Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 88 Entrance

However, he was not completely without gain in the past two days.

Although the first floor of the Eternal Spirit Valley was somewhat larger than expected, and the exact location of the passage to the second floor was unknown, Duan Qing still calculated the approximate direction of the passage based on what he observed.

First of all, according to the characteristics of the Transcendent Grass, it is the main material for refining the Transcendent Pill, so it can be inferred that it is very likely to contain a huge amount of spiritual energy, so it can be used to refine the Transcendent Pill to help people break through the realm.

And to cultivate the Transcendent Grass, the spiritual energy concentration in the place where it grows must be not low.

Secondly, according to Uncle Qingchen, the lower you go, the higher the chance of finding the Transcendent Grass. Combined with the characteristics of the Transcendent Grass, it is almost certain that the lower you go in the Eternal Spirit Valley, the spiritual energy concentration will definitely be better than the previous floor.

Therefore, in the first floor of the Eternal Spirit Valley, the closer you are to the passage to the second floor, the higher the spiritual energy concentration.

According to this idea, Duan Qing constantly sensed the changes in the spiritual energy concentration along the way, and after several corrections, he finally determined the general direction.

Since he moved forward in this direction a day ago, he found that not only the concentration of spiritual energy has increased, but also the vegetation along the way is obviously larger than the back, and even scattered trees can be seen, instead of the weeds and vegetation that were everywhere before.

All this made Duan Qing more convinced that his inference was correct, and it was only a matter of time to find the passage to the second floor.

Another day passed in a blink of an eye, although there was no sun, moon, or stars here, and it was impossible to accurately estimate the time.

But fortunately, many plants in Yongling Valley have a fixed closing cycle. He roughly observed and calculated that when it was daytime outside, some plants would tighten their branches and leaves, and they would stretch out at night.

He relied on observing the shapes of these plants to determine how long he had stayed in Yongling Valley.

As he continued to move forward, the frequency of trees appearing along the way became higher and higher.

Finally, on the fourth day when he came to Yongling Valley, through the sparse trees around him, he found a colorful forest standing in front of him.

Duan Qing showed a happy expression. He could feel that the spiritual energy here was much richer than the place where he was at the beginning, and as he continued to approach the forest in front, the spiritual energy content between heaven and earth was further increasing.

It seems that the entrance to the second level is probably in the colorful forest in front!

Thinking of this, he subconsciously wanted to run forward with big strides, but reason prevented him from being so reckless.

Since he started practicing, he has suffered from ignorance and recklessness several times. Now he is wary of everything, especially things he doesn't understand, just like the colorful forest in front of him that seems charming.

In view of this, he first walked to the edge of the forest and observed it from a distance of several feet. He wanted to enter and explore after confirming that there was no danger.

Just as he was looking carefully into the forest, there was a slight movement not far behind him.

Duan Qing moved his feet after noticing it, and immediately hid behind the tree next to him, then squatted down and hid his whole body in the weeds.

After a while, two figures gradually appeared in his sight from the darkness.

Through the weeds, with the dim light from countless plants and trees, and his good eyesight, Duan Qing saw clearly that the people coming were the two female disciples of the Jade Sect.

At this time, as the two approached the forest, Duan Qing vaguely heard their conversation.

"Sister Wang, Sister Yan just sent a message saying that except for us, all the other sisters have reached the second floor!"

"Hey, who made us unlucky? The teleportation location is so far away from the entrance of the second floor!"

"Hey, my luck is not bad. Not only did I meet you, Sister Wang, but I also found a Transcendent Grass just after entering the Yongling Valley!"

"Silly girl, you are a fool with a fool's luck!"


As the two gradually walked away, the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally completely inaudible.

Looking at the backs of the two from a distance, Duan Qing secretly operated the Qi-watching technique.

Qi training level 6 plus one Qi training level 8!

When Duan Qing heard that the two had found a Transcendent Grass, he couldn't help but be greedy.

Transcendent Grass, that was his hope of breaking through the Transcendent Realm!

But he immediately extinguished the thought, for no other reason, because there was no need to offend the entire Jade Sect for a Transcendent Grass.

In addition, he didn't know whether the two had hidden their cultivation like him.

And he couldn't do such a thing as killing and robbing. Although Qian Datong's incident made him know that the law of the jungle is the truth in the world of immortal cultivation, he still has his own bottom line.

At least for his current state of mind, as long as others don't take the initiative to provoke him, he won't take the initiative to provoke others.

After the two figures completely disappeared, it took a while before Duan Qing stood up from the weeds under the tree and set out into the colorful forest.

There were already two people from the Jade Sect who explored the way for him, so Duan Qing didn't need to be so cautious.

He followed the footprints left by the two and went deep into the forest. This was the safest way he could think of at the moment.

In this way, about half an hour passed, and the trees around him became more and more dense, and in the end the distance between the trees could only accommodate one person.

The increasingly smaller space for activities gradually filled his heart with uneasiness.

At this time, after bypassing several trees that blocked the road, the view ahead suddenly became wider.

I saw a huge colorful light tree growing in front of me, and there was a blank area between the light tree and the forest.

Duan Qing felt relieved, looked around, and found no movement, so he walked closer to observe the giant tree in front of him carefully.

This giant tree is about 20 to 30 feet in size, much larger than his inn. It grows against the stone wall. Except for the branches, all the leaves emit soft light of various colors.

He was a little surprised that this giant tree could emit different soft lights!

Because according to his previous observation, although the Yongling Valley looked colorful at a glance, if you look closely, you will find that in fact each plant only emits a single soft light. It is the countless plants that emit different soft lights that constitute the current scene in Yongling Valley.

But this giant tree can emit many kinds of light, which is really strange!

The footsteps of the two disappeared here. It seems that this should be the entrance to the second floor.

Duan Qing looked at the stone wall behind the giant tree again, and thought that he had finally reached the edge of Yongling Valley!

Fortunately, he thought that the entrance to the second floor should be somewhere in the middle of Yongling Valley!

Unexpectedly, it was at the edge!

Feeling the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth here, Duan Qing was slightly excited. He looked around the giant tree and found that there was a man-made passage on the right side of the giant tree, where the roots and the stone wall were entangled.

But what he found in front of the passage made him speechless!

Because there were two scorched earth at the exit of the passage!

This means that two guys with bad luck were directly teleported to the entrance of the second floor and could enter the second floor without any effort!

But it took him three or four days to get here!

Duan Qing couldn't help cursing in his heart, hoping that the two guys were from different sects, and it would be best if they fought as soon as they met and both were injured!

Although the passage in front of him was pitch black, with his night vision ability, he could still see that the passage was circling all the way down.

Duan Qing felt helpless and stepped into the passage.

He walked along the circling passage for about half an incense stick and finally walked through the dark passage.

But the scene in front of him scared him.

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