Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 23 The Huang Family’s Shocking Change

When Ergou returned to Shexi Village, he first went around the uncle's house to look for Xiao'e.

He didn't want to visit his uncle's house or see his aunt's face again, so he could only wait outside.

But he didn't wait long before he met Xiao'e.

"Xiao'e, look, I bought you some good things!"

The two of them squatted under an inconspicuous corner, and Ergou took out the pair of bouquets.

"Ah! So beautiful!"

"Give it to me?"

When Xiao'e saw this pair of flowers, she obviously liked them very much, and her dimples burst into laughter.

"Of course I'll give it to you, I don't need it."

"Thank you! Brother Gouda!"

Xiao'e took the haircut and tied it directly into her hair without using a mirror. She shook her head and felt very satisfied.

"There's more, look!"

Then the two dogs took out the candied haws, maltose, and osmanthus cloud cake one by one, as if they were offering treasures.

Xiao'e was very happy at first, her eyes were shining when she saw so many delicious foods.

But soon she seemed to realize that buying them would cost a lot of money.

"Brother Gouda, don't buy so many things next time. What will you do if you have no money and go hungry in the future?"

"Just yesterday, three people in the west of the village died of acne and starved to death. It was all because they were too lazy to eat and there was no food left at home."

Xiao'e rewrapped the sweet-scented osmanthus cloud cake with some reluctance.

"You can take it and return it. It doesn't taste good."

When Xiao'e 떚 said that 놅놅 was not delicious, her attitude was firm, but her little tongue still couldn't hold back and quietly licked the residue of 껗놅 at the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry, Xiao'e, I won't be hungry now."

Ergou stuffed all the pastries into Xiao'e's arms.

"Huang Laocai has sold me the land in Shekou Mountain and allowed me to pay back the money slowly in the future."


Xiao'e's eyes widened and she couldn't believe it.

"Of course it's true."

"My eldest brother has always wanted to buy that piece of land. I heard that Huang Laocai was unwilling to sell it, but I didn't expect that he would be willing to sell it to you."

This time it was Ergou's turn to be a little surprised.

"Your family has dozens of acres of fertile land, why does your brother insist on buying that barren hill?"

"Hehehe... you may not know that my eldest brother recently bought some more land. Now my family has more than a hundred acres of fertile land."

The two of them were talking endlessly, and the door to the uncle's house creaked open.

Ergou quickly shrank his body back, not wanting to meet the rest of the uncle's family.

The door opened and an official came out first. Zhang Youliang then escorted him out.

The two chatted at the door for a while, and then the official said goodbye and left.

"Why did the official come to your house?"

Ergou asked curiously, ordinary people would treat government officials like mice when they see cats, so how could they dare to deal with them.

"This Mr. Wang is a friend of my eldest brother. He comes to the village to pick up people. I stopped by to catch up with my eldest brother."

"Take someone? Who has provoked the government?"

Shexi Village is too far away from the county seat, and it takes a day to go there. Generally, as long as it is not a big deal, the government will not care about it.

The local squires and guardians got together to discuss and the matter was settled without alerting the county government at all.

I still remember the time Wang Tuyu stole Li Demi's wife. Later, the squires fined Wang Tuyu a piece of grain and dipped Li Demi's daughter-in-law into a pig cage.

Everyone praised the squire for being law-abiding and fair in dealing with matters.

On the day of the pig cage dipping, the whole village, men, women, old and young, went to the river to watch the fun, which was more lively than the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you."

"Huang Laocai's eldest son beat someone to death, and his family filed a complaint with the county government."

Xiao'e thought of the big news in the village today and added this.

"Something happened to Huang Laocai's family. I have to go and take a look. I still owe Huang Laocai a few hundred taels of silver."

Ergou 떚 said that he had already stood up and ran towards Huang Laocai's house.

The official had already left, but there was still a large group of tenants gathered in front of Huang Laocai's house to watch the fun. They gathered together and talked and pointed, but no one dared to approach.

Ergou 떚 pushed through the crowd and walked in.

The house had been turned into a mess, the boxes and cabinets had been overturned and opened, and all kinds of clothes and items were scattered on the floor.

The second daughter was sitting at the door crying, her clothes were gone and there were a few footprints on her.

Huang Laocai was sitting on a bed, his eyes dull, letting all the women in the family cry.

This is also the reason why ordinary people are most afraid of officialdom.

Officials don't just grab someone and leave. If they go all the way, they must make a lot of money.

They often take the opportunity to sweep away valuables from the criminal's home.

Therefore, villagers usually scare children. As soon as they say that official officials are coming, the children will immediately cry and dare not cry anymore or even move.

"Master Huang!"

Huang Laocai heard the call, and after a while, his eyes gradually came back to reality.

"Er Gou...wuwuwu..."

Huang Laocai was like a child at this time. He hugged Ergou and started to cry.

"Master Huang, don't worry, let's think of a solution later."

"I still owe you 800 taels, and I'm here to pay off my debt today."

An official sent me to my house. There will definitely be no valuable items left at home.

Ergou returned the money, which might help Huang Laocai save his life.

Hearing that Ergou was here to pay back the money, Huang Laocai was probably a little stimulated and finally calmed down.

"Would you like me to think of a way to return all the 800 taels of silver to you in advance?"

Now that Huang Laocai is in trouble, Ergou thinks that if he makes some more powerful pills and sells them, he should be able to save up 800 taels soon.


"Absolutely not!"

Huang Laocai was unexpectedly in such a state, but he showed rare stubbornness.

"Let's follow the original agreement, 40 taels per year, and pay it off in 20 years."

"We will go to the county government office to stamp the seal tomorrow."

Generally, private land sales contracts must be stamped with the seal of the government office to complete the delivery and be officially recognized.

Since Huang Laocai insisted on doing so, Ergou did not say much, and immediately took out 40 taels of silver and gave it to Huang Laocai.

"I have to go to the county government office to manage relations tomorrow, and I just need silver."

The two agreed to set off tomorrow morning, and Ergou said goodbye and returned to his Shekou Mountain.

Back on the mountain, two big geese with a group of goslings had already surrounded him and asked him for food.

After he bought these two geese, he often fed them with grass rich in spiritual energy, and they grew very strong.

Some time ago, they laid eggs and hatched a few goslings.

Ergou enlarged the gourd, poured some grass from it, and sprinkled it on the trough.

Several geese immediately surrounded the trough and swallowed it.

After feeding the geese, he watered all the crops on the mountain, and then made powerful pills overnight.

This time, almost one powerful pill sold for more than 200 taels of silver, and he tasted the sweetness.

He planned to make all the 200 grains in the gourd into powerful pills and sell them.

After rubbing for most of the night, he only made a bucket of powerful pills.

The next morning, Ergou and Huang Laocai rushed to the county government together.

At the gate of the county government office, Huang Laocai bowed his waist, with a bright and flattering smile on his face, and presented two bags of silver in both hands.

The two gatekeepers took the silver with cold faces, weighed it, and put it into their sleeves.

"Go in!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Huang Laocai bowed and saluted to the two people again and again to thank them, as if the two gatekeepers had helped him a lot.

After that, Huang Laocai smiled brightly, bowed and presented silver wherever he met.

Even if he was coldly spoken to, mocked and insulted by people in the government office, Huang Laocai always responded with a bright smile.

Ergou followed Huang Laocai silently and saw that he gave silver 16 times in total and said thank you 106 times. Finally, all the connections were opened and he saw Huang Fugui in the dungeon.

In one day, Huang Fugui's leg was broken, his cheeks were swollen, and there was blood at the corners of his mouth. It was obvious that he had suffered a lot.



"Dad, I didn't kill anyone, I just pushed the beggar..."

Huang Laocai didn't know the specific cause of the incident, but now he heard Huang Fugui's story, and it felt a little strange.

On that day, Huang Fugui was eating a bowl of wontons at the wonton stall in the town, and a beggar spit a mouthful of yellow purulent phlegm into his wonton bowl.

Huang Fugui was so angry that he cursed and pushed the beggar several times, knocking him to the ground.

The beggar didn't say anything, but laughed and got up from the ground, picked up Huang Fugui's bowl of wontons and ate it all.

Then Huang Fugui left.

Who knew that now the beggar's family sued him to the county government, saying that he beat someone to death.

Originally, no one would take the death of one or two beggars seriously.

They saw several frozen beggars on the way here.

Anyone who could dig a pit to bury them would be considered kind-hearted.

Not to mention beggars, even if ordinary villagers killed one or two in a fight, as long as they didn't go to the county government to complain, the county magistrate would not bother to deal with these trivial matters.

But this time, because of a beggar, Captain Wang led his men, braved the wind and snow, and ran all the way to Shexi Village to arrest him.

"Dad! I am wronged, save me, I can't stand it, they beat me, didn't give me food, and forced me to drink urine..."

Huang Laocai said a lot of good things to the jailer and the jailer in the prison, and gave some silver.

The jailer accepted the benefits and promised to give Wang Fugui two meals a day.

After leaving the prison, Huang Laocai and Ergou went to handle the sale and purchase procedures of Shekou Mountain.

This procedure was relatively simple, but it was done with a smile and three times of giving silver.

If you go to the government office to do things, don't think about getting anything done without giving silver.

Ergou took the Shekou Mountain land deed, which was stamped with the red seal of the county government. From now on, he officially became the owner of Shekou Mountain.

However, Shekou Mountain needs to pay 20 grains of tax to the county government every year.

This is just the price of the barren mountain. If he reclaims the land, the tax will increase.

On the way back, Huang Laocai remained silent.

"Mr. Huang, if you don't have enough money, I still have some silver in my hand, which I can lend to you."

Ergou saw that Huang Laocai spent twenty or thirty taels of silver just to visit the prison.

If you want to spend money to get Huang Fugui out in the future, you will need to spend a lot of money.

Huang Laocai smiled bitterly.

"Don't call me your master in the future. I am of the same generation as your father. If you respect me, just call me Uncle Huang."

"No need to borrow money. If I have extra money, I can sell you the fields at the foot of Shekou Mountain."


In the past, Huang Laocai valued land more than his life.

With land, you can take root and grow. With land in hand, you have a chance to make a comeback.

"The foundation that our Huang family has accumulated for several generations may not be able to be maintained."

"If I had known this, I should have sold everything I had to support Fugui to practice martial arts and pass the imperial examination."

Huang Laocai raised his head and sighed. Although he was rich, he was still as humble as an ant in front of the government. A few officials could destroy his family.

"Ergou, when you make money, I advise you to give up your money and go to martial arts to take a test. Studying is useless. The status of a scholar is far inferior to that of a warrior."

Huang Laocai regretted it when he said this.

As we all know, martial arts training consumes a lot of energy. Not only do you have to eat enough food, but you also have to eat meat and eggs, and even buy some expensive medicines to assist.

The price of a pill of Peiyuan Guben Pill is equivalent to six or seven grains of food.

Even if he is the richest man in Shexi Village, he can't bear such consumption.

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