Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 47: Training (1/2)

The dog went back to the house and started to tinker with the herbs he had bought.

At present, except for 50 portions of ginseng, he had already prepared all the other ingredients.

He put all the ingredients into the stone mill, ground them into very fine powder, and put them into a large jar for later use.

As for the main ingredient, ginseng, he prepared two types.

20 and 30 respectively.

Although the portions were less than 50, his gourd could enhance the medicinal power.

He planned to prepare Peiyuan Guben Pills with these two types of ginseng respectively, and then compare them with the pills he bought.

The method of making pills is very simple. You need to mix the crushed powder according to the proportion, add refined honey, and then rub the pills by hand.

In the first batch, he made dozens of pills of each kind, dried them, and stored them in a gourd for three days.

After comparison, the pills made with 20 ginseng can fully achieve the effect of the genuine Peiyuan Guben Pills after extraction.

The pills made with 30 ginseng are slightly more effective than the genuine Peiyuan Guben Pills.

The most effective pills after extraction are still the genuine Peiyuan Guben Pills that Sima Yi helped to buy.

Because the materials of these pills are all genuine 50 ginseng.

After extraction in his gourd, the effect is far better than his 30 ginseng pills.

After such a comparison, if he sells them to the outside world in the future, 20 ginseng Peiyuan Guben Pills will be enough.

As for taking it yourself, if conditions permit, the stronger the spiritual power, the better.

It is best to buy the genuine Peiyuan Guben Pill from Sima Yi, and take it yourself after the gourd is filled with spiritual power.

In the following days, 괗Gouzi continued to practice, read books, farm, and feed geese every day.

His geese ate well and their stomachs were very good. A total of 35 goslings were hatched for 괗狗子.

Time passed day by day. After three months, I felt that the true qi in my dantian was so full that my lower abdomen was swollen.

That feeling was probably similar to a woman's pregnancy.

On this day, after 괗Gouzi took a pill of Peiyuan Guben Pill, the true qi in his dantian surged and could no longer be suppressed. It came out of the dantian, went up along the governor channel, broke through several major acupoints, and rushed straight to the top.


I felt my head buzzing, as if a big firecracker had blasted a space in my head.

He could clearly feel that the space in his head was not big, maybe only about an inch in size, and it stored some strange substances that he could not see or touch, but he could clearly feel.

According to the book, his situation was considered to be the opening of the upper dantian.

There are three dantians in the human body. The lower dantian is located three inches below the navel, the middle dantian is located in the middle of the tan, and the upper dantian is also known as the Niwan Palace, which is located in the skull, vertically from the center of the eyebrows.

This invisible and intangible strange substance in the upper dantian should be the spiritual consciousness mentioned in the book.

Because the upper dantian stores spiritual consciousness, it is also called the sea of ​​consciousness by immortal cultivators.

Calm down the excitement and try to mobilize the small group of strange substances in the upper dantian.

This small group of spiritual consciousness has been integrated with the spiritual consciousness since the moment it was generated.

In other words, the spiritual consciousness is the product of the qualitative change after the spiritual consciousness is raised.

The divine consciousness moves with the heart as if it were a thought.

As soon as the mind moved, a stream of divine consciousness surged out from the sea of ​​consciousness, covering the surrounding 10 square meters.

When encountering various obstacles, it can easily break through the layers of obstacles, such as entering the void and entering the form.

Wherever the divine consciousness reaches, it can see through the slightest detail.

In the past, the places that could not be reached by vision, even the internal organs in the body, or separated by a wall, can be seen clearly by the divine consciousness.

It enables the divine consciousness to clearly see the roots of the ginseng extending in the soil, and the little bit of spiritual light in the soil is absorbed by the roots.

With the divine consciousness, what he wants to see most now is the yellow gourd in his hand.

Taking the yellow gourd in his hand, the divine consciousness sweeps towards the gourd.


As his mind moved, the yellow gourd in his hand disappeared and appeared in his upper Dantian sea of ​​consciousness.

The next moment, the gourd reappeared in his hand.

It turned out that this treasure could enter his sea of ​​consciousness along with his spiritual consciousness.

In this way, he would not have to worry about being discovered by others when hiding the gourd in his sea of ​​consciousness in the future.

Then, he probed into the gourd through the mouth of the gourd.

This time was indeed different from what he had seen with his naked eyes before.

In the past, he opened the lid and looked inside, and it was all white and he could not see anything.

Now, when his spiritual consciousness entered the interior to observe, the gourd was still a white chaos.

But in these chaos, there were tiny light spots floating.

These light spots looked very small, like stars in the sky, bright but not dazzling.

In addition to chaos, the world in the gourd was not these small light spots.

He didn't see where all the things he collected were.

Especially the water that he collected one after another, which should be as much as a lake.

As soon as this thought came up, his consciousness was sucked into a light spot.

After his consciousness entered the light spot, he found that there was a large ball of water inside this small light spot.

The collected water should be here, gathered together, floating in this chaos.

His consciousness wandered in the water at will, and at this time, he found that there were fish in the water.

It should be that he accidentally collected it when he poured water into it.

At this point, he knew that in addition to storing things, his gourd could also raise fish.

I will never spend money to buy fish again.

At this time, he held the gourd in his hand and silently said in his heart: "Fish"

The fish that was just swimming in the water appeared in his hand, jumping around and trying to escape.

Then he put the fish into the gourd, and the fish appeared in the water again.

Then his spiritual consciousness checked the light spots in the gourd one by one.

Sure enough, among these light spots, there were the items he had collected.

After several attempts, he found that these light spots could be merged or separated.

For example, he could turn the water into two, three or even more light spots.

He could also bring together several scattered items and turn them into one light spot.

After this discovery, it would be more convenient for him to use his spiritual consciousness to check the items in the gourd, or to put and put items.

Moreover, the gourd could be hidden in the sea of ​​consciousness, so he would never worry about being discovered again.

Gouzi held the gourd and played with it for a long time, finally mastering the functions of the gourd, and then put it into his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, he advanced from the third level of Qi training to the fourth level of Qi training. In addition to opening up the sea of ​​consciousness, his magic power has also increased a lot.

He also learned the immortal magic spells left by his master before he left. In the past, his cultivation was not enough, so he tried to practice it and practiced a wind control spell.

He didn't learn any other magic spells, and time was tight, so he was eager to take the martial arts exam.

Now that his cultivation has improved, he can find it out and try to practice it slowly.

Thinking of this, he took out the secret book left by his master and looked through it.

These spells include sword control, fireball, rejuvenation, wood thorn, entanglement, water arrow, shield, talisman...

Among them, wind control has been cultivated, which is of great help to me.

After taking a rough look at these spells, combined with my current understanding of the immortal way, I have a general idea.

Among them, sword control requires a magic flying sword to practice, and the heavy sword in my hand cannot fly.

The same is true for talisman, which requires talisman paper like Daoxuanzong to stimulate and perform.

The air-viewing technique requires divine consciousness. Now I am only in the first stage of Qi training. I must at least practice to the second stage of Qi training, open up the upper Dantian, and have divine consciousness to practice.

The entanglement technique requires the use of seeds of spiritual trees and plants to perform...

Excluding various spells that do not meet the conditions, Ergou first chose the air-viewing technique to practice comprehension.

The art of looking at the air is a small magic that uses the spirit to observe the breath and aura. The book says that it can see the strength of a warrior or a cultivator.

Strictly speaking, the art of looking at the air is not a magic, but only a small skill of using the spirit.

Now that I have opened up the sea of ​​consciousness, I have the spirit, and it is easy to practice the art of looking at the air. It only took me more than ten days to successfully master this magic.

After successfully practicing the art of looking at the air, I tried to use the spirit to check everything around me.

All living things can emit a strong or weak breath.

On the entire Shekou Mountain, the breath emitted by the two dogs is the strongest, followed by the big goose and the little goose.

Those small things like ants can also emit extremely weak breath, which can be ignored.

With this small magic, it will be much safer to go out in the future.

However, the Qi-watching technique is only one way to use the spiritual consciousness, and the effect of its use is closely related to the strength of the spiritual consciousness.

At present, the spiritual consciousness of the dog can only cover about ten feet around. Beyond ten feet, the farther the dog uses the Qi-watching technique, the more blurred it will be.

Then the dog began to practice the fireball technique again.

This time, the practice took a longer time, more than a month.

At this moment, the internal qi ran dozens of times in a special way, and a thumb-sized fireball appeared at the fingertips of the dog.

The flame was fluctuating, swaying left and right, emitting a scorching temperature. Ergou used his spiritual consciousness to carefully control the flame to prevent the flame from hurting himself.

In order to practice this spell, several pieces of clothes have been burned, and most of his eyebrows and hair have been burned by the flame.

Now the only eyebrow left, the dog does not want to be burned.

Finally, the flame drifted forward like a drunk.

After floating for a breath or two, perhaps tired, it finally landed on a big stone two feet away.

With a whoosh, the flame rose from the stone and ignited a raging fire.

After about ten breaths, the flame slowly went out.

Ergou walked over to check and found that the surface of the stone had been melted by the flames, like glass.

With the power of the fireball, if it fell on someone's head, his life would definitely be in danger.

It's just that the casting speed is too slow. First of all, the true qi runs dozens of times before the fireball can be sacrificed, which takes at least ten breaths.

In such a long time in the battle, even if there are nine heads, they will be chopped off.

It's just that the fireball can be barely sacrificed. It's only a distance of two feet. It can be cut in an instant with a leap, but the small fireball will fly for two breaths.

This kind of fairy magic is naturally very powerful and terrifying for the enemy who is paralyzed in both feet and can't take care of himself.

But if it is used to attack a person with normal feet, especially someone like Ergou who can run and jump, it may not work.

After all, you can't make the opponent stay still and let you hit him.

Ergou had a deep understanding of this when he met the man in black on Shekou Mountain a few years ago.

Because the enemy did not cooperate with my sword skills, I stabbed dozens of times but failed to hit him.

In short, this spell is a bit useless. It seems to be of little use except for lighting a fire in the wild to cook.

Of course, with continuous practice and improvement in cultivation, this situation should be improved.

Then, it took more than a month for 놛 to master the Water Arrow Spell.

This spell has the same problem as the Fireball Spell. It is very powerful, but the casting is too slow. It is better to chop it with a sword.

Moreover, with the total amount of true qi in 놛's body, 놛's true qi will be exhausted after casting a maximum of 10 spells in a row.

So far, 놛 no longer has too high expectations for spells.

Why do you have to cast a spell when you can kill the enemy with a sword?

However, 놛 feels that it is still necessary to practice Yu 떘's spells.

Anyway, 놛 is not in a hurry, so he will practice slowly when he has time.

In the following period of time, in addition to the entanglement spell, 놛 has cultivated several other spells.

This entanglement spell requires the use of plant seeds, injecting true qi into the seeds, and urging the seeds to grow rapidly, which is used to entangle the enemy.

I didn't have any spiritual plant seeds, but I didn't give up. I tried using mung beans, soybeans, morning glory seeds, and kudzu seeds.

The roots of ordinary seeds couldn't withstand the infusion of true qi and exploded directly.

It seems that only special seeds can work.

Maybe I can try the seeds of iron thorns in the future, and there are so many thorns and barbs on the iron thorns, which are perfect for entanglement of enemies.

The 10 iron thorns I planted at the beginning were watered every day. They are growing well now, with many branches and have become 10 large clumps.

The thorns are covered with barbed wood thorns, which look hideous and terrifying. Even the geese that cause trouble nearby dare not touch them.

A few days ago, a few small flowers just bloomed, and I don't know how long it will take for the fruits to mature.

At this growth rate, it will take many years to breed a large number of iron thorns and plant the entire Shekou Mountain.

I remembered that in the agricultural economics book I had read, it said that many trees can survive by cutting.

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, I found a hatchet and wanted to cut some branches for cutting.

However, my hatchet cut it, just like cutting extremely tough beef tendons or iron wires, and it couldn't cut it at all.

Instead, several wooden thorns pierced into my flesh, hooking my arm and making it difficult to move forward or backward.

After carefully working for a long time, I finally pulled the wooden thorn out of my arm, which was already bleeding.

Ergou was a little annoyed, and he didn't believe that he couldn't do anything about a thorn.

He took out the hundred-foot heavy sword, stood far away, and smashed it with one sword, finally smashing half of a bunch of iron thorns.

He hooked the half iron thorn in front of him, smashed it several times with the heavy sword, and then carefully divided it into many small branches of 10 inches long.

A small plot of land was specially prepared, and the branches of the iron thorn were inserted one by one, and then some water from the gourd was poured.

I counted them and there were 48 in total.

The next day, the branches were still alive.

On the second day, tender buds had sprouted at the branches.

On the second day, tiny roots had grown at the roots of the branches.

It looked like the tree was alive.

Then, a part of each of the remaining clumps of iron thorn was split for cutting propagation.

A month later, more than 500 iron thorn seedlings had been propagated.

With more than 500 plants, it was enough to plant iron thorns in some key locations on the mountain.

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