Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 45 17 years old (1/2)

The grain seeds and iron thorns that Er Gouzi brought back from Dingjiazhuang were watered every day and grew very quickly.

In one month, the cat rice can be harvested.

I peeled one to taste and found it was more fragrant than the cat rice grown in Dingjiazhuang.

And the aura contained in the rice grains is a little more.

Especially after being stored in the gourd for three days, not only does it taste better, but the aura is also richer.

Much better than the ordinary rice he grew before.

He planted all the rice in the cat's rice field, adding up to about one share of the land.

From now on, I can harvest once a month, and I can harvest about four bushels at a time, which is completely enough for myself.

땢The growth rate of the iron thorns planted at one time was much slower. It took more than a month to grow and it was only one foot tall.

I don’t know how long it will take for the iron thorns to bloom and bear seeds.

For Ergouzi, it doesn't matter whether the cat eats the rice or not, but this iron thorn is very important to him.

He was very eager to plant iron thorns all over Shekou Mountain.

There is no point in being anxious, the iron thorns are already growing very hard, and on the small branches, the wooden thorns with barbs have begun to show their sharp edges.

This morning, before Er Gouzi got up, he heard a goose quacking loudly in front of him.

When I walked out, I saw that it was a goose that had its neck hung by an iron thorn. It was in a dilemma.

The mutated Goose was almost the same as a 그 warrior in reality, but it was caught on a wooden thorn and could only be torn off a piece of flesh and blood despite its brutal struggle.

Ergouzi helped for a long time, but in the end he could only tear off some flesh and blood to let the goose escape.

It seems that some iron thorns like this can be planted around the 그ginseng field in the future.

Ergouzi fed the goose some fodder mixed with ginseng and added some water to the water tank.

꺶The goose's belly is very good, and it has already laid about 10 goose eggs for Ergouzi. Naturally, it is necessary for them to eat well and replenish their bodies.

The surface of these eggshells all have blood-red patterns, and I don’t know what they will look like when they hatch out.

After feeding the goose and practicing for another two hours, he carried a basket of red dates, rode on the back of a goose, and flew down Shekou Mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a group of craftsmen were banging their heads. They were all amazed when they saw Er Gouzi riding a white goose down from the sky.

"The geese raised by Master Xiu are all swans."

"Master Zhang Xiu꺳 may have become an immortal master."

"There are two masters Zhang Xiu in the same village, one is kind and the other is mean."

"Shh, don't say anything. If the news reaches that person's ears, I will give you a rent increase tomorrow..."

When Ergouzi walked to the construction site, a group of craftsmen quickly stood up and bowed to him.

"Hello, Master Xiu!"

"꺶My family has worked hard. Let's take a rest and have some refreshments."

Ergouzi said, putting the 꺶zhulanzi on the head of a piece of 꺶녪.

All the craftsmen thanked him again and again.

Some time ago, he asked Ahu to hire craftsmen to build a house at the foot of the mountain for temporary residence and food storage.

If you want to build a good house, you need a good foundation. There are many mountains and tiles here, so regular tiles are often used to build the foundation.

First, the head should be cut into a regular long strip, and then laid into the ground. The foundation will be strong and will not fall down for hundreds of miles.

Therefore, even wealthy landlords who are usually very stingy do not dare to be mean to these craftsmen who repair house foundations.

The craftsmen will be fed every meal, and tea and snacks will be served once or twice.

Ergouzi used local materials, and there happened to be a lot of red dates on the mountain. They were sweet and very popular among the craftsmen.

Some people will secretly stuff a few red dates into their clothes and take them back to feed their children at home.

Ergouzi pretended he didn't see it and simply gave him another bag every time.

When these craftsmen took the red dates, they were so happy that they couldn't help but talk about the benevolence and righteousness of this handsome master.

Even when their children eat red dates, they also like to talk to other children about how benevolent and righteous the master is.

Ergouzi chatted with the craftsmen for a while and then walked to Snake Creek Village.

It's the bottom again, and he still owes Huang Laocai 110 taels of silver.

When Huang Laocai saw him now, he bowed down and saluted, calling him Mr. Xiu.

But he took the package of silver that Er Gouzi sent over neatly, looked at each piece carefully, and weighed it again with his hands.

"Have you had dinner, Mr. Zhang? It's going to be served soon. Why don't you make up for a meal here?"

Er Gouzi looked at Huang Laocai's expression, as if he had something to say, so he nodded.

Upon hearing this, Huang Laocai's wife took the concubines to the kitchen and worked there for a long time.

Finally, the food was served, a whole roast chicken, stewed pork, fried eggs, and a whole fish, a total of four dishes.

"Why do you prepare so many dishes? It's not so rich in the past."

Er Gouzi looked at the dishes on the table and remembered the first meal he had at Huang Laocai's house that spring.

I still remember it was fried fat pork with dried radish, and he had three bowls of rice in that meal.

"We, from a small family, don't have much good stuff, so we managed to scrape together a few decent dishes. I hope Master Xiu doesn't dislike it."

At this time, Huang Laocai looked at the dishes on the table, but still felt a little overwhelmed.

Things are right and wrong, and Er Gouzi is no longer the young man wearing half-clothed clothes.

During the dinner, Huang Laocai also brought out a jar of old wine that contained several 뎃s.

녈The moment I opened the jar, the whole house was filled with the aroma of wine.

However, Ergouzi was not used to drinking alcohol. He had drank with his master before and felt that drinking alcohol was just asking for trouble. He might as well drink honey water.

He only took a small sip of the bowl of wine poured for him and then finished it.

When the meal was almost done, Huang Laocai seemed to have been mentally prepared for a long time and finally spoke.

"Mr. Zhang, I want to ask you something."

"What's up?"

Ergouzi had already guessed that Huang Laocai was in trouble, so he didn't find it strange at this time.

"I want my little one to learn martial arts. Could you do me a favor and recommend him to the Zhengwu Hall?"

It turned out that this was the case. Ergouzi thought about it for a while. He was now a teacher at Zhengwu Hall, so he seemed to have such qualifications.

"I can't answer you now. Next time I go to Zhengwu Hall, I can help you ask Hall Master Sima."

Huang Laocai is pretty good. He has helped Ergouzi several times before, so now it’s okay to do a favor in return.

However, Er Gouzi felt that he was a freeloader from the beginning, and it would be a bit ungrateful to arbitrarily pull money into it.

At least Sima Hong's consent must be obtained to recommend students to it.

"Thank you very much!"

"You are our Huang family's 꺶恩그!"

"Mancang, come and kowtow to the master!"

Huang Laocai's wife, dragging Huang Mancang along with her, hurried over to kowtow to Er Gouzi.

With his head knocked out, Ergouzi could only serve some more snacks and go to the city to help ask for help, but that should be done later.

He borrowed so many books from Zhengwu Hall this time, which were enough for him to study for a long time...


Four months later, it was spring again, and Er Gouzi was now 17 years old.




On top of the snake 껙껚, Er Gouzi held a 150 꿭 epee, which he danced so lightly and erratically.

It only took him a month to practice this "Wind Spirit Sword Technique".

The book also says that if you want to practice this skill, you must go through hard training, which seems to be a bit exaggerated.

The book says that this swordsmanship is light and agile, and it is best to use a 꺘五꿭 sword, which is easier to use.

Ergouzi didn't have such a slender sword in his hand, so he practiced with a hundred-꿭 epee. Since he had brute strength, he didn't find it difficult.

After practicing "Wind Spirit Sword Technique", he spent more than two days practicing a boxing technique.

After that, he practiced other exercises, and the time spent became shorter and shorter.

From two days to a few days, to now, it only takes him two days to master a martial arts secret book.

The astonishing speed really scared the two dogs.

These skills are not commonplace. As far as he knows, there are many people practicing in Zhengwu Hall, and they have practiced for several days or even a long time.

Ergouzi thought about it and figured out that he probably had the foundation of Qi training level, and it would not be difficult to practice the martial arts of an ordinary warrior.

Moreover, with the blessing of immortal cultivation, these martial arts are displayed in his hands, and their power is doubled.

After he practiced all the borrowed techniques, he gradually lost interest in these dazzling techniques.

There are so many tricks, it is better to kill them with one sword, it is simple and effective.

This may be what the book calls "Tao to Simplicity".

So at the end of the training, he still went back to the time when he first learned swordsmanship. He only practiced some basic movements such as stabbing, teasing, chopping... every day.

Now, when he is not watering and planting the land every day, he is practicing and reading.

This time I borrowed several books from the Zhengwu Hall library, including six martial arts secret books.

The rest of the books are about agricultural classics, art of war, medicine, etc.

The art of war is a must-learn for martial arts examinations. As an out-and-out farmer, I have to learn books on agricultural economics.

He planted a lot of medicinal materials. He will be dealing with these medicinal materials in his future cultivation, and the relevant medical knowledge must be mastered in advance.

땤Since ancient times, medicine and martial arts have not been separated. Warriors all know some principles of medicine.

The two medical books he borrowed this time were "Cao Lu" and "Sheng Huifang"

"녤草录" records 800 kinds of medicinal materials, including those that fly in the sky, grow in the ground, and swim in the water, as long as they can be used as medicine.

The book has detailed records on the identification, medicinal properties, growth or production environment of each medicinal material.

On the last few pages of the book, there is another category called elixir category.

There are only a few elixirs recorded in the book, and most of them are unheard of.

Only for example: Baidu ginseng can be used as an elixir.

The book says that although ginseng, which is worth hundreds of ginseng, contains spiritual energy, it lacks spiritual power and can only be regarded as an ordinary product.

However, the spiritual energy contained in ginseng is rich and has undergone qualitative changes. Its medicinal power has been greatly improved, and it can be included in the category of elixir.

As for ginseng with longer 뎃 portions, 꺘500 뎃, or even thousands of 뎃, they only exist in legends and can only be found.

In addition to ginseng, several common medicinal materials are also listed in the elixir category, such as Ganoderma lucidum, Polygonatum odoratum, Polygonatum odoratum, 꺘qi, etc.

If these medicinal materials can grow for hundreds of years, they will undergo qualitative changes and become elixirs.

As for Yu Da's two dozen elixirs, he had never even heard of them, let alone seen them.

"Shenghui Prescription" contains methods for combining various medicinal materials, including more than 1,000 prescriptions.

According to the characteristics of each medicinal material, different combinations will produce various changes.

Some enhance the effectiveness of the original medicinal properties, while others offset each other and eliminate the toxic and side effects of the medicinal materials.

Some combination methods completely reverse the properties of the medicine, turning the original poisonous medicine into a tonic medicine, or turning the original harmless medicine into a highly toxic one.

The effects of formulas that are combined in different ways according to the medicinal properties are already ever-changing.

There are more than 1,000 formulas recorded in the book, including decoctions, wine infusions, ointments, powders, pills, 꼍, etc.

However, most of them are used to treat headaches, brain fever, infant cough, infertility and other diseases.

Only a few of them are suitable for warriors.

Including some bruises, strengthening muscles and bones, replenishing qi and blood, strengthening the body and strengthening the body, etc.

He also found the recipe for Pei Yuan Gu 녤꼍 in the book.

This kind of medicine is only sold in Hong'antang in the county town, and the price is as high as 2 silver per pill, and the supply exceeds demand.

Peiyuangu 녤꼍 Recipe: 5 liang of ginseng over 50 뎃, 4 liang of Ophiopogon japonicus, 2 liang of Schisandra chinensis, 2 liang of Cistanche deserticola, 8 liang of Rehmannia glutinosa...

Grind the medicinal materials into very fine powder and sieve them to refine the medicine that combines honey with thumb 꺶.

Except for ginseng, which is a little harder to find, the other medicinal ingredients are not difficult to buy.

Ergouzi planned to prepare all these medicinal materials during his first trip to the county town and make some Peiyuangu to eat.

It’s just that the ginseng medicine in my hand is a bit out of date.

The ginseng on the snake 껙껚 is the first batch to be planted, and now 껩꺳 has barely reached 30뎃 medicinal age.

He had never done much digging before, but recently he fed the 굛꺘 꺶 goose a lot of 굛来뎃 ginseng.

In order to breed the geese, he could only feed the geese a batch of ginseng every day to nourish the geese's health.

Now the geese are laying eggs one after another.

The eggs that come out are much thicker than ordinary goose eggs, and there are red textures on the eggshells.

A batch of ginseng was used out, and an egg was accumulated in the goose house. Several hens had already started hatching the eggs.

Several male geese guard outside the goose house every day, never leaving.

Ergouzi originally planned to go to the county town, return the book to Zhengwu Hall, and ask about Huang Laocai.

Seeing the geese looking so nervous, they simply stayed on top to guard them.

This time, it actually took two months to see the goose hatch out of its shell, which took much longer than the average domestic goose to hatch its eggs.

Newborn geese are no different from normal geese except for their larger size. They are covered in yellow down and have a flat yellow beak.

There's just one thing that's not good about it. These goose chicks are picky eaters.

Ordinary lifeless young leaves were placed in front of them without even looking at them. They would rather go hungry than make do with them.

Ergouzi could only surrender to the goose, put the young leaves into the gourd, and feed them to the goose after raising the spiritual energy.

These geese are picky eaters, and they serve them delicious food every day. However, their growth rate is very slow, and they will not grow taller just by eating.

Fortunately, although these geese are small, they are quite agile when running. Ordinary people cannot catch them.

Seeing this, Ergouzi felt a little relieved, packed some more things, and quietly left in the dark night, heading for the county seat.

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