As the crowd approached the valley wall, the scenery in front gradually became clear.

Duan Qing then saw that there was a tree mountain under the valley wall. When he got closer, he saw that the tree mountain actually grew in a pool of water.

Six incense sticks suspended above the water surface had burned a small part, and were half surrounding the tree mountain in the water.

Everyone ran to the pool and stopped, looking at the strange tree mountain covered with dark oval fruits, and then looking at the group of monsters that were about to chase them from behind, and they couldn't help but look desperate.

At this time, Yan Ruyu, who was in front of the crowd, looked at the pool in front of her, suddenly dazed, and then jumped in without hesitation.

Seeing the monsters approaching from behind, and Yan Ruyu taking the lead, everyone rushed to jump into the pool.

In a moment, Duan Qing was the only one left on the shore.

He secretly groaned in his heart. He knew with his toes that this pool was unusual. It seemed that the purpose of these monsters was mostly to force everyone into the water.

But now there was no other way. Seeing the group of monsters chasing him aggressively, Duan Qing gritted his teeth and turned around to jump into the pool.

As soon as Duan Qing entered the water, he felt a sudden suction force under the water, pulling him down.

He thought it was not good, and tried to stay on the surface of the water with his hands and feet, but at this time the suction force under the water suddenly increased, and a whirlpool formed on the surface of the water, which immediately dragged everyone in the water under the water.

This made everyone confused, but fortunately Duan Qing was still able to swim and remained awake underwater.

When he was swept down by the whirlpool, he saw the huge rhizome of Shushan under the water, and the black fruits all over the rhizome.

But now he didn't have the mind to think about why fruits grew on the rhizome. Seeing that he was pulled deeper and deeper by the whirlpool, Duan Qing felt that the pressure around him was gradually increasing. Even with his ninth-level cultivation of Qi training, he still felt uncomfortable in his chest.

At this moment, Duan Qing's eyes inadvertently swept to a Jinxuan Sect disciple below. When he was pulled down by the vortex, his body hit a black fruit on the root of the tree.

Almost at the moment when the black fruit was hit, the black fruit suddenly emitted a violent spiritual fluctuation, and then exploded instantly, blowing the Jinxuan Sect disciple into several pieces, like a blood flower blooming underwater.

The two female disciples of the Jade Sect who were close to the Jinxuan Sect disciple were not spared and were directly knocked unconscious.

Duan Qing was at the top of the crowd and was far away, but even so, he was still numb from the shock wave.

He stared at the densely packed black fruits on the root with horror, and his heart twitched a little. A small fruit had such great power. It was hard to imagine what would happen if all of them exploded!

Fortunately, the roots of the tree mountain are more concentrated on the valley wall, and there are relatively few roots in the area where the vortex is located. However, there are still some roots and black fruits that grow far away, which are closer to the vortex. The unlucky guy from Jin Xuanzong just happened to hit a fruit near the vortex by accident.

Duan Qing was pulled down by the vortex at this time. His body was completely out of control, and he could not escape the pulling force of the vortex. He could only pray in his heart that he must not hit that ghost thing!

But sometimes what you fear will come true. Not far below Duan Qing, another black fruit appeared closer to the vortex. Several people below just brushed past the fruit.

Duan Qing estimated that if he continued to be pulled down by the vortex, he would most likely hit the black fruit.

He was extremely frightened in his heart. If he really hit that ghost thing, he would definitely die!

Duan Qing struggled desperately and paddled his hands and feet, but no matter how he struggled, he could not escape the vortex at all. He could only let the vortex pull him all the way down to the black fruit.

No, I, Duan Qing, must not die here! I have not yet broken through the Transcendent Realm, I have not yet expressed my feelings to Senior Sister Su, and the idiot is still waiting for me at Yanfeng!

At the critical moment of life and death, several thoughts flashed through Duan Qing's mind in an instant, and his heart suddenly became calm, and his brain was running at an unprecedented speed.

In a flash, an idea suddenly flashed through his mind.

He immediately took out the mysterious metal from the storage bag, grabbed it in his hand, and then stared at the black fruit. When it was about to hit, he pressed the mysterious metal in his hand on the black fruit.

At this moment, Duan Qing's heart seemed to stop beating. He could feel that at the moment of contact, the black fruit instantly burst out with a strong spiritual fluctuation, and then the mysterious metal began to work, extracting part of the spiritual energy in the black fruit, and then you can see that the black fruit deflated a little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It worked! Duan Qing was surprised that after the mysterious metal absorbed part of the spiritual energy, the black fruit did not explode.

When he saw the ghost thing explode, he felt a wave of spiritual energy. He speculated that the black fruit should be caused by spiritual energy to explode. So he had an idea to use the characteristics of the mysterious metal to absorb its spiritual energy. Unexpectedly, it worked in one shot.

Deep in the endless earth's core under the Eternal Spirit Valley, a majestic body was suspended in a spherical space.

The huge body was very similar to a human, but there were some slight differences. The most obvious difference was its long green hair.

Its entire body curled up in the spherical space, occupying almost half of it, and the rest was filled with green translucent liquid.

And above the entire spherical space, countless array patterns were densely covered, looming, and there were twelve array patterns on its surface, extending in all directions for an unknown distance.

The giant curled up inside suddenly trembled with his eyes closed. As the giant became abnormal, the array pattern on the spherical space gradually appeared and became brighter and brighter.

The giant showed a look of pain on his face, his eyelids trembled more violently, and his hands and feet twitched from time to time, as if he was about to wake up, but at this time the array pattern began to spread through the green translucent liquid and soon spread all over the giant's body.

As the array pattern covered the giant's body, the giant gradually regained his calm.

But in the originally clean translucent green liquid, there seemed to be a wisp of wandering black hair.

Duan Qing escaped death, but still did not dare to relax his vigilance. He held the mysterious metal and did not dare to let go, for fear of encountering the black fruit again.

Fortunately, he did not encounter the black fruit again, which made him feel relieved.

The vortex led everyone down and finally reached the bottom of the pool, but did not stop, but turned to the side. It turned out that there was a hole several feet big on one side of the bottom of the pool, which seemed to lead to another body of water.

The crowd was pulled through the cave entrance by the whirlpool, and when they reached another area of ​​water, the whirlpool suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It took only a few breaths from the time they entered the water to the time they were pulled to the bottom of the pool by the whirlpool.

But the whirlpool was too powerful, and most of them were already a little breathless after being tossed around. After recovering, they swam up desperately.

Duan Qing had a good cultivation level, and because of his water ability, he felt that he could still hold on. He first put away the mysterious metal, and then swam up.

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