Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 5 Sanchazi Town

The fifteenth day of the first lunar month is the Lantern Festival.


The fire made bursts of loud noises, and grains of pure white rice pops inside.

괗Gouzi squatted by the fire and quickly pulled out the ashes with a stick 꿗놅rice popsicles.

Blow and stuff it into your mouth.

"Crunch, crunch..."

It smells so good!

After half a month of hard work, he built a small hut more than five feet wide using firewood and straw to provide shelter from wind and rain.

He has planted half an acre of seedlings in the snow.

I water the gourds every day and harvest them in ten days or so. The first few batches I planted have already yielded a bumper harvest.

Now I can finally be rich and enjoy a full meal.

While roasting and eating, before I knew it, I had eaten more than 60 ears of rice.

After eating, I drank some water. The rice popsicles swelled in my stomach, and I was finally full this time.

However, I felt a little regretful after eating it, it felt too luxurious.

I will never be so prodigal in the future. I will eat dry food every day. Even if I am a rich man, I will not dare to waste food like this.

The uncle's family has dozens of acres of land. Except for his cousin who practices martial arts and must eat dry rice every meal, the others usually eat porridge with a few shredded pickles.

At present, he is not even considered as a tenant, so he has nothing to eat!

From now on, I’d better eat more wild vegetables to make my stomach feel better.

If your stomach is not too delicate, just eat glutinous rice bran to fill it up.

After eating and drinking, he walked out of the thatched house and stretched his hands and feet.

After more than ten days of rest and recuperation, all the injuries on his body were healed. He felt as if he had grown a little taller and had more weight on his body.

Could it be that he was born to be beaten, and the more he was beaten, the longer he grew?

He shook his head, probably not. He had been beaten a lot over the years.

The uncle was out eating wine, and the aunt beat the dog to vent her anger.

My cousin was bullied at the martial arts school, so he went home and beat up Gouzi to regain his confidence.

When my cousin was crying, he would beat the dog in various ways to make him laugh...

He is the pistachio of the uncle's family. He has made an indelible contribution to livening up the atmosphere and easing family conflicts.

It's just that he didn't grow taller despite being beaten so many times every day.

He guessed that it was probably because he was eating well and sleeping well now.

I stood in the snow, stretched out a lot, and walked towards the seedlings.

Due to the timing of reclamation and planting, some are already golden and ripe, and some have not yet headed.

Fresh and tender seedlings have grown on the stubble that was just harvested yesterday.

He found that after watering the gourds, the 놅 seedlings 껩땣 grew very well in the stubble, and there was no need to sow seeds in the future.

He took out the gourd and watered the seedlings.

Next to the rice fields, there is a clump of green wild vegetables.

The leaves of these wild vegetables are green on the front and white on the back, with fine hairs.

The rhizome is as big as a finger. When eaten raw, it is crisp and sweet, delicious and filling.

Because the rhizome is a bit like a chicken leg, everyone calls this wild vegetable drumstick.

Some time ago, he accidentally dug up a plant while clearing land for rice cultivation. At that time, he was reluctant to eat it, so he continued to plant it in the ground and watered it every day.

After these days of growth, it has blossomed and set seeds. The seeds fell to the ground, sprouted again, and grew into a large seedling.

After watering, he returned to the thatched house and carried out a straw woven sack, which contained most of the bag of rice.

Today is the Lantern Festival. After today, everyone is planning for spring plowing.

He sold the grain and then went to find Huang Laocai to rent a piece of land.

Time waits for no one, and everything will be rented out later.

He hasn't been staying here for long. Yesterday he saw two people collecting firewood at the feet of the opposite party, which made him worried for a long time.

Fortunately, he chose this place because the terrain was high, the ice and snow were slippery, and it was full of rocks. There were only a few trees, so he didn't come here to collect firewood.

If someone discovers him, he has planted so much rice on rocks in the ice and snow, and it will grow very well.

There will definitely be no good fruit to eat at that time, and no one will let him go.

Moreover, these 껚 seem to be deserted, but in fact they are all occupied areas, and they are not occupied by anyone who wants to occupy them.

The road down the road was covered with thick ice and snow. I fell down several times and my nose was bruised and my face was swollen. Fortunately, the grain in the sack was not spilled.

He did not go back to Shexi Village, but took a path around the village and headed towards Chazi Town.

꺘Chazi Town is 20 miles away from Shexi Village. It is the farthest place that 괗Gouzi has visited since he was a child.

In the impression of 괗Gouzi놅꿗, 꺘Chazi Town is very large and prosperous. There are many houses with blue bricks and tiles, dozens of shops, and there are many people in the market, which is very lively.

괗Gouzi walked for a long time carrying the sack, one of his straw sandals was worn out, and finally arrived at 꺘Chazi Town.

Carrying the sack and looking around on the street, the town was very bustling and people were coming and going, which made him a little nervous and full of curiosity.

There is a tailor shop on the roadside with many styles of 놅놀 pieces.

People came in and out, all neatly dressed and wearing well-fitting clothes and trousers.

괗Gouzi looked down and saw that he only had half of his torn pants left, feeling a little ashamed of himself.

The last time I was beaten, it was torn a lot. During this time, it was scratched by branches and stones on the ground, and it had already been torn into pieces.

With low self-esteem, he just lowered his head and walked quickly in front of the tailor shop.

Walking past the tailor shop, there is a pork shop in front.

On the chopping board were pieces of pork cut into pieces. The fat on it was at least as thick as two fingers, and it was so fat that it was greasy.

"We are selling steamed buns, big and round meat buns!"

“The oily meat buns will come out after you take one bite!”

"I'm selling candied haws!"

"I'm selling cooking cakes..."

괗Gouzi walked and looked at the various hawking sounds along the street, which always attracted his attention.

Especially the meat bun seller, he could smell an alluring aroma from a long distance away.

Meat buns and candied haws, he had eaten them once or twice before he was five years old.

The smell is so fragrant and sweet, I will never forget it!

괗Gouzi swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva and walked into the market firmly.

The market has long been crowded with nearby villagers, each occupying a position and selling some sundries.

Products sold include jars, bamboo baskets, eggs, straw sandals, old clothes, straw mats, children, women...

괗Gouzi carried the sack and first inquired about the market conditions in the market.

Grain prices vary throughout the year. Prices are the cheapest during the autumn harvest, but prices start to rise after the Chinese New Year.

Food prices tend to rise sharply when seeds are needed for spring plowing.

Some people were too hungry or had eaten all their seeds due to illness or other reasons, so now they just took out loans and bought seeds at high prices.

So when we sell rice now, we can get a good price.

괗Gouzi found a small space and squeezed in. He pushed the sack to the ground and opened it to reveal the golden rice inside. He immediately attracted countless eyes from the surrounding area.

Most people's families don't have much food left after the Chinese New Year, so they have to eat chaffy vegetables until the autumn harvest before they have new food.

"Young man, how do you sell this rice?"

"These rice grains are not bad and can be used as seeds!"

"25 cents per liter!"

A large group of strange old men gathered in front of the stall and made comments. Gouzi had never experienced such a big scene before, so he was a little nervous and replied with a red face.

Ordinary people cannot afford a steelyard at home, and it is not that convenient to use. Most transactions are measured in liters and buckets.

The weight of one liter of rice is about 16 taels. Rice will be lighter, depending on the type, there will be some differences, and there are different sizes of liters.

Several old men picked up the rice and inspected it. They found that the grains were full and of excellent quality. There was not a single empty grain. Someone immediately planned to buy some to make seeds.

괗Gouzi didn't have a container like "Shengzi" in his hand. Fortunately, such things are very common, so he borrowed one in the market for use.

Making this kind of thing is actually very simple. Just cut the bamboo tube and measure the capacity.

As hard currency, grain is easy to sell, and the rice is in particularly good condition.

괗Gouzi counted the money while loading grain one liter at a time, and soon sold out a large sack of rice.

There are already a lot of copper coins in the jacket, which feels heavy and jingles when walking.

He remembered every penny he passed, and the total should be 775 pennies.

No matter who hands this money, it is a huge amount of money.

괗Gouzi walked out of the market with money in his pocket. When he passed by the meat bun shop again, he was attracted by the alluring smell again.

He stood on the street, pursed his lips, held the copper coins in his jacket tightly with his fingers, and hesitated for a long time.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned around and left, but headed towards the pork breasts next door.

I asked about the price. The fat pork belly was 80 cents per catty, the lean meat was 60 cents, and the ribs were only 40 cents per catty.

괗Gouzi was determined and spent 80 Wen to buy a pound of fat.

The black-hearted butcher bullied him for being a child, and even put a piece of lean meat inside that was not easy to sell.

Then he bought an old hoe, which cost 300 Wen.

A hatchet, 250 cents.

These ironware and other things are very expensive, but in the future, I have to buy them for my own farming.

In addition to farming, it also has a self-defense effect. If you encounter a disaster along the way, you can have a hatchet in your hand to scare you.

Apart from these things he had to buy, he couldn't bear to buy anything, even if his pants were so torn that they couldn't cover his flesh.

I just got 놅775 coins, and only 145 coins are left.

However, he gritted his teeth and bought another small piece of black bitter salt.

People can go without eating meat for ten years, but not eating salt.

It's not as big as an egg. It's a piece of salt, it's dark, and it cost him 100 Wen.

I only have 45 Wen left in my hand.

When he walked out of Chazi Town, Gouzi had a hatchet on his waist, a hoe on his shoulder, and a bunch of pork in his hand.

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