Facts quickly broke Duan Qing's suspicion. He saw a figure slowly walking out from the side of the cave entrance, with a swaying fat figure and his signature squinting smile. It was Qian Datong!

"Hehe, this place that Junior Brother Duan is looking for is really hidden."

After saying that, Qian Datong was still looking back and forth at the water hole in the center of the cave and the pile of rough stones.

Duan Qing's heart trembled. It turned out to be Qian Datong. It seemed that this man had noticed something yesterday and kept following him. He didn't notice it at all. What a deep scheming!

It seems that this person is not as reckless as the second senior brother said. Now the other party is obviously evil, and the situation is very unfavorable for him!

"How can we be concealed if we meet Senior Brother Qian here by chance? Senior Brother Qian's mission hasn't been completed yet?"

Although he had already guessed that the other party had been following him and that he was coming with bad intentions, Duan Qing still did not dare to show off his face easily. He could only pretend to be stupid for the time being, and his brain was thinking about countermeasures.

After all, the opponent's cultivation level is much higher than mine!

Qian Datong did not respond to Duan Qing immediately, but walked into the cave with a bow, stood at the entrance of the cave, glanced at Duan Qing meaningfully, and finally looked at the pile of rough stones and said slowly: "So many rough stones, used to trade It seems like there are too many tasks.”

Duan Qing's heart tightened. It was indeed difficult for him to explain, but under the huge pressure, his mind was spinning quickly and he came up with an explanation in an instant.

"I met Senior Sister Su of Qingshui Peak by chance before. During the conversation, Senior Sister Su seemed to be preoccupied with other important matters and had no time to dig out the rough stones. So Junior Brother dug some more and handed them over to Senior Sister Su along the way."

He told half-truths and half-false words, and then pulled out Senior Sister Su's flag to see if he could make the other party have some scruples.

Qian Datong said sarcastically with a trace of disdain on his lips. "Junior Brother Duan, there is no need to pretend. A person like Senior Sister Su is something that a young boy like you, who has just started to learn, can recognize."

After the lie was exposed, Duan Qing began to panic in his heart, and his face became a little tense, but he still managed to maintain his tone. "Senior Brother Qian is planning to use his strength to bully the younger ones! I wonder if Junior Brother could have done anything to offend Senior Brother Qian?"

Qian Datong laughed loudly when he heard this and said jokingly. "Haha, the big bullies the small! Junior brother Duan, you are really naive. Today, senior brother, I will teach you a lesson and let you know the only truth in the world of immortality, that of the weak and the strong."

After speaking, he moved his feet, and with lightning speed, his fat body was in front of Duan Qing in an instant. His big and generous hands grabbed Duan Qing's neck and lifted him up.

Duan Qing didn't even have a chance to hide, so he was restrained by Qian Datong. He couldn't say anything. He tried hard to break free from Qian Datong's restraints with both hands, but the opponent's hands seemed to be made of iron and were motionless!

The gap in cultivation between the two sides is too big!

The other party has been practicing for many years and has already reached the realm of metamorphosis, while he has only been in the realm of transformation for less than a year. Although he has the help of mysterious metals and can practice very quickly, from the first level of Qi training to the fifth level in just half a year, the training time is still too short and there is no battle. experience.

Seeing this, the fool who had been shouting beside him rushed towards Qian Datong. But as soon as he got closer, he was kicked away by Qian Datong and hit the wall of the cave. He fell to the ground and fell unconscious.

Duan Qing's eyes turned red when he saw the idiot on the ground who didn't know whether he was alive or dead. He wished he could kill Qian Datong immediately. He had been living with the idiot day and night these days, and the idiot was like his family member.

But now he is restrained by this guy and there is nothing he can do!

Qian Datong pinched Duan Qing's neck and used his Qi-gazing technique to feel it carefully, and the smile on his face couldn't help but grow bigger and bigger. "Sure enough, you are at the fifth level of Qi training! You little beast has mediocre qualifications. You have only been started for more than half a year, but with such a level of cultivation, you must have a valuable treasure to help you!"

Speaking of Chongbao, Qian Datong was so excited that his tone changed color, his eyes were filled with greed, and he looked nakedly up and down at Duan Qing.

Qian Datong was born into a family of merchants, and his ancestors had been famous wealthy businessmen in Dacang for generations. However, in his father's generation, due to his gambling habit and poor management, his family's fortunes gradually declined.

In view of this, his father repented, and in order to prevent Qian Datong from following in his footsteps, he spent all his family wealth in exchange for a Jinxuan Order from a noble family, allowing Qian Datong to worship Jin Xuanzong.

However, although Qian Datong has excellent qualifications, he has no support from his predecessors in the sect. His family has also dissipated all their wealth because of a Jinxuan Order, and is unable to provide him with any help. Since most of the sect members are disciples of aristocratic families, Qian Datong His life was quite unsatisfactory. He was basically at the bottom of the Jin Xuan Sect and could only practice according to the rules.

In front of others, he had to pretend to be a reckless man with no ambitions, otherwise he, a person with no background and not as top-notch qualifications as Su Yutong, would act too smart and scheming, which would be inappropriate in Jin Xuanzong. The object of suppression.

Up to now, it has been more than 20 years since I entered Jin Xuanzong. It was not until a few years ago that I broke through to the realm of mortal transformation. Now I have been stuck in the first realm of mortal transformation, far away from the middle stage.

Therefore, after learning about Duan Qing's journey to get started, Qian Datong felt deep resentment towards people like Duan Qing who were just trying to get started!

Why did his family spend all their wealth just to get the chance to join the Jin Xuan Sect for him, and they only worshiped the elders?

Duan Qing only met Ma Liang by chance, and he was able to join the Jin Xuan Sect without doing anything, and he also became a disciple of the leader of Yanfeng San Yan. You must know that in the Jin Xuan Sect, although San Yan has the fewest disciples, he has the least influence. Disciples are famous for being generous and protective.

Take the second disciple of Yanfeng, Wu Da, for example. He started a few years later than Qian Datong, and his qualifications are probably about the same as his, but he broke through to the Mortal Realm in just ten years. Why? It's not just because of San Yan, a good master.

Originally, he was just jealous of Duan Qing, a scumbag, and his purpose in coming to the spirit mine this time was not Duan Qing.

As early as when he joined Jin Xuanzong and came to this spiritual mine for the first time, he coveted the countless rough stones in it.

At the beginning, he also thought about smuggling the original stone out, but when he saw a disciple who came to the spirit mine trying to smuggle the original stone out, triggering the Liangyi spirit binding formation and being discovered, and expelled from Jin Xuanzong, he had to give up this idea.

Over the years, he has always been obsessed with this, trying to find a way to avoid the constraints of the Liangyi Spiritual Formation and use the original stone.

Finally, after he broke through to the Mortal Realm five years ago, once he left the sect, he accidentally broke into the cave of a senior sitting there. Among the relics of that senior, he found a true explanation of the formation, which contained information about the formation. Detailed explanation of the spirit binding pattern.

Qian Datong's perseverance is also very strong. It is said that the spirit binding pattern cannot be used unless it depends on the state of mind. However, in the past few years, he has been studying day and night, and he has finally developed a simplified set of spirit binding patterns. With his cultivation in the mortal realm It can be used.

Although the effect is far from that of a complete spirit-binding pattern, a rough stone engraved with his simplified spirit-binding patterns can only absorb one or two layers of spiritual energy, and most of the rest will spill out.

But this also made him excited. After thoroughly understanding the simplified spirit binding pattern this year, he couldn't wait to come to the spirit mine to try it. His plan was to use the simple spirit binding pattern to make inferior spirit stones in the spirit mine. for his practice.

Although the effect is a little worse than the spiritual stones distributed within the sect, within one year of rotation, he will have an unlimited supply of spiritual stones.

Generally speaking, the effect of practice is naturally much faster than practicing in the sect with the spiritual stones distributed every month.

As for taking out the inferior spirit stones engraved with simple spirit binding patterns, he never thought about it. If he could do this, the spirit mines would have been emptied by the elders who take turns every year!

You know, the elders who ask the state of mind are all capable of binding spirit patterns. If the original stones can be taken out so easily, why does the sect have to place special tripods to collect the original stones, and there is a restriction that they can only be opened once a year!

Because the only way to bring the original stone out of the spiritual mine is through the tripods!

Even if you ask the elders of the state of mind, how much can be used in a year if you use raw stones to practice during the rotation of the spiritual mine?

And this seems to have always been a convenience for the rotating elders, and it is something that the head master of the sect and other powerful experts in the state of mind agree to.

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