Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 74: Homecoming

Duan Qing's heartbeat quickened, and he quickly opened the door and called out softly.

"Sister Su!"


Su Yutong hummed, but did not mean to enter the room, but said softly.

"Let's go! There are only five days, and we must rush back in five days."

After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave.

Duan Qing was a little bit unbelievable when he heard that. Sister Su actually said we, did Sister Su want to go with him, so he couldn't help asking.

"Sister Su, do you want me to go home with you?"

Su Yutong turned around and looked at Duan Qing and asked back.

"With your cultivation, can you rush back in five days?"

It was precisely because of the tight time that Su Yutong wanted to go back and forth with Duan Qing. In addition, she didn't like the atmosphere of the palace very much, so it was just right to go out and get some peace and quiet.

Duan Qing shook his head, feeling bitter in his heart. Indeed, let alone going back and forth! He didn't even know where his home was now, so how could he rush back in such a short time!

He originally planned to tell Master Huajun and Senior Sister Su the next day, find his way home slowly by himself, and then stay in Xiao'an City for a while before returning to the sect.

Thinking of this, he asked Senior Sister Su for instructions.

"Senior Sister Su, can I return to the sect after a while?"

Su Yutong rejected it without even thinking about it.

"No, according to the sect's rules, you cannot leave the sect privately before reaching the Transcendent Realm. This time, bringing you out is an exception!"

Duan Qing felt lost and helpless when he heard this, and finally sighed.

"Hey, but I don't even know where my home is!"

Su Yutong's face changed, and her face instantly turned cold.

"You are kidding me!"

She thought Duan Qing was lying to her. This time she just wanted to come out for fun, not to go home. If she really wanted to go home, how could she not know where her home was.

Duan Qing smiled bitterly and laughed at himself.

"Haha, I really don't know! It's ridiculous, right? A person doesn't even know where his home is."

After saying this, he felt sad, and his emotions suddenly became uncontrollable, muttering to himself.

"My family lives in the Woniu Inn in Xiao'an City. I have been helping out in the inn since I was a child.... That day, after the sun set, I met Senior Brother Ma Liang..."

Duan Qing kept repeating his life from Xiao'an City to his chance encounter with Ma Liang and joining the Jinxuan Sect. He didn't know whether he was talking to himself or Su Yutong.

Of course, he subconsciously didn't mention anything about metal.

The coldness in Su Yutong's eyes became less as she listened. Duan Qing's experience aroused her long-forgotten memories deep in her heart.

After Duan Qing finished talking about his experience, he looked at Su Yutong with tears in his eyes and murmured.

"I want to go home..."

Su Yutong's soft heart was deeply hurt. She looked at Duan Qing firmly.

"I will definitely take you home!"

The next day.

Somewhere in the sky of Da Cang Country.

Su Yutong was flying Duan Qing through the clouds on a sword. Duan Qing was behind Su Yutong, holding a cloth map and carefully examining it.

He asked Huang Pu Lingjun, who came to the palace, to get this map after daybreak. As soon as he got the map, he and Senior Sister Su left the city and flew to the southwest on a sword.

Because of the haste of the matter, the map obtained by Huang Pu Lingjun was not detailed, and only roughly marked the main cities and some landforms of Da Cang Kingdom.

However, Duan Qing still roughly determined the location of Xiao Ancheng based on the Luzhou City and Anhe River found on it.

After Duan Qing confirmed the direction again, he put away the map and looked at Senior Sister Su's back in front of him. He was grateful and couldn't help calling.

"Senior Sister Su..."

Su Yutong looked back at him in confusion.

"Thank you!"

Duan Qing thanked him from the bottom of his heart.


Su Yutong just hummed, without saying much, and turned his head back, concentrating on maintaining the sword control technique and the wind control technique, but the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned inadvertently.

Duan Qing was in a good mood at this time, not only because he was going home, but also because, except for the accident in the spirit mine, it was the first time he was so close to Senior Sister Su.

With a slight sniff, he could smell the fragrance of Senior Sister Su's black hair.

The person he admired was right in front of him, and Duan Qing couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

More than an hour later, Senior Sister Su flew the flying sword down a little, and flew under the clouds, so Duan Qing could also see the terrain below clearly.

After a while, a winding river in the distance appeared in the eyes of the two.

Duan Qing looked at the vaguely familiar river, and was overjoyed, and hurriedly reminded Senior Sister Su.

"Senior Sister Su, that is Anhe, and Xiaoan City is upstream of Anhe."

According to his map, they were in the lower reaches of Anhe closer to Luzhou City, and Xiaoan City was upstream of Anhe. As long as they followed Anhe to fly up, they would definitely find Xiaoan City.

Su Yutong adjusted the direction of the flying sword and flew upstream of Anhe.

Half an hour later, outside Xiao'an City, Duan Qing looked at the town not far away with red eyes.

After more than a year, he can finally go home! Back to his parents whom he missed day and night.

After sorting out his emotions, Duan Qing looked at Senior Sister Su beside him and suddenly said playfully.

"Come on, Senior Sister Su, follow me home to see my parents!"

As he said that, he took a big step and walked towards Xiao'an City.

Su Yutong nodded and followed Duan Qing, but then she felt as if something was wrong.

Duan Qing walked in the familiar Xiao'an City, feeling that everything was so kind, Zhou Ji's bun shop, and the blacksmith shop of old man Hu, everything was no different from when he left more than a year ago.

When passing by Hu Ji Blacksmith Shop, Duan Qing suddenly remembered something and threw his black pot to Hu the blacksmith, asking him to fix it and to come back to get it.

Then he walked away in the puzzled eyes of old man Hu.

Along the way, people looked at the two of them from time to time, especially Su Yutong, such a fairy-like woman, suddenly appeared in Xiao'an City, just like a bright light in the dark night.

But no one seemed to recognize Duan Qing. It seemed that his current image was far from the previous waiter in the inn.

As he got closer and closer to his inn, Duan Qing became more and more excited.

After walking through another street, finally, an antique two-story inn appeared in front of the two.

Woniu Inn.

Looking at the familiar plaque in front of the door, Duan Qing was excited to the extreme, and could no longer suppress his thoughts in his heart. He rushed into the inn and shouted.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

It was dinner time, and the place was almost full of diners. Duan Qing's shouting made everyone's eyes fall on Duan Qing.

At this time, a woman with a rag on her shoulder and a bowl of hot dishes in her hand came up and tried to ask.

"Sir, are you staying overnight or staying at the hotel?"

Duan Qing was stunned when he saw the woman in front of him. He glanced at the hall, but didn't see his mother, so he asked anxiously.

"Where is your mistress?"

The woman smiled, put the bowl of dishes in her hand on the table of the guest next to her, and chuckled.

"The mistress is really good at joking, but she is right in front of you!

Duan Qing frowned. Did Dad take a concubine?

So he asked the woman again.

"Where is your shopkeeper?"

The woman shouted to the kitchen after hearing this.

"Master, someone is looking for you!"

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