Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 17 Choice

Huang Laocai was lying on the bed with his bare chest, with several crisscross wounds on his back, and his flesh turned outward, looking very scary.

At that time, the black shadow would chop him every time he caught up with him.

At this moment, Huang Laocai's face was pale, and his wife, concubine, son, daughter, and the whole family were crying in front of the bed.

"Old man! Not dead yet... Oh my..."


"Master, hold on, the doctor will be here soon!"

Huang Laocai turned his head and looked at Ergou.

Ergou had been running all night and was now exhausted, leaning against the door to recuperate.

At that time, there was someone blocking his back, except for a puddle of yellow urine on his back, he was unharmed.

At this moment, he was worried whether Huang Laocai would regret it, after all, it was three acres of land, worth 60 taels of silver.

Moreover, Huang Laocai was half dead now, so the rescue mission was only half completed at most.

Also, what if Huang Laocai died before he could explain the land affairs?

Ergou was worried and worried about gains and losses.

"Ergou, you saved my life, and the three acres of land in Shiwo will be yours from now on."

Finally, after Huang Laocai's reply, Ergou stood up happily from the ground.

"Thank you! Thank you, boss!"

From now on, he is no longer a tenant, but a person with a piece of land.

He has his own land, and he can do whatever he wants, without paying rent, and without worrying about it being taken back by others. He can also build a tile house on his own land.

"Oh my..."

I don't know if Huang Laocai is in pain or heartache at this moment, he groans for a long time.

"You saved my life, these three acres of land are nothing!"

"I can also give you another big gift."

Huang Laocai said, looking at the children around him, and finally fixed his eyes on the second daughter.

"I can give you two choices, you can choose one of them."

"One is to marry the second daughter to you, and give her 20 acres of good farmland as a dowry."


The second daughter blushed when she heard her father's arrangement, lowered her head and looked at Ergou secretly.

Ergou was a little at a loss when he heard the words, blushed, lowered his head, and looked at the second daughter secretly.

The two people's eyes collided in the air, and they quickly shrank back.

Ergou's heart was pounding. Yesterday, he thought the village flower was unattainable, but today she was going to marry him, and she also brought 20 acres of good farmland as a dowry.

I don't know what the second benefit will be. Can it be compared with the first one?

"The second benefit is that I can sell you the entire Shekou Mountain for 800 taels of silver."

"You don't need to pay off the 800 taels of silver all at once. You only need to pay 40 taels a year, and it will take 20 years to pay it off."

"You can choose one of these two."

After Huang Laocai finished speaking, everyone in the Huang family looked at Ergou to see how he would choose.

Ergou was tangled in his heart. In fact, he wanted both of them.

Marrying the village beauty that everyone in Shexi Village envied, and getting 20 acres of fertile land as a dowry, you can get both people and money. In the future, you will be the son-in-law of the richest family and walk sideways in Shexi Village.

If it was before, in his subconscious, the peak state of life would be like Huang Laocai.

But this time when he went to the city, he discovered a broader world.

As the richest man in Shexi Village, Huang Laocai had to pay taxes honestly. In front of those yamen runners, he had to apologize sincerely after being beaten.

When he met King Zhao blocking the road, he had to put on a smile and offer silver.

If Ergou hadn't helped him at the critical moment, he would not have been able to come back this time.

When Ergou looked at the second girl again, his eyes were much firmer.

Round face, round waist, round buttocks, it is difficult to find another one in the whole Shexi Village.

The second girl was stared at by him, lowered her head, blushed to the root of her neck, and grabbed the corner of her clothes with her fingers, waiting for the last moment to come.

Ergou looked at the second girl several times, and finally reluctantly moved his eyes away and said slowly.

"I want to buy Shekou Mountain!"

"You! You..."

The second daughter stamped her feet fiercely, covered her face and ran out of the room.

Huang Laocai glanced at the second daughter who left in anger, and said nothing more.

"Okay, from today on, Shekou Mountain is sold to you, but you must repay 40 taels of silver every year, not more than one tael, not more than one tael, and you cannot repay in advance."

"Ouch... It hurts so much!"

"If you can't pay off the 40 taels of silver by the end of the year, you will take back Shekou Mountain."

"When your injury recovers, you and I will go to the county government to sign a contract..."


Ergou walked out of Huang Laocai's house in a daze, and he has not yet recovered from the huge surprise.

He couldn't figure out why Huang Laocai made such a strange contract.

Considering that he is poor now and cannot take out 800 taels of silver at a time, he can understand that he has to pay it off in 20 years.

But why can't he pay more every year or pay it off in advance? This is incomprehensible to him.

I feel a little sorry for my second daughter. I hope she won't resent me and find another good family.

With random thoughts in his mind, he has walked to the foot of Shekou Mountain unknowingly.

Looking at the barren mountain covered with rocks in front of him, he is completely immersed in the surprise of getting a whole mountain.

From now on, he has a piece of land.

Although it is all stone, the soil is very poor, and there is a lack of water, but there is one advantage, that is, it is remote enough and no one comes here usually.

I used to have concerns about farming here, but now it belongs to me, and I can fence off some areas to prevent outsiders from entering.

On the first day after returning, he moved some big rocks to block the only way up the mountain.

From now on, the only way to enter and exit Shekou Mountain is by rock climbing.

Anyway, now that he is strong and agile, he can't help himself.

In the future, he will build a big house on the mountain and reclaim all the wasteland that can be reclaimed on the mountain.

The mountains should be planted with food, precious medicinal materials, and all kinds of delicious fruit trees.

He also needs to raise some chickens, ducks and geese. In his memory, he ate chicken legs on his birthday when he was five years old.

It's a pity that fish cannot be raised on the mountain. The fish meat is very delicious.

At this moment, Ergou was full of energy and picked up the hoe to open up wasteland.

There is currently only three acres of wasteland reclaimed on the mountain, which is Shiwo, where rice and wild vegetables are grown.

This time, we successfully purchased three types of medicinal materials in the county, namely Cistanche deserticola, ginseng, and Polygonatum japonica. We need to reclaim a piece of land for planting.

If the planting is successful, he plans to plant a large number of these medicinal materials in the future.

Although grain is hard currency and easy to sell, the production is too large and I cannot eat so much. It is not that convenient to carry bags and sell them.

There are still more than a hundred stones of rice in the gourd, which I can't eat three meals a day.

It can only be made into powerful pills and slowly sold outside.

He now has brute strength, which is very suitable for land reclamation work. He can pick up more than a hundred kilograms of stones with both hands and throw them.

The roots of those weeds and trees were dug out with his hoe.

In just a few days, three empty spaces were sorted out.

Don't plant ginseng, polygonatum, and cistanche deserticola. Plant them all over the ground, and then pour them with water from the gourd.

Only a day or two after planting, ginseng and polygonatum have already sprouted and grown seedlings.

Only in places where Cistanche deserticola is planted, its growth and germination have not been seen.

In the next few days, Ergou, in addition to practicing daily, also checked the growth of medicinal materials in the fields.

The ginseng and polygonatum are growing very well, but the Cistanche deserticola has not seen any movement.

껩Maybe he was deceived by that unreliable old man, 껩Maybe his planting method was wrong.

He has never grown medicinal materials before and knows nothing about growing medicinal materials. He can only rely on the magical power of gourd 놅.

The only thing that can be done is to water it every day. The ginseng and Polygonatum seedlings have grown a lot, but the Cistanche polygonatum seedlings have not emerged.

Cistanche deserticola cultivation probably failed.

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