Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 169 The Evil Cultivators Who Can't Be Killed

Niu Da was a tenant farmer who lived by his ancestors. He was not as good as his name suggested. He was hunchbacked and looked like a shrimp. He smelled of poverty all over his body.

He was lucky. He found a crazy woman in the street a few years ago. He took her home, washed her, and kept her to warm the bed for the children.

Unexpectedly, this crazy woman was so capable that she could feed five children in succession and support three children.

The Niu family finally had a child to carry on the family line, which made the bachelors in the village envious.

There were only five mouths to feed in the family. The rent for the land they rented was 70%, and the government also collected taxes. In the past two years, they had to collect military rations for the war.

Really unable to survive, Niu Da took his wife and children, rolled up his only belongings, and fled from his hometown.

He had heard that there was an Anchang County in the south, and there was a man in the county who loved the people like a clear-minded man.

Rather than waiting to die in his hometown, it was better to go to Anchang County to find a way to survive.

But the Great Zhou Dynasty strictly prohibited the movement of the people, and a pass was required to travel far away.

Without a pass, the government would arrest them as refugees.

You had to pay to redeem the person, and if you didn't have the money to redeem the person, you would be beaten and thrown into the dark mine to work.

How could Niu Da get a pass? In order to avoid the soldiers, he crossed the mountains and never dared to take the main road.

He encountered ferocious wild beasts several times on the road, but fortunately these wild beasts were much more friendly than the government officials.

As long as the wild beasts were full, they would not hurt people much, so just don't provoke them.

Finally, they arrived at Anchang County with their family, and found that this place was really as rumored, a paradise on earth.

The officials and yamen runners here were very friendly.

They met officials several times, but they did not insult them, beat them, or arrest them as refugees.

Niu Da felt a sense of happiness in his heart, and saw hope in life again.

Niu Da was in front of a village. He built a thatched hut to settle down temporarily.

He also rented more than ten acres of land, and the rent here was only 50% at most.

The farming tools were borrowed, and the principal and interest were returned during the autumn harvest.

The most difficult period was from spring plowing to autumn harvest. There were so many mouths to feed, and the grass in the field was not enough for them to eat.

Just when the five of them were eating weeds and tree roots, Sanlai, a tenant farmer from the same village, came to their house mysteriously.

"Niu Da, lend me your wife for a night, and I'll tell you a chance to make a fortune."

Niu Da was about to get angry, but Sanlai said:

"You can earn two dou of rice every month, you should think about it carefully, if you don't agree, I'll find someone else."

"Two dou of rice a month, some people are willing, but you have a crazy wife, I don't even look down on you."

After Sanlai said that, he turned around and was about to leave, but Niu Da quickly grabbed his sleeve.

"Are you serious? There are really two dou of rice?"

"Of course it's true, how can I lie to you!" Sanlai vowed.

"Okay, don't lie to me. If you want to sleep with my wife for free, you have to give me two dou of rice."

Immediately, Niu Da found an excuse and took the three children to work in the fields, leaving Sanlai and the crazy woman alone at home.

After going around in circles, Sanlai had already finished his work and sat at the door of his house in silence, looking unfathomable.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see that person."

Sanlai did not lie to Niu Da. From then on, he could get two dou of rice every month, and the family of five finally had a place to go.

After the autumn colors, he got another cultivation method, which seemed to be called something like blood secrets. Anyway, he couldn't read, so others taught him to practice.

It is said that after practicing this method successfully, one can become an immortal, can live forever, and have the ability to move and fill the sea.

He had no interest in immortality. He just farmed every day. A few decades would be enough. He would be exhausted even if he farmed for hundreds or thousands of years.

What he was most interested in was the cow, which was as big as a cow and could plow more land. It was said that after becoming an immortal, he would not eat. How much food could he save?

I don’t know if the legend is true.

Anyway, since he started practicing, he not only did not get rid of the bad habit of eating every day, but he ate more and more.

His anger increased a lot.

Fortunately, the person who taught them the exercises was a kind man and gave him a lot of food, so he could eat as much as he wanted.

After eating and drinking every day, Niu Da sighed that he made the wisest choice in his life and came to Anchang County.

Otherwise, how could he have such a good life now?

As the days passed, Niu Da felt that his energy had increased greatly, and he didn't feel tired even when pulling the plow to cultivate one or two acres of land.

After decades of living, he finally lived up to the name Niu Da.

Seeing that life was getting better day by day, and there was finally hope for this life, Niu Da was even thinking about whether to marry a more beautiful wife.

However, there are unexpected changes in the world, and people are subject to misfortunes at any time.

One night, a group of officers and soldiers rushed into the house like wolves and tigers, and tied up all five members of their family.

"Official, we are good citizens!"

"You are a cultist who practices evil skills, and you dare to say you are a good citizen!"

The officers and soldiers kicked Niu Da, tied the five members of their family to a rope, and dragged them out of the house like dragging animals.

Niu Da never understood why he joined the cult and became a cultist.

He had been farming honestly. He had never done anything bad except stealing melons from the west field, eggs from the richest man's house, and touching the buttocks of Sanlai's wife.

The soldiers did not arrest their family of five. He saw Sanlai's family, and they were all tied up together.

Seeing Sanlai's unfortunate appearance, Niu Da finally felt more at ease.

The soldiers caught many people like them along the way and tied them up in bunches.

They were all led for a long distance, and those who couldn't walk were whipped, kicked, and hit with the back of knives.

In the end, they were all locked up in a big prison. The soldiers led them out in batches, and those people never came back.

Niu Da guessed that they were probably beheaded.

He was a little scared at first, but he was no longer afraid after thinking it through.

At least he had enjoyed happiness before he died, and had enough food for a year or two. This life was worth it.

It's just that the three kids were too young, not yet adults.

Only that crazy woman was still confused, and sometimes she was still grinning foolishly.

Finally one day, it was Niu Da's turn.

The soldiers took away more than 100 people at a time and locked them in a large room.

The floor and the surroundings of the room were painted with many strange patterns.

The soldiers threw them into the room and retreated, then closed the thick door...


On the Gou side, he asked Sun Wangcai to follow the clues to investigate the cult, but the progress was slow, and he still couldn't catch a big fish.

But the county magistrate was like a god. In recent years, every few months or a year, he could capture a large number of evil practitioners.

Each time, he could capture thousands of people, even tens of thousands of people.

In the past, the Qingtian, who was too kind and soft-hearted, was not soft at all to these evil followers, and killed them all.

As the words of the Qingtian, only good people can protect the people of Anchang County.

Those evil cultivators are a scourge to Anchang County. They are his enemies. He and the evil cultivators are irreconcilable.

In order to protect the good people of Anchang County, he would not hesitate to kill many people and stain his hands with blood.

For the courage and efficiency of the county magistrate, I can only sigh that I am not as good as him.

However, there is one thing that has always puzzled me.

The county government has been arresting evil cultivators in such a large area, but the evil cultivators seem to be endless. The more they are killed, the more they are.

Evil cultivators are like leeks in spring, they emerge one after another and can never be harvested.

And he has been to other counties, where they have not been caught much, but there are few evil cultivators.

After all, the evil cultivators were severely damaged after the last Daoxuan secret hiding, and they have disappeared, and few of them can be seen.

Another point is that the blood soul pills in the black market are in sufficient supply and low in price, comparable to the previous drought period.

With so many doubts, Xiaogou can only let Sun Wangcai continue to investigate in secret.

Sun Wangcai has tried very hard to investigate the evil cultivators, and has killed a large number of people and materials from his boss every year, but the progress is slow.

Especially compared with the efficiency of the county government, Sun Wangcai is almost standing still.

Sun Wangcai is anxious and unconfident every day, and feels that he is a waste.

Although his boss did not despise him, he felt very ashamed.

This day, he followed a clue to follow a messenger, walked a long way, and finally saw the messenger meet another person.

When he saw the other evil leader, Sun Wangcai had a familiar feeling.

This pig-kidney face seemed to have been seen somewhere.

This face shape is so distinctive that it is unforgettable.

He thought about it for a long time and finally remembered it.

Last time he found a cult den, there was a cult leader with a pig-kidney face inside.

But they were a step too late, and the county government soldiers wiped out the den, and the evil practitioners inside were taken back to the county government and killed.

He was hiding nearby at the time and saw with his own eyes that the boy with a pig-kidney face was tied up and taken away by the soldiers.

Logically, he should have died.

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