Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 435: Exposure

Compared to Yu Fan, Zuo Wanqiu was even more shocked.

She never dreamed that Duan Qing had such a background.

After the shock, her mood became extremely complicated, with surprise, anger, and bitterness.

Finally, Zuo Wanqiu looked at Lin Ziyu disappointedly. "You... knew it a long time ago?"

Lin Ziyu hesitated for a moment, but still nodded slightly.

Unlike the shock of others, Lin Ziyu only had the worry of Duan Qing's identity being exposed, and a little jealousy.

Yes, she was jealous of Zuo Wanqiu.

She knew Duan Qing's low-key and trouble-free nature very well, but now Duan Qing was willing to expose the Suzaku Transformation technique for Zuo Wanqiu and get into trouble.

How could she not be jealous when he did so much for Zuo Wanqiu!

Seeing Lin Ziyu nod, Zuo Wanqiu was silent.

After being together for so long, Duan Qing did not reveal his identity at all!

What did he... think of me, Zuo Wanqiu!

The more Zuo Wanqiu thought about it, the angrier she became.

This lady has been open with you, and has always been for your sake. She has never treated you as an outsider!

You are so good, you have been keeping it a secret from me, to prevent thieves!

Duan Qing, who was in the Nine Spirits Fort, naturally did not know what Zuo Wanqiu and the others were thinking. The only thing he wanted now was to win.

Since he had no choice but to use the Suzaku Armor, he had nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Duan Qing's eyes suddenly became sharp. With a wave of his hand, he recalled the Red Spirit Sword in his hand, and attacked Duanmu Min with the force of thunder.

When Duanmu Min came back to her senses from the shock, Duan Qing was already close to her.

There was no time to dodge, so Duanmu Min simply did not dodge, and planned to resist Duan Qing's sword.

Hum, even if you have that body protection technique, let's see how you can break the double defense of this spiritual treasure and wind escape of my grandmother.

She was surprised that Duan Qing's body protection technique could melt her silver leaf.

But she believed that as long as she had the dual defense of spiritual treasure and wind escape, she would still be invincible.

After withstanding Duan Qing's attack, she had plenty of ways to fight back.

In a flash, Duan Qing's Red Spirit Sword fell heavily on Duanmu Min.

This sword, he used all his strength for the first time.

His own physical strength comparable to that of the Spiritual Sea Realm, as well as the blessing of thunder, made this sword, like the power of heaven, unstoppable.

Duanmu Min's wind escape, could not even last for a moment, and it collapsed directly.

Even the transparent spiritual treasure shield after the wind escape only made the Red Spirit Sword stagnate slightly, and then it also collapsed.

The Red Spirit Sword broke through the wind escape and the spiritual treasure shield, and finally, it stopped steadily three inches from Duanmu Min's forehead.

Duanmu Min couldn't believe what she saw, but the residual heat from the hot flying sword on her forehead reminded her very clearly that it was all true!

I, Duanmu Min... actually lost!

After a long silence, Duanmu Min finally said bitterly: "You won...!"

Hearing this, Duan Qing finally put away his sword, removed the Vermillion Bird Armor without saying a word, picked up the spiritual treasure golden bowl that had just been left behind, took out the spiritual talisman and left the Nine Spirits Fort.

From the time Duan Qing and Duanmu Min started fighting to the time the winner was decided, it actually took only half a cup of tea.

At this time, except for Duan Qing's match, the other eight matches had not yet been decided.

Even though there were still eight matches going on, the people at the scene had no intention of watching anymore.

"This guy is amazing! He defeated Duanmu Min, the senior sister of Yunmeng Sect, with one sword."

"I think this guy has the strength to challenge the top three!"

"It's almost certain, but I don't know who is more powerful between him and Lin Tiansheng of Dameng Sect."


The people who were discussing in the field were all those who did not recognize Duan Qing's Suzaku Transformation Technique. On the contrary, those few who recognized the Suzaku Transformation Technique were all silent and said nothing.

Lin Tiansheng looked at Duan Qing and sneered as he returned to the crowd.

Duan Qing revealed his identity in the first game, which was a bit unexpected for him, but for him, it was not a bad thing.

He originally planned to expose Duan Qing's identity in public, and then defeat him severely to promote the prestige of his Dameng Sect and establish his position as the first person of the young generation in Jizhou.

Now that Duan Qing did this, it saved him the trouble of talking.

Under the gaze of everyone, Duan Qing returned to Zuo Wanqiu and others in silence, which was a headache.

He really underestimated the young heroes of Jizhou!

Originally, he thought about not using the Suzaku Armor and other skills as much as possible, and only relying on the sword control and the spiritual treasure golden bowl to hold on for a few rounds.

But he didn't want to expose the Suzaku Transformation in the first battle.

Now that the Suzaku Transformation is completely exposed, he doesn't know what kind of trouble will be waiting for him!

However, although it's a headache, he has no regrets.

Since he chose to participate in the Dream Wheel Conference, he had expected this moment and had prepared the courage to go all the way to the end.

"Oh, I can't tell that our fellow Daoist Duan has such a noble origin!" Zuo Wanqiu said sarcastically beside Duan Qing.

Duan Qing remained silent and didn't want to explain a word.

Only he knew the reason.

His Suzaku Transformation was privately taught by Xue Wanyun. He was not a member of the Shinto sect, so he didn't want to talk much about his skills, and he didn't dare to talk much.

Because this involves not only his personal safety, but also may bring trouble to Xue Wanyun, who privately taught him the skills.

Since everyone thought he was a Shinto sect member, he would accept this identity. Anyway, he had to go to the Shinto sect.

Seeing Duan Qing silent, Zuo Wanqiu became even more indignant and sarcastically said, "If I hadn't been forced by Duanmu Min to reveal my identity, I really wouldn't have known that I, Zuo Wanqiu, actually knew such a person, right, Fellow Daoist Yu!"

Yu Fan opened his mouth but didn't say anything.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable about Duan Qing's concealment of his identity, he couldn't say much.

After all, this is a personal matter.

Seeing Zuo Wanqiu's sneer at Duan Qing, Lin Ziyu couldn't help but defend Duan Qing. "Sister Zuo, don't forget why Brother Duan wanted to participate in the Dream Wheel Conference!"

She was reminding Zuo Wanqiu that Duan Qing was willing to take the risk to participate in the Dream Wheel Conference in order to remove the extreme coldness in your body. You are still so ignorant and sarcastic to Duan Qing!

Zuo Wanqiu was just angry that Duan Qing concealed his identity from her, especially when Lin Ziyu knew his identity but she didn't.

This kind of differential treatment made her feel very uncomfortable, so she ridiculed Duan Qing in every possible way.

Lin Ziyu's words made Zuo Wanqiu sober up all of a sudden, and she regretted what she had just said.

Yes! This stinky boy is so afraid of trouble. He came to the Dream Round Conference for her, so why is he so stingy?

He must have his own reasons for hiding his identity. Why does she have to hold on to this point?

Compared with Lin Ziyu's understanding, she is so aggressive and seems to be ignorant of the overall situation!

Thinking of this, Zuo Wanqiu blushed, secretly glanced at Duan Qing, and found that Duan Qing had no expression on his face, and her heart couldn't help but shudder.

Is this boy angry?

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