Mount & Blade: Wind of War

Chapter 10 The Wisdom of the Traveler (Please collect, recommend, vote, and reward!)

"Vodka in my left hand, Bobosha in my right hand, singing Katyusha, hugging Natasha, the White House is my home tonight, Hurrah!"

When people are full of passion, all kinds of messy thoughts will surge up.

Rhodes did not think carefully about his current identity. If the spirit of the bear really came back to possess him, the first person to be killed would be him, the evil old aristocratic class.

With only 20 Redwood Town militiamen plus himself, they could not stop the frontal charge of the heavy armored ogre warriors. Therefore, the only chance of survival at this moment was for the most skilled rider to temporarily lead the heavy armored ogre warrior away, let the rest of the people deal with its followers and soldiers, and then kill it together. This was the best tactic that Rhodes could think of in a short period of time.

"This kind of military heavy crossbow cannot be loaded with crossbow arrows on horseback, so I only have one chance to shoot, and I must hit it in an instant!"

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts that kept surging in his mind and re-establishing order, Rhodes held the heavy crossbow tightly in his right hand. As the two sides collided, the distance between them shortened sharply and the two sides were getting closer and closer.

The terrifying killing aura on the ogre had frightened the travel horse under his seat, and it screamed, but under the master's suppression, it could only rush forward head-on.

The Redwood Town militiamen in the back also gritted their teeth and stared at this place, with both fear and worry.

"This is the moment."

When the distance between the two sides was shortened to a certain extent, Rhodes, who was lying on the horse's back, could almost see the fat on the ogre's cheek that was constantly jumping and trembling. He suddenly pulled the reins to the right, so that the direction was no longer a collision, but tilted to distance himself from the heavily armored ogre warrior and staggered.


How could the long-awaited heavy-armored ogre warrior let Rhodes go? He opened his arms and roared as he was about to pounce on him.

At this moment, whoosh!

Rhodes stood up with his horse, holding the reins in his right hand and aiming the crossbow arrow at the opponent's head.

Horseback archery is a high-level combat skill, and neither Rhodes himself nor the predecessor of this body had ever been trained in this area. Therefore, he knew that the crossbow tip was shaking violently, and even if the distance was close enough, it still depended on luck whether he could hit the target.

"It must hit!"

He roared in his heart, and the next moment, Rhodes pulled the trigger and the crossbow arrow shot out, but the trajectory of the crossbow arrow was obviously offset. At this moment, Rhodes, who was aiming at the opponent's eyes, felt cold in his heart. But the next moment, an even louder roar almost knocked him and his horse over at close range.

Because even if the ogres were unarmored, ordinary crossbow arrows could hardly cause fatal damage to them, so the heavily armored ogre warrior was not afraid of Rhode's aiming and shooting, because the worst result for it was just a pain, not to mention that creatures like ogres did not know what fear was when fighting.

But this time, it opened its mouth too wide, so that although the crossbow arrow in Rhode's hand missed, the crossbow still happened to shoot into the guy's open mouth. The critical damage of this attack even knocked the heavily armored ogre warrior back a step.

"This damage is definitely enough to lead it away."

Knowing that he had a lucky chance this time, Rhode immediately reacted and pulled the horse to run away. At this moment, a sudden evil wind sounded behind him. Rhode instinctively curled up his body and tried to lie on the horse's back. Then he felt a huge force pressing against his back and flying past him. The next moment, he felt a burning pain in his back.

Boom, the mace made of huge iron, with terrible force, spun and knocked down a big tree, with terrifying power.


He raised his head and swallowed hard. Rhode dared not think of anything now. He squeezed the horse's belly like crazy, causing the travel horse under him to run wildly.

The heavy armored ogre warrior burst out in a short distance, almost faster than a galloping horse. The galloping horse here refers to a steed, which is much faster than an ordinary travel horse. However, he just got hit by an arrow and threw the mace in his hand, which allowed Rhode to successfully distance himself. However, his hatred was too much. The ogre had completely ignored Raymond and others in Redwood Town not far away. At this moment, he chased Rhode with bloodshot eyes, and there was a tendency to fight to the death.

The mountain road in the forest in front of him was rugged and difficult to walk on. Fortunately, the horse under Rhode was an old travel horse. Its rich experience allowed it to quickly determine the road suitable for its running. It kicked and trampled with its hooves, and rushed to the highest speed limit in its life.


Injury, the fear between life and death, these are all consumes a lot of mental and physical energy. This is also why many recruits on the battlefield are obviously stronger than veterans, but they just don’t have the endurance of veterans. Because of panic, even if they do nothing, their physical energy will be in a state of intense consumption.

Rhode lay on the horse's back, looking back from time to time at the ogre warrior who was chasing him behind him. He knew that if he and the horse under him made a mistake, they would be caught up and torn into pieces, and then stuffed into the belly of the blue fat man.

"I'm really crazy. I'm fighting for a group of NPCs..."

"But if I had to choose again, I'm afraid I would still do it." I recalled in my mind the scene of eating and living with those guys during this period of time, chatting and laughing around the campfire. Maybe they were just a group of NPCs or just... It's just a phantom that exists in one's own mind, but human beings are inherently loyal to their own feelings and will do anything for it.

A human knight and an ogre warrior chased each other and escaped. As time went by, they escaped a very long distance. And due to unfamiliarity with the geography and the panic of choosing a way, Rhodes was not able to choose the right path at this moment. Knowing exactly where he was now, he only knew that he was walking upwards, and that the mountains and forests in all directions were getting thinner and thinner.

"It's really an exaggeration. Does a creature like the ogre have unlimited physical strength?" As time went by, even his traveling horse began to foam at the mouth, with a crossbow stuck in its mouth behind him. The fat blue man in front of him was still chasing after him with red eyes. Rhodes was not feeling well. He was desperately trying his best. He didn't want to really die here.

Especially being torn into pieces and eaten by ogres, turning into ogre excrement, this kind of death is too shameful and unacceptable.

"This should be near a quarry. There may be some precious metal mines inside. Mines like this usually get smaller the deeper they go underground."

He looked at the increasing number of mines and traces of man-made construction around him, then looked at the old traveling horse that was already foaming at the mouth, and finally looked back at the distance between himself and the ogre. Finally, Rhodes gritted his teeth, leaned away from the stirrups, and after getting ready, he found a piece of grass and jumped down.

Earn your life!

Make a way for the horse to survive, and also make a way for yourself.

Bang, it hit the grass so hard that it rolled twice. Fortunately, it didn't hit any rocks in the process. After its owner fell off, the old horse actively slowed down and stopped, as if it planned to turn around and pick up the owner again. , but Rhodes glanced back, turned around and shouted at it: "Run, run quickly!"

After that, he no longer cared about the old horse and ran towards the nearest mine. There was a high probability that there would be no danger in a mine like this that was mined not long ago. At the same time, the traveling horse , myself, and the ogre. Relatively speaking, I have the most physical strength. Entering a mine with dim light and complicated paths, my chance of survival is actually improved, at least compared to the adventure just now. In terms of.

Entering the dim mine, Rhodes endured the physical discomfort caused by just jumping off his horse and falling. After all, he now has 13 points of strength and 4 points of iron bones. Although he has not exercised enough and cannot fully unleash his potential, his physical fitness The strength is still far beyond that of ordinary people. It is possible for ordinary people to jump off a galloping horse and fall to death, but for Rhodes, it is just a slight physical discomfort.


Panting, Rhodes ran towards the depths of the mine with all his strength. Just as he had guessed before, he only needed to consider the mining progress and did not need to consider the safety and comfort of the miners themselves. Therefore, all mines like this were The initial entrance is wide, and the deeper you go, the smaller the space becomes.

At the same time, heavy footsteps and heavy breathing began to be heard from the entrance of the mine.

"Come on, come on, come on! Let's see if you live and die, or if I live and you die!" Under the strong stimulation of life and death, a large amount of dopamine and adrenaline were secreted in the body, and Rhodes felt that he had never been so real in his life. I have experienced it, every minute and every second of time passes, and the real sense of life is so strong.

Normally, humans do not have night vision, but at this moment, the pupils in Rhodes' eyes were almost dilated to the extreme, and his dynamic vision and night vision abilities were greatly improved in a short period of time.

Constantly watching, observing, and searching, Rhodes was currently looking for opportunities around him that could help him win with a calmness and rationality that he could hardly believe.

Because of the echo effect in the cave, Rhodes could sense and capture the approaching sound of the ogre walking in step by step.

"The sense of smell is far superior to that of humans, or did I accidentally leave some traces when I escaped before? The guy came directly without any hesitation. In this way, I had no chance to escape very far."

"This is the opponent's advantage, but it can also become mine..."

Rhodes's guess was not wrong. Apart from being a bit simple-minded, creatures like ogres are simply natural war killing weapons: magic-resistant skin, giant strength, tenacity, rage, warlock blood, double-headed spellcasting, etc. Even though they are fat, their perception is quite high.

The ogre that had been following and chasing him all the way was now covered in blood from its perspective, which was somewhat similar to infrared vision. Moreover, it could clearly smell the smell of blood that appeared on Rhodes' body due to his injuries.

This smell was like a pull appearing in the void, leading it all the way to the human being.

Although, the deeper you go into the mine, the darker the surrounding light becomes, and the murderous intent that almost overflows in the darkness becomes stronger and clearer.

But it doesn't matter. The great ogre warrior Gordon Blackhand has experienced this kind of hunting and being hunted countless times, and every time, the strong Gordon is the last one to survive.

When he went deep into the mine, the strong ogre found fresh blood and an old sharp cross sword on the ground. From the direction of the blood and the cross sword, the human seemed to have gone deeper into the mine without looking back... If we look at these obvious clues.

"Gordon, I found you!"


Saying something in a vague language, the next moment the strong blue fat man did not continue to go deeper into the mine, but rushed into the darkness on one side.

At that moment, the ground was almost crushed by it. Under the huge reaction force, the huge ogre was as fast as a gust of wind.

However, with a muffled sound, Gordon found himself stuck, and his huge body was embedded between two rocks, unable to move.

"Your advantage can also become my advantage. Obviously, you haven't read the classic novel "Infinite Horror", and you are not lucky enough to meet a girl with a baby face and big breasts named Zhao." Standing between two rocks, Rhode raised the heavy crossbow in his hand. At this distance, it was almost pointing at the opponent's head. Even if the shooting skills were poor, there was no need to worry about missing.

At this moment, Rhode stood between two rocks in the gap of the stone wall. Even he had to cross his body to pass through this gap, let alone the heavily armored ogre that rushed over violently. The more strength it used just now, the tighter and more tightly it was stuck at this moment.

Puff, puff, puff, puff...

One arrow, two arrows, three arrows, five arrows, Rhodes kept bending down to reload at the opponent who was stuck in the crack of the stone wall in front of him, and then stood up to shoot. At the beginning, the ogre was still struggling there vigorously, but after being shot in the head by heavy crossbow arrows one after another, even the ogre's vitality could not withstand it, and began to whimper and wail, but Rhodes reloaded the crossbow arrows without being moved, and stood up to shoot.

Just now, he was also gambling his life against the terrifying beast in front of him. At this moment, the situation was just that he won the bet, and he did not have the strength and qualifications to pity the guy in front of him.

However, just when the seriously injured and nearly dead ogre gradually stopped struggling after shooting more than a dozen arrows, this guy suddenly struggled violently again, and his muscles began to swell violently, his eyes once again turned bright red due to congestion, and the accelerated blood flow once again brought him powerful power and bloodthirsty madness.

Thanks to the readers: Gao Wei 2333, Night Star Cold Night, Yu Lei, No Words, Xue Shan, My name is Mei Jinyu, who stole my name, Fengdu Domain Lord She Tianmo, Senior Old Cannon, Mortal Seeking Tao, Who Speeded Up Time, Guan Yu Jinqin, Psychedelic Sea, Ding Tiannan, Book Friend 20190911214458901, Spring Warms the Earth, All Things Revived, Spring God Returns, Drowning Vegetables, Shadow Dancer L, Heart House People Thick, Guang Han_豴茌Nineteen readers' rewards, thank you, thank you for your company and support all the time.

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