Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 164: Lair

Huang Laocai had helped Er Gouzi a lot before, and Huang Fugui is now working for him, doing his best every day.

For these two points, Er Gouzi agreed to do the job.

After sending the Huang family away, Er Gouzi stared at the gifts that filled the room in a daze.

When he first started receiving gifts, he was really happy.

It feels great to be sitting at home and have all kinds of benefits sent to your door.

In the past, he particularly hated those officials, thinking that these officials were too greedy for money.

Now I understand that it is because I can't get what I want that I hate them.

After the passion at this moment, looking at the back of the Huang family leaving, and the pile of gifts, he thought for a long time that he might really not be suitable for being an official.

The so-called favors in the officialdom are just a kind of affirmation of his value, which will be repaid in the future.

Forget it, I will not get involved in their official affairs in the future, and I will be at ease farming in Shekou.

It is comfortable to eat the crops you grow yourself.

However, since you have taken the position of the Agricultural Commandant, you still have to train these people well. There are unexpected events, and they may be used one day.

Er Gouzi took time to go to the county town to help Huang Laocai with his work, and this time it went smoothly beyond his expectations.

In addition, he also gave Huang Fugui a bottle of Peiyuan Dan and asked him to take it back.

It would be more appropriate to raise Huang Mancang's cultivation to the fifth level of Qi training and then take the martial arts examination.

For a period of time, Er Gouzi retreated to practice every day and no longer interfered in any affairs in the officialdom.

He, the once sensational Agricultural Commandant, gradually faded from the sight of the officials.

Er Gouzi practiced the "Hongmeng Refining God" technique every day, and his spiritual consciousness was greatly enhanced.

Now it can cover an area of ​​30 kilometers.

At the same time, the fine control of the spiritual consciousness has also been greatly enhanced, which is manifested in the more sensitive and changeable manipulation of the magic weapon in battle.

Moreover, it is more difficult to be discovered when the spiritual consciousness can be used to restrain one's own breath, or when the spiritual consciousness is transformed into a thin thread for exploration.

One day, Sun Wangcai came back from outside disguised as a beggar and asked to see Er Gouzi.

"Boss, I finally found a cult den."

Sun Wangcai has been looking for the cult den for more than a year, squatting every day.

Before, he found many messengers sent by the cult to various places, and many undercovers in the village.

But he has never been able to find where the real den of the cult is.

And as time goes by, many changes have occurred within the cult in this year.

In the past, the undercovers in each village were just some ordinary farmers. Since last year, the cult has begun to distribute cultivation methods.

So in this year, in addition to the original undercovers, many new members joined the cult.

If it continues to develop in this way, it won't be long before the entire Anchang County will become a paradise for cults.

But the cult's den has not been found. It is not enough to eliminate a few messengers and undercovers.

In order to find the den of the cult, in addition to Sun Wangcai, dozens of people were sent outside to search.

In this year, several talismans for invisibility and breath concealment were used up, all of which were exchanged for elixirs, and Er Gouzi felt sorry for the money spent.

"Where is it? How big is it?"

Er Gouzi asked hurriedly. He had been waiting for this news for too long.

"This cult's den is so deep that it's almost at the border."

Er Gouzi took out a map and asked Sun Wangcai to mark the location on it.

Sure enough, there are many wastelands and few people in the area where Anchang County borders the neighboring county.

"When I came back, I arranged a few people to watch there."

"Boss, should we go and destroy them now?"

"Should we report to the county government?"

Faced with these questions raised by Sun Wangcai, Er Gouzi had actually considered it for a long time.

He believed that the cult must have more than one den.

At the beginning, he planned to find all the dens and then clean them up at the same time to eliminate the trouble forever.

But in this year, just finding this den cost him dozens of manpower and several talismans, which are all money.

To be honest, he just couldn't bear to spend money and felt pain.

For the same reason, he originally planned to notify the county government and ask the county magistrate to send people over so that both sides could arrest the cult together.

Now he wants to take some of the spoils of the cult alone to make up for the losses in the past year.

He lost too much in the past year to find the cult's nest.

It would be great if he could wait until the cult members were caught and then hand them over to the county magistrate so that he could also get some credit.

As long as he could find out other dens from the cult members, he could act together with the county magistrate.

The cult forces hidden in Anchang County would be eradicated completely.

"To prevent any trouble, let's start at nightfall."

"You go count all the people and be responsible for capturing the cult messengers and undercovers hiding in various places, and take action at the same time at nightfall."

"I can go to the cult's lair alone."

Sun Wangcai got Er Gouzi's order and prepared to go.

"Okay, I promise that none of those cultists will escape."

That night, Er Gouzi rode on the back of a big goose and flew to the cult's lair.

He was not alone this time, there were several big geese hidden in the gourd, as well as three big snakes and some small snake demons.

These three big snakes have been hungry since they had a meal in Daoxuan's secret collection last time, and now they have nothing to eat.

"Er Gouzi, you always let my snake babies work, do so much work, but don't let them eat people."

Er Gouzi brought the jade floor with him again this time, and Chang Ling'er's voice kept repeating in his mind.

"Chang Ling'er, your idea is wrong. We are all family. How can you care so much about doing some work?"

"Everyone should contribute to the family, and should not care about personal gains."

Er Gouzi debated with Chang Ling'er through his spiritual consciousness, trying to correct her incorrect values.

"Look at Yu Xiao, how hard he works for the Xiao family every day. You have your snake baby, you should learn from Yu Xiao."

"But my snake baby does more work. One snake can replace dozens of people."

"There are so many people in Shekou, and you are reluctant to feed even one to the snake baby. Do you still have a conscience?"

"Ask yourself with your conscience, is it right for you to do this? Do you let your family work with an empty stomach every day?"

Chang Ling'er complained to Er Gouzi in her mind.

"That's because your snake baby is too picky. How can you eat your family when you are hungry?"

Those big snakes are thinking about eating people who eat Xiao's feet all day long. How could Er Gouzi let them succeed?

"Even if you don't let the snake baby eat people, you can't let them eat grass, right?" Chang Ling'er was still dissatisfied.

"Why can't you eat grass? Haven't you seen geese eating grass every day?

Others can eat grass, but your snake can't.

Think about it carefully, isn't it your own problem?"

These snakes just need to be educated. They have been sleeping for so long, and when they wake up, they don't think about making more contributions, but think about eating people all day long.

Besides, the grass he provided is all spiritual grass with spiritual energy.

Er Gouzi had a fierce debate with Chang Ling'er in his mind, and unknowingly flew to the vicinity of the hidden nest of the cult.

There have been several people from the Shekou hidden here for a long time, monitoring and supporting here, and Er Gouzi landed next to them.

"Boss, we have been guarding here all the time. They are hiding in the house opposite. There is a cave entrance behind the big rock."

Er Gouzi looked over there, it was quiet, no one was seen, only one or two insects and birds chirping occasionally.

"Is this the only entrance? Are there any other exits?"

The military book says that a cunning rabbit has three burrows. When hiding in a cave, you must prepare other exits, otherwise you will be doomed if someone blocks the entrance and exit.

"The boss is really good at predicting things. There are two more exits, one on the other side of the cave, and the other on the foot of the mountain next to it."

"We have people watching there."

Several hands pointed to the direction of the other two exits and explained the specific locations to Er Gouzi.

"I'll go inside and take a look. You continue to guard here. If you find anyone escaping, catch them, dead or alive."

Er Gouzi gave an order and walked to the opposite foot alone in the dark.

After walking behind the stone on the foot of the mountain, he found a big cave entrance.

"Chang Ling'er, there are a lot of people here. Let your snake eat enough today."

Er Gouzi said, and put a big snake in from this hole.

The big snake put its head into the hole, smelled the human scent inside, and slid in with its head shaking.

Not long after, panicked screams were heard from the cave.

Er Gouzi did not follow in, but went to the other two holes and stuffed the remaining two big snakes in.

Then he rode on the back of the big white goose, hovering in the sky, looking down and observing.

Occasionally, there were a few people who escaped, and he threw an iron thorn seed over, which turned into a entanglement technique and tied them up tightly.

These cultists who escaped were only at the Qi training level, not even at the late Qi training level, and could not escape from his palm at all.

After a long time, no one in the cave escaped, and Er Gouzi walked in from a cave entrance.

After being ravaged by several big snakes, the cave was in a mess, no one was seen, and many items fell to the ground.

In the innermost part of the cave, the three big snakes were too full and couldn't move.

"Chang Ling'er, have all the people in there been eaten by them?"

"Of course, my snake baby can even swallow the foundation building, and these are just some Qi training minors."

Er Gouzi was still preparing for a big battle, but it turned out to be so easy, the strength of the cult was not what he imagined.

Because during the Qingzhou turmoil, some cult members reached the late stage of Qi training, and after so long, their strength was not as good as before.

After checking the cave, he did get some supplies, a few spiritual stones, a few spiritual herbs, and dozens of blood and soul pills.

He also found a blood-stained alchemy furnace.

After checking these items, there were not many valuable things.

It looked like his loss was irreparable.

He put the big snake and the supplies into the gourd, and could only walk out with a little slack.

It was late, and except for a few snakes to have a full meal, he didn't get much.

"Boss, how is it in there? Do you want us to go in and fight?"

Several men thought there would be another fierce battle and were about to rush in for a big fight.

"No, all of them will die. Take these people back to Shekou."

Er Gouzi glanced at the captured cultists. They were all quite young, probably less than 20 years old.

"At such a young age, he doesn't do good things, but joins a cult!"

"Bah! Dog officials!"

Unexpectedly, a cultist was so tough that he spat a mouthful of thick phlegm at Er Gouzi.

"I love the people like my own children!"

Er Gouzi felt a little aggrieved. He really regarded his people as his family, but he didn't expect that he would be called a dog official one day.

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