Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 93: The Third Floor

The few people looked hesitant after hearing this, but they did not dare to disobey Lu Si's order, and they carefully dived into the pool one by one.

After the others entered the water, Lu Si also jumped into the water and soon disappeared from the water.

The remaining six people who maintained the formation could not help but look desperate when they saw this. Although the original plan was for them to stay behind to support, no one expected that there would be so many monsters, and they were all attacking the formation like they were risking their lives.

Even if they had the formation jade tokens given by the ancestors, they could not resist so many monsters!

Seeing that the formation was crumbling under the impact of countless monsters and could break at any time, one of the six people could not bear it, and took the lead in withdrawing the formation, putting away the jade tokens and turning around to rush into the pool.

The person who had shouted at Lu Si before saw this and shouted at the fleeing people.

"Lu Yi! How dare you!"

Lu Yi turned a deaf ear and jumped into the pool without hesitation.

Someone took the lead, and the remaining few people could not hold back. In addition, the formation was even more shaky after one person was missing, and it was about to be broken by the monsters.

At this time, except for the person who shouted at Lu Yi, the remaining four people almost withdrew the formation in an instant, put away the jade cards, and followed Lu Yi to flee to the water pool.

At present, there are countless monsters outside, and the secret place under the water pool mentioned by the ancestor is the only chance for them to survive.

One of them shouted to the remaining person while running.

"Brother Hu Ping, I'm sorry!"

Almost as soon as the few people withdrew the formation, the formation maintained by only one person was instantly broken by countless monsters. Several wolf-shaped monsters rushed to the front and pounced on it, tearing the remaining dazed Hu Ping into pieces.

And among the four people who escaped, except for one person who was a little slower and was left behind by the monsters that caught up, the other three successfully entered the water pool.

Strangely, when a group of ferocious monsters chased to the front of the pond, they all stopped and saw the three people dive into the pond to escape.

From Lu Si's order to several people to go into the water, to the several people abandoning Hu Ping and escaping into the pond, it only took a few breaths.

At this time, as Lu Si and others entered the water one after another, the water in the pond was stirred up.

The monsters by the pond just stood quietly by the pond, as if waiting for something.

After a strange calm, the ground near the pond suddenly began to vibrate, and then bubbles appeared one after another in the pond, accompanied by the continuous upwelling of bright red blood.

After a while, the vibration stopped, and a group of broken limbs and arms floated to the surface, dyeing the entire pond blood red!

Seeing this, the group of monsters surrounding the pond seemed to have received some instructions, and they scattered like birds and beasts, and soon the pond returned to calm.

At this time, somewhere beside the empty pool, there was a sudden distortion, and then a creature slowly appeared. It was a multicolored giant python several feet long and as thick as a thigh.

The multicolored giant python raised its head and stared at the jade plaque and incense that were still moving above the pool, surrounding Shushan, and there was a hint of anthropomorphic playfulness in its eyes.

Then it was seen moving slowly, swimming towards the pool, and diving into the pool.

The entrance from the second floor to the third floor was not like the entrance on the second floor, which had traces of human intervention. Instead, it was located on a valley wall somewhere on the second floor, a crack that seemed to have collapsed naturally.

The crack was about ten feet wide, but the further you went in, the narrower the crack became. When Duan Qing walked along the crack to the fork in the road, the crack had narrowed to only two or three feet wide.

Duan Qing looked at the strange fork in front of him, thinking about something in his heart. He saw that the fork was like the intersection of two cracks, two of which were in front of him, and the remaining one was bent back.

Although he had made a choice in mind, for the sake of safety, he still felt the concentration of spiritual energy in the three roads respectively. After confirming that it was the fork that turned back, he continued to move forward steadily.

The further he went, the more he could feel the concentration of spiritual energy steadily increasing. When he finally walked through the crack and reached the third floor, Duan Qing frowned.

He saw that a large area of ​​vegetation at the exit had been obviously trampled, and there should be a lot of people, but this was not the reason why he frowned.

He had expected that someone would get to the third floor first, after all, he spent a lot of time on the first two floors.

The real reason for him frowning was that there were obvious signs of a fight not far in front of the exit.

Although he did not see any monster or human remains, the bloody smell that could be clearly felt in his breath, the trampled vegetation, and the many bloodstains everywhere, all indicated that there must have been a fierce battle here not long ago!

Looking at the various messy footprints and the obviously non-human monster footprints on the ground, Duan Qing couldn't help but become more alert. He had expected the danger of the third floor, but he didn't expect it to be so dangerous!

This should be a group of people who encountered monsters as soon as they arrived at the third floor. There was a fierce battle. Looking at the blood everywhere on the ground, it can be seen that the casualties must be considerable!

Even though he saw this, he didn't plan to retreat to the second floor. Since many people had entered the third floor before him, most of these people were like him. They couldn't find the Transcendent Grass on the first two floors and could only take the risk to come to the third floor.

At this time, if he retreated again, he would basically have no chance of getting the Transcendent Grass!

So even though he knew it was dangerous, for the Transcendent Grass and to catch up with Senior Sister Su as soon as possible, he had to keep going forward.

At this time, somewhere on the third floor, a group of more than a dozen people were fleeing in a panic, and dozens of monsters were chasing them not far behind them.

"Brother Li, running away like this is not a solution. Why don't we unite with the people from Luofeng Valley and Jade Sect and go back to fight those beasts!"

A disciple of Jinxuan Sect in the crowd suggested to Li Yan of Dashifeng next to him.

Li Yan looked at the person who was talking, Sun Zheng, a disciple of Elder Sun, while running, but did not answer.

Elder Sun was a well-known reckless man in the sect, but he did not expect that his disciples were also reckless men! If conditions allowed, Li Yan would want to stop and slap him a few times!

Still fighting! What are you fighting with?

Among the dozens of monsters chasing behind, several are Transcendental Realm monsters. With the remaining people at this time, it is not enough to kill them all!

Thinking of this, Li Yan couldn't help but feel a little strange. It seems that there is something wrong with the opening of Yongling Valley this time!

According to the experience of the opening of Yongling Valley in the past told by the senior brother in the peak, there are not a few Transcendental Grasses on the second floor, and you can get three plants with a little effort.

But this time he didn't even find one plant in the first two floors. After meeting fellow disciples in the sect on the second floor and communicating with each other, he found that he was not the only one in this situation. Many people were like him and got nothing!

Only a few people were lucky enough to find a Transcendent Grass, but this was a huge difference compared to the previous times!

Later on the second floor, he and the people of Jinxuan Sect encountered disciples from Jade Sect and Luofeng Valley. After communicating with them, they learned that the situations were surprisingly similar. Many people almost got nothing!

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