Duan Qing woke up from his dream. He dreamed that Uncle Wang turned into a ghost and demanded the lives of his parents, but he could do nothing!

His brain was still a little hazy at this time. The dream just now was so real that he forgot about his experience of joining Jin Xuanzong and only thought that he was still a busboy in Xiao'an City Inn.

It wasn't until he saw the idiot in the corner that he woke up leisurely. He seemed to be in severe pain all over his body before and finally passed out!

But now he felt nothing wrong with his whole body. On the contrary, he felt warm all over, as if he had endless energy.

What on earth is going on! Could everything before be an illusion?

No, he knew very clearly that it was not an illusion, the pain was so real.

Moreover, he did go through several hardships today. First, he had a confrontation with Xuanyin Kuiji, and later he was tortured by Senior Sister Su, which indeed caused great harm to his body.

By the way, Senior Sister Su! ! !

Duan Qing subconsciously looked into the dark mine tunnel, but there was no human figure anywhere he could see.

When he thought of Senior Sister Su, Duan Qing vaguely felt that his rapid improvement in health might be related to Senior Sister Su.

After feeling it carefully, I felt that my mouth and tongue were fragrant, with the aroma of vegetation.

Yes, it seems that someone should have given him some magical medicine when he was unconscious, which made him recover from his injuries in a short period of time.

He could feel that he had not been unconscious for long. The person who gave him the elixir was most likely Senior Sister Su who had left before.

The reason why he thought it was Senior Sister Su and not anyone else was because after staying in this mine tunnel for so many days, he had never met anyone else except Senior Sister Su, and even Senior Sister Su seemed to be attracted by this mysterious person. It was brought here by Yin Kui.

Therefore, it is very unlikely that someone happened to pass by this place while he was unconscious and gave him the elixir to save his life.

Besides, if someone else saved him, why was he not there when he woke up?

But if it was Senior Sister Su who saved him, it would be easier to explain.

I had offended Senior Sister Su with my obsession before. Although Senior Sister Su spared me generously, she must have had a grudge in her heart. Although she came back to save him for unknown reasons this time, she didn't want to see her again.

Thinking of this, Duan Qing felt disappointed for a while, and then felt a little secretly happy.

Since Senior Sister Su is willing to lend a helping hand to save him, it seems that her impression of him is not necessarily bad.

His affection for Senior Sister Su doubled instantly. Senior Sister Su saved him from danger twice. He will remember this incident in his heart and will definitely repay it if he has the opportunity in the future.

Thinking of this, Duan Qing's mind became active and he couldn't help but eager to improve his cultivation.

After encountering Xuanyin Kuiji unexpectedly today and almost losing his life, he realized how weak he was now. It can be said that at present, he should be the weakest existence in the entire Jinxuan Sect.

Furthermore, with Senior Sister Su's extraordinary cultivation level, if he wanted to repay this kindness, it would be impossible for him to reach the realm of transformation.

Finally, perhaps Duan Qing has some unreasonable thoughts in his heart, hoping that one day he can match or even surpass Senior Sister Su.

At that time, I might be able to face Senior Sister Su in another attitude, instead of looking up to her now.

After calming down his agitated mood, Duan Qing was ready to leave here and find a clean place to start practicing hard.

After taking back the moonstone where he had placed it, he woke up the idiot who was sleeping. After taking a few steps, Duan Qing suddenly stopped and returned to his previous position, looking at the corpse of Xuanyin Kuiji left on the ground, and Yifen. He was thoughtful about the beheading of Er.

"This thing is so powerful that even people like Senior Sister Su almost fell into its hands. Although the inner elixir has been taken away by Senior Sister Su, I think its body should be worth a lot of money, and it might be useful in the future. "

Duan Qing thought for a while, then put the broken body and severed head of Xuanyin Kuihao on the ground into a corner of the storage bag, turned around and left the place.

The idiot followed silently, and the figures of one man and one donkey gradually disappeared into the mine tunnel.

Half a year later, somewhere in the mine tunnel is a hidden place.

In the darkness, Duan Qing looked at the cyclone in his Dantian Qi sea, which was much larger than before. He was so excited that he finally made a breakthrough!

He opened his eyes leisurely, with uncontrollable excitement in his eyes.

He couldn't help but be excited. In just half a year, he broke through from the second level of Qi training to the fifth level, and directly crossed to the third level.

This speed of cultivation was something that even he had not expected. The effect of practicing with spiritual spring water was so good that he was a little stunned.

In the past six months, except for going out to replenish water and bring fodder to idiots, he spent the rest of the time in the mine tunnels practicing hard. He only spent a small part of his time digging rough stones, and it was entirely for cultivation purposes.

Feeling the slow rotation of the cyclone in the air sea, emitting spiritual energy fluctuations, Duan Qing's heart was full of confidence and enthusiasm. According to this cultivation speed, sooner or later his cultivation would catch up with Senior Sister Su.

First, he used the Qi Condensation Technique to simulate the spiritual power fluctuations of the first level of Qi training, and then looked at the idiot sleeping soundly beside him. Duan Qing couldn't help but smile. Although it was pitch dark in the mine tunnel, Duan Qing could still see. Idiot Qing, and his signature sleeping posture with his head buried in his butt, he couldn't help but laugh every time he saw Idiot like this.

It was unknown whether it was because his cultivation level had become higher or because he had stayed in the mine tunnel for a long time. He could now see in the dark, but it was just not as clear as during the day.

"Stupid guy, get up quickly. I'm in a good mood today and will take you out for a walk."

Duan Qing got up and kicked the idiot in the butt.

The idiot was woken up by Duan Qing, and got up very dissatisfied, howling at him.

Duan Qing couldn't stand it anymore, and ran away!

The idiot followed immediately, ignoring the darkness, and howling as he walked, as if complaining.

Duan Qing was overwhelmed by the idiot's constant shouting!

After getting along with this idiot for half a year, he found that this guy was just a chatterbox. He ate and slept all day long. When he was awake, he loved to annoy him with stupid noises for no reason. He was very stupid. It was worth giving him such a name.

However, the boring practice was accompanied by this idiot, which added a bit of fun. Moreover, this idiot was actually very sensible. When Duan Qing was practicing, this guy was very quiet and never made noises. But once Duan Qing was free, this guy started to howl and annoyed him to death.

Duan Qing had an indescribable feeling about this delicate balance with the fool, but what was certain was that the fool was now like his family and could not be separated from him.

Soon, the man and the donkey walked out of the mine tunnel one after another and welcomed the long-lost sunlight.

Duan Qing stretched out his hand to block the dazzling sunlight and slowly let his eyes adapt. He looked down at the fool under his feet and found that this guy was not uncomfortable at all, looking around with his big round eyes.

After a while, his eyes adapted to the sunlight, Duan Qing slowly took his hand away, just in time to see a man coming towards him.

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