Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 30 Master, I understand (1/2)

Since the last tax payment, several months have passed, and now it is the spring of the next year.

Last year, Gouzi used 20 shi of grain to ask Agui to do corvée for him.

On the day Agui was leaving, he bought a few catties of pork and went to Agui's house for a meal, as a farewell.

When he was leaving, his 16-year-old grandson didn't know what happened, he just knew there was meat to eat.

The kid was so happy eating a big piece of fat meat that he asked when his parents would go too.

After the Chinese New Year, Gouzi was 16 years old. Probably because he ate well in the past two years, he grew a lot taller and is now almost as tall as an adult.

At the age of 16, a man is officially old enough to marry and start a family.

He is now a young master, and he is handsome. Recently, many matchmakers have been waiting at the foot of Shekou Mountain to find a match for him.

Among the matchmakers, there is the daughter of Huang Laocai, the eldest daughter of Li Tuzi, the sixth daughter of Zhang Quezi, and Xinghua from the next village...

They are all good families with thick waists, strong legs and big buttocks. They can work during the day and work hard to have children at night, just like the most fertile soil.

Some of them are even people that Gouzi has admired since he was a child.

In the past, he was always surrounded by inferiority, feeling that he was not worthy of them. He wore a pair of pants that exposed his buttocks every day and dared not talk to anyone.

Now the opportunity is here. As long as he nods, he can eat the fattest meat in the village, occupy the most fertile land in the village, cultivate it, and grow the best crops.

Gouzi gritted his teeth and rejected all of them.

He is at the age of fresh blood. If he says he doesn't want to marry, it's a bit abnormal physically or psychologically.

He has no choice but to be single for the time being.

In a while, it will be the annual Wu Xiucai exam. He decided to sign up and try his luck.

In this year, he will practice hard and pass the exam as a Wu Xiucai as soon as possible.

He doesn't want to be ordered around and whipped by those yamen runners.

Moreover, Wu Xiucai does not have to serve corvée and can also reduce taxes.

If he marries a wife and keeps her at home, it's like letting a cat guard a fish. How can he think about practicing?

Moreover, if he married a wife and kept her at home, the secret of his yellow gourd might be leaked out.

Forget it, let's just endure it for a few more years!

For the time being, put cultivation and the examination for martial arts scholars first.

In the past few months, Gouzi went to the city to sell a few stones of Dali Pills, and all the silver he earned was exchanged for Peiyuan Gu Pills.

From the first level to the first level of the technique, the amount of spiritual energy required is many times more.

He has eaten more than 200 Peiyuan Gu Pills so far, and last month the Ren and Du meridians were finally filled with true energy.

In the past two days, the meridians have been filled with true energy, and there is a feeling of swelling, and even a little uncomfortable.

On this day, Gouzi stewed a pot of pork with a nearly 20-year-old ginseng in it.

After eating, he took another Peiyuan Gu Pill and practiced as usual.

The old man ginseng and the pills were taken at the same time, and the effect of the medicine was extraordinary. A large amount of spiritual energy was soon released in the abdomen.

The spiritual energy was refined into true energy, which became more and more swollen in the meridians, and the true energy was still increasing.

Just when he felt that his meridians were about to be burst, the true energy in his ten meridians and the Ren and Du meridians suddenly rushed to his waist and abdomen.


The dog roared loudly, feeling that his waist and abdomen were blown up.

Then the true energy in the meridians all converged to the waist and abdomen, as if there was a big hole there.

Looking inward with the spirit, a small space appeared about 10 inches below the navel and between the gate of life.

Is this the field mentioned in the book?

The book says that there are 5 dantian in the human body. The lower dantian is 1 inch below the navel, the middle dantian is the middle dantian, and the upper dantian is located between the eyebrows, where it intersects with the Baihui.

At this moment, a large amount of true qi gathered in the lower dantian, like a cloud slowly turning.

After all the true qi in the meridians flowed into the dantian, it became empty again. The bloating finally disappeared, and the whole body felt much lighter.

When he practiced the exercises to mobilize the true qi, the true qi in the dantian would flow into the meridians with his thoughts.

Moreover, perhaps because of the opening of the dantian, now when the true qi of the whole body is gathered at one point, the power is even greater.

He picked up a piece of bluestone, the true qi gathered in his fingers, and squeezed it hard, and the bluestone was crushed into powder by him.

It was no longer just cracked into several pieces like before.

Successfully opening up the lower field means that he has taken another step forward in practicing the nameless technique and reached the first level.

The lower field is also called the sea of ​​qi or the sea of ​​qi field, which can store a large amount of true qi.

So far, he has to practice the technique to the tenth level to fill the field.

As for how to practice after filling the lower field at the tenth level, there is no record in the nameless technique, and he has never heard his master talk about it.

After his strength improved, he practiced the difficult sword technique again, and it was indeed easier.

In the past, he could only jump more than ten feet high, but now he can jump more than two feet high with a sword.

But the book requires that the body be in the air for ten feet, nine sword flowers are drawn, and then a move of falling afterglow is used.

Often, he barely jumps to a height of two feet, and then draws a sword flower, and before he can use a sword move, he has fallen from the air.

Still can't do it!

In addition to this, there are many sword moves, such as one move that needs to be practiced on a rainy day. When the sword move is performed, not a drop of water can fall on the body.

Or a sword can pierce the front leg joint of a mosquito flying ten feet away.

Or a sword can split a hundred-jin boulder two feet away.

Although he has made some progress, he still can't meet the standard. It's so difficult.

But seeing that the time for Wu Xiucai to register is getting closer, he is also a little anxious. In the end, he can only bring a pound of pork and a jar of old wine to ask the master for advice.

"Master, my arm and the long sword are only a few feet long. No matter what, I can't pierce the target ten feet away. How should I practice these moves?"

The dog told the master the most distressing thing.

"If you want to use brute force to pierce the target ten feet away, it is naturally impossible."

"You need to practice to release the true qi, not brute force..."

Li Banxian nagging again, teaching the dog that he should work hard to practice common sense.

He had expected that Gouzi would have these questions, and had prepared the answers, waiting for his apprentice to ask.

"When you reach a certain level of cultivation, you can release the true qi in your body, and ten steps away, you can hurt the enemy invisibly with a wave of your hand."

"The distance of only six feet is only the limitation of your physical length, not the limit of true qi."

"You should enter the space with the invisible, and the visible with the invisible..."

"Do you understand?"

Li Banxian's words were confusing and unfathomable. Gouzi could only understand half of it, nodded, and shook his head.

"I still don't understand it. Can the master show me?"

"Okay, today I will let you see the power of the true qi release."

Gouzi was very excited when he heard this. The master was unfathomable, but he was indifferent to fame and fortune, and never showed off in front of others.

Today I have another chance to see the master's methods.

Then, Li Banxian pulled back an old beggar with missing teeth from outside the door, intending to use him to demonstrate his skills to his apprentice.

Er Gouzi was nervous when he saw this. It seemed a bit cruel to use a life to demonstrate sword skills.

"Master, please show mercy. Should we try with a chicken or duck?"

"It can be eaten after the test, and it won't be wasted. We have to bury this old beggar when he dies."

"Let go. I know my limits."

Li Banxian said, and asked the old beggar to stand two feet away.

The old beggar was not afraid, and he stood there and smiled foolishly.

"Open your eyes and look carefully!"

Li Banxian rolled up his sleeves and put his hands in front of his chest to make a breathing motion, which was smooth and flowing, with the style of a master.

Er Gouzi really opened his eyes and did not dare to miss any details.

However, in his perception, the spiritual energy around the master's body did not change at all.


Li Banxian shouted, waved his hand in the air, and the old beggar two meters away screamed and fell backwards.

"Ouch... It hurts so much!"

"It hurts so much..."

"Old immortal, spare me!"

The old beggar covered his stomach and rolled on the ground in pain.

Li Banxian stroked his beard and smiled at Er Gouzi.

"Do you understand?"

Er Gouzi looked confused. He really didn't understand and just shook his head.

"I didn't understand!"

"It's right that you can't see it. The so-called true energy is invisible to the eyes, but it feels like electricity when you touch it!"

Li Banxian looked like a master, and he was very proud. If I let you see it clearly, wouldn't I have lived in vain for so many years?

Then, Li Banxian helped the old beggar rolling on the ground and checked it.

"I just poked your liver lightly from a distance. It's fine. You'll be fine after a few days of rest."

"You didn't understand it just now. I'll show you one last time from a close distance."

Li Banxian looked at Er Gouzi and said, while slowly turning his hands and starting to practice.

"Look carefully!"

Li Banxian stretched out a finger and gently touched the old beggar's shoulder. Then the old beggar trembled all over and took several steps back and fell to the ground.

Er Gouzi still didn't understand and felt that he was too stupid.

"You don't have enough skills. It's difficult to understand the advanced martial arts for a while. Go back and practice and comprehend slowly!"

"Remember, when you have enough skills one day, you can release your true energy and do it naturally."

"As for the martial arts test, your strength is still too weak now. Wait a little longer..."

Li Banxian also comforted Er Gouzi in a very reasonable way.

At this moment, Er Gouzi seemed to have suddenly opened a skylight, and a light bulb flashed in his mind.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I understand!"

He thanked Li Banxian, then held the hilt of the sword motionlessly, and fell into deep thought.

He could already let the true qi flow freely in the meridians of the whole body.

The true qi that the master said was released externally, which probably meant letting the true qi break through the limitations of the human body.

But the true qi is constrained by the meridians, and it is not easy to break through the limitations.

Unless it is from the acupoints...

The so-called acupoints are the holes on the meridians of the body, and the bridges for people to communicate with the world.

You can try it.

He thought that here, he had already begun to mobilize the true qi in the dantian, and circulated it along the meridians to find a suitable breakthrough.

There are six meridians on the arm, namely the hand Taiyin lung meridian, hand Jueyin pericardium meridian, hand Shaoyin heart meridian, hand Yangming intestinal meridian, hand Shaoyang triple burner meridian and hand Taiyang intestinal meridian.

The three yang meridians are all on the outside of the back of the hand, which is not very suitable.

Finally, he chose the Laogong point on the hand Jueyin pericardium meridian.

At this moment, a lot of true qi gathered in the right hand Jueyin pericardium meridian. Because of too much true qi, it felt like the meridians were about to burst.

However, there seems to be a thin membrane at Laogong point that blocks the leakage of true energy.

Ergouzi continued to mobilize the true energy of his Dantian and increased his strength to attack Laogong.


"Disciple! Ergouzi!"

Li Banxian saw Er Gouzi standing motionless, his clothes were still wet, and there was dense blood and sweat on his right arm.

After calling several times in succession, Ergouzi seemed not to hear him and had no response.

Li Banxian didn't even understand, what did this stupid apprentice realize?

He recalled carefully, it seemed that he didn't say anything just now, it was just a cliché he made up casually.

Is there really any wise words in it?

But he tugged at his beard and thought for a long time, but he still couldn't find any valuable words in his words.

껩At this moment, blood oozed from Ergouzi’s palm holding the sword.

The sword that looked like a door panel actually emitted a faint light.

Those rays of light were still faintly visible at first, and gradually formed patches of light, and then these light spots grew and expanded.

In the end, all the light spots were connected together, and the original black sword turned into a dazzling lightsaber.

Li Banxian and the old beggar stayed beside Er Gouzi and witnessed the whole process with their own eyes, feeling shocked and confused.

껩At this moment, Ergouzi raised his heavy sword with one hand and stabbed forward.

In front of him, there was a wall. This sword pierced the wall, and the huge impact caused half of the wall to collapse.


After a loud noise, half of Li Banxian's earthen house collapsed, and only the hilt of the epee in Ergouzi's hand remained.

Ergouzi looked at the only hilt of the sword in his hand and the collapsed house, feeling a little confused and at a loss.

He didn't expect this sword to be so powerful. Isn't it different from what the master demonstrated?

Could it be that I understood it wrong?

" this really magic?"

The old beggar on the side had trembling lips. He had never seen anything so miraculous. The only thing he wanted to see was the legendary magic.

"It turns out you are really an immortal master. I don't dare to accept your money anymore."

The old beggar was so shocked by this scene that he knelt on the ground and kowtowed as if pounding garlic. He also took out a copper coin from his arms and wanted to return it to Li Banxian.

"What kind of magic is not magic? It's just a juggling act done by our master and apprentice."

"I'll give you 50 bucks. Go away quickly. If you dare to talk nonsense outside, I will make sure that you are never reincarnated."

Li Banxian used to pretend to be gods and ghosts, and he considered himself an old god

This old man wished he could write a sign with the name 꺶꺶 and hang it around his neck to tell everyone that he is an immortal.

At this moment, he was uncharacteristically timid and did not dare to admit that he was an immortal master. Instead, he took out a bunch of copper coins and stuffed them into the old beggar's hand, coaxed and frightened him, and sent him away.

"Master! Does this count as releasing my true energy?"

There were only two masters and apprentices left in the courtyard. Er Gouzi was holding the only remaining sword hilt and still had some self-doubt.

"Oh, it's really rotten wood that cannot be carved!"

"How can you be so reckless when you let out your true energy?"

Li Banxian looked at the collapsed house and felt heartbroken.

"You are like a wild bull like this, you don't have the demeanor of a fairy."

"You have to know how to control your power, and you have to be able to control it freely."

Although Li Banxian didn't understand what Ergouzi did, he still had to deceive him when he should, and he even had to suppress him appropriately and increase the intensity of his deception.

"Thank you, Master, for your guidance. I understand!"

After hearing what the master said, Ergouzi was happy and thanked the master. He seemed to have gained some understanding.

Seeing Ergouzi's demeanor, Li Banxian fell into self-doubt again.

What did he realize again?

How come I don’t know this myself?

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