Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 329 Cooperation

The person who was hit by the giant green sword fell straight to the ground, no longer alive, while the other two covered their wounds and screamed.

This scene not only made the uninjured one among the five people stand stunned on the spot, but also made almost everyone watching around widen their eyes, as if they couldn't believe their eyes!

They were only in the late stage of Mortal Mortal Realm, but they were able to repel and injure four people in the middle stage of the Wenxin Realm in the blink of an eye! Even the Taoist disciples of the seven super sects are nothing more than this!

Taking advantage of the last person's stunned state, Duan Qing swept his leg and tripped him to the ground. Then he removed his Suzaku armor, picked up Lin Ziyu and ran straight towards the Tongtian Tower.

The five people who were in the middle of asking questions did not stop Duan Qing for a moment!

At this time, more than 20 people were chasing from Fangshikou. The person running at the front was about to approach Duan Qing a few feet behind him.

"Stop that kid!" Wu Li, outside Fangshi, saw this and roared with a ferocious expression.

Several of the more than 20 people in the late stage of Wen Xing State heard the sound and stepped a step faster again, chasing after Duan Qing.

Duan Qing boasted that with the blessing of Zhu Qinshu, his physical strength at this moment was not inferior to that of the late Wen Xing state, but because he was holding Lin Ziyu, his speed was greatly restricted.

Seeing the figures behind him approaching the late stages of the state of mind quickly, Duan Qing couldn't care less. With a strong hand, he threw Lin Ziyu onto his shoulder and ran away with Lin Ziyu on his shoulders.

What surprised him was that Lin Ziyu didn't resist at all, and even took the initiative to adjust her body shape with him.

As a result, Duan Qing's speed immediately increased greatly. Although it was still not as fast as running alone, it was only a little slower than the several people behind him.

At this time, Duan Qing was standing in front of him. The mid-level man who had been knocked away by Duan Qing got up from the ground, raised his sword and stared at Duan Qing tremblingly, as if hesitating whether to take action or not.

He was still frightened by Duan Qing's strange power, and he had just witnessed the scene where three of his companions were hit by Duan Qing, which made him feel a little afraid of Duan Qing from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing the Wen Xingjing mid-level man blocking the road in front of him, Duan Qing glared at him fiercely. If he dared to take action, he would kill him with thunder!

In the middle of the Wenxing state, which was already a bit palpitating, Duan Qing kicked him like this, and his whole body couldn't help but trembled heavily. The flying sword in his hand fell directly to the ground, allowing Duan Qing to run past him.


Wu Li, who chased in from Fangshikou, saw this scene and immediately cursed at the mid-level man!

Duan Qing breathed a sigh of relief. If that person really took action, it would be a big trouble for him. Although it might not be able to hit him, it would definitely slow him down!

In this case, he might have to give up Lin Ziyu in order to escape.

Soon, Duan Qing passed through Nanfang Mayor Street and ran to the bluestone area around the Babel Tower.

At the same time, several late Wen Xingjing figures behind him were approaching within five feet of him.

And now he is still at least two hundred feet away from the Babel Tower in the center of the bluestone ground!

No, if this continues, you will definitely be caught up!

At this time, the bluestone several feet in front of him suddenly arched up from the ground, forming a steep slope.

Earth magic?

Duan Qing was shocked and immediately took a detour to the left.

As soon as he changed his path, a water column as thick as an arm formed in front of him and struck directly in front of him.

Although the water column does not seem to be very powerful, if he is hit and slowed down to full speed, he will definitely be overtaken by several people behind him!

In the flash of lightning, Duan Qing made a quick decision and dodged to the left again, avoiding the water column.

However, the matter was far from over. He could feel several more spiritual energy fluctuations around him. It was obvious that the figure in the state of mind had taken action again in the late stage!

Keeping hiding like this is not an option!

Duan Qing gritted his teeth, took out the Lingbao Golden Bowl, activated the golden light shield as quickly as possible, and rushed towards the Babel Tower without hesitation, allowing several spells of various colors to attack him.

Several spells failed to cause any damage to the golden light shield, nor did they slow down Duan Qing's speed.

But Duan Qing didn't feel relaxed at all. Those spells were not like water pillars, which had no real impact, but were like Lihuo spells that relied on their attributes to hurt people. That's why he didn't dodge them.

If he encounters water pillars, earth and rocks, etc., it will obviously have a strong impact and can slow down his speed. Even if there is a golden light shield, he will not dare to take it hard!

Those people in the late stage of Wen Xingjing were obviously not ordinary people. They saw that Duan Qing was protected by a golden light shield and could not be harmed by ordinary spells, so they only used water and earth spells to slow down Duan Qing.

Duan Qing had no choice but to keep dodging, and the distance from the latter stage of Digital Questioning State of Mind kept getting closer to less than three feet!

How difficult!

The golden light shield consumes a lot of money. After a few breaths, more than half of his spiritual power has been consumed, and he is still hundreds of feet away from the Tower of Babel.

Seeing that several people no longer used other spells and that the golden light shield was ineffective, Duan Qing simply removed the golden light shield, put away the Lingbao golden bowl, and then raised his hand to shoot five blasts of Lihuo at the people behind him.

Since defense doesn't work, I will use offense instead of defense.

When several people saw this, they did not dodge. They immediately cast their body protection spells and rushed towards the overwhelming five fires, without slowing down at all!

After asking about the state of mind, he is indeed an extraordinary person! Duan Qing glanced out of the corner of his eye at several people rushing out of Lihuo and couldn't help but sigh.

"Friend Lu, don't panic, there is Ziyu here!" Lin Ziyu, who was being held on Duan Qing's shoulders, suddenly said.

Duan Qing was stunned for a moment and then understood what Lin Ziyu meant. "Then please leave it to fellow Daoist Lin!"

Lin Ziyu was on Duan Qing's shoulder, looking up maliciously at the figures in the late stages of their state of mind.

She knew Duan Qing's purpose. The monks in the Tongtian Tower could not attack others. If the two could escape into the Tongtian Tower, these people would have no way to deal with them.

Lin Ziyu pinched her fingers, and several water columns suddenly condensed out of thin air, hitting the several people in the late stage of the Questioning Heart Realm.

Such a simple magic obviously could not hit the late stage of the Questioning Heart Realm. Several people easily dodged the water column, but their speed was slowed down for a moment.

Just after dodging the water column, a waterfall several feet wide suddenly formed in front of them, blocking their way.

Several people had no way to avoid it, and could only rely on body protection magic to rush into the waterfall.

However, just after rushing out of the waterfall, several people suddenly felt empty under their feet, and fell into a bluestone pit of three or four feet in size!

Lin Ziyu on Duan Qing's shoulder saw this and showed a smile of success, and snorted lightly.

Hum! How can the five elements magic of my Five Elements Sect be jealous? If I can't hurt you, I can slow you down and catch you easily!

After such a struggle, when they jumped out of the pit, they were already more than ten feet away from Duan Qing!

Seeing Duan Qing bypassing the Tongtian Monument and running towards the south gate of Tongtian Tower, they looked at each other and had to give up chasing!

They knew that they could not attack other cultivators in Tongtian Tower, and different levels of cultivation would lead to different levels of Tongtian Tower. With their cultivation in the Questioning Heart Realm, they would be directly teleported to the 100th floor when they entered Tongtian Tower.

Duan Qing and the other two in the Transcendent Realm would be teleported to the first floor when they entered Tongtian Tower!

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