Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 439: Heavy Profound Needle

"Feng Daoyou, please!" Duan Qing held the Red Spirit Sword and made a gesture of invitation.

Everyone thought he was a member of the Shinto sect, so in order not to reveal his true colors, he naturally had to show the spirit that matched that.

In addition, because of Tieshi Niu, he had a good impression of Xiaomeng Sect.

Feng Sansheng was not polite either, and offered twelve flying needles as thick as fingers, hanging in front of him.

"Feng Daoyou, be careful!" Feng Sansheng shouted softly.

Then, under the control of Feng Sansheng, the twelve flying needles attacked Duan Qing in various directions.

As the saying goes, an expert can tell the outcome with one move.

Feng Sansheng's ability to multitask, control the twelve flying needles with the sword control technique at the same time, and make the flight trajectory of each flying needle different, was really amazing.

Although Duanmu Min had driven more silver leaves before, it was driven by the wind, not the sword control technique.

Duan Qing asked himself, with his current cultivation and mental strength, even if he used his full strength to control the sword, he would not be much stronger than Feng Sansheng.

In the blink of an eye, twelve flying needles flew to Duan Qing from all directions, blocking Duan Qing's retreat.

Duan Qing did not dare to be careless, and immediately pointed at his forehead, used the Suzaku Armor, and swung the Red Spirit Sword in his hand to cut the flying needles that attacked him from the front.

The two thumb-sized flying needles in front were accurately knocked away by Duan Qing. At the same time, the remaining ten flying needles also hit his Suzaku Armor almost at the same time, making a dense sound.

Duan Qing could not help but change his face slightly under the combined attack of ten flying needles.

The force of these flying needles gave him a feeling that it was not like such thin flying needles at all.

You should know that flying needles are much smaller than flying swords, and although they are more handy to drive, the attack force is relatively weaker.

But the ten flying needles that hit him at this time were so powerful that Duan Qing felt like he was hit by ten heavy swords at the same time.

Although the Suzaku Armor on his body was not broken, it also caused ripples.

Retreating violently to get out of the attack range of the flying needles, Duan Qing looked at Feng Sansheng solemnly.

As expected of a member of the Xiaomeng Sect, he is really extraordinary.

At this time, Feng Sansheng drove the twelve flying needles to attack Duan Qing again, with a proud look on his face.

His set of heavy mysterious needles was made of heavy mysterious iron by his master, the great elder of the Xiaomeng Sect, Tie Shi Niu, and each one is a medium-grade spiritual treasure.

The weight of heavy mysterious iron is amazing, so his set of heavy mysterious needles looks small, but in fact, in terms of weight, it is not inferior to a normal-sized flying sword.

Especially under the amplification of its spiritual pattern, the force of the attack is definitely greater than that of an ordinary flying sword.

Seeing the flying needles attacking again, Duan Qing did not dare to resist with the Suzaku Armor, but tried his best to attack with the flying sword.

For a moment, the sound of metal clashing resounded throughout the Nine Spirits Fortress.

Duan Qingwu wielded a red spirit sword that was impenetrable, but even so, he was frequently hit by flying needles.

Duan Qing was quite helpless about this. There was no way. There were too many flying needles, and the attack direction was extremely tricky. It was difficult for him to defend them all.

If he had enough flying swords in his hand, he could use the sword control technique to stop these flying needles.

But unfortunately, he only had two flying swords, a top-grade spiritual treasure, the red spirit sword, and a mid-grade magic weapon, the Feng Qing.

The mid-grade magic weapon Feng Qing would probably collapse in a few hits against these flying needles.

Under the entanglement of the twelve flying needles, Duan Qing only had the power to defend and could not fight back at all.

Every time he wanted to break through and attack Feng Sansheng, he would be repelled by several flying needles, and he was very frustrated.

But he did not dare to rashly use the sword control technique to attack Feng Sansheng with the red spirit sword.

If he didn't have the Red Spirit Sword to block most of the flying needles, and only relied on the Vermillion Bird Armor for defense, he didn't know how long his Vermillion Bird Armor could last under the combined attack of the flying needles.

You have to know that he represented the Xiaomeng Sect to participate in the Lunmeng Conference, and Tieshi Niu was a famous weapon refining master in Jizhou. It was impossible for Feng Sansheng to not have a defensive spiritual treasure, and the grade would definitely not be low.

He was not sure that he could break the defense of the Vermillion Bird Armor with the Red Spirit Sword before it was broken.

Of course, he also had the spiritual treasure golden bowl, and with the spiritual treasure golden bowl together for defense, he should be able to hold out for a longer time.

But the spiritual treasure golden bowl was only a low-grade spiritual treasure after all. In terms of defense, the Vermillion Bird Armor in the first stage might not be as good as the Golden Light Shield.

But Duan Qing estimated that the defense of the Vermillion Bird Armor in the second stage was almost the same as that of the spiritual treasure golden bowl.

But even if he relied on the spiritual treasure golden bowl and the Vermillion Bird Armor to defend at the same time and hold out for a longer time, he didn't dare to say that he could break the opponent's defense with the Red Spirit Sword before the two were broken.

The most important thing is that he only has one Red Spirit Sword, but it can move!

He doesn't believe that Feng Sansheng will be stupid enough to let him attack.

He only needs to recall one or two flying needles to easily entangle his Red Spirit Sword, and he can only use the Suzaku Armor to resist the flying needles without the Red Spirit Sword, which is not worth the loss.

Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, for the sake of safety, Duan Qing can only choose to passively defend with the Red Spirit Sword.

After several attempts, Duan Qing was unable to get close to Feng Sansheng.

However, at the same time, when most of the heavy needles were blocked by the Red Spirit Sword, Feng Sansheng was unable to break through Duan Qing's Suzaku Armor.

The two sides seemed to be in a stalemate where neither could do anything to the other.

It seemed to be a stalemate, but Duan Qing knew that he was actually at a disadvantage.

Compared with Feng Sansheng, who leisurely used the sword control technique to drive the flying needles, he was always waving the Red Spirit Sword for defense, and his physical energy consumption was much greater.

Even if he fights for three days and three nights, it won't be a big deal. But this is not a solution.

It seems that the only option is to use the Vermillion Bird Feather!

In his current situation, there are two moves that can easily break the situation. One is of course the sword in the gourd, and the other is the Vermillion Bird Feather.

However, with the power of the sword in the gourd, he is really afraid of accidentally killing Feng Sansheng in seconds.

In addition, he does not want to expose this trump card in front of outsiders.

In contrast, the Vermillion Bird Feather is also his killer move, but since the Vermillion Bird Transformation Technique has been exposed, he does not care about exposing the Vermillion Bird Feather again.

Thinking of this, Duan Qing found an opening and continuously shot five fires in all directions, trying to block Feng Sansheng's sight and find an opportunity to use the Vermillion Bird Feather to break the situation.

The range of the fire technique is already wide, and five consecutive fire techniques almost cover the ten feet around Duan Qing.

Seeing this, Feng Sansheng had to temporarily withdraw the heavy mysterious needle from the fire range.

At this time, he could still sense Duan Qing's existence, but compared with the naked eye, the perception was not so detailed after all.

In the case of blocked vision, if he continued to attack with flying needles, Duan Qing might take advantage of it.

After Duan Qing used the Fire Separation Technique, he prepared to attack Feng Sansheng unexpectedly with the Vermillion Bird Feather.

Even though his vision was also blocked by the Fire Separation Technique, he only needed to rely on perception to determine the direction and roughly aim. Anyway, he didn't expect to defeat Feng Sansheng with just one attack of the Vermillion Bird Feather.

However, just when he had condensed the Vermillion Bird Feather and was ready to attack, he suddenly noticed something and glanced back without making a sound.

In just a moment, Duan Qing immediately made a decision, scattered the Vermillion Bird Feather on his fingertips, and rushed out of the Fire Separation Technique with a sword, killing Feng Sansheng.

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