Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 78: National Defense Army

"I am Niu Erdan, the great general under the throne of Potian, and I am here to recruit you."

A man in a general costume walked up to Snake 껙껚 and said loudly.

Qiuyue saw that he was also a messenger of thieves, so she welcomed him, but she didn't expect that the other party kept pretending to be a general with her.

Now he even made arrogant words, demanding that the more than 1,000 snakes surrender.

"My king has tens of thousands of powerful soldiers, and there are as many fierce generals in the court as clouds. In the future, he will kill and become the emperor in the capital."

"Come back as soon as possible, and my king can give you a good future."

"The beautiful yellow flower girl you have here can be a concubine for the king."

"My king is naturally interested in someone like you with ugly scars on your face. If you are more picky than me, I can marry you."

This Niuerdan was originally a rogue, and he had never been in glory for most of his life.

Ever since I followed King Potian Zao and obtained the official position of a general, I finally became famous and felt like smoke was rising from my ancestral graves.

Nowadays, whenever I speak, I have to act like a general.

The only one who is beautiful is King Potian. His subordinates are all men. After such a long time, he didn't even get half a wife.

Now I am taking advantage of the opportunity of being an envoy to get myself a wife.


"We have hundreds of young ladies and more than a hundred wives, but they are all from the employer."

"The thought of letting that broken king of yours die."

Qiuyue was furious and directly blasted the bully Erdan out.

Recently, 놇꿯 has been built everywhere. Within a radius of dozens of miles, there are no 놙놋snake껙껚꿯.

So some ghosts and monsters came to recruit them under various banners.

I just fell in love with the 그껙놌 food here.

Now we can buy food everywhere, there are no locusts left, and there is enough bark, grass and roots to eat.

Most of the snakes here are girls, and some of them are grain.

Recruiting the past is nothing more than confiscating the food and eating the children. Women are reduced to playthings. When they get tired of playing with them, they are killed and used as military rations.

If Ergouzi wanted to ignore this, he could just ask Qiuyue to send it back.

Niu Erdan was kicked out by Qiuyue and left angrily, even threatening revenge.

"Now that the whole world is full of 꿯, how do you make 놊꿯?"

Ji Cang asked curiously as he looked at General Niu Erdan who was cursing and leaving.

Ergouzi was checking Ji Cang's injuries. He stretched out a finger and poked the blackened wound. Ji Cang was unconscious.

"Don't be a 그놊꿯, it's just you. When the time comes, you will be the first one to ask for 녈."

"I want to farm with peace of mind."

Before Ergouzi said anything, he read the "History of the Great Zhou Dynasty" and recorded that the Great Zhou Dynasty had an army composed entirely of cultivators and had made great military exploits in history.

I also know that this army has not been preserved.

Ergouzi then used force to poke Ji Cang's blackened wound, and he poked a piece of black flesh, but Ji Cang was still unconscious.

"Instead of caring about what I have done, it is better to care about your own injuries.

In about a few months, you should be able to turn into a pure zombie. Don't bite me then. "

This guy suffered all kinds of serious internal and external injuries, and was poisoned by zombie corpse poison.

If he had advanced in cultivation, he would have died many times.

Ergouzi gave him some ordinary healing medicine, and the effect was slightly better than nothing.

It was all due to his own strong cultivation and the ability to endure it.

Hime Cang also used the remaining detoxification from his last corpse poison.

It didn't work either, and the corpse poison on his body became more and more serious.

Until now, Hime Cang was still out of breath after walking a few steps, looking half-dead.

I also know who this guy is.

They are already half-dead, but they still raise the corners of their mouths every day, and there is a hint of arrogance in their bones.

This expression is quite different from his big goose.

"It's just corpse poison. I should be able to survive for three months."

Himekura is quite confident that he can still last three months.

"Do you want one of my treasured antidote pills?"

Ergouzi was infected with corpse poison last time and spent a lot of money to buy an antidote pill, but he had no chance to use it and kept it in the gourd.

"Why did you tell me so early?"

Ji Cang asked, if he detoxified, he wouldn't have suffered for so long.

"I'll give you an ordinary detoxification test first. If the detoxification can cure the problem, I can save a pill."

Ergouzi said truthfully, he would rather let Ji Cang suffer more than waste one more pill.

"I told you, this pill is very expensive, you have to pay it to me in the future."

The two of them are neither relatives nor friends, they have known each other before, so it was really hard for them to give him such an expensive pill.

"No problem, it's just one detoxification pill. I'll pay you back 100 pills when the time comes."

With a wave of his hand, Ji Cang made a promise to return 100 pills.

Ergouzi naturally took advantage of the situation and asked Ji Cang to write an IOU owed 100 detoxifying pills.

At first glance, this guy is the young master of a wealthy family. He took advantage of his situation without any psychological burden.

Blow dry the ink on the IOU, then carefully fold it and put it in your arms.

Then he took out the antidote pill and handed it to Ji Cang.

Ji Cang took the pill and looked at it, nodded and said: "The quality is not bad. With the help of this detoxification pill, the corpse poison can be eliminated in about half a month."

"Then you have a good rest."

After Ji Cang used the detoxification pill for only two or three days, his complexion improved a lot, and he was not so out of breath when walking.

On this day, Ji Cang sat on a big rock and watched Qiuyue and the others practice some basic combat skills.

"You can try to change the formation..."

Under Ji Cang's guidance, the team used spears, short knives, and the strong and weak teams, all reorganized and matched.

Qiuyue naturally understood, and it didn't affect anything, so she did it.

But Er Gouzi had read military books, and he found out at a glance that after such a combination, the team's combat effectiveness could be greatly improved.

"So you also know the art of war?"

"I know a little bit."

Ji Cang nodded reservedly.

"Then may I ask: How can we defeat the enemy with few soldiers and long journey?"

Er Gouzi remembered the military books he had read, which he did not understand very well, so he asked Ji Cang tentatively.

"With regular soldiers, the army can travel thousands of miles, and only regular soldiers can go far..."

Ji Cang still responded calmly and explained point by point, which made Er Gouzi suddenly enlightened.

Er Gouzi was overjoyed and asked again: "You can know the gains and losses by making plans, and you can know the movements by making actions..."

After asking more than a dozen questions in a row, Ji Cang explained them in a simple and plain way, pointing out the most critical principles.

Er Gouzi felt that he had discovered a treasure, and when he had nothing to do, he would chat with Ji Cang.

He found that Ji Cang knew everything from heaven to earth, from ancient times to the present, and always had that calm demeanor, revealing a hint of arrogance.

Through Ji Cang's story, he finally knew how big the Great Zhou Dynasty was, how big the nine states and 186 counties were, and many secrets of cultivating immortals...

"The book says that the Great Zhou Dynasty had a very powerful national defense army. Is it still there now?"

When Er Gouzi read "The History of the Great Zhou Dynasty", he saw the name of the National Defense Army more than once.

Whenever the Great Zhou Dynasty was in crisis, it was this army that turned the tide.

"The State Guarding Army, this is the army that Taizu personally led when the Great Zhou was founded, and they have made great military achievements.

The Great Zhou is plagued by sea monsters in the east, evil ghosts in the west, invasions in the north, and the Wan Yao Kingdom in the south, and all kinds of unrest inside.

The State Guarding Army has been exhausted by internal and external troubles."

"Now is indeed a good time to create a new situation. Do you want to reconsider and call yourself a king?"

"I think you can be called the Snake King."

Ji Cang looked at Er Gouzi with a playful look on his face, and he knew whether he was telling the truth or joking.

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