Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 1854 Two merged into one

The incarnation of Heavenly Dao, who was chasing Zuoyang Daosheng, immediately changed his target and changed it to Duan Qing.

Obviously, the damage caused to Heavenly Dao by a time millstone made Heavenly Dao's hatred for Duan Qing stronger than Zuoyang Daosheng.

Zuoyang Daosheng looked at Duan Qing, surprised, and shook his head helplessly.

"Your Majesty, please save some Yuanjing. Let the younger generation do the work of restraining the incarnation of Heavenly Dao."

When the voice echoed in the deep pit, Duan Qing's figure had already disappeared from the spot, constantly teleporting to avoid the pursuit of the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Seeing this, the others hesitated for a moment, and then continued to maintain the rhythm to attack the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

In the following time, Duan Qing not only had to avoid the incarnation of Heavenly Dao, but also had to take time from time to time to cast the time millstone on the incarnation of Heavenly Dao.

Using the external time law to attack Heavenly Dao was so effective that the incarnation of Heavenly Dao had always targeted Duan Qing and never changed again.

This situation lasted for about three days. Under the joint attack of everyone, the body of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, which was originally as black as ink, became visibly lighter.

Seeing this, everyone, including Duan Qing, breathed a sigh of relief, as if they saw the hope of success.

Thanks to the contribution of Duan Qing's time mill, although there were no more than two million ordinary cultivators from the Fairy Alliance participating in this operation, the progress seemed to be no slower than the previous killing of the Tiandao of the Sui Clan.

According to the current situation, within a month, this part of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao in the Fairy Alliance world will probably be killed here.

Although they were happy, everyone still maintained due vigilance.

Especially Duan Qing, who did not dare to be careless at all.

As time passed, the power of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was consumed bit by bit by Duan Qing and others.

On the tenth day, under the attack of everyone, the originally black body of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao became somewhat transparent, and the movement was much slower than before.

On the 30th day, the body of the Heavenly Dao incarnation was almost completely transparent, almost invisible to the naked eye, and was in a state of being destroyed.

However, at this time, the Yuan Crystals on Zuo Yang Dao Sheng and others were also completely consumed.

Without Yuan Crystals as a source of power, the damage that Zuo Yang Dao Sheng and others could cause to the Heavenly Dao was immediately greatly reduced, infinitely close to zero, and the heavy responsibility of destroying the Heavenly Dao incarnation fell on Duan Qing all at once.

Looking at the dying Heavenly Dao incarnation that seemed to be dying at any time, Duan Qing felt inexplicably nervous.

After destroying this part of the Heavenly Dao in the Immortal Spirit Alliance World, even if the remaining part of the Heavenly Dao still exists, its influence on the sentient beings of the Immortal Spirit Alliance will be greatly weakened.

In this way, it can be regarded as an explanation to Sister Nan and Sheng'er who are close to him!

I hope there will be no accidents!

At the same time, Tian Qingzi, who was sitting on the light curtain on the surface of the repaired deep pit, glimpsed the situation in the deep pit from the corner of his eye, and finally let go of the big stone that had been hanging in his heart.

"Is it finally over!"

"Brother, if you save that endless luck for the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao after it is killed, maybe...!"

Just as Tian Qingzi was whispering, a streak of ink-colored light suddenly came through countless spaces and landed directly on Tian Qingzi, who was sitting on the surface of the light curtain of the deep pit.

In an instant, Tian Qingzi didn't even have time to make any sound, and the whole person instantly turned into ashes.

After the ink-colored light annihilated Tian Qingzi, the remaining power did not decrease, and it directly hit the light curtain on the surface of the deep pit.

The originally flat light curtain was instantly hit by a huge dent by the ink-colored light.

Everyone noticed the movement and looked up at the top of their heads. Seeing the ink-colored light outside the light curtain, everyone's face changed drastically.

Another incarnation of the Heavenly Dao of the Fairy Alliance World has arrived!

Before everyone reacted and took action, the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao outside the light curtain had already pierced the protective light curtain of the deep pit and entered the deep pit.

With the arrival of another part of the Heavenly Dao incarnation, the Heavenly Dao incarnation in the deep pit, which was already extremely weak, immediately gave up chasing Duan Qing and reflected to the other part of the Heavenly Dao incarnation that entered the deep pit.

This scene happened too suddenly. The two Heavenly Dao incarnations rushed in both directions and were about to touch and merge into one.

At the critical moment, Duan Qing's Time Dao was fully activated and directly froze the long river of time.

When the two parts of the Heavenly Dao incarnation were still a few feet away from each other, they stopped in the air at the same time, one black and one transparent, like a painting of ink and color.

Duan Qing didn't have time to think of him, and directly faced the Heavenly Dao incarnation that was almost completely transparent, which was a time millstone, wanting to completely get rid of this Heavenly Dao incarnation first.

Under the effect of the time millstone, the Heavenly Dao incarnation that was almost completely transparent had a violent ripple, as if it was about to dissipate.

At this moment, another part of the Heavenly Dao incarnation beside him suddenly broke free from the frozen river of time without any warning and quietly disappeared from the original place, like teleportation. When he appeared again, he had overlapped with the transparent Heavenly Dao incarnation that was being destroyed by the time millstone.

At the moment when the two overlapped, the two parts of the Heavenly Dao incarnation immediately merged into one and became a complete Heavenly Dao.

At the same time, Duan Qing immediately felt an unprecedented palpitation in his heart.

Without any hesitation, Duan Qing made a decisive move and teleported away from the original place.

Almost at the same moment, the Heavenly Dao incarnation that merged into one also disappeared at the same time.

The next moment, Duan Qing and the Heavenly Dao incarnation appeared at the same time in a corner of the deep pit, only a few feet apart.

Noticing the complete Heavenly Dao incarnation that merged into one next to him, Duan Qing frantically urged the Time Principle to freeze it.

But what made Duan Qing feel a little terrified was that the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao completely ignored the frozen river of time and his movements were not restricted at all.

Duan Qing's pupils contracted violently and his heart almost jumped to his throat.


The two parts of the Heavenly Dao in the Immortal Spirit Alliance World merged into one, becoming a complete Heavenly Dao, which has already controlled time and space!

The Immortal Spirit Alliance World itself has the laws of time and space. As the Heavenly Dao that controls the rules of this world, it can naturally use these two forces!

In panic, Duan Qing could only teleport away again in a hurry.

The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao obviously did not mean to let Duan Qing go easily, and he also teleported and disappeared immediately.

This time, Duan Qing and the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao appeared at the same time again, but the difference from just now was that the distance between the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao and Duan Qing was only less than half a foot away!

At such a close distance, Duan Qing had no time to react at all.

Seeing that the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was about to swallow Duan Qing, Duan Qing's body magically disappeared from the spot and appeared next to the Tiankun Demon Saint.

Obviously, at the critical moment, it was the Tiankun Demon Saint who was proficient in the space law who rescued Duan Qing.

The means of the Tiankun Demon Saint's own space were ineffective against the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao, but they were still effective against Duan Qing.

The Tiankun Demon Saint looked solemn, and without saying anything else, he took Duan Qing, Zuoyang Dao Saint and other people and teleported them all to a place thousands of miles away from Tianji Star.

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