Mortals ask the immortals

Chapter 120: Repeating the Same Mistake

When Duan Qing returned to the fire, it was still burning brightly. He took out a large pile of wilted pure lotus collected in the storage bag and put it aside, and then began to deal with the wild deer.

He did not do it directly, but used the Object Control Technique to peel off the wild deer's skin from the air. Then he hovered the wild deer above the fire and slowly turned it over. Now he was very proficient in the Object Control Technique and could do this. Little things don't matter at all.

Simple fire roasting, a very monotonous cooking method, but the effect is very good. After a while, the wild deer emits the original meaty aroma of the ingredients, stimulating Duan Qing's taste buds.

He and Wu Wen had baked things before in Xiao'an City, but they were small items such as pheasants and hares. This was the first time for him to bake something as big as a wild deer.

The surface of the wild deer gradually turned golden under the open flames, and the fragrance became more and more attractive. The excess fat dripped into the fire, further fueling the fire.

In order to roast the wild deer completely, he also used a flying sword to make many small openings on the surface.

This roasting lasted for half an hour. Duan Qing's object control technique had almost reached the limit of continuous use. Fortunately, the wild deer was almost cooked through.

But before he was done, he took out a small bamboo tube from his storage bag, bit off the cork, and a strange, slightly choking fragrance suddenly filled the air.

This is the green skin powder he made from the top of the azure tree that he picked on the day he picked up the wild deer. It is a very common seasoning in Dacang Country.

Sprinkle the coarse green skin powder evenly on the wild deer, and then roast it for a while, allowing the flavor of the green skin powder to completely penetrate into the deer, and the cooking is completed.

Controlling the roasted wild deer, it landed on the withered pure lotus that had been laid on the ground. Duan Qing wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled heavily. He had been using the object control technique non-stop for almost half an hour, but it was still a bit difficult for him.

But looking at the roasted deer still sizzling oil on the ground and smelling the long-lost aroma of the meat, he felt that everything was worth it.

Lifting the flying sword, he raised and lowered the sword. A piece of deer leg meat the size of a fist was skewered on the tip of the sword, and he tasted the deer meat directly with the flying sword. If Master San Yan knew that Duan Qing was doing this with the flying sword he had given him, he would probably have thought of taking the flying sword back.

The venison roasted thoroughly and seasoned with green skin powder, this simple combination made Duan Qing very satisfied at this time. Even though the taste was a bit monotonous, the venison itself was of good quality, and Duan Qing's craftsmanship was also very good. enough to make up for this shortcoming.

After a few big bites, he finished a piece of venison. When he was about to cut another piece, he found that Xue Wanyun not far away seemed to be looking towards him intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes vaguely drifting towards the roasted deer on the ground. .

Duan Qing chuckled upon seeing this and shouted to Xue Wanyun.

"Your Majesty, would you like to have a taste of it?"

Xue Wanyun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then pretended to be reluctant and walked towards Duan Qing, talking as he walked.

"It's hard to refuse such hospitality! Since you sincerely invite me, I will help you taste it."

Duan Qing smiled bitterly, Xue Wanyun really wanted to save face!

But he really didn't have any other intention, he just wanted to invite him to share the roasted deer. After all, he had to rely on this person to get out of this place, and his help in lighting the fire before was a good intention, but now he was just reciprocating the favor.

Although Xue Wanyun pretended to be reluctant, her steps were not slow and she was in front of Duan Qing in a few seconds, staring straight at the roasted deer on the ground.

Duan Qing didn't say much. He raised his hand and cut off a piece of venison, then flicked his flying sword towards Xue Wanyun.

Xue Wanyun followed suit, took out her fiery red flying sword, stabbed it lightly, skewered the meat on the tip of the sword to catch it, nodded to Duan Qing and started to taste it.

"Well, not bad, I don't see that you have some skills!"

As soon as she tasted it, Xue Wanyun said frankly that it was good. She was telling the truth. Before she was born, she had eaten a lot of various delicacies in the Middle-earth. Most of them were very exquisite, but directly baked like this, It was her first taste.

I have to say that although the taste is a bit monotonous, it is still delicious.

After eating to his heart's content, Xue Wanyun actually took out an exquisite jade wine flask from the storage bracelet, raised his head and drank heavily with a look of satisfaction on his face.

When she saw the astonished Duan Qing beside her, she seemed to realize that her behavior was a bit rude, her white cheeks suddenly turned red, and a trace of embarrassment flashed in her eyes. However, it only took a moment for him to return to normal. He even took out another bottle and threw it to Duan Qing, and then continued to drink by himself.

Duan Qing didn't expect Xue Wanyun, who looked quiet in appearance, to act so boldly. In surprise, he took the jade pot he threw and brought it up to his nose and sniffed it. There was a strange fruity aroma accompanied by the smell of wine. Immediately passed into the nose.

It turns out to be wine! Duan Qing glanced at Xue Wanyun, who was drinking alcohol across from him, but he didn't expect that he was also a good drinker!

Now that the other party had thrown the wine over, Duan Qing couldn't refuse. In addition, influenced by Xue Wanyun's bold and unrestrained style, he also learned to raise his head and take a big sip.

“What a great wine!”

Duan Qing couldn't help but praise it. The peculiar fruity aroma fully complemented the taste of the wine. Although he didn't know much about wine, he could tell that the taste of this wine was far better than his Qin wine.

With good food and wine in hand, and when he was in high spirits, a surging spiritual energy suddenly burst out from the fruit wine in his stomach. He suddenly felt a familiar feeling, and then his face changed drastically. This was exactly the same feeling he had after taking the spiritual liquid by mistake. It felt like the spiritual energy was going to burst him!

Without caring about anything else, Duan Qing quickly threw away the things in his hand and sat down cross-legged to refine the violent spiritual energy in his body, but he despairingly discovered that although the spiritual energy contained in the fruit wine was not much, it was extremely pure. With his current strength, he could not refine it at all, nor could he expel it from his body. He could only let it wreak havoc in his meridians!

Is it necessary to disperse the power like last time? Duan Qing was very unwilling. It was not easy for him to practice to the ninth level of Qi training. He never wanted to give up this practice easily!

Seeing Duan Qing's appearance, Xue Wanyun seemed to remember something and muttered in a low voice.

"It's broken!"

She had just eaten and drunk to her heart's content, but she forgot that this Bailing wine was brewed from a variety of hundred-year-old spiritual fruits. In addition to its excellent taste, it can also assist in cultivation. However, as she was in the state of questioning the heart, Bailing wine was not very useful to her, and she was used to drinking all kinds of spiritual wine and almost forgot this point.

Although Bailing wine is not very useful for the Questioning Heart Realm, this kid is only at the ninth level of Qi training. The spiritual energy contained in Bailing wine will burst this kid!

Seeing Duan Qing sweating profusely, Xue Wan was anxious but helpless! Cultivation is a matter that depends on oneself. Although her cultivation is two realms higher than Duan Qing, she dare not easily interfere with his cultivation. If she relies on her cultivation in the Questioning Heart Realm to forcibly help Duan Qing to correct the spiritual energy, it will harm Duan Qing instead!

At this moment, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and reminded Duan Qing.

"Boy, hurry up! Use the Transcendent Realm technique. You are now at the ninth level of Qi training. It is just right to use the power of Bailing wine to break through the Transcendent Realm in one go!"

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