Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 8 First Hearing

In the early morning, thick fog shrouded the mountain forest, and things twenty or thirty feet away were almost invisible. Duan Qing and his party were walking slowly in the forest with Wang Dazhuang leading the way.

Because of the long delay yesterday, Wang Dazhuang called everyone to start walking as soon as it got dark today. Wang Dazhuang opened the way at the front, Duan Qing walked beside him, and Wu Wen yawned behind him and walked unsteadily. Finally, In front of them were two people guarding Zhang Li and Cheng Yu.

"Uncle Wang, how big is Luzhou City? Is it bigger than Xiao'an City and the cities we have passed through these days?"

Duan Qing asked Wang Dazhuang curiously. Duan Qing was now full of curiosity about the Luzhou City he was going to.

His understanding of the city was still at the level of Xiao'an City. The towns he passed along the way were all small towns about the same size as Xiao'an City, but some of the customs and customs that were different from Xiao'an City really made him feel better. vision.

"Luzhou City is the capital of our country, Luzhou, Dacang. It has a population of hundreds of thousands. It is considered a large city among Dacang'erlan and other countries! However, it is a bit insignificant in the whole of China. "

Wang Dazhuang explained to Duan Qing, and after speaking, he rubbed Duan Qing's head dotingly.

"Middle-earth! What is Middle-earth?"

After hearing Uncle Wang's answer, Duan Qing scratched his head in confusion and asked. This was the first time he heard the word "Zhong-Earth".

Wang Dazhuang continued to explain. "Middle-earth is the land beneath our feet. It is boundless. No one knows how vast it is."

"And our Dacang Kingdom and the surrounding Erlan Kingdom and other countries are only a small part of Middle-earth."

"There are countless countries on it, and our country, Dacang, is one of the small countries. It is said that there is a country in the center of Middle-earth that is countless times more powerful than our country, Dacang."

Duan Qing felt a little sluggish when he heard this. He felt like he had walked the longest road in his life in the past few days.

Even so, we were only halfway to the journey to Luzhou City, which was only a state in Dacang Kingdom.

As for the countless countries that Uncle Wang mentioned, even those that were much more powerful than Dacang, Duan Qing had no way of imagining what they were like.

He excitedly raised his head and looked at Wang Dazhuang's profile. "Uncle Wang, have you been to those places?"

Wang Dazhuang smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and then stretched out his hand to rub Duan Qing's head. "You really think highly of your Uncle Wang. Not to mention those powerful countries in the center of Middle-earth, Uncle Wang has never even left the Great Cang Kingdom in his life!"

"Middle-earth is too big. We mortals can't reach those places even if we walk in our lifetime. If we want to go to those places, I guess only flying immortals can do it!"

"Is the immortal a god?" Duan Qing asked curiously.

He had heard of immortals. When his mother told him stories when he was a child, she told him that there were immortals in the world who could fly to the sky and escape from the earth. They were omnipotent.

Duan Qing was very envious of the gods his mother mentioned, but weren't they myths and legends?

"Yes, those immortals can fly with swords, travel thousands of miles a day, live forever, and take the heads of people thousands of miles away."

Wang Dazhuang nodded and said firmly, with a hint of admiration flashing in his eyes.

In fact, Wang Dazhong mostly heard about these things.

But the reason why he said this with such certainty was because he had accidentally seen a person who could rise into the air from the ground, walk on the wind with a fairy sword, and disappeared into the sky in just a moment.

He would never forget that scene.

Listening to Uncle Wang's explanation, Duan Qing felt a little excited. How does it feel to fly in the sky like a bird?

I really hope I can meet an immortal and take me flying once, Duan Qing thought.

After walking and chatting along the road in the forest, almost at noon, everyone finally reached the exit of the forest.

The road ahead extends to the right and connects to a stone arch bridge. On the opposite side of the bridge is a dense forest. This bridge is about four feet wide and more than ten feet long. It is made of stones.

There are small bird statues standing on the stone guardrails on both sides of the bridge. Many of them have been damaged by the wind and sun, but a few can still see their original appearance.

The bluestone floor on the bridge has also been worn smooth, all of which shows that the bridge is old.

Everyone was walking on the bridge, Duan Qing was jumping up and down behind Wang Dazhuang, humming an unknown song, and seemed to be in a very good mood.

But suddenly, Wang Dazhuang, who was walking in front, stopped. He suddenly felt something was wrong.

In fact, he had vaguely felt that something was unusual earlier.

Although there were not many people coming and going in this official road on weekdays, there were definitely not a few merchants and pedestrians coming and going, but since about an hour ago, they had not met anyone.

When something goes wrong, there must be a monster. Wang Dazhuang stopped and raised his hand to make a stop gesture. The other hand subconsciously leaned towards the handle of the knife at his waist, and his eyes coldly scanned the front.

Duan Qing saw that Uncle Wang suddenly stopped leaving and raised his hand to tell him to stop. He wanted to go up and ask Uncle Wang what he wanted to do, but before Duan Qing could get closer, Uncle Wang stopped him.

"Don't come up, go back."

There was an unquestionable tone in his voice. When he said this, Wang Dazhuang didn't even turn his head, staring sharply ahead.

"Hehehe, yo~ My brother Wang, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you are still so heroic."

Suddenly, a soft, high-pitched voice came from the front of the bridge. A woman slowly walked out from behind a tree in front of the bridge, speaking unhurriedly as she walked.

The woman looked about thirty years old, petite, with an oval face, wearing a black brocade dress with golden lace embroidered on the cuffs and collar, which looked very valuable. She also had a delicate small sword on her waist.

After saying that, the woman smiled and looked at Wang Dazhuang with autumn eyes.

"Yang... Xian... Er!"

When Wang Dazhuang saw the person in front of him, his face suddenly turned livid, and he gritted his teeth and read out a name.

"Haha, Brother Wang, I didn't expect that Brother Wang still remembered my name. It's worth it that I have been thinking about you all these years!"

The woman acted pitiful, but her eyes were looking at Wang Dazhuang and his group with a playful look.

Wang Dazhuang's face was still livid, staring at the woman in front of him, as if he wanted to eat her, and squeezed out a word from his teeth.

"Get lost!"

"Ah, you scared me. I heard that Brother Wang was still alive a few days ago, and I was so "happy". I came here specially this time to have a good chat with you!"

The woman patted her chest with her hands as if pretending to say so, still looking at everyone with a playful look in her eyes, and then clapped her hands.

As the sound of her clapping rang out, a dozen masked men in black suddenly walked out of the woods behind the woman.

A group of masked men in black had curved swords on their waists and crossbows in both hands. The arrows were shining with cold light, and they were facing Duan Qing and others on the bridge.

Then, there was a sound of footsteps behind everyone, and a dozen masked men in black dressed in the same way came out from nowhere, raised their crossbows, and aimed at everyone.

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