Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 38 Bamboo Produces Water

Duan Qing couldn't stay there for a moment! He had to go back to the mine to practice. If there was really no other way, the time in the spiritual mine would be very precious.

There was no need to look for the storage bag anymore. It was probably useless now, but water had to be brought. It was not possible to make spiritual springs without water.

Duan Qing left the house and looked around nearby. He found only two dry wells, which were full of dry grass and branches. Obviously, no one had used them for a long time.

Yes, it was estimated that people who came to the spiritual mine on duty would not need water. Even for Duan Qing, since he started practicing, the concept of eating and drinking was a little vague to him! He was taking the fasting pill before. Since he made the spiritual spring water, he practiced with the spiritual spring water every day, which replaced the desire for food.

In fact, although he didn't feel hungry, it didn't mean that Duan Qing didn't want to eat. After all, people who can cook things mostly like to eat. Duan Qing thought he had good skills, but there was nothing good on Yanfeng except for eating!

This gave Duan Qing a headache. Today was really a series of setbacks. The original plan was ruined. He wanted to practice hard, but he couldn't even find the water to make the spiritual spring. He didn't want to go back to the cave in the mine and use that strange water.

There was no way. There was no water in this deep valley. He could only look for it somewhere else!

Duan Qing planned to go out and look for it. He looked around. The whole circular deep valley was like a natural moat, with cliffs everywhere. The only way out of the deep valley seemed to be the countless iron chains hanging from the top of the cliff on both sides.

He could only try it.

He went back to the house and took out all the raw stones in the storage bag and the waste raw stones used before and hid them.

He put all the raw stones used to make the spiritual spring water in the storage bag to prevent them from being discovered.

When Qian Datong talked about the two-yin and yang spirit-avoiding formation, he was pointing at those iron chains. Duan Qing didn't want to test the law himself.

Coming to the iron chain on one side, Duan Qing found that the iron chain was much more spectacular than it looked from a distance. He saw a row of dozens of iron chains as thick as his arms in front of him, hanging down from the cliff like a steel waterfall, and the excess parts piled up on the ground to form a black iron mountain.

After being exposed to wind and rain for countless years, these iron chains are still intact, with no signs of rust or damage.

Duan Qing came under one of the iron chains and tried to touch it. It was cold, but there was nothing unusual. It seemed that he would be fine without the original stone.

He climbed up along the iron chain. After practicing, he obviously felt that his body was much stronger than before. In the past, in Xiao'an City, it was difficult to climb trees and dig bird nests with Wu Xiucai. Now climbing this dozens of feet high cliff, he almost felt no effort.

However, Duan Qing still had a lot of resentment towards the predecessor Jin Xuanzong who built this deep valley. This was completely disregarding the feelings of the disciples below the Transcendent Realm!

The iron chain did not go straight to the top of the wall. There was still a distance of one or two feet from the top of the cliff. Fortunately, there were many vines spreading down from the top. Duan Qing climbed the last section of the mountain wall along the vines and finally came to the ground.

Looking down from the top of the wall, the whole valley was bare, with almost no vegetation. The ground was covered with gravel and slag, and it looked gray and ruined.

Outside the valley, it was a different scene. What caught my eye was an endless forest that surrounded the entire valley. Trees thicker than people were everywhere, with sparse yellow leaves hanging on them. The ground covered with dead leaves was like a golden ocean.

Duan Qing looked around, but did not find any traces of water. He looked around and found that the terrain on the side of the valley where he was was relatively flat. There was a towering hill above the three mines, with the highest terrain, and the terrain in the direction of the Zhenling Temple was slightly lower.

He decided to look in the direction of the Zhenling Temple. It was generally difficult to find water in such a high terrain.

The forests here are very different from those around Xiao'an City. The trees are much thicker. Xiao'an City has been inhabited for generations, and the nearby forests have been cut down. It is difficult to find trees as thick as a person. This place is probably because there are few people, and trees thicker than a person are everywhere.

Secondly, there are many species he has never seen. The sky blue tree he is more familiar with also grows here, but it is much larger than he remembers.

The further he walks towards the Zhenling Temple, the lower the terrain becomes, and the sparser the trees become.

When he arrived at the back of the Zhenling Temple, there were almost no trees blocking the view, and the vision became wider. He saw a river valley not far below. Duan Qing was overjoyed. He finally found a water source!

When he came to the river, Duan Qing found that there was a waterfall not far upstream of the river. The river water was pouring down from above, and there was also a waterfall more than ten feet downstream of him. He was right between the two waterfalls, far away from the upstream waterfall, and the downstream waterfall was right next to him. All he heard in his ears was the rumbling sound of water.

He took out wooden gourds from his bag, filled them with water one by one and put them in. After filling all his ten wooden gourds, Duan Qing still felt that it was not enough. He estimated that the water would be enough for him for half a month at most. If he used it quickly, it would be gone in ten days. He would have to come again by then, which was a bit troublesome.

He searched in his bag and found that there was no container for water except his black pot. . . !

He looked around and found a solution.

Duan Qing found a bamboo forest across the stream. He planned to go there and cut some bamboo tubes to hold water.

The river was not wide, only about seven or eight feet, and the water was shallow, only up to his thighs.

Duan Qing waded across the stream and came to the bamboo forest. He took out his flying sword and chopped down several larger bamboos in a few strokes. Then he removed the heads and tails, leaving the longer sections in the middle to make bamboo tubes.

With one stroke of the sword, the bamboo joints above the bamboo were removed, but some water suddenly splashed out of the bamboo tube in his hand. When Duan Qing saw this, he turned the newly chopped bamboo tube upside down, and all the water in it flowed out.

It is normal for water to exist in bamboo. In Xiaoan City, people call the water in bamboo bamboo water. It is said that it can cure headaches and fever.

Looking at the bamboo tube in his hand, Duan Qing thought to himself, why can the water in the bamboo tube be preserved for so long?

Suddenly, as if he was struck by lightning, he was stunned. The water in the bamboo tube can be preserved for a long time. If there are similar conditions, can his own spiritual spring water be preserved for a long time too!

Duan Qing looked at the chopped bamboo joints on the ground and thought thoughtfully. The reason why the bamboo water can be preserved for a long time is because it has no contact with the outside world. If he also seals the spiritual spring water, he doesn't know whether it is feasible.

When I tested the validity time of the spiritual spring water before, I always left the spiritual spring water exposed. It may be because of this that the effective time of the spiritual spring water is only a few days.

If the raw stone is made into a large amount of spiritual spring water, and then taken out, the Liangyi Spiritual Array should not be triggered!

Haha, thinking of this, hope was rekindled in Duan Qing's heart.

However, even if the spiritual spring water can be preserved for a long time, if a considerable amount of raw stone is to be made into spiritual spring water, it will probably take up a lot of space. It seems that a storage bag is not enough.

Duan Qing then thought about whether he could use more raw stones to improve the quality of the spiritual spring water, and then blend it with ordinary water to a level he could bear.

Oops, I am really a pig-brained person. Duan Qing slapped his head, why did he have to turn it into spiritual spring water? Why not just turn it into spiritual liquid!

Duan Qing remembered the last time he was in Yanfeng, when he accidentally made a spiritual liquid from a mysterious metal, and then accidentally swallowed it, which almost killed him.

Yes, since you want to preserve it, then just make it into spiritual liquid and preserve it. Spiritual spring water is actually the spiritual energy released by mysterious metals mixed with water, so spiritual liquid made of the same mysterious metal should also be It can be mixed with water to make spiritual spring water.

Moreover, the spiritual liquid contains a lot of spiritual energy and does not take up much space. His storage bag should be enough to hold a lot of spiritual liquid. If it can be stored for a long time, it is the best way to use the original stone!

Thinking of Duan Qing, she wished she could fly back to the mine and give it a try.

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