Mortals' aspirations to cultivate immortality

Chapter 173 Opening a Medicine Shop

"Foundation Perfection!"

In the square outside the Tianji Pavilion, Lin Yi gritted his teeth and said these four words.

No wonder his information is so expensive, and he dares to ask for 10,000 spirit stones.

I don't know how the cultivator in the early stage of foundation building provoked Ma Tianxiong, who was in the perfect stage of foundation building, and he even wanted to hire someone to kill him.

Although the early stage of foundation building and the perfect stage of foundation building are both foundation building realms, the gap between the two is bigger than the sky.

But after Lin Yi read the following content, Lin Yi almost guessed the hatred between the two.

The guess may be different, but it is almost right.

The reason is that Ma Tianxiong specializes in capturing female cultivators and enslaving them to become fairy prostitutes.

The cultivator with thunder liquid is obviously a female cultivator from the size and figure.

I'm afraid that she suffered from Ma Tianxiong's poisonous hands before, which made her hate Ma Tianxiong so much that she even didn't hesitate to take Ma Tianxiong's life.

A junior of Wuwang Sect in the early stage of Jindan? No wonder he was still safe and sound after doing such an outrageous thing in Sifang City.

Lin Yi looked at the news about Ma Tianxiong and had a headache for a while.

Ma Tianxiong's cultivation alone made him overwhelmed.

Now it also involves a Jindan elder of Wuwang Sect, one of the seven major sects in Tianzhu Country.

At this point, it has long exceeded the scope of what the thunder liquid can pay.

But what can Lin Yi do?

Tianji Pavilion doesn't care whether the reward you offer matches or not. They only care whether the information about various rare spiritual objects in their hands is accurate or not.

And it is impossible for Lin Yi to bypass Tianji Pavilion and find the female cultivator who wants to kill Ma Tianxiong.

Even if the thunder liquid is not enough to pay the reward, Lin Yi can only bite his teeth and accept it!

"Or I can also imitate that female cultivator and offer a reward to kill Ma Tianxiong?"

Lin Yi thought about the feasibility of this method and finally shook his head.

When it comes to the Jindan period, no one will take it if the reward is not generous enough.

At present, Lin Yi only has the Sky Meteorite Talisman and the mysterious round bead given by his master Yin Tianzhu.

And it is impossible to take out these two things.

"Damn it, why can I be the only one to be the scapegoat? Is it because I really need thunder liquid?"

Then Lin Yi laughed at himself, as if it was true.

If it weren't for me, no one would do this reward in their lifetime.

"Forget it, just treat it as eliminating harm for the people and make long-term plans."

Lin Yi shook his head and began to wander around the square.

In a place like this, there must be something he needs.

Sure enough, in a corner, Lin Yi found what he needed.

"A thousand faces can change one's appearance and breath. Daoist friends, are you interested in this thing?"

In the corner, a cultivator who wrapped himself tightly saw Lin Yi stop in front of his stall and immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

Lin Yi nodded: "How many spiritual stones?"

"Hey, Daoist friend and I are destined to be together, what spiritual stones are you talking about?"

"Oh?" Lin Yi smiled: "Daoist friend, you want to give it to me for free, then I will accept it with pleasure."

"Hey, hey, hey, no, no." The cultivator immediately took back the Hundred Changes and Thousand Faces: "Daoist friend, this Hundred Changes and Thousand Faces is a good thing, which can change your own aura and appearance. It is really a precious magic weapon for home travel, killing and arson!"

"Daoist friend, just quote the price directly, and I will take it if the price is right, why bother with sweet talk."

Lin Yi rolled his eyes, is it interesting to say so much?

"Since you really want it, I will reluctantly give it to you. It's a mid-grade magic weapon!"

"Mid-grade magic weapon!" Lin Yi looked at the other party with unkind eyes: "Is your mask made of gold? Why don't you go and rob it?"

"Hey, hey, hey, what you said is not right. How can gold, a common thing, compare to the Thousand Faces! Besides, how can you make money by robbing it?"

"Okay, okay." Lin Yi took out the Fiery Pot directly from the storage bag: "Here, a mid-grade magic weapon."

"It's definitely safe, and it's the most valuable kind of magic weapon."

"The magic weapon used by the magic cultivator..."

The other party was also stunned when he saw the Fiery Pot. The magic weapon used by the magic cultivator has a premium in Tianzhu Country, and it is indeed the most valuable kind of magic weapon.

But, it's not easy to sell.

"I only have this one, do you want it?" Lin Yi was too lazy to talk nonsense and pretended to leave.


Seeing Lin Yi was about to leave, the other party hurriedly stopped Lin Yi.

Lin Yi snorted coldly, took the Thousand Faces, looked at it carefully and found no problem, then completed the transaction with the other party.

This trip to the secret city, I can't say I made a lot of money, I can only say that I lost a lot.

Lin Yi followed the instructions and came to the teleportation array for going out. After cursing the teleportation bureau for taking ten spirit stones, he activated the teleportation array and disappeared in the secret city.

When he appeared again, Lin Yi had already arrived outside the Sifang City.

As the old man said, when leaving the secret city, it was completely randomly teleported outside the city.

Lin Yi put his robes and mask back into the storage bag, then took out the Thousand Faces and put it on his face.

Then, a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building who looked like Liu Zhu and Tie Sheng appeared at the gate of Sifang City.

When his spiritual sense swept across his face, Lin Yi was amazed.

This Thousand Faces is worthy of its name. After wearing it on his face, he can look whatever he wants, and his aura has become completely unfamiliar.

It is actually a must-have weapon for killing people and setting fires when traveling at home.

Naturally, the refining and trading of this kind of magic weapon is strictly prohibited in Sifang City, so it can only be easily obtained in places like the secret market.

More than two hours later, Lin Yi successfully entered the city. After taking a look at the surrounding environment, his eyes suddenly lit up and he walked over immediately.

Kong Fa was talking to a monk who had completed his Qi refining period, and wanted to lead the way, but he was suddenly blocked by a foundation-building senior who was wearing something familiar to him, but whose appearance and aura were completely unfamiliar to him.

The foundation-building senior generously threw him a middle-grade spiritual stone: "I want to open a pill shop in the city and lead the way."

"Okay, okay."

When Kong Fa saw the middle-grade spiritual stone in his hand, he was immediately overjoyed. He secretly thought that he was really lucky, and he actually earned the middle-grade spiritual stone for two consecutive days.

Speaking of middle-grade spiritual stones, Kong Fa realized that the clothes worn by the foundation-building senior in front of him were exactly the same as the one from yesterday.

But that’s not important, as long as you earn something.

Kong Fa immediately confessed to the monk who had completed his Qi refining period. After the other monk saw Lin Yi's cultivation level, he naturally did not dare to say anything.

"Senior, do you have any requirements for the location of the store?"

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "There is no special need, as long as it is near Yuelai Restaurant."

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