Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 22 Mysterious Metal

Duan Qing picked up the mysterious metal in front of him. There was nothing special about it. It was still light golden in color and had a bumpy surface, which was similar to when he first found it.

He kneaded it with his hands and felt it carefully. Hmm, it was not right.

He frowned. It felt different from before. He weighed it again and it seemed to be a little heavier than before.

Duan Qing brought the mysterious metal in his hand close to his eyes and observed it carefully.

Hmm, there was indeed a change. On the originally bumpy surface of the mysterious metal, countless tiny holes like hair appeared!

That's right, the change of the spirit stone should be related to this mysterious metal. Duan Qing is almost certain now.

The spirit stone will not lose its spiritual energy for no reason. He has seen it in the miscellaneous notes of cultivation. There is a paragraph about the spirit stone that mentions that the spirit stone is eternal and indestructible.

What's so strange about this thing! It can make the spirit stone's spiritual energy dissipate and turn it into a waste spirit stone in a few days.

He took the mysterious metal in his hand and tried to inject spiritual power into it. As soon as his spiritual power touched the mysterious metal, it disappeared like a drop in the ocean. He tried it several times and it was the same.

In order to know whether this situation was normal, he then tested the table, teapot, iron pot and other things in the room with his spiritual power. His spiritual power could penetrate all of them without exception, but it could not attach to them.

All signs showed that this strange metal was not an ordinary thing! He was going to put it away and ask his master or senior brothers another day.

Suddenly, just when he wanted to put the mysterious metal into the storage bag, a spiritual power fluctuation suddenly appeared on the surface of the metal, and then the mysterious metal began to emit thick mist. Duan Qing was frightened by this sudden change and retracted his hand. The mysterious metal slipped out of his hand and fell to the ground with a "bang".

The mysterious metal on the ground continued to emit mist. Duan Qing was a little doubtful. He carefully stretched his hand to the mist and felt it. He was shocked!

This is spiritual energy, but isn't spiritual energy transparent and invisible?

He had also felt and observed it carefully when he used spiritual stones to practice before. The spiritual energy in the spiritual stones could only be felt, but not seen. As for the spiritual energy density between heaven and earth, it was much lower than that of spiritual stones, and it was even more invisible.

When he cultivated to the first level of Qi training, he specifically felt it and could only feel that there was some around him. He also tried to practice directly without spiritual stones, but the effect was very low, which was much worse than practicing with spiritual stones.

But the spiritual energy coming out of the mysterious metal in front of him was actually in the form of mist! He was a little confused for a while, and just when he was stunned for a moment, the mist became more and more, and soon filled the whole room, and the room became a sea of ​​mist for a while.

At this time, Duan Qing suddenly reacted. No matter why this spiritual energy was in the form of white mist, spiritual energy was spiritual energy. It should be able to be practiced if it was spiritual energy. He decisively sat cross-legged on the ground and began to operate the Yuan Yin Technique.

As soon as he started practicing, the white mist-like spiritual energy rushed towards him frantically, entering his body through various acupuncture points around his body and finally merging into the sea of ​​qi. The effect of this white mist-like spiritual energy was obviously better than that of the spiritual stone. When it reached the sea of ​​qi, the loss was only about 70%, and 30% of the spiritual energy could be absorbed by the sea of ​​qi. This lasted for about a cup of tea, and the fog in the room disappeared.

After practicing and feeling it carefully, Duan Qing felt ecstatic. Just a moment of effort was equivalent to one or two days of hard practice with spiritual stones.

He hurriedly picked up the mysterious metal from the ground, opened the bag and took out the waste spiritual stones, looking at it thoughtfully.

If I guessed correctly, the sudden transformation of these spiritual stones into waste spiritual stones must be related to this mysterious metal.

Duan Qing is not a fool. Within a few days, the spiritual stones that were well placed in the bag suddenly became scrapped, and the mysterious metal that was also placed in the bag suddenly emitted so much spiritual energy. The spiritual energy of those spiritual stones was probably absorbed by the mysterious metal!

He planned to test it out. He took out an unused spirit stone from his bag and placed it on the table. He slowly approached the spirit stone with the mysterious metal in his hand. Sure enough, when the mysterious metal was still a palm away from the spirit stone, it suddenly emitted a faint soft light. Then Duan Qing felt that the intact spirit stone suddenly began to overflow with spiritual energy.

Although he couldn't see it with his naked eyes, Duan Qing could feel that the spiritual energy was like a tide as soon as it left the spirit stone. It rushed to the mysterious metal in his hand one after another, and almost all of it was absorbed by the mysterious metal in his hand.

Duan Qing was relieved. It was indeed like this. As he brought the mysterious metal closer to the spirit stone, the more spiritual energy the spirit stone exuded, and the faster the mysterious metal absorbed it. When the mysterious metal was only two fingers away from the spirit stone, the spirit-binding pattern on the spirit stone suddenly collapsed, and the entire spirit stone cracked at once. The spiritual energy had been completely absorbed by the mysterious metal!

His guess was right. Now he had to wait and see when this mysterious metal would emit spiritual energy again. Judging from the speed of absorption of the mysterious metal, the spiritual energy of a spiritual stone was almost completely absorbed in a moment. So the situation should be similar when he put the mysterious metal into the storage bag last time. Later, he took it out after a few days. So it seems that it will take a few days for this mysterious metal to emit spiritual energy.

Just as he was thinking about how long it would take, something strange happened. He saw a fluctuation of spiritual energy on the mysterious metal in his hand, and white mist spiritual energy began to emerge again.

Duan Qing was shocked. This was far from what he had expected. Even if it only absorbed one spirit stone this time, it would not be so fast. However, he did not have time to think about it. In a moment, the mysterious metal had already exhaled all its spirit energy and returned to normal again, but the white mist this time was obviously much less than before.

He had no time to think about it now. So much spirit energy could not be wasted. He immediately sat cross-legged and frantically practiced the Yuan Yin Technique. This time, the mist was equivalent to one or two days of his practice with spirit stones.

He then tried several more times. After several tests, he found that as long as the mysterious metal was within a palm of the spirit stone, it could absorb the spirit energy in the spirit stone. The closer the distance, the better the effect and the faster the absorption. The time to exhale spirit energy was determined by the number of spirit stones absorbed. The more the number absorbed, the longer the time required, but the difference was very small and almost negligible.

Moreover, the effect of cultivating with the white mist spiritual energy is much better than that of spiritual stones. In the past, when cultivating with spiritual stones, only 10% of the spiritual energy could enter the sea of ​​qi and transform into spiritual power, and the rest would be consumed by the blocked meridians. However, with the white mist spiritual energy, 30% of the spiritual energy could reach the sea of ​​qi. The reason for this result is obvious. The quality of the white mist spiritual energy is obviously higher than that of the spiritual stone.

However, he observed that the white mist spiritual energy exhaled by the mysterious metal could only last for about a cup of tea. Before it dissipated, he could only absorb about 30% of the white mist spiritual energy with all his strength, and the rest was dissipated and wasted. This was the result of testing with several spiritual stones.

This is also why the mysterious metal absorbed several spiritual stones in the bag before, and the effect of cultivating with the mist released by one spiritual stone was similar.

Because the quality of the mist released by the mysterious metal absorbing one and several spiritual stones is the same, and the quantity is determined by the amount of spiritual stones absorbed. At present, he can only absorb 30% of the amount of mist of a spiritual stone before the mist dissipates with all his strength, so with his current cultivation level, it is a waste to use more spiritual stones for the mysterious metal to absorb.

However, during this tea, the effect of the mysterious metal absorbing a spiritual stone and spitting out spiritual energy can be equivalent to at least one day of his previous practice.

As for why it can only absorb a small half of the spiritual energy and the effect is so good, in addition to the fact that the effect of the white mist spiritual energy is better than that of the spiritual stone, Duan Qing thinks that it should be because the mysterious metal absorbs and exhales spiritual energy without loss. Although the quality of the spiritual stone absorbed and exhaled is different, the total amount does not change.

When he directly uses the spiritual stone for practice, because there are spiritual patterns to restrain the spiritual energy, the spiritual energy of the spiritual stone will be partially lost during practice. The spiritual energy that can be absorbed by him for practice is only about 70%. This is what the senior sister told him before.

Duan Qing's face is full of excitement. It is hard to hide. This time he really picked up a treasure. This mysterious metal is definitely a treasure. He roughly estimated that using this mysterious metal to absorb and exhale spiritual energy for practice is equivalent to amplifying the effect of a spiritual stone.

Moreover, compared to the previous slow absorption of a spirit stone which took most of the day, the speed was even more different. This time, his cultivation speed increased by more than several times, but the premise was that he had enough spirit stones.

He had ordinary talent and thought it would take twenty years or even longer to break through the Transcendent Realm, but with this mysterious metal, this time is expected to be shortened to a few years, or even less.

For the first time in his heart, he was full of hope for his cultivation path.

Duan Qing held the mysterious metal and kept it close to his body. He couldn't calm down for a long time. This was the biggest help for his future cultivation.

He had planned to ask his master and sister about the origin of this mysterious metal, but after seeing the magic of this mysterious metal, he knew that it was not an ordinary treasure even if he was a bumpkin who had never seen the world.

When he was still so weak, letting people know that he was carrying a treasure would inevitably cause trouble for him, or even kill him, so the matter of this mysterious metal must not be revealed to anyone!

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