Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 207 Mu Yun

After dealing with the two, the sky was slightly bright, and Duan Qing hurriedly flew away from Yanfeng while it was still dark.

Yanfeng is located in a corner of Wuxiang Mountain. He flew in the direction of the sect, and generally speaking, he would not run into anyone.

He did not dare to fly directly to Yanfeng before, because he was afraid that his master was still in Yanfeng and would be discovered by him, so he chose to climb in a low profile.

At this time, Yanfeng was empty, and he had nothing to worry about.

After leaving Yanfeng, Duan Qing made a big circle, bypassed Wuxiang Mountain, and flew to the spiritual mine in the north of Jinxuan Sect.

Since he knew that Senior Sister Luying might be trapped in the spiritual mine with True Man Sanyan, he naturally had to go and explore the truth first. Although there might be some risks, he had to do something for himself, his second senior brother, or Senior Sister Su!

In fact, he would have passed by the spiritual mine when he returned to Jinxuan Sect before, but he was afraid that there were elders in the Questioning Heart Realm stationed in the spiritual mine, so he deliberately bypassed the spiritual mine. Now he thinks it’s really a bit lucky.

If he had gone directly from the Spirit Mine back to Jinxuan Sect, he would have walked into a trap!

The Spirit Mine is located at the end of the Wuxiang Mountains, only a few dozen miles away from Jinxuan Sect. It occupies the two poles of the Wuxiang Mountains with Jinxuan Sect.

In just one stick of incense, Duan Qing was within a few miles of the Spirit Mine. He did not dare to continue flying the sword, so he landed in the forest early and explored the Spirit Mine secretly.

The Spirit Mine a few miles away from Duan Qing was very different from what Duan Qing remembered. The black iron chains that used to hang on both sides of the valley wall were now crisscrossed, like a huge net in the valley, covering the entire valley.

Occasionally, the dead leaves blown by the mountain wind accidentally floated on the iron chain net, and disappeared in an instant!

At this time, on the cliff of the deep valley of the Spirit Mine, Master Mu Yun bowed his head and stared at the valley expressionlessly, with memories in his deep eyes.

His thoughts seemed to have gone back to more than a hundred years ago, when he was still a young monk who had transformed from the ordinary world.

At that time, he was young and successful, and he was handsome. Among the younger generation of Jinxuan Sect, he was known as the Jinxuan Twin Heroes together with Baihua Zhenren at that time.

The grievances between Jinxuan Sect and Shayue Sect have a long history, and have never been broken since the day Shayue Sect was established. He still remembered that he first saw her, Lin Jingxian, in a small-scale conflict with Shayue Sect that year.

Lin Jingxian's cultivation was higher than his, and she brought several Shayue Sect disciples to chase him alone. He was chased and fled everywhere with two fists. He hated that woman so much at that time!

He fled thousands of miles, but the dead woman even left her fellow disciples and refused to let him go. He had no choice but to turn back and fight Lin Jingxian to the death.

But Lin Jingxian did not fight with him, but teased that she liked the way he ran away. He felt insulted and insisted on killing Lin Jingxian, but was severely beaten by Lin Jingxian and got a lot of injuries!

However, Lin Jingxian did not kill him, but took good care of him. At that time, he suddenly found that she was not so hateful.

In this way, the two of them spent some time together. During the conversation with Lin Jingxian, he learned that Lin Jingxian actually hated the fight between the two sects and hated killing innocent people. This touched his heart.

Later, the two fell in love with each other. Although they returned to their respective sects due to the dispute between the two sects, they agreed to meet secretly every month.

This lasted for a year. The relationship between the two was inseparable. In addition, Lin Jingxian was pregnant at the time, so the two decided to leave the sect and find a secluded place to spend the rest of their lives.

He originally thought that his life would continue like this and finally come to a perfect end.

But man proposes, God disposes. Lin Jingxian's secret meeting with him was discovered by her senior sister in Shayue Sect. Her senior sister, together with several people from Shayue Sect, secretly followed Lin Jingxian and suddenly appeared when the two eloped, captured the two, and brought them back to Shayue Sect for disposal.

Perhaps it was not his fate. On the way back to the sect, they happened to meet Master Tongnian, the head of Dashifeng, who was out on business, and Master Baihua, who was just a Transcendental Cultivator at the time.

Seeing this, the two thought that the people of Shayue Sect had captured him, and they immediately fought. How could those ordinary disciples of Shayue Sect be the opponents of Master Tongnian? They were slaughtered by Master Tongnian in a few moves.

Even Jingxian died at the hands of Baihua!

At that time, his cultivation was sealed by the people of Shayue Sect, and he could not do anything. He could only watch Jingxian die at the hands of Baihua!

He still remembered the look in Jingxian's eyes at that time, desperately signaling him not to do anything. He knew that Jingxian did not blame him, but wanted him to live.

Afterwards, he found an opportunity to separate from Master Tongnian and Baihua, and planned to go back to bury Jingxian. Who knew that when he was moving Jingxian's body, he found that the fetus in Jingxian's belly was still alive, so he performed a caesarean section to take the fetus out.

However, the fetus had not yet grown, and he returned too late, so the fetus only lasted a few hours, and had not even opened its eyes before it left this world again.

He was unwilling to accept this! He tried his best and finally retained a trace of the fetus's soul with a secret method, but the price was that his cultivation level regressed by one realm!

After that, he did not seek revenge on Bai Hua, he chose to endure, killing Bai Hua could not calm the monstrous hatred in his heart, he and Jingxian loved each other but could not be together, in the final analysis, it was all due to the dispute between the two sects, if the two sects lived in harmony, then he could completely become a Taoist partner with Jingxian openly!

From then on, he had a crazy idea, he wanted the two sects to be buried with Jingxian, he wanted the Jinxuan Shayue Sect to disappear from Xiaonan Realm from then on.

Soon he had his first chance. Because Master Tongnian slaughtered several people from the Shayue Sect, the dispute between the two sects finally broke out, and both sides put all their efforts into the war.

After that battle, the two sects were almost completely destroyed. If it weren't for the people from the Middle Earth who stopped it, his wish would have almost come true!

From then on, he knew that as long as the Middle Earth was there, it would be impossible for Xiaonan Realm to be destroyed!

The ridiculous kindness and righteousness of the people from the Middle Earth made him sick. It was you, the people from the Middle Earth, who made Xiaonan Realm like this countless years ago, but now you are hypocritically holding the banner of continuing the Xiaonan Realm's Taoist tradition to stop the Xiaonan Realm sects from fighting each other.

Although the two sects suffered heavy casualties in that battle, the two people he hated the most, Master Tongnian and Bai Hua, both survived!

Even after the war, Bai Hua's cultivation level soared all the way, and he also sat on the throne of the head of the Jinxuan Sect.

Although he hated it, he could do nothing about it. He could only watch the two sects recover day by day!

Knowing that the Central Plains would not let the two sects sever their orthodoxy, he had another idea. Since the Central Plains would not allow the two sects to perish, he would overthrow the two sects and make them crawl at his feet.

The most important thing was to let Bai Hua and Tong Nian, who directly killed Jing Xian, get the retribution they deserved!

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