Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 147 Storage Bag

This time, there were four foundation-building monks who came to cause trouble, and three of them were swallowed by the snakes.

The remaining one was the late foundation-building monk, who was the strongest. Ergou didn't stop him and almost lost his life.

The three snakes had just swallowed a person, and before he had time to drink some water to calm down, he was summoned.

One person and three snakes surrounded him at the same time and finally captured him alive.

This late foundation-building monk was a brave man. He committed suicide before he could interrogate him.

However, Ergou didn't care who he was, where he came from, or what secrets he had.

He was purely attracted by his wealth. As for the snakes, he only coveted his body, and nothing else mattered.

This person has the cultivation base of the late foundation building stage, and the flying sword on his feet is unique.

And there is a small bag as big as a palm hanging on his waist.

I have seen this kind of small bag as big as a palm on Yang Tie's waist before. It is a storage bag. It looks small, but there is something else inside.

I heard that in ancient times, this kind of storage bag was almost a standard for cultivators.

Until now, only a few wealthy cultivators have this kind of treasure.

If it is swallowed by the snake, this precious storage bag will be useless.

I searched this cultivator several times inside and out, and except for this storage bag, there seems to be nothing particularly valuable.

Ergou stripped the clothes off the corpse and shook them off. The material was pretty good.

"Yushan, I'll give you a new set of clothes."

"The clothes you're wearing are too shabby. Look at how good the material of this one is.

You can make it a little smaller and cut it a little shorter. It will fit just right."

"If there's any material left, I can make you a vest and a pair of pants."

Yushan took the clothes and was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes.

"Master, you are so kind to me. I will serve you like a cow and a horse in this life to repay you for your kindness."

"Meeting you in this life is a blessing from my previous life."

Yushan opened his watery eyes, his ears fluttered, holding the new clothes, happy like a child.

"We are all family, don't be polite to me."

"Yes, you haven't been home for so many years, will your family miss you?"

Speaking of family, Ergou reminded Yushan of his relatives far away.

He has never been a mean boss, he should treat people with kindness and win people over with virtue.

"Do you want me to ride on the goose and accompany you home to visit your relatives?"

"I will definitely let you return home in glory this time, and let all the people in your village know that you are promising now."

Yushan was so excited that he waved his hands repeatedly, tears welling up in his eyes.

"No! No need, thank you for your concern!"

"There is no scenery on Shexiao Mountain at home, I am very happy here and don't want to go home."

"Okay, I will go on a long trip in a while, you help me guard Shexiao Mountain."

Ergou saw Yushan declined his kindness, and he was a little bored.

Then he gave the naked corpse to the snake, and returned to the stone house with the storage bag.

Ergou stroked the new storage bag in his hand, which was only as small as a palm and looked like an ordinary cloth bag.

With this thing as a cover, it will be much easier to take things out of the gourd in the future.

When the divine consciousness probed into the bag, there was a resistance at first, but after breaking through this resistance, there was no more obstruction inside.

This resistance was the divine consciousness mark left by the original owner of the storage bag, which was equivalent to the seal of the bag.

Now that the original owner is dead, the divine consciousness power left behind quickly declined and was easily broken through by Ergou's divine consciousness.

The inside of the storage bag was not as small as imagined, only ten feet, and could not hold many things, which was far inferior to the gourd.

All the scattered items inside were poured out and piled up in a small pile in the room.

In addition to the flying sword at the foot, this guy also had another flying sword in the storage bag.

The two flying swords are of good quality, shining coldly, and the blades can cut the stone as easily as cutting tofu.

He tried it on his leather pants again, and with a little effort, he cut a line on the leather pants.

In addition to the two swords, there are many good things.

A wooden box with 30 spiritual stones in it.

A jade bottle with four round pills in it.

Pour out a pill and identify it carefully.

"Is this Xuan Dan?"

I learned Xuan Dan from the inheritance of Baihe Zhenren.

The main medicine for refining Xuan Dan is Xuan grass over 200 years old, and the auxiliary medicine requires dozens of years of spiritual medicine.

This is a kind of elixir suitable for foundation-building cultivators to take, which can improve their cultivation.

Ergou carefully identified it again and confirmed that it should be the Xuan Dan.

He put the elixir to his nose and smelled it. There was a fragrance that made people feel refreshed.

He was reluctant to eat it for the time being, so he put the elixir into the gourd.

In addition to the Xuan Dan, he actually found a mature Xuan grass in a jade box.

The herb had died, but there were more than a dozen seeds on it.

Ergou picked all these seeds, covered the jade box again, and put them into the gourd.

In addition to these things, there were many blood and soul pills, some miscellaneous items, and a few pieces of ore.

Seeing so much property, Ergou felt a little distressed. So many people had been eaten alive by the snake before, so many good things must have been wasted.

After counting all these items, they put them all into the gourd, including the storage bag.

I'm thinking, after the storage bag is put into the gourd and lifted up, will the space inside be larger?

It turns out that 놛놅 had the wrong idea.

Three days later, the new species 떘놅hyun꽮grass 떚 has sprouted.

The space in that storage bag is still only one foot, but the storage bag seems to be stronger.

The quality and quality of its items have been improved.

The two flying swords became even sharper and more menacing.

Ergou took out a Xuan 꽮 pill. After being enhanced by the gourd, the spiritual energy of this pill became even richer.

As soon as he swallowed the elixir into his belly, he began to practice his energy and refine it.

It took five days to refine this pill into magic power.

놛놅The sea of ​​dantian 꿗, and add 깊five drops of liquid.

Calculated in this way, only two Xuan꽮 pills are needed, which is equivalent to nine years of practice in the Qi training period.

In the next few days, I refined all four mysterious pills.

A total of about 20 drops of liquid 깊꺶 were added to the Dantian 꿗, plus the original part of 놛, there were more than 30 drops in total.

However, in the sea of ​​Dantian that is one foot wide, there is only such a shallow pool.

Then 놛 ran "Nine Layers of Foundation Building" to continue purifying and compressing.

In the end, of the more than 30 drops of liquid, only about 20 drops of 떘깊 were left, but the sea of ​​놛놅 Dantian expanded by another inch.

Now it is one foot and one inch, finally slightly above the average level of one inch.

In the past, when it was only five inches, I would only tell people that it was about one foot.

Now I can boldly admit that I am more than one foot tall.

After the Dantian is widened and the mana is compressed, it is obvious that the strength has improved by a small margin.

Now if I were to fight with Jiuxing Taoist, I felt that I would not lose.

On this day, Ergou was at the foot of the mountain, directing several snake demons to work.

Now it's the autumn harvest season again, and there are piles and piles of grain that have to be transported back from the fields.

There are also rents collected from tenants and shipped back.

The manpower is limited and it is really too busy.

Ergou summoned a foundation-building snake and some small snake demons to pull the cart.

Behind each little snake demon were two ox carts, pulling loads of goods, and climbed very fast.

As for the foundation-building snake, it was even more powerful. The snake carried grain on its back, like a small mountain bag.

Ergou sat on the pile of grain buns, dangling his feet and eating melon in his mouth, looking very leisurely.

At this moment, I saw Jiuxing Taoist flying towards me with his sword from a distance.

Jiuxing Taoist flew closer and saw a mountain of food. The snake was bent by its spine and quickly landed from the sky.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, is this the legendary snake that swallows several foundation-building monks?"

Jiuxing saw this snake at close range and felt the pressure emanating from it, making him a little trembling.

It's just that I never expected that a snake, which is like a mountain guardian beast, would be doing this kind of hard work and be used as a 깊animal.

The two dogs jumped up from the grain mountain and patted the snake's head.

"That's right, it's that snake. It usually eats a lot and is too lazy to work."

Jiuxing took a look at the mountains of food piled up on the snake's back. They had already been used as cattle and horses. What else could he want?

It's a pity that 놛 doesn't understand snake language and can't communicate with 꺶 snake. Otherwise, 놅, 껩 will have to persuade 꺶 snake to seek refuge with the Ming Lord as soon as possible.

For example, our Daoxuan Sect is very kind to spiritual beasts. They never need to do rough work, as long as they put in some effort during battles.

"You should go back first and don't bite anyone."

The two dogs patted the snake on the head, and the snake dragged its heavy body and crawled towards the granary.

"Fellow Nine Star Daoist, I don't know what's going on?"

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, we have to leave early."

"There is still half a year before the agreed time, why do we have to advance it?"

Jiuxing Taoist sighed and said.

"Alas, a spy came out of Daoxuan Sect and the news was leaked."

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