Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 137: Fantasy Butterfly

Duan Qing continued to look down.

Wu Xiang Shen Shui

Taken from Wu Xiang Sea, it is colorless and formless, and contains everything.

The thing named Wu Xiang Shen Shui ranked second made Duan Qing a little confused. It only contained everything, and there was no explanation for its use.

However, this was obviously a special case. Each treasure behind it would basically indicate its origin and purpose. They were all things that took away the fortune of heaven and earth and had magical effects.

When Duan Qing saw the tenth-ranked thing, he was suddenly stunned and then ecstatic. This tenth-ranked treasure was the Wan Hua Jing Lian.

Wan Hua Jing Lian

It was formed by chance, grew in an extremely pure place, and was rare in the world. It was accompanied by Wan Hua Dust and had millions of incarnations. It was not available before it was mature. When one lotus bloomed, all the lotuses withered. It was mostly used for realm breakthroughs, reshaping the physical body, and giving birth to the spiritual sea.

Duan Qing was a little excited. This Wan Hua Jing Lian was such a precious thing that it was ranked tenth on the list of natural treasures!

He could understand the realm breakthrough and body reconstruction in the description. He saw it with his own eyes in Yongling Valley, where the giant python used the white fruit at the root of the Wanhua Pure Lotus to transform into a human form.

Only the last sentence of the spiritual sea life made him a little confused.

The list of heavenly materials and earthly treasures recorded a total of 100 kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures. Although the latter ones were slightly inferior to the first ten, they were all rare in the world, which opened Duan Qing's eyes and made him yearn for the Middle Earth.

After reading the last one, Duan Qing found that there was more content below it.

List of alien insects

God-eating insects

Devouring everything, there is nothing in the world that they cannot devour, and the mature body can devour gods and destroy immortals.

It turned out to be a list about alien insects. Duan Qing was not interested at all. These things were too far away for him, but he still took a rough look. After all, it is better to be prepared. Maybe one day he would have a good idea.

When he saw the seventeenth-ranked alien insect, he suddenly felt a little strange.

Illusion Butterfly

Its body is weak, its voice is like a ghost's cry, and it often parasitizes other things. The mind and thoughts of the parasitized things are all controlled by it. It is not afraid of death or pain. When it is not parasitic, it looks like an egg with red spots on it.


Duan Qing whispered. Somehow, he felt as if it was familiar.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the first time he encountered Xuanyin Kuihu in the spirit mine. The Xuanyin Kuihu had an uncoordinated big bump on its head, which was obviously different from the one that died with Qian Datong later.

After Senior Sister Su took away the inner elixir of Xuanyin Viper, he put the corpse away and put it in the storage bag. Later, when he returned to the sect after the rotation of the spirit mine was over, he found something like a stone bead in the storage bag when he sorted it out. At that time, he guessed that the stone bead was likely related to Xuanyin Kuihu, and it might even be the inner elixir of Xuanyin Kuihu.

Thinking of this, he quickly searched in the bag and found the thing in the corner.

Half the size of a palm, brown in color, with ravines and a bright red spot!

Duan Qing took the thing in his hand and looked at it carefully. Only then did he find that the ravines had a regular pattern, from sparse to dense on both sides of the red spot, until they converged around the red spot and merged into one.

Could it be...!

Combining all the things that happened in the past, the abnormal big bump on the head of the Xuanyin Viper, the piercing sound that made Senior Sister Su faint like a ghost, and the description of the Illusion Butterfly on the Alien Insect List, he estimated that this thing was most likely the egg of the Illusion Butterfly!

Duan Qing was shocked by his guess and quickly put the thing into the bag. If it was really the Illusion Butterfly on the Alien Insect List, then he was really afraid that he would be parasitized by it!

Although this thing is likely to be ranked seventeenth on the list of alien insects, it is still a hot potato in Duan Qing's eyes, because he does not know how to control this illusion butterfly, nor does he know what the conditions for its parasitism are. If an operation is not done well and it is parasitized by it, it will be bad!

Let's put it aside first and do other things after finding the detailed control method of this alien insect in the future! Duan Qing made up his mind that he would never touch the thing that is most likely to be the egg of the illusion butterfly before he thoroughly understood the illusion butterfly!

There are also one hundred kinds of alien insects recorded on the list of alien insects, and there is also a list of alien beasts under it, which also records a hundred kinds of alien beasts. Duan Qing only took a rough look at it and knew what he was doing.

After counting the harvest of Yongling Valley on this trip, Duan Qing went to add some spiritual spring water to the fool, and then began to study several techniques attached to the Suzaku Transformation Technique.

He had already made a plan to kill Bai Shaoyun in his mind. Although his cultivation level was a mortal, killing Bai Shaoyun was not a problem, but for the sake of insurance, it was better to strengthen his strength as soon as possible.

Although he has precious treasures such as the Pure Lotus of All Changes and the Golden Bowl of Spirit Treasure, those things have almost no effect on his strength.

As for weapons, he only has a low-grade magic flying sword given by his master, and a black ancient dagger that he got from Qian Datong, which is suspected to be a top-grade magic weapon. It is considered good in the same realm. After all, as far as he knows, even Senior Sister Su, who is in the middle stage of the Transcendent Realm, uses only a top-grade magic weapon, the Ice Soul Sword.

With the black ancient dagger, he will not suffer a loss in terms of weapons.

But when it comes to magic, it is his absolute weakness at present. Although he has reached the Transcendent Realm, he has too few magics now. The Controlling Objects Technique and the Light Body Technique are basically auxiliary magics, which are not very useful in actual combat.

The sword control technique he learned from Xue Wanyun later is a popular magic. If he can use it, other Transcendent Realms will naturally know it. In addition, he is not yet proficient in using it and has not experienced actual combat. Therefore, if he talks about magic, he is currently very weak.

Because of this, he had to quickly learn the techniques of Suzaku Transformation, which was the most stable and fastest way to improve his current strength.

The spells attached to the Suzaku Transformation were deeply imprinted in his mind along with the Suzaku Transformation technique. There were five spells in total.

They were the defensive spell Suzaku Armor, the offensive spell Suzaku Feather, the Lihuo Technique, the escape spell Suzaku Drive Technique, and the technique with the same name as the technique, Suzaku Transformation!

Among them, the spell called Suzaku Transformation was the most powerful. When it was cultivated to a high level, it could transform into the divine bird Suzaku. It could melt everything when it attacked, and could escape thousands of miles in an instant. It was an almighty spell, which made Duan Qing excited.

However, it was noted that at least one had to ask about the state of mind before practicing, so Duan Qing had to give up this spell first.

Fortunately, the other four spells could be practiced in the Transcendent Realm.

Now time was running out. Bai Shaoyun and Song Linger had already made an appointment to be Taoist partners. There was about a month before they would officially become Taoist partners. By then, it would be a done deal, and even if Bai Shaoyun was killed, it would be useless.

So he had to kill Bai Shaoyun as soon as possible, and then take the fool away.

Therefore, he decided to study the Vermillion Bird Armor and the Vermillion Drive Technique first. These two techniques, one for saving life and the other for escaping, were the most practical for him now.

As for the attacking technique, he put it aside for now. After all, killing Bai Shaoyun would not be difficult for him with his Transcendent Realm cultivation even with his bare hands.

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