Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 84 Chili for Elixir

After the winter came this year, the snow fell one after another, and the snow covered the entire sky.

After years of drought, now it snows every time, and there is nothing to eat except people.

Originally, there were a few honest people like Er Gouzi who gathered together and were unwilling to make trouble.

But in this winter, these people who did not make trouble became prey pursued by various forces, and eventually all became food for others.

There was far from enough food, and the forces in the making could frequently attack each other.

War can continuously eliminate the weak, and the remaining strength becomes stronger and stronger.

So recently, several wars of annihilation broke out in the small Anchang County.

The Liang Wang of Shexi Village successively eliminated the Kun Wang of Shangtouling Village, the Mi Wang of Xiapo Town, and the Feitian Wang of Mutian Village.

He was so popular that those who followed him at the beginning were now all made marquises and ministers and officials.

Ah Hu, the only tenant of Er Gouzi, finally couldn't resist the temptation and wanted to join the Liang Wang.

"Boss, thank you for your care over the past few years. If you are made marquises and ministers in the future, you will definitely help me to repay your kindness today."

At the foot of Shekou, Ah Hu came to say goodbye to Er Gouzi before leaving, and made a beautiful promise.

"Have you really made up your mind? If you fail, will your family be confiscated and all nine clans be killed?"

"My father sacrificed his life to get a piece of land for our family, but it was just an extra acre, and we didn't live any better than before.

I also want to take a gamble. It's better to take a gamble. If it works, we can turn things around from now on, and our descendants won't have to farm anymore.

If I lose the gamble, I'll die, and I can still lie down and rest for a few days."

Ah Hu said this, he was free and unrestrained.

Er Gouzi is his boss, not his own person. He can't decide other people's fate, let alone stop other people's dreams of getting promoted and getting rich.

"Well, I wish you a meteoric rise soon!"

"Thank you, boss!"

Ah Hu turned around and saw the blacksmith Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui stood by with a firewood stick, hesitant to speak, obviously very moved.

"Huang Fugui, you are willing to sacrifice your life and dare to pull down the emperor. Do you want to go gamble together?"

Ji Cang, who had been standing next to Er Gouzi, couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard these bold words, but he didn't say anything after all.

Huang Fugui was indeed very moved.


"Don't go. If you dare to go, I will break your legs."

Before Huang Fugui could answer, Huang Laocai came out from the side and stopped his son's idea.

"Our Huang family has not had such a rich life for eighteen generations. You'd better follow Master Zhang and work steadily."

Huang Fugui wanted to say something, but was pulled away by his father.

When Er Gouzi saw the backs of Huang Laocai and his son leaving, he remembered that it was almost the end of the year and he still owed the Huang family 110 taels of silver.

"Brother Ji, it's getting cold, would you like me to sew you a cotton-padded jacket?"

"No need!"

Ji Cang shook his head.

"There are many holes in this dress you are wearing. Would you like me to wash and sew it for you?"

Since the first meeting, several months have passed, and Ji Cang has been wearing this dress and has never changed it.

Er Gouzi rarely takes care of Ji Cang's daily life.

"No need, this one is good enough now."

Ji Cang shook his head and rejected Er Gouzi's kindness.

"This is my robe, warm in winter and cool in summer, and not stained with dust."

Er Gouzi's eyes lit up green when he heard this.

He had long seen that Ji Cang's clothes were not ordinary, and wanted to get them to take a look.

"So this is the legendary robe. It should be very expensive, right?"

He had read in a book that robes are like magic tools, woven with various spiritual silks, and woven with some dust-proof and fire-proof formations.

Each robe is very expensive to make.

When ordinary immortal cultivators save some money, they first get themselves a magic tool. If they have extra money, they may buy luxury goods such as robes.

"I don't know if it's expensive or not. When I go out, my family will just take a few clothes to change."

"It's a pity that my storage magic tool exploded in the battle, otherwise I could give you a few."

Ji Cang said it calmly, as if he had a lot of such robes at home.

Er Gouzi couldn't guess what family this guy came from. Could he be an official in the county or state government?

"When are you going home?"

"I'm not in a hurry. I'll go back by myself when I'm healed, or my family will send someone to pick me up."

"Oh, take good care of your injuries. If you need anything, just tell me. Don't be polite. Just treat this place as your own home."

Er Gouzi said, and then rode on the goose.

The last one said to treat this place as his own home, Yu, and worked in the snow with his bare chest.

Seeing Yu with his bare chest, Er Gouzi felt apologetic and forgot to ask someone to sew him a piece of clothing.

Yu had already cooked a pot of spiritual rice for Er Gouzi and fried a fish.

Not to mention, Yu's cooking skills are getting better and better.

The fish was fried crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fresh and tempting.

Er Gouzi ate three bowls of spiritual rice in one breath, and even chewed and swallowed the fish bones.

Only then did he pat his stomach with satisfaction and walked out of the stone house.

"Yu, you've worked hard, you should take a rest and cook something for yourself."

"Okay, I'm not tired, I'll finish this work and then eat."

Yu 껚's ideological awareness is getting higher and higher, and Er Gouzi feels relieved.

After being busy for a while and finishing all the chores in his hands, Yu 껚 found some leftovers from yesterday in the kitchen.

Holding a big bowl, he sat on a stone at the door, eating cold rice mouthful by mouthful, and eating it very deliciously.

People are like this, when you have spiritual pursuits, your thoughts can be sublimated.

Even if you eat bran and chew grass roots, you will get great spiritual satisfaction.

This kind of spiritual satisfaction is far inferior to ordinary material satisfaction.

Yu 껚 is in this situation now. With spiritual pursuits, he is full of energy every day.

"Don't just eat, there are some wild vegetable leaves here."

Er Gouzi Guan picked up a basin of black wild vegetable leaves and put it in front of Yu 껚.

"I tell you, you are living much better now than I was back then."

Er Gouzi looked back on the past and couldn't help but talk to Yu about many things in the past.

"I worked every day before and couldn't even have enough porridge, and I often stole pig food."

"You can eat dry rice now, and every meal is enough. Only rich people can live like this."

"I have realized that when people are young, they must suffer more."

"So I said that suffering is a blessing. Every bit of suffering you suffer today will become wealth in the future. I also went through this..."

With the two of them on top, Er Gouzi is idle every day. He can't chat with Gou, but he can chat with Yu.

The two chatted for a while every day, most of the time it was Er Gou who was talking and Yu Xiao who was listening.

Er Gou was a martial arts scholar, not a serious scholar, and did not have much profound knowledge.

He could talk to Yu Xiao about some of his past sufferings and some of his own superficial insights.

There was no one else on top, and Yu Xiao was probably bored, but he seemed to like listening, and he became more and more energetic every day, and he almost never ran away.

"I'm full, I'm going to work first, the Chaotian Gong peppers in the field are already red, and I must pick them all today."

After Yu Xiao finished a bowl of rice, he put the bowl down and went to work with a bamboo basket.

The Chaotian Gong peppers he planted have already produced the first batch of peppers, like red little fingers pointing to the sky.

But Er Gou is afraid of spicy food. Last time he and Sima Yi ate chopped pepper fish head, it was so spicy that he almost cried.

Now the county is surrounded by the eighteen gangs. He can't sell it on the black market. He can't find a market. It's really worrying.

Suddenly I thought that there seemed to be a family living at his feet.

I don't know if he will eat it. Although I can't get cash, I can keep a few IOUs and collect the debt slowly later.

He learned more from Huang Laocai and could collect more than 100 taels of silver every year. In this chaotic era, he lived a very comfortable life.

Thinking of this, he took a few red peppers and rode a goose to his feet.

"Ji Cang, are you afraid of spicy food?"


Ji Cang seemed to be in high spirits when he mentioned peppers, and even a little excited.

"We Ji family members are not afraid of anything, especially spicy food. If we don't even dare to eat chili peppers, how can we accomplish anything!"

"So you are not afraid of spicy food."

Er Gouzi was delighted, finally finding a market.

As for Ji Cang's perverse theory about eating chili peppers, he didn't believe a word of it.

"Of course I'm not afraid of spicy food. Just bring out any chili peppers you have. It would be best if they can kill me with spicy food."

"Anchang County's specialty, Chaotian Gong chili peppers, how about it?"

Er Gouzi said, taking out a bright red chili pepper.

"It is indeed Anchang County's Chaotian Gong chili pepper."

Ji Cang took the chili pepper and smelled it, then took a bite and chewed it carefully in his mouth.

After a few bites, he finished a red chili pepper.


"So cool..."

"This chili is delicious! I haven't eaten it yet."

"Do you have any more chili? I'll write you an IOU."

Ji Cang knew Er Gou's hobby, and in order to make it easier to write an IOU, he recently bought a set of pens, ink, paper and inkstone.

He had already picked up the pen and was ready to write.

It seems that Ji Cang is indeed a chili fanatic.

Er Gou likes people like Ji Cang who are straightforward, so there is no need to talk nonsense.

"Of course there are still chili."

"But I won't pay for the chili. Do you have any other valuable items?"

Ji Cang was very generous every time he wrote an IOU, and he would pay back a hundred times.

But Er Gou was afraid of spicy food and didn't like to eat chili. It was useless to pay him 100 times more chili.

Ji Cang fell into deep thought. If it was before, he had no knowledge and didn't know what was more valuable in his home.

Now, after being asked by Er Gou, he was thinking, what was not valuable in his home?

After thinking for a while, he finally spoke.

"No, how about I compensate you with spiritual medicine?"

"Okay! What spiritual medicine do you use?"

Er Gouzi agreed immediately. Spiritual medicine is a good thing. You can refine it or go directly to the government's refinery room to exchange it for medicine.

He has learned the inheritance of White Crane Immortal in vain. At present, he has neither spiritual medicine nor refinery, nothing.

"You are in the Qi training stage now, so I will compensate you with the spirit gathering grass. I will give you a piece of chili and a mature spirit gathering grass. How about it?"


Er Gouzi is not sure about the price of the spirit gathering grass, but Ji Cang's heroic style should not let himself suffer.

"I have about 10 peppers. Please write the IOU first and I'll bring it to you later."

The two of them happily completed a transaction, and Er Gouzi received an IOU for the spiritual medicine.

In addition to selling to Ji Cang, Er Gouzi was also thinking about other uses of peppers.

Once a little pepper got into his eyes, which gave him inspiration.

He boiled several pots of very strong pepper water and poured them into the bamboo tube.

If you ride on the back of the goose and spray pepper water into the eyes of the enemy below, it must be very cool.

For this reason, Er Gouzi has done many experiments, riding on the back of the goose to spray water down.

This can only be used under certain weather conditions, otherwise it will be blown into the eyes of himself and the goose by the wind.

He himself has the consciousness to close his eyes, but the goose does not know whether it has it, and it has not been figured out yet.

On this day, he was riding a goose in the sky, practicing throwing stones down, and saw a beggar walking towards Shekou.

This beggar looked familiar, as if he had often seen him at the entrance of Huichuntang before.

He immediately landed in front of the beggar from the sky.

"Master Zhang, save Mr. Sima, he was captured by the rebels..."

After the beggar said this, he fainted.

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