Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 4 Decision

The middle-aged strong man, the uncle Wang that Duan Qing called, smiled and patted Duan Qing's shoulder vigorously, then stepped forward to take off the bag and the weapon behind his waist and put them on the table, making a dull sound.

"Oh~ Great, Uncle Wang, wait, I'll tell my father and Dasheng brother right away. By the way, Uncle Wang, you have to tell me later if there are any fun things to do this time."

Duan Qing lowered his shoulders when Uncle Wang patted him, then turned around and rubbed his aching shoulders and agreed to run to the kitchen, and at the end he did not forget to turn back to remind Uncle Wang.

The uncle Wang that Duan Qing called was named Wang Dazhuang, and he was as strong as his name.

He lost his parents when he was young, and wandered around for more than 20 years. More than a decade ago, he finally saved some money and pulled a group of brothers around him to open a small escort agency.

Once he took a big business and passed by Xiao'an City, he was betrayed by a person he trusted very much, and he teamed up with bandits to kill him and the goods.

Fortunately, he managed to fight his way out of the encirclement with his excellent boxing and kicking skills.

When he was about to die, he happened to be met by Duan Niu and his wife who came to settle down in Xiao'an City. They rescued him and took him to Xiao'an City for treatment.

In Xiao'an City, where there was not even a decent clinic, he managed to survive. After being bedridden and cared for by Duan Niu and his wife for half a month, he was finally able to walk.

After that, Duan Niu and his wife took out their savings to open the Woniu Inn in Xiao'an City. Wang Dazhuang also helped in the inn for several years. He and Duan Niu were brothers, and he watched Duan Qing grow up.

Therefore, with no playmates around him, Duan Qing was very attached to his uncle Wang since he was a child. Until ten years ago, after being persuaded by Duan Qing's parents, Wang Dazhuang was unwilling to spend the rest of his life in this small town, so he went to Luzhou City, the capital of Luzhou where Xiao'an City was located, to make a living.

Because of his upright character and excellent martial arts, he was favored by an adult in Luzhou City and kept by his side as a confidant for several years. He made many contributions.

Until three years ago, at the initiative of Wang Dazhuang, he was arranged by the adult to come to Xiaoan City and serve as the chief of Xiaoan City, responsible for the public security of Xiaoan City.

Wang Dazhuang has not married in all these years. After returning to Xiaoan City, he would come back to Woniu Inn to have a meal whenever he was free, and sometimes he would live in the inn.

So not only Duan Qing was very close to his uncle Wang, but Wang Dazhuang also loved this little Duan Qing who he had watched grow up since he was a child, and treated him like a family member. When he had nothing to do, he would pull Duan Qing and tell Duan Qing about his interesting experiences in these years.

As for Duan Qing, who grew up in Xiaoan City, he was also very interested in what Uncle Wang said.

As time went by, it was not Wang Dazhuang who pulled Duan Qing to talk, but Duan Qing who often pulled Uncle Wang to tell him those interesting things.

So when he saw Uncle Wang coming back this time, Duan Qing couldn't help but be excited. In the years that Uncle Wang served as the mayor of Xiao'an City, it was the first time that he went out for such a long time and came back, which made him very worried.

Holding a large plate of beef in one hand and a large jar of wine in the other hand, Duan Qing sat next to Uncle Wang with a bitter face, putting them on Uncle Wang's table as quickly as possible.

"Uncle Wang, today's dishes are almost sold out. There is only this plate of beef, but there is still a lot of wine."

"Haha, it's okay, as long as there is enough wine."

Wang Dazhuang laughed, then picked up a piece of beef on the plate and took a big bite, biting off half of the beef that was the size of an ordinary person's fist, and picked up the jar of wine with the other hand and poured it into his mouth.

"Ahaha, it's great, this is what I miss most after being away for so long." Wang Dazhuang put the jar of wine on the table, making a bang, and exclaimed happily.

Duan Qing muttered in his heart, thinking that what he missed most was wine, so why didn't he miss me! Just when he was about to say this, he heard his father's voice from the side.

"Brother Dazhuang is back, wait, I'll make you some specialties."

Wang Dazhuang turned his head and said to Duan's father. "Brother Duan, don't do that, you don't know my body yet, just have wine, it doesn't matter whether you eat or not."

At this time, Duan's mother also came out from the backyard, and laughed when she heard this conversation. "Brother Wang, just let him do it, you haven't been here for a while, and he often complains that he doesn't even have someone to drink and talk with."

Wang Dazhuang saw that Duan's mother also came out and said this, so he had to laugh. "Okay, then listen to my sister-in-law, it just so happens that I have something to discuss with you, brother Duan, when I come back this time."

He also looked at Duan Qing who couldn't get a word in.

Duan Qing also got excited when he heard it and hurriedly took over the conversation. "Uncle Wang, what's the matter?"

Wang Dazhuang looked at Duan Qing meaningfully and didn't answer in a hurry. Instead, he took another big sip of wine and then said. "I'll tell you later."

After half an hour, the table was filled with a rich table of food and wine, all made by Duan's father. Another cook, Zhang Dasheng, was told by Duan's father to go home first.

Looking at the various dishes on the table with good color, fragrance and taste, Duan Qing couldn't help but feel hungry.

At this time, Duan's father came out from the backyard, holding a jar of wine in each hand, looking excited. "Brother Dazhuang, I haven't seen you for so long. Today I'm going to get drunk with you. Qing'er, go and close the door. We won't do business this afternoon."

Duan Qing heard this and walked to the door in two steps and closed it, then ran back to the table and sat down.

At this time, Duan's mother took a few empty bowls from the kitchen and put them on the table, and said to Wang Dazhuang. "Brother Wang, did you just say you had something to discuss with us?"

Wang Dazhuang waved to Duan's father and mother and asked them to come and sit down together, then looked at Duan Qing who was standing beside him. "This matter is related to Qing'er, I must discuss it with you."

After hearing this, Duan's father did not speak, but continued to look at Wang Dazhuang, motioning him to continue. Duan Qing's mother wanted to ask what the matter was, but seeing that the head of the family did not speak, she did not speak either.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Duan's father and mother and Duan Qing who was silent beside him seriously. "Do you know why I was away for so long this time? This time, Lord Su of Luzhou City urgently called me back. Lord Su has a favor for me, and he has something to call me, so I have to go."

Duan Qing heard Uncle Wang talk about Lord Su. When Uncle Wang first went to Luzhou City, he was appreciated by Lord Su. After that, he had been working under Lord Su until Uncle Wang took the initiative to request to be transferred back to Xiao'an City.

Wang Dazhuang continued to speak. "This time, Lord Su called me back because the original county magistrate passed away, and Lord Su, who was originally the governor of Luzhou City, took over the position of county magistrate. Lord Su had just taken office to govern Luzhou, and he was short of manpower, so he wanted to call me back to assist."

When Duan's father heard this, he was happy for Wang Dazhu, but then he was a little confused. "Brother Dazhuang, it's a good thing to work under the lord of a state. But what does this have to do with our Qing'er?"

Duan Qing, who was standing next to him, probably understood what Uncle Wang meant.

Uncle Wang was leaving again, and he was going to the faraway Luzhou City!

He heard Uncle Wang say that it would take three days to get to Luzhou City by carriage!

Thinking of this, Duan Qing lowered his head and bit his lip, but did not speak.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Duan Qing, who was a little disappointed, and continued: "Brother Duan, sister-in-law, I want to take Qing'er with me when I go to Luzhou City this time."

Hearing this, before Wang Dazhuang finished speaking, Duan's mother couldn't help it. "No, Qing'er lives well in Xiao'an City, and it's so chaotic outside..."

Father Duan did not interrupt at this time, but raised his hand to signal his wife not to speak, and let Wang Dazhuang continue.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Father Duan and Mother Duan. "Brother Duan, sister-in-law, I know you can't bear to part with Qing'er, but Qing'er is now an adult. If she is left outside, many people of Qing'er's age have married and had children. This time I go to Luzhou to work with Lord Su. It is a rare opportunity. I think again and again, and taking Qing'er with me is also to help him find a good future. He will grow up eventually, and he can't always be a chores in this inn!"

Duan Qing understood a little bit when he heard this. He understood what Uncle Wang meant. Uncle Wang wanted to take him to Luzhou City. Thinking of the human relationships and things outside that Uncle Wang had told him, Duan Qing was somewhat willing in his heart.

But when he thought of leaving his parents, leaving the inn, and leaving Xiao'an City where he grew up, Duan Qing was unwilling in his heart. In this entanglement, Duan Qing did not speak, and continued to bury his head in silence.

Father Duan was silent for a long time before he slowly sighed. He did not speak, but it can be seen that Father Duan still agreed with what Wang Dazhuang said.

Wang Dazhuang looked at Mother Duan who was hesitant to speak, and continued to say: "I have thought about this matter for a long time, but I still decided to do this. First, it is for Qing'er's future. Second, the situation in Luzhou City is very stable now. Lord Su is in power now and trusts me very much. Qing'er will basically not be in any danger if she goes with me this time."

In fact, Wang Dazhuang initially thought that Duan Qing's family of three would go to Luzhou City with him.

But he has been with Father Duan and Mother Duan for so many years, and he knows their personalities. They fled to the secluded Xiao'an City to settle down. They yearn for a stable life. After so many years, they have also become accustomed to a stable life.

If they were asked to go to the prosperous Luzhou City with him, no matter what he said, they would definitely not agree.

However, regarding Duan Qing's future, Father Duan and Mother Duan would not want Duan Qing to stay in Xiao'an City and do nothing. Xiao'an City is really too small.

When Father Duan heard this, he had basically made up his mind. He looked at Mother Duan beside him, and then looked at Duan Qing who was silent. "Qing'er, this matter...what do you think?"

At this time, Duan Qing was also struggling with his mind. On one hand, he was tempted by all kinds of new things outside, and on the other hand, he was reluctant to leave his parents and Xiao'an City.

After a long silence, Duan Qing looked up at his parents and said, "Dad, Mom, can we go to Luzhou City with Uncle Wang?"

After saying that, he looked at them with hope.

Father Duan looked at Duan Qing and saw the expectation in his eyes and his yearning for the outside world.

He was also relieved. The young bird will always have a day to spread its wings and fly.

Thinking of this, he took the hand of Duan's mother next to him, gave her a comforting look, nodded slightly, and said to Duan Qing softly: "Qing'er, your mother and I have been accustomed to the peaceful life in Xiao'an City. The outside world is too unfamiliar to us. You and your uncle Wang should go. You are still young and it is worth it to go out and make a living."

Father Duan's voice was helpless, but more of a kind to Duan Qing.

Mother Duan had also figured it out at this time. When Father Duan gave her that look, she knew that Father Duan had made a decision.

She knew her husband too well. What he decided must be what he thought was right, and what Father Duan thought was right, Mother Duan would also support.

This is how the two of them got along over the years.

So Duan's mother, with tears in her eyes, said to Duan Qing reluctantly: "Qing'er, your father is right. Your father and I can't live that kind of prosperous life. That's why we came to Xiao'an City from Erlan Country. You and your uncle Wang can go. Don't worry about us."

After that, she bowed slightly to Wang Dazhuang next to her. "Brother Wang, please take good care of our Qing'er."

"What are you talking about, sister-in-law? From the day you rescued me, I have always treated you as my family, especially Qing'er. As long as I, Wang Dazhuang, am still alive, I will never let Qing'er get hurt."

Wang Dazhuang saw what Duan's mother said to him, and he immediately stood up from his seat, and even patted his chest to promise.

Duan Qing saw that his parents were so determined, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Wang Dazhuang walked to Duan Qing and sat down with him. He reached out and patted Duan Qing on the shoulder, and said solemnly: "Qing'er, are you willing to go to Luzhou City with Uncle Wang?"

Duan Qing turned his head to look at Uncle Wang, and then looked at his parents.

Seeing their encouraging eyes, Duan Qing closed his eyes and exhaled, and finally made up his mind, then opened his eyes, turned his head to Uncle Wang, and his eyes were firm.

"Uncle Wang, I will go with you."

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