Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 172 Bottomless Pit

On an official road, Qiuyue led several people to guard the intersection leading to the county town.

Nearly a thousand people had gathered on the official road, all crowded on the road, clamoring and swearing.

They were all going to the county town to get rice. Now blocking the road to the county town would mean blocking their way to wealth.

Blocking their way to wealth is like killing their parents, irreconcilable!

"The woman with the scar in front, get out of the way."

"Be careful or you'll get another scar on your face!"

These villagers relied on their large numbers and became more and more daring. They began to hide in the crowd and curse.

"Fellow villagers, don't go to the county town. This is a trap."

"It will be life-threatening!"

"There will be no free lunch in the sky. Let's go back!"

Qiuyue blocked the way and kept trying to persuade them. After talking for so long, her throat was smoking and her voice was hoarse.

But no one appreciated her earnest words, and instead she was insulted.

"What traps can there be in a trip to the county town!"

"It's just a wasted trip at best!"

"It seems she wants to stop us so that she can take all the benefits from Ding Qingtian."

"These women are definitely not good people!"

The group of people clamored and tried to squeeze forward.

Qiuyue and several of her men blocked the intersection with knives, not giving way.

"Fellow villagers, believe me, County Magistrate Ding is an evil cultivator."

"He tricked everyone to go there just to help him practice evil."

"Going there is a dead end..."

"Go back..."

Qiuyue circulated her true energy to moisten her throat, but she had said too much, and her voice was still hoarse and she couldn't speak.

"Mr. Ding is the best judge in the world."

"Everyone knows that Mr. Ding loves his people!"

"Those who slander Mr. Ding are definitely not good people!"

Most of them migrated to Anchang County from their hometowns because of Mr. Ding's reputation.

After settling in Anchang County, they found that Mr. Ding really loved his people as the rumors said.

In their minds, Mr. Ding was a god.

Now, a few people they didn't know suddenly said bad things about Mr. Ding. Naturally, no one believed it, and it even caused their collective hatred.

"You are the cultist!"

"Look at this woman's face with a scar, she must not be a good person!"

"How dare you slander Ding Qingtian as a cultist? Is there a cultist who loves the people as much as you do?"

These people have completely regarded Qiuyue as an enemy, shouting and cursing, and crowded towards them.

"Even if Ding Qingtian is a cultist, we will follow him!"

Qiuyue's group only had a dozen people, facing hundreds of thousands of people, they could only keep retreating.


"No one is allowed to move forward!"

Qiuyue shouted hoarsely, and wanted to pull out the knife in her hand several times, but she didn't pull it out in the end.

She came to save people, not to kill them.

But in the end, she didn't save them.

These people were like a torrent, pushing more than a dozen of them to the side of the road, and then rushing towards the county town along the official road.

At the same time, similar situations were happening on several other roads leading to the county town.

The people sent by Ergou blocked the road, but were regarded as life and death enemies by the villagers.

No matter how hard you persuaded them, it was useless. The villagers just felt that you blocked his way to wealth and wanted to swallow the benefits given by Ding Qingtian.

Therefore, all persuasion was doomed to be in vain.

At the same time, on another official road leading to the county town.

Huang Mancang also led a dozen people to guard the intersection.

At this time, Huang Mancang held a bloody waist knife, and his hand holding the knife could not help shaking.

At his feet, there was a headless corpse, and the head rolled into the grass on the side of the road, and he died with his eyes open.

It was the first time for Huang Mancang to kill a man, and he was an innocent villager whom he had never met before. He was nervous, but he tried to stay calm.

"Anyone who dares to take a step forward will be killed without mercy!"

Just now, he was like Qiuyue, saying all the good things to dissuade everyone from entering the city.

However, he was insulted and bumped by these villagers, and no one was willing to listen to him.

He had no choice but to grit his teeth and chop off a man's head. At that time, blood spurted out as high as a floor, splashing all over him.

"You dare to kill my wife, I will fight you!"

A man picked up a big stone and threw it at Huang Mancang.

Huang Mancang dodged lightly and slashed with his backhand, and the man's head fell on his back.

"I've said it! Anyone who dares to move forward will be killed without mercy!"

Huang Mancang used thunderous means to kill two people in succession, and finally no one dared to move forward.

These villagers hesitated and did not dare to move forward.

Some people have begun to walk back and look for other ways, and some people have begun to take a detour from the nearby mountains.

The county town is so tempting, they must go there, and if one road is blocked, they will change another road.

Huang Mancang found that although he blocked this road, he could not stop the determination of these villagers to go to the county town to get rice.

It was still useless.

He stood on the official road and thought hard for a long time. When his eyes fell on a village next to the official road, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"You guys pick up some hay to start the fire and go to that village to set fire to the house!"

"Burn the house?"

The subordinates couldn't understand. They came to block the road. Now they killed them, why did they go to burn the house?

"Yes! Just set fire to the house. The bigger the fire, the better!"

"But all the houses in the house that were empty were burned!"

"Just do it. If the boss punishes you, I will bear it."

These men were confused, but they still followed Huang Mancang's orders.

Soon the village was filled with flames and thick smoke, which naturally attracted the attention of many passing villagers.


"What a big fire!"

"The whole village was burned."

"Someone is setting a fire."

They saw that Huang Mancang led a group of people to set fire.

"Everyone, listen, if you dare to leave your home in these three days, your house will be burned down!"

Huang Mancang said 누 will do 누, and after uttering harsh words, he burned several villages along the way.

The fire that burned this area turned half of the sky red.

This time, the villagers who had gone to the county town without hesitation finally hesitated.

Go to the county town to get a bucket of rice, or your house is burned down. When weighing the pros and cons, the house seems to be more important.

Some people who got the news have already started to walk back.

However, after all, the area that Huang Mancang can influence is only a small area, and people from other places are still crowding into the county seat.

The county town has already been crowded with people, so crowded that there is no room to move.

If you lift both feet at the same time on the street, they won't fall down at all.

I don’t know since when, a vague blood mist floated in the air in the county town.

This blood mist has a faint sweetness, mixed with a little smell of blood, which makes me happy to smell it.

After smelling the blood mist, the residents in the city felt happy and very comfortable at first.

Gradually, Jean became confused and couldn't help but walk towards the place where the blood mist was thicker.

The center of these bloody mist is the county government office of Anchang.

At this time, the gate of the county government office was open. There was no one at the door, only a large amount of blood mist filled the air from inside.

These ordinary people, who usually feel weak when looking at the gate of the county government, now walked towards the gate in a daze.

The gate of the county government seems to be a bottomless abyss. No matter how many people go in, it will never be filled.

People in the entire county were walking toward the county government office in a daze.

The villagers in the county seat were tempted by a bucket of rice, and they were so happy that they poured into the county seat through several city gates.

After Ergou arranged for his men to block the road, he rode a big goose and flew to the county seat.

At this time, he was far away from the county seat and saw a bloody aura rising into the sky in the city.

This evil aura made Jing tremble with fear, and he did not dare to get close at all.

Previously at the foot of Shekou Mountain, Ergou Da and Magistrate Ding were equally powerful.

But now that County Magistrate Ding has the help of this overwhelming evil spirit and the city full of blood, Ergou has no chance of winning.

This is the reason why many people in the world have taken up evil cultivation. It is much easier to refine the weak ones than to sit and practice hard.

At this time, most of the people have entered the county town, and only a few people are still trying to squeeze into the county town.

"Give all 그 back to 놖!"

"There's a trap in here!"

He could only ride a goose to warn around the county town, but the villagers, who were dazzled by a bucket of rice, simply couldn't listen.

Probably sensing that Ergou had done something bad to him, a long dragon of blood evil suddenly flew out of the county town and swept towards Ergou.

At this point, Ergou 떚껩 can only leave temporarily.

Magistrate Ding refined 그 into a blood evil spirit, and the situation has become such that he had to find a way to protect himself.

He flew back all the way to see those men who were working in vain.

At this time, there were not many people on the official road, and most of them went to the county town.

Only the small area that Huang Mancang was responsible for made his eyes light up.

It was true that many villages and houses were burned down, but even the owners were dead, so the houses were of little significance.

Huang Mancang's damaging move affected at least tens of thousands of people.

These people were intimidated by Huang Mancang, so they could only stay at home and curse Huang Mancang, damn him, he is immoral, he gave birth to a child without an asshole...

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