Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 8 Li Banxian

Gouzi finds all kinds of things in the town very interesting and full of freshness.

At this time, 놛 was wandering in front of a fortune-telling stall.

I saw an old man with a white beard sitting in the stall, squinting his eyes to measure the traffic. A flag was erected next to the stall with three big characters written on it.

"Wood Banshan"

괗Gouzi read the words on the flag softly.

"Young Master, I think you have extraordinary abilities, and you will definitely be a great person in the future!"

The old man behind the fortune-telling stall was still squinting and sitting still as he spoke.

"Are you talking to me, sir?"

괗Gouzi 녈 measured the surrounding area and made sure that he was the only one here.

"Of course it's you!"

"However, although you have extraordinary abilities, you still lack high-level guidance, so I'm afraid you will accomplish nothing."

When Gouzi listened to the old man's elegant speech, he felt a sense of respect in his heart just like the teacher.

"Please give me some advice, old gentleman!"

"I will teach you two words now."

"Look, these three characters on the flag, the first one is Kinoshita 놋子, pronounced Li, and the last one, 그在山, is pronounced Immortal."

The old man pointed to the three words on the flag and explained them to Gouzi one by one.

"Li Banxian!"

괗Gouzi muttered it again, his face burning, and then he realized that there were only three words on the flag, and he recognized two of them wrongly.

"It turns out that your old man is the famous Li Banxian!"

Li Banxian was good at writing and arithmetic, and was very knowledgeable. Almost everyone in the surrounding villages knew about him.

People usually look for 놛 when they have a headache, a headache, a child crying at night, weddings or funerals, or to measure auspicious days in the zodiac, etc. It is said to be extremely miraculous.

"It's just a false name, not worth mentioning."

"Young Master, I see that your garden is full and your land is round. You were originally destined to be rich and powerful, but... alas!"

Li Banxian only spoke half of the words, stroking his beard and sighing, acting enigmatically.

괗Gouzi felt deeply in his heart that his calculation was so accurate, no wonder he was called the old god by everyone.

If it weren't for the sudden death of his parents and the several acres of land at home, he would have been at least a wealthy family.


Just when 괗Gouzi was about to continue asking Li Banxian for advice, some gongs and drums came from the end of the street.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The sound is getting closer and closer, the gongs and drums are noisy in front, and the sound of 그 is loud. Many 그 join in the excitement and run forward.

괗Gouzi has a young heart after all, so he immediately put aside his destiny and followed him out of curiosity to watch the fun.

More and more onlookers filled the streets, and even Li Banxian stood on tiptoe at the stall to watch.

괗Gouzi already knew a rough idea from the conversations around him.

It turns out that this year's Wu Xiucai list was released today, and a Wu Xiucai from Sanchazi Town passed the examination.

Gouzi's knowledge is limited. He only knows that the scholar master is a great official, not an ordinary official. There is not a single martial arts scholar in our Shexi Village out of a hundred.

As for the specific one, I haven’t had a chance to meet him yet, someone who feeds pigs, cuts firewood and farms.

"I wonder whose ancestral graves are smoking, and who has passed the exam to become a scholar."

"Scholars do not kneel before officials, they are exempted from corvee service, taxes are reduced, and their ancestors are honored..."

At this time, the onlookers stood on tiptoes one by one with envy on their faces.

Of course, some of them, who didn’t know how good they were, also had the idea of ​​taking the Wu Scholar Examination.

"I also want to learn martial arts and take the exam..."

"In your spring and autumn dream, the first item of the Wu Xiucai exam is to lift a 500-jin boulder. Do you have such a talent?"

괗Gouzi listened on the side, with envy and yearning in his heart. 놛It was tiring to carry a stone of rice, so the dog didn't know what 그놋 was so capable of.

Out of curiosity, I also crowded in the crowd and stood on tiptoe to look around.

"Dang! Dang Dang Dang..."

The sound of gongs opened the way, and then a group of people surrounded by a young man were seen approaching.

The young man has big ears, wears a big red flower on his chest, and is high-spirited!

It turned out to be my cousin Zhang 놋liang!

At this time, my cousin's face was full of joy, and he was surrounded by several country squire-looking people.

At this moment, Zhang Liang was talking politely to the squires, as close as a family, when he suddenly glanced at the dogs crowded in the group.

괗Gouzi had suffered too many blows from 께, and 굛 had retaliated against Zhang 놋xin a few days ago. At this moment, the two 그 eyes met, and 굛 instinctively wanted to shrink back.

However, in public, Zhang 놋liang obviously didn't care about 녈. He glanced at 괗Gouzi, and then continued to call 그 brothers.

But Gouzi could clearly feel the disdain in Zhang Liang's eyes, as if he was no longer worthy of being looked at.

놛 stood in the crowd, watching Zhang 놋liang being surrounded by the squires, playing gongs and drums and showing off around the town, and then they were surrounded and headed towards Snake Creek Village.

"Mr. Li, I also want to take the exam as a martial arts scholar. Is there any way..."


괗On the way home, Gouzi had a big iron pot on his head.

Wearing a brand-new set of cotton-padded clothes and trousers, I feel warm and comfortable all over, and I still have more than 1,000 coins hidden in my waist.

I have never been so rich in my life. If it were normal, I would have jumped three feet high with joy.

But now 꽭놛 can't be happy no matter what.

Maybe it was jealousy, maybe it was hatred. Anyway, seeing my cousin pass the exam as a martial arts scholar made me feel unhappy all over.

The uncle took over the property left by his parents, and Da Gouzi died under mysterious circumstances. He lived in the uncle's house eating pig food.

Now my cousin has been admitted as a Wu Scholar and is an official. He is a mere tenant and cannot compare with him.

However, since my cousin passed the exam, I might as well do it myself.

I just heard from Li Banxian, the fortune teller in the town, that the government will hold an exam every year, and you can take the exam by paying a certain amount of money.

괗 Gouzi also spent 10 coins to ask Li Banxian to tell his fortune.

Li Banxian was shocked by 괗 Gouzi's fate at that time, and wanted to return the 10 coins to 괗 Gouzi directly.

He said that the secret should not be leaked, and he would rather not make this money.

괗 Gouzi said a lot of good things and gave another 20 coins.

Li Banxian took the risk and made a decision that violated the ancestral precepts and leaked a little secret to 괗 Gouzi.

According to Li Banxian, 괗 Gouzi's fate is invaluable.

As long as he can get the attention of a famous teacher, his future prospects are limitless, far beyond the comparison of a mere martial arts scholar.

However, if you want to pass the exam for a martial arts scholar, you must learn martial arts, and there is no way to learn martial arts at present.

Zhang Liang was able to go to Zhengwu Hall to learn martial arts, but he also spent a lot of money, and he had to be recommended by someone to enter.

Gouzi could only beg Li Banxian again and again, and even offered the pork in his hand, before Li Banxian opened his mouth.

It turned out that Li Banxian was actually a hidden master in the world. He even knew the magic of immortals, and the ordinary martial arts were just a breeze.

But Li Banxian did not easily agree to teach me martial arts, saying that the secrets should not be leaked and the way should not be passed on lightly.

He also had to test my sincerity, and what kind of sincerity can move mountains and open stones.

As for the way to express sincerity, Gouzi did not understand it with his shallow life experience.

Fortunately, Li Banxian was very patient and did not despise me for being stupid. He hinted at me for a long time before I finally woke up.

It turned out that although Li Banxian was a god-like being, he looked down on worldly wealth and regarded it as dirt.

But I was just a layman, and the best way for laymen to express their sincerity was to pay money.

First, you have to offer a gift of apprenticeship and hold an apprenticeship ceremony.

Then, every day, you have to offer 10 taels of silver, 10 catties of the best pork fat, two jars of fine wine, 1 stone of fine white rice, a fat chicken, and a big goose.

Li Banxian was not greedy for my wealth, but just wanted to see if I was sincere enough.

Just this cost of showing sincerity, I can't afford it with my current financial resources.

In addition, the daily expenses of learning martial arts are also very high.

Take Zhang Liang for example. He has to eat three meals of white rice every day, and he can eat several bowls of rice at a time. He also has to eat meat every three or five days. If he didn't have some money, he would have gone broke.

This time when he returns to Shekou Mountain, he must speed up the reclamation of wasteland, plant more food, and then show his sincerity to Li Banxian.

Thinking of this, Gouzi quickened his pace again.

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