Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 101 Magical Weapons, Bloodthirsty Javelins (Please subscribe, please bookmark)

A starry night near dawn, a forest.

"From these two characteristics alone, it is impossible to tell what kind of bloodline one possesses, so one can only use the most clumsy way to activate it." Rhode felt a little headache about the hidden magic bloodline in his body.

Because if it is the elf bloodline, being close to nature can increase the activation speed of the bloodline.

If it is the dragon bloodline, being unrestrained and sleeping on a mountain of gold coins and gems can also increase the activation of the bloodline. But if it cannot be inferred, one can only use the fear of life and death in actual combat to stimulate the deep potential in the body.

"Rage, tenacity, a bloodline with these two characteristics that have not yet fully manifested, at least it means that it is not a weak magic bloodline. It is a pure profit to pick it up for nothing." Rhode did not dwell on it for too long, and soon he turned his attention to the spoils obtained in this battle.

Although the entire army has not yet collected the spoils at this moment, Rhode, who has the system's looting skill, can still check a lot of things from the system.

Although the higher the level of the looting skill, the greater the chance of looting good things. But in fact, this skill still depends on luck, and Rhode's face is definitely handsome.

[Bloodthirsty javelin/12 pieces]

[One of the three sets of javelin of the hero Gang in folklore. Gang once used one of them to kill a sea monster that had been causing harm for many years, and left the javelin in the heart of the sea monster so that it could not be resurrected. ]

[Enchantment effect:]

[Bloodthirsty throwing: strong throwing +2, strength +2, projectile weapon proficiency +60, blood covenant ceremony is required, and the javelin will be automatically retracted after a period of time. ]

Since the scale of this battle is large enough, and the strength of the enemy and us is also very different at the beginning of the battle, after the victory, not only the combat level of himself and his subordinates will be continuously promoted, but also a good thing will appear.

Rhodes materialized it through the system, and with the condensation of light, a bag of javelins with strange texture fell into Rhodes' hands:

These javelins are much smaller than normal javelins, so they can be put into one bag, but they are heavier. The tip of the javelins is a strange sharp point, and the body of the javelins is dark and covered with strange inscriptions.

Just when it fell into his hands, Rhodes had a strange feeling, an abnormal cold feeling, and in a trance, he seemed to hear the wailing and roaring of countless giant beasts.

"Even after so many years, it still binds the souls of those lives?" Such a thought naturally flashed through his mind.

Rhodes therefore subconsciously operated the Holy Light Qi Heart Method in his body, and as the warmth spread, the gloomy and cold breath dissipated.

"Good things are good things, but they are not suitable for me. If I use them for a long time, either I will waste them or they will lead me astray."

Rhodes is not short of magic weapons now, and he will not be short of them in the future, so he will not give up his Holy Light Qi Heart Method because of the power of the bloodthirsty javelin.

So, after a moment of hesitation, Rhode shouted, "Raymond, Cress, come here."

At this moment, Raymond and Cress were also resting. They would not rest here for a long time. After resting for a while to recover their strength, they would return to the town first and relax completely there.

The two were not far from Rhode, so they came quickly after hearing Rhode's call.

"Raymond, Cress, take it."

While speaking, Rhode threw two bloodthirsty javelins over.

Raymond quickly reached out his hand after hearing the words, but the moment he touched the bloodthirsty javelin, he seemed to be frightened and suddenly retracted his hand, letting the javelin fall to the ground.

And his sister Cress also caught the javelin, but she did not react at all. Instead, she looked at her brother with some doubts, and then looked at her master.

"Sure enough, although they are brother and sister, the talent gap is amazing! Of course, part of it is also because of their nature." Seeing that Cress was not affected at all and was much more adaptable to this magic weapon than himself, Rhode couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"What's wrong, brother, how come you can't even catch a spear, although it is indeed very heavy, you won't be injured?"

"Oh, no. Cress, can't you feel anything abnormal?" Raymond stopped Cress from checking himself impatiently and asked with a frown.

Although it was just a moment just now, he remembered the feeling of falling into a cold hell very deeply, so he was surprised that Cress couldn't feel it at all.

"That is the evil spirit brought by too much killing. This is the item I got from the harpy witch before. I didn't notice anything unusual. I just suddenly thought of how to break the seal, so I called you here."

"Obviously, this item is more suitable for Cress. Raymond, don't worry about it."

"Will this thing not cause any harm?" Raymond didn't mind the function and value of the magic item in front of him. Instead, he asked this question. Although he disliked the one in front of him, she was his own sister after all.

"Don't worry. Magic items basically have a certain amount of energy overflow. For extraordinary people, this must be adapted."

As the sun rose completely, Rhodes stood up from leaning against the tree trunk.

From today, the wilderness has entered a new era. From now on, human forces will occupy this area in front of them, and no force can easily drive them away.

After a period of rest and recovery, the whole army returned to clean up the battlefield, count the spoils, bury the bodies, and imprison the captured orc slaves. There were still many things to do.

After this battle, although the foundation of security was laid, the production and expenditure of the entire Lonely Mountain Castle were not on the right track. It was okay to let everyone eat rats for a short period of time, but if everyone was asked to eat rats all the time, what difference would it make whether I came or not?

Rodhart himself could not afford to lose this person.

However, the inherent trade system of the entire Wilderness Plain could not be intervened at will. It was certainly possible to open trade with Redwood Town, Silver Frost City, and even the entire northern border of the Empire directly from the Mountain Fortress, but not every caravan had the ability and profit to hire nearly 150 elite guards.

Yaros opened up a new trade route and took this trip just to prove that he could make it. The fifty heavy cavalry and nearly a hundred elite infantry suffered heavy losses.

No matter how high the profit generated by this trade route is, it can't withstand so many deaths. Therefore, if you want to directly open up trade with Lonely Mountain Castle, Redwood Town, Silver Frost City and even the North, you must be able to ensure basic security, which is also the basis for collecting taxes.

"Responsibility, power, responsibility, power, without responsibility, where does the power come from?"

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