Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 140 Revisiting the old place

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high. Er Gouzi led the snake with a gourd and quietly left Shekou without disturbing anyone along the way.

Er Gouzi had wasted some time doing experiments with the snake.

But Xia Mafu and his group did not go far. He had to get some money with so many people and could not return empty-handed.

First, they arrested some people according to the list of rebels, but these unruly people were all poor people with no money in their pockets.

Rich people eat and drink delicious food, have beautiful wives and concubines, and have many children and grandchildren. Who would have nothing to do to rebel?

They arrested several batches in succession, but it was all a thankless task and no money could be scraped out.

Some people had to knock down the house to get hundreds of copper coins from the cracks in the wall.

These unruly people have little money, and they keep it very tight. Sometimes they even risk their lives for this little money.

If you really want to make money, you have to find those households.

When they passed a market town, they saw a sign hanging in front of a shop, fluttering in the wind.

The sign read "Steamed Bun King".

"Okay, there are still rebels here, go and catch them!"

Xia Mafu shouted, but the servants picked up the knife and were a little confused. Who should they catch?

You looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other.

"The rebel flag is hanging at the door, didn't you see it?"

Xia Mafu complained and pointed at the sign of "Steamed Bun King" in front of him and shouted.

A few subordinates finally came to their senses and arrested the family selling buns with knives.

"Master, we are all good citizens!"

"You rebelled and claimed to be a king, and you are still a good citizen?"

Xia Mafu used this family selling buns to implicate the rich families in the whole town.

After a lot of trouble, the property of the rich families in the town was handed over to the Dianshi.

Then the Dianshi converted these properties into Peiyuan Gu Pills and Xingjun Pills, and sent them to Xia Mafu in the county city in the future, which was a win-win situation.

When Er Gouzi went to Xia Mafu, this group of people were still looting in the town.

In such a place with many eyes and ears, he didn't dare to move.

The people in the government didn't want to kill them, but they didn't want anyone to catch any handle.

He waited outside the town for a whole day and night, and the group left the town triumphantly.

Er Gouzi put an invisibility charm on his body and followed quietly behind.

After walking for another two days, he finally found a good place to go down. There were no villages around here, and no people passed by.

Er Gouzi released the snake from the gourd behind a hidden place.

After the snake came out of the gourd, it woke up quickly.

It stretched out its long snake tongue and swept around.

It smelled so human, there was a fat one next to it.

Recently, the cult monks didn't come to deliver food, and the snake was starving.

The snake opened its mouth, wanting to swallow Er Gou into its stomach.

Er Gouzi had already taken a piece of Chang Ling'er's ribs and placed it in front of him.

The snake stretched out its tongue, smelled the master's breath, and did not swallow.

The snake stretched out its tongue, reconfirmed the source of the human smell, and swam towards the group of people led by Xia Mafu.



The snake appeared and swallowed two soldiers in one bite to fill its stomach first.

The rest of the people were frightened and scattered at this moment.

Er Gouzi did not show up, but continued to stick the invisibility talisman and hid in a small bag in the distance to watch.

The snake swallowed even the foundation-building monks one by one, and faced with this group of the strongest food who had just practiced Qi, it swallowed several in one bite.

Er Gouzi hid on the tree and watched the snake swallow Xia Mafu into its stomach in one bite, and finally felt relieved.

But he saw that the old man, Dianshi, had two talismans stuck on his body the moment the snake just appeared, and the whole person disappeared.

The snake saw Dianshi running away, but did not chase him. To it, it was like a grain of rice falling from a bowl, and there was no need to pick it up.

After a few breaths, except for a few soldiers who escaped from Xia Mafu's group, only one snake was left.

The snake was completely full this time, lying on the ground motionless, like a puddle of mud.

Moreover, after such a short time, the snake's breath declined rapidly, and now it is at most equivalent to the initial stage of Qi training.

If Xia Mafu and his group persisted for a while longer, there would be a chance to kill the snake.

Er Gouzi looked around to see if there was anyone else around, then he walked to the snake and put it into the gourd.

He was invisible from the beginning to the end and did not show up.

After collecting the snake, Er Gouzi looked around again, and finally looked for a long time at the place where the Dianshi disappeared, but he could not see the direction of the other party's escape.

He had no choice but to leave alone.

After Er Gouzi left, half a day later, the figure of the Dianshi suddenly appeared on a small building in the distance.

After he escaped, he quietly turned back and hid on a nearby building, trying to see clearly who was behind the scenes.

Unfortunately, when he escaped back, the snake had disappeared and he did not see anything.

He hid for a long time again, and still did not find anyone, so he dared to show up.

Thinking of the terrifying power of the snake demon, the Dianshi's hair stood on end.

I shouldn't have gotten involved this time.

Forget it, I'll go home and not get involved in these things in the future.

The Dianshi was a little discouraged, and he was still thinking along the way, how should he explain to the county governor if all the people he was traveling with died.

He was worried all the way and finally returned to his home in the county town.

After being frightened by 누꺶, 놆꿛 is still soft and weak. There are dozens of concubines in the house who are as gentle as water and as beautiful as flowers. He is not interested in touching them today.

Dianshi locked himself in a study room, thinking about whether he should report to the county guard and bite Ergouzi again.

People in the county town don’t know about it yet, but many well-informed people in Anchang County have heard of it.

There is a 꺶 snake in Shekou, which eats the evil cultivators alive, one in each mouthful.

Dianshi was still thinking hard when his neck suddenly tightened.

One 꿛 locked his neck fiercely.

He couldn't breathe and couldn't make a sound. He could only struggle in pain, but this one had special strength. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't move at all.

He had already guessed who 누깊놆 was, but now he couldn't even beg for mercy and couldn't make a sound.

He regretted it now, why did he offend this seemingly honest man in order to please the county guard, covet the one or two spiritual stones.

But it's too late to regret now.

Dian Shi's neck was strangled, his eyes were bloodshot and bulging out in pain, and veins popped out on his head. He kicked and clawed at his feet for a while, but finally stopped moving.

After a while, Er Gouzi let go, and Dian Shi's body was thrown to the ground, like a dead dog, no longer breathing.

One of the three giants in the county who once dominated the scene died silently like this.

Ergouzi then put the body into the gourd and began to search in the study.

First, he put all the piles of books in the study into the gourd.

He is a person who likes reading and learning. Recently, he happens to have no books to read, so he has read all the books he could find.

In addition to books, there are also some jade and other ornaments in this study, which he has also put into the gourd.

Anyway, as long as the 놆땣 is worth a copper plate, I won’t keep anything.

Even though 늀 is not above 껧뇾, there are so many people 땣뇾 below 꿛.

After emptying out the study, Ergouzi came to the cottage in the yard again.

The hole under the fake is still there, but the trap has been modified again by Dian Shi.

Ergouzi walked along the tunnel with his consciousness fully opened, and was suddenly shot by hidden arrows several times. He was unable to defend himself.

Fortunately, he has leather armor, these hidden arrows cannot hurt him, and even scratching him is not enough.

Finally walking into the underground secret room, Ergouzi stood at the door and knocked on the heavy copper door, making a dull sound.

Take this door with you later.

Last time he came in a hurry and didn't even take a good look at it. This time he wanted to take a closer look.

This secret room is small, but it is filled with all kinds of bottles and jars.

Ergouzi checked one by one, but the traps in the secret room were really clever.

He was already walking very carefully in the secret room, and was shot with several arrows.

Damn you, when you leave next time, be sure to lift up the floor and remove the traps.

Anyway, Dian Shi is dead, so he has some time to slowly toss around here.

Ergouzi picked up a jade bottle at this time, and there were three Peiyuan Pills in it.

If he saw the three Pei Yuan Pills in front of him, he would be ecstatic.

But now that I'm holding three pills, I don't feel very strong and my heart is very calm.

He picked up another wooden box, with a spirit-gathering grass inside, and put it into the gourd, feeling calm and calm.

At this time, he opened another wooden box, which contained a book.

On the cover are written the three words "껜记音".

Opening it and taking a quick look, it turned out that it was a kind of book that was specially designed to lay out traps and the like.

Of course, in addition to traps and traps, the book also teaches many tips on cultivating the world of immortality.

It's a pity that the back part of the book has been torn off, making it incomplete.

Put the book into the gourd first, and then read it slowly when you get back.

After putting away the book, he looked for 8 spiritual stones in a wooden box.

Then he put the various treasures in the secret room into the gourd one by one, and then carefully sorted them out when he went back.

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