Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 76: Family

On the hillside of Xiao'an, where there are thick weeds, there are two lonely graves.

Duan Qing knelt on his knees, staring blankly at the two solitary graves in front of him. Su Yutong meditated with her eyes closed, occasionally opening her eyes to look at Duan Qing.

This is already the seventh day. Seven days ago, Zhang Dasheng brought Duan Qing to his parents' grave. Duan Qing knelt down and did not move again.

After Zhang Dasheng accompanied Duan Qing for a day, he went down the mountain, leaving Su Yutong alone.

Duan Qing didn't say a word for seven days and just knelt like this for seven days. Su Yutong stayed with Duan Qing quietly for seven days without mentioning that he had to rush back within five days.

Duan Qing stared blankly at the two solitary graves with sparse weeds in front of him, not thinking much in his mind. In the past seven days, he had gone from grief-stricken at first, to regret, to wanting to commit suicide.

But now, he really wants to turn into a thoughtless stone sculpture and stand here forever, accompanying his parents.

At this time, Su Yutong, who had not said a word for seven days, suddenly stood up and walked to Duan Qing's side and whispered.

"Junior Brother Duan, he has passed away. Instead of giving up on yourself, it is better to practice hard and pursue the great path."

Duan Qing said nothing, still looking at the tombstone in trance.

Avenue! Even if I live forever, what's the use? Can it bring back the lives of my parents?

Su Yutong sighed, sat down next to Duan Qing, recalled with his eyes, and spoke slowly.

"My parents are ordinary fishermen. They make a living by fishing and live and work in peace and contentment. This is how my life should be."

Speaking of this, Su Yutong's expression became a little painful, and she seemed reluctant to recall the past.

"But one day, a group of horse thieves came. They burned, killed and looted, killing everyone in the fishing village and taking away all the food and property."

"In order to protect my mother from being bullied, my father was hanged alive from a tree by those people with a rope. My mother couldn't bear the humiliation, so she also bumped her head under the tree and died! I was the only one who escaped by hiding in the stove! "

At this time, Su Yutong's voice was already trembling.

"I hid in the stove for three days, not daring to move. Until my master passed by the fishing village and found me dirty inside the stove. He took me to find the horse thieves and killed all those scum. Avenge me."

At this time, Su Yutong's voice had gradually returned to calmness.

"From now on, Master is everything to me, my only relative in the world!"

This is the first time that Su Yutong has shared his past with others. It has been many years, but it still hurts to think about it now.

Therefore, she can now understand Duan Qing's mood very well. Looking at Duan Qing, she seems to see herself before, so helpless and confused.

Duan Qing's mind gradually recovered as he listened to Senior Sister Su's past. He turned to look at Senior Sister Su. He did not expect that Senior Sister Su's experience was so similar to his.

But he still couldn't let go of his parents dying because of him, and murmured.

"You still have your master, but I have nothing! Nothing! No one in the world treats me like a close relative!"

As he spoke, tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

Seeing Duan Qing like this, Su Yutong felt pain in her heart and couldn't help but put her hand on Duan Qing's shoulder.

When her hand touched Duan Qing's shoulder, Su Duyutong trembled all over, but then she seemed to have made up her mind, took Duan Qing into her arms, and said softly.

"From now on, I am your relative!"

Duan Qing was stunned for a moment, and then he hugged Senior Sister Su's warm, soft and boneless body tightly, crying loudly, venting the pain in his heart, until the clothes on Su Yutong's shoulders were soaked.

After venting his anger, Duan Qing gently let go of Senior Sister Su and thanked her sincerely.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Su!"

He didn't expect that when he was most disappointed, Senior Sister Su would treat him so sincerely.


Su Yutong stood up, noticed the wet clothes on her shoulders, and her face was slightly red.

This was the first time that he had taken the initiative to have physical contact with a man. She didn't know how she could be so bold just now, but looking at Duan Qing who was lost, she just felt that the young man in front of her was so pitiful and in need of care.

In order to hide the blush on her face, Su Yutong turned and looked at Xiao'an City down the mountain.

"Let's go, it's time to return to the clan!"

Duan Qing shook his head slightly and said firmly. "No, we can't go back now."

Su Yutong turned to look at Duan Qing and sighed.

"Hey, I know you feel uncomfortable in your heart, but Master Huajun returned to the clan two days ago, we can't delay it any longer!"

Duan Qing said stubbornly.

"Senior Sister Su, please go back to the sect first! I still have one unfinished matter in my heart!"

He was naturally referring to the safety of Uncle Wang and others. Now that his parents were dead, if he could find Uncle Wang and the others, they might be able to give him some comfort.

The woman who called herself Yang Xian'er kidnapped Uncle Wang and others, causing him to fall to this day. Speaking of which, Yang Xian'er was also involved in the death of his parents.

If he hadn't led people to block the road and kill him, he might still be working as an official in Luzhou City with Uncle Wang now. How could his parents die looking for him!

How could we not avenge such a bloody feud!

Su Yutong looked at Duan Qing for a moment and said softly.

"I'll go with you."

Duan Qing looked at Senior Sister Su and felt a little warm in his heart.

Senior Sister Su, from now on, you are everything to me!

Before leaving, Duan Qing went to Blacksmith Hu and retrieved the repaired iron pot.

Now this scapegoat has become his only hope for his parents, and its importance is comparable to his life.

After that, Duan Qing took Senior Sister Su straight to Luzhou City to inquire about the whereabouts of Yang Xianer.

The two stayed in Luzhou City for three days, and finally found out the news about Yang Xianer from a street gangster.

But the result disappointed Duan Qing!

It turns out that Yang Xianer is the wife of the deputy leader of the Wild Wolf Gang, a martial arts sect near Luzhou City.

Originally, the Wild Wolf Gang was considered the top martial arts sect in the entire Luzhou, but more than a year ago, the Wild Wolf Gang did not know who had offended the gang, and all the people in the gang stationed outside Luzhou City died of bleeding from all seven orifices overnight!

It is said that someone nearby heard the extremely extravagant laughter coming from the Wild Wolf Gang that night, and thought that the people of the Wild Wolf Gang were having a banquet.

As a result, it was not until a few days later that someone discovered that all the people in the Wild Wolf Gang, including Yang Xianer, were naked, having sex in pairs, and died of bleeding from all seven orifices!

The most bizarre thing is that everyone's face has an extremely enjoyable expression.

This incident caused a sensation in the entire Cangzhou City more than a year ago. The government sent people to investigate for several months, but there was no clue.

In the end, they could only issue a gag order to those who had entered the Wild Wolf Gang station afterwards.

Therefore, many people in Cangzhou City knew that the Wild Wolf Gang had been destroyed, but not many knew the details. The gangster knew it so clearly because his brother was on duty.

Duan Qing did not give up after knowing the truth. He went to the Wild Wolf Gang’s base, which was already a ruin, to check. As a result, he found that as the gangster said, the entire Wild Wolf Gang no longer existed.

The last news of Uncle Wang and Wu Wen had been cut off, and there was no way to check it out!

Although the enemy was dead, he did not feel any pleasure. He just felt that a heavy punch hit the air. He came to Luzhou City with hatred, but he had no way to vent it!

Standing in the ruins of the Wild Wolf Gang, Duan Qing looked around and was extremely desperate.

Su Yutong looked at Duan Qing from the side, feeling a little distressed. During the time she spent with Duan Qing, she witnessed Duan Qing’s experience with her own eyes. It was so similar to her childhood. She couldn’t help but feel a sense of sympathy and mutual appreciation for Duan Qing.

Unconsciously, she had a place for Duan Qing in her heart. This feeling was hard to explain, but seeing Duan Qing in pain, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Now Duan Qing was the second person she cared about besides her master, True Man Qingchen.

"Let's go, Senior Sister Su, let's go back to the sect!"

Duan Qing decided not to stay any longer. Since his enemy was dead, there was no need for him to stay here any longer.

He had been out of the sect for a long time, and he couldn't make things difficult for Senior Sister Su anymore. Senior Sister Su was the person he cared about the most now.

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