, but it completely engulfed the goblin ruins that Isha Karasa had high hopes for.

At the same time, on the other side, a guy from the East escaped from the collapsed mine with a dusty face and successfully joined his subordinates. Raymond and others who were in ecstasy did not notice that an ancient, pure black iron ring had appeared on the index finger of their lord's left hand.

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