Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 32 The Genius of the Sima Family (1/2)

Sima Yi carried a large bag and walked towards Zhengwu Hall.

"Good morning, Mr. Sima!"

The gatekeeper hurriedly came to greet him warmly and invited Sima Yi in.

Zhengwu Hall is the most famous martial arts hall in Anchang County. It has produced many martial arts scholars over the years, and even several martial arts candidates.

Countless students who want to pass the martial arts exam by practicing martial arts are trying their best to enter Zhengwu Hall.

But the number of places is limited, and ordinary people can't enter Zhengwu Hall to study even if they sharpen their heads.

As for the high tuition fees of Zhengwu Hall, it is not something that ordinary people can afford.

Sima Hong, Sima Yi's cousin, passed the martial arts exam a few years ago. Now he is a teacher and deputy hall master in Zhengwu Hall, preparing for the martial arts exam.

"Fourth brother!"

"Haha! Fourteenth brother, come here!"

Sima Hong is about thirty years old, and the two are usually close among the brothers in the clan.

"You look so happy, you must have good news for me!"

Sima Hong asked enthusiastically, rubbing his beard.

"Hehe! I got a good-looking ginseng in the black market last night. It has at least 20 years of medicinal age."

Sima Yi said, taking off the bundle on his back and untying it. There was a large amount of medicine and a ginseng inside.

"This ginseng is really good!"

"I can already feel the Ren and Du meridians are full and swollen. When I take this ginseng, I should be able to open up the Qi Hai Dantian."

Sima Hong said this, and a sense of vicissitudes rose in his heart for no reason.

I learned standing at the age of 33, boxing at the age of 5, swords at the age of 8, and mastered the eight martial arts at the age of 12.

At the age of 14, I passed the martial arts examination and became the most talented teenager in Anchang County.

At the age of 18, I entered the Taoism with martial arts, sensed the spiritual energy of the sky, reached the first level of Qi training, and became a cultivator.

After that, I wasted ten years before I could only cultivate to the second level of Qi training.

Over the years, it is difficult to practice martial arts and cultivate Taoism. Not to mention the huge amount of wealth consumed, only I know the suffering I have endured.

Martial artists all over the world dream that one day they can achieve the right results and become immortals.

As long as you practice to the fourth level of Qi training, you will have the opportunity to take the martial arts examination.

Once you succeed in the examination, you will step into another vast world, which is far beyond the small martial arts hall in front of you, and the various resources you can get will also increase exponentially.

"The Ren and Du meridians are full, are you about to break through to the third level of Qi training?"

Sima Yi was a little surprised. The fourth brother improved too quickly this time.

"Well, it's all thanks to the medicines you found for me. They are cheap and have good effects."

Everyone in this world knows that practicing martial arts and cultivating Taoism has a future, but few people can really embark on this path.

No, most people can't even eat, where do they get the resources to practice!

As a direct descendant of the Sima family and the deputy head of the Zhengwu Hall, Sima Hong doesn't have so much wealth and resources.

For example, a medicine like Peiyuan Guben, which costs 10 taels of silver per pill, can only be taken two pills a month.

Fortunately, Sima Yi helped him find a batch of cheap large pills.

It's only a few hundred taels of silver per stone. He ate some of it himself and sold some of it at a higher price.

This way, he could earn back several hundred taels of silver, which meant that he didn't spend money on the medicine he ate.

"Fourteen, can you tell me where you bought these medicines?"

Sima Hong asked curiously. He had never seen this kind of medicine before, and it seemed that only this fourteenth brother knew the channels.

"Stop! Put away your greed."

"I'm entrusted with this and I'm loyal to you. I can't tell you."

Sima Yi immediately rejected his cousin's request with righteous words.

"It's good like this now, why kill the goose to get the eggs?"

"Hey! I'm just curious to ask, do you have to be so rigid?"

"Do I, Sima Hong, look like a bad guy?"

Sima Hong pointed at his face covered by a beard and complained.

"It's quite similar. At least with your appearance, it's easy to scare children."

"I'm a man of seventy years old. There's no need to care about these details of appearance. It's enough for a man to have substance."

Sima Hong didn't care about his appearance at all.

"Xiaoyi, are you really not going to learn martial arts and then take the martial arts examination route?"

"No, I want to become a famous doctor and save the world!"

Sima Yi has been determined to become a famous doctor since he was a child, to relieve the suffering of diseases for the world.

"Studying medicine can't save the world, it's a waste of your great talent!"

Sima Hong said, shaking his head with some regret.

"You should know that the elders in the clan value you because you have the best talent."

"Why are you so stubborn!"

Sima Hong wanted to continue persuading him. The elders in the family had given him a task.

"Practicing martial arts is boring. I want to become a famous doctor."

"Anyway, there are so many of you in the family who practice martial arts and become officials. I am not a big deal."

Although everyone has always said that he has a good talent, Sima Yi can't get interested in practicing martial arts. He gets sleepy when he practices.

"Do you know? I heard my father mention it last time. He said that with your talent, there is a great chance that you will build a foundation in the future and become a foundation-building cultivator."

"That is a foundation-building master. Our Sima family has only one foundation-building ancestor in the 18th generation."

"The responsibility of leading the family to flourish falls on you."

Sima Yi has heard many such remarks since he was a child. He was excited when he was a child and practiced seriously.

But he never found any talent in himself. He just felt that cultivation was boring and the progress was very slow.

As time went by, he became less and less interested in practicing.

"Let's not talk about cultivation today. Please help me get some letters of recommendation for the Wu Xiucai exam. A friend of mine needs it."

"This is the name and household registration."

Sima Yi handed Er Gouzi's household registration list to Sima Hong.

"Okay, this is simple. Just sit here and wait for a while. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Sima Hong said, stuffed the household registration into his arms, and left holding the big medicine.

Walking to the edge of the martial arts arena, there was an instructor instructing the students.

Sima Hong waved his hand at the teacher, who then ran towards him excitedly.

"Hall Master Sima, what's the matter?"

The instructor wiping the sweat from his forehead turned out to be Ergouzi's cousin Zhang Youliang.

After Zhang Youliang was admitted as a scholar, he used his connections to stay in Zhengwu Hall as a teacher, so that he could make some money and continue his studies.

"Zhang Youliang, the big 꺆꼍 has arrived. How much do you want this time?"

"I'm a little short of money recently. I haven't paid my rent yet. Can I pay it on credit for a few months?"

Although Zhang Youliang was usually very imposing in front of Er Gouzi and often beat and scolded him, at this moment, he looked down and down, just like a little daughter-in-law.

"Okay! I'll give you 100 pills on credit, which equals 10 taels of silver."

Sima Yi was very cheerful and counted 100 pills with a wave of his hand and gave them to Zhang Youliang.

I bought this medicine from Ergouzi and resold it again, and the price doubled.

After a long circuit, the buyer turned out to be his cousin.

"Thank you!"

Zhang Youliang happily took the 100 large capsules and thanked him repeatedly.

"Don't be too quick to thank me. Write a letter of recommendation for me."

"No problem, who can I write for?"

In response to the deputy hall master's instructions, Zhang Youliang patted his chest and promised that not only would he do it, but he would also do it beautifully.

"Oh, I didn't notice who it was."

Sima took a look at the household registration list.

"Sanchazi Town, Zhang Ergou..."

"Zhang Ergou?"

Zhang Youliang almost jumped up when he heard Er Gouzi's name.

"I think I'm from the same family as you. Do you know each other?"

Sima Hong also looked over and asked curiously.

"I've met him a few times, but I'm not very familiar with him."

Zhang Youliang didn't talk about the relationship between 눕 and Ergouzi. It can't be said that he was bullied by me since he was a child.

At that time, he was also in a state of confusion. He didn't know how Ergouzi got involved in the Sima family.

However, Deputy Hall Master Sima spoke. Even if he had a hundred reluctances, he had to write beautifully.

Immediately, Zhang Youliang started writing. In just a moment, a letter of recommendation was completed. He then wrote his name on the signature line and stamped it with his personal seal.

"Thank you!"

Sima Hong took the recommendation letter, dried the ink, put it in his arms, thanked him and turned away.

"It's a small effort, but it's not worth mentioning. If the master of the back hall is useful, just speak up."

Zhang Youliang waved at the back of Hall Master Sima Yi, but there was no trace of joy on his face.

Sima Yi didn't wait long. Before he finished the cup of tea, Sima Hong had already returned with three letters of recommendation...


One day later, Ergouzi appeared at the county academic office.

This time he came prepared, with all the materials in hand.

Sima Yiyuan came with him, but just as they were about to go out, a critically ill patient came to Huichun Hall.

It was urgent to save people, so we could only let Er Gouzi come first, and he would come back later.


It's still the same doorman, picking his teeth, squinting at Ergouzi, preparing to drive him away.

This guy has too little eyesight, and he doesn't even take a pee to take care of himself. He's just a farm boy who wants to take a martial arts test.

I have been guarding the door of academic affairs for decades, but I don’t dare to have such an idea!

But this time Ergouzi was emboldened by Sima Yi, but he was more confident. He saw the concierge coming to stop him, so he didn't pay much attention.

He gave away more than 20 silver coins in total, but he still couldn't raise the dog to maturity. He still had teeth bared when he saw him.

Anyway, this is a watchdog that never gets enough food.

I won’t feed you anymore!

"Are you still trying to stop me from going to the Yamen to apply for the exam?"

녍Next words, I was too lazy to pay attention to the concierge and walked straight inside.


The concierge stepped aside harshly, and he looked at how this country boy could get three letters of recommendation in one night.

If you can't get the recommendation letter, hehe...

The concierge followed Ergouzi silently and did not help him lead the way.

The Xuezheng Yamen is not big. Ergouzi had already heard about it before he came. He walked in from the main door and went straight to the main lobby.

In the lobby, the clerk nicknamed Cheng Waizui was still napping.

The scribe may have just had a sweet dream, but now he is being disturbed and feels very angry.

He looked sideways at Ergouzi, but ignored him and walked to the washstand, twisting a wet towel and slowly wiping his face.

After wiping my face, I slowly arranged my hair and beard, and even wiped my eyebrows a few times in front of the mirror.

It can be seen that this unattractive scribe usually pays great attention to his appearance.

Ergouzi could only wait there like a piece of wood.

Finally, after the clerk finished washing up, Ergouzi rushed over and took out three letters of recommendation from his arms, hoping to sign up.

"Go! Go! Go!"

The scribe shouted loudly and pushed Ergouzi aside impatiently.

"You idiot with no eyes!"

"Didn't you see that Uncle 누녤 has been busy all day and didn't even get a sip of tea?"

After all, Er Gouzi didn't have the confidence of Sima Yi, so he could only retreat honestly.

Watching the scribe wash the teapot slowly, take out the tea leaves, brew a pot of tea, and drink it slowly.

Several times he tried to register in advance, but the clerk glared back at him.

The disciple who followed him was secretly proud.

A country boy, when he entered the Yamen, he was reluctant to give up some money, but he still wanted to do things!

Er Gouzi got Sima Yi's promise not to give any more money this time.

If you have that kind of money to give away, you might as well buy some more meat for yourself.

As expected, this clerk was determined not to do anything without giving him money. Ergouzi saw that he drank three pots of tea, went to the latrine five times, and washed his hands six times...

Ergouzi made up his mind and simply stopped worrying. He would wait here until Sima Yi came.

He was waiting so unhurriedly, but he made the clerk a little anxious, and he pretended to be tired.

Fortunately, the two of them finally didn't have to wait any longer.

I saw a young man walking outside. He was very impressive and made the scribe tremble with fear even before he said a word after entering.

"Master Sima!"

"Why are you here in person? If you need anything, just ask your servants to come over and give instructions."

The clerk stood up quickly to greet the door, so enthusiastic that he could only wag his tail.

The person who came was none other than Sima Yi, and he didn't expect to give the other party a good look.

This Cheng Waizui just got this job because of his relationship with Sima.

"I heard that you can't do anything here without sending money?"

"You can't even get things done even after giving money?"

Cheng Waizui smiled awkwardly and said: "Who is this? If you have anything to do, just ask your servants to come over and give instructions, and I will take care of it for you."

"Hmph! I don't have that much face."

"Cheng Waizui, the few taels of silver you took from me were just one more visit to the brothel to admire the pink hair inside.

Have you ever thought that these few taels of silver may be the entire family property of ordinary people, and without these few taels of silver, they may not be able to survive? "

Cheng Waizui was scolded by Sima Yi, who laughed the whole time.

"Young master's lesson is reasonable. I will definitely change my past mistakes and work hard in the future."

Cheng Waizui's attitude was extremely sincere. After all, he had been around for so many years and he had already become addicted. If he knew he made a mistake, he would correct it. After correcting it, he would make the same mistake again after a few days.

How can I get things done if I don't charge money when I'm hanging around in the yamen?

If he breaks the rules, no one will tolerate him, not even the Sima family can protect him.

This young master of the Sima family is ignorant of world affairs and is too naive, so he can just deal with it face to face.

Sima Yi saw Cheng Waizui seriously reflecting in front of him and decided to change his past and vow to draw a clear line from corruption, but he could only give up for the time being.

"Then what are you doing standing around? You are doing things for others!"

Sima Yi pointed at Er Gouzi who had been standing nearby watching the show.

Cheng Waizui now knew that he had offended this god and earned a severe rebuke from Mr. Sima.

As expected, people cannot be judged by their appearance. It seems that an ordinary farmer can actually have a relationship with the Sima family.

Thinking about how much effort I put into building relationships with the Sima family back then.

He also married the ugliest woman in the entire Sima family to get his job.

With Sima Yi coming forward, there was no suspense about such a small matter as applying for the exam. It only took half a quarter of an hour and it was done.

"Hahaha...Brother Zhang looks like a good guy, young and promising, but I made a mistake!"

Cheng Waizui's attitude changed too quickly. He held Er Gouzi's hand and seemed extremely close to him.

"Brother Zhang, if you have time in the future, you can come to me for tea and chat. The door is always open for you."

Under the signal from Cheng's crooked eyes, the disciple had already prepared a sum of silver and returned all the money he had received before.

"Brother Zhang will be high in the future, please take good care of him!"

After a while, Er Gouzi and Sima Yi walked out of the Academic Affairs Office, and were escorted out of the door by the secretary and the disciples themselves.

"Master, walk slowly"

"Brother Zhang, come over and have tea and wine together when you have time."

The two of them watched Er Gouzi and Sima Yi go away with smiles on their faces, and then returned to the Yamen.

Er Gouzi followed Sima Yi. At this moment, he understood that the family behind Sima Yi was so powerful.

In the past, I always thought he was the kind of rich boy who didn't know much about anything. His family had a little money, but not too much.

"Sima Yi...Master Sima, thank you very much!"

Ergouzi suddenly felt that calling him by his first name would be too offensive.

"You should just call me Sima Yi. I'm not used to hearing that."

"Actually, I don't usually like to deal with people in the yamen. If I just hang out with them, I will become like them sooner or later."

"You are flattering and flattering to me, but you show all kinds of ugly faces to others."

"Don't look at Cheng Waizui's nice words. He can only be honest for two or three days at most, and then he will be the same as before."

"If one day I become like them, I feel sick just thinking about it. It would be no different than lying in a pile of maggots."

Regarding what Sima Yi said, Ergouzi was not very clear about what was going on in the yamen, and could only half understand.

Sima Yi might just want to find someone to talk to him about his thoughts, so he continued talking to himself.

“I run a pharmacy, I treat illnesses and save lives, I don’t have to deal with them, I earn my own money and spend it myself, every penny I earn is clean, it’s my own money, I feel at ease when I spend it.”

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