Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 135 Daoxuanzong's solicitation (1/2)

Er Gouzi held the wooden sign in his hand and looked at it for a long time, but he couldn't see what it was.

The material should be a spiritual wood, which is very light to hold, but extremely tough, and even a flying sword can't cut any marks.

Moreover, the flying sword of the evil monk was digested by the snake, but this wooden sign was intact.

"This happened tens of thousands of years ago. Are you sure it has something to do with Xu Feng?"

Er Gouzi only sensed a little spiritual energy on this wooden sign, and did not find his aura.

"I'm sure it's definitely Xu Feng's aura."

"I know his aura and will never forget it."

Chang Ling'er said very confidently.

"Well, even if this is Xu Feng, what's the point? After more than 10,000 days, he should have died long ago."

Er Gouzi remembered that Ji Cang once said that there was a man named Xu Feng who dared to ask the royal family to write an IOU to him, and then he died miserably.

I don't know if it's the same person.

Even if it's not the same person, he should have died after more than 10,000 days.

It's meaningless to pursue it now.

Chang Ling'er was silent for a long time, and then started talking again.

"Can you help me find the whereabouts of Xu Feng?"

"Why, do you want to whip the corpse, or bury Chang Ling'er's body with Xu Feng?"

From Er Gouzi's point of view, even if he finds the whereabouts of Xu Feng now, he can only do these two things.

Chang Ling'er was silent for a while and said.

"We have to do everything. First, whip the corpse and grind the bones into powder, and then bury it with Chang Ling'er's bones."

"Okay, if I get the chance, I'll ask you about it."

"By the way, since Xu Feng's skills were all taught by Chang Ling'er, take a look at the runes on this wooden sign, do you recognize them?"

Er Gouzi recently discovered that although Chang Ling'er is a little stupid, she inherited all the memories of her predecessor Chang Ling'er, and can be regarded as an ancient treasure house, knowing a lot of things.

"I've seen the runes on the wooden sign. It could be a pass to a formation, or a key to a formation."

"Okay, I'll put this wooden sign away first. If I meet a cultist in the future, I'll capture one or two alive to interrogate them."

"However, my current cultivation is not enough. I'm always bullied outside. I can help you find out after I build my foundation."

This kind of person who lived thousands of years ago has long been dead. There's no need to rush. If you meet him in the future, just pay more attention. It's not difficult.

"Let the big snake farm well and grow more spiritual medicines, so that I can cultivate faster."

"Okay, I'll let them work hard to death."

Chang Ling'er's happy voice came from my mind.

Sure enough, from that day on, there were several snake demons working hard on the mountain every day.

Weeding and tilling the soil are all small skills, so Yushan can't help.

Fortunately, the snake demon can't cook, make pills, or help people sweep the floor and fold quilts.

Let Yushan still find some sense of existence.

He actually felt a sense of pride because he could do things for others.

With the help of the snake demon, several acres of land were reclaimed on the top of the mountain, all planted with spiritual medicine.

Spiritual medicine grows slowly. Even if it is watered with water from the gourd, it will grow 10 times faster, and it will take a lot to harvest.

You can only plant more at a time to make it enough.

There are still many snakes in the snake cave in the cave in a dormant state.

There are nine bucket-sized snakes in total, six dead and three sleeping.

One snake was revived by the spirit stone, and the remaining two sleeping snakes, I don't want to save them for the time being, just keep them alive.

If they are all saved, there will not be enough food for the snakes for the time being.

For a period of time in the future, Er Gouzi will stay on the mountain every day to make pills, practice, and farm.

He never goes out of the main door, but since his last appearance, many evil cult monks have come to him.

There are both Qi training and foundation building.

For this foundation building pill, these people are willing to sacrifice their lives.

When these people came, they were in good shape and full of fighting spirit. They all had the momentum of immortal cultivators going against the will of heaven and fighting for their lives.

I am moved by this brave and diligent spirit. If I have a good cultivation in the future, it will definitely be another legendary story.

However, the big snake was obviously a person who didn't understand the customs. He didn't leave anyone any room for performance. He swallowed everything in one bite, no matter how big or small, strong or weak.

There was no such thing as a battle of wits and courage, or a battle of 300 rounds.

Who would have to compete with a dish of wits and courage for a meal, and pay attention to the psychological activities of the dish?

The big snake guarded the mountain every day, swallowing one by one, and swallowing a pair of two.

During this period of time, the big snake was completely full, even full.

However, after seeing the danger of Shekou Mountain, the cult monks were not stupid, and fewer and fewer people came to deliver food recently.

On this day, another person came to the foot of Shekou Mountain.

However, this person showed up voluntarily and came to visit Er Gouzi.

Don't hit a smiling person, Er Gouzi didn't feel embarrassed to let the big snake swallow him.

"I am Qingfengzi from Daoxuan Sect. I want to see you. I have something important to discuss."

The visitor is in the late stage of Qi training and looks familiar.

When Qingfengzi's name was revealed, Ergouzi finally remembered that he had met him in the black market before.

At the auction, there was a cult monk who pretended to be Qingfengzi to stir up trouble, forcing Qingfengzi to take off his mask and prove his innocence.

Ergouzi received Qingfengzi in a blue brick house at the foot of the mountain.

"What's your business?"

"I am here to represent Daoxuan Sect and invite fellow Taoists to join our sect."

Qingfengzi didn't beat around the bush and explained his intention directly.

"Thank you Dao Xuanzong for being considerate."

Ergouzi bowed his head to express his thanks. Thinking back on it, this was the second time Daoxuanzong invited him.

The first time was when 놛 was admitted to Wuxiu 꺳놅.

At that time, he was quite arrogant in front of the Daoxuanzong monk. Because he was rejected, he finally used the invisibility charm to scare him.

Ergouzi was so frightened that he was nervous for many days. During that time, he was always suspicious and suspected that someone around him was watching him.

Even when I was squatting in a manhole, I was worried that someone would be next to me, which would make it difficult to poop.

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This time Qingfengzi came to invite him with his true face, which seemed much more polite.

"However, 놖 once set two rules for himself. One is not to be an official, and 괗 is not to join a cult."

"놖놙I want to farm and practice with peace of mind. I don't want to tuck my head in my pants and fight with 그 every day."

Faced with Daoxuanzong's third invitation, Gouzi still refused.

He can just hide and practice hard. He is 20 years old this year and has already reached the seventh level of Qi refining.

There is elixir on the Shekou 껚, and there is a foundation-building pill in my hand. I don’t lack anything, so why should I suffer the pain?

놙As long as he practices step by step, he will be able to successfully build the foundation in a few years.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, please listen to the conditions we offer first. I think you will be moved."

If you are still an immortal cultivator, there should be no one who would not be tempted by the conditions Daoxuanzong has set this time.

Therefore, Qingfengzi is very confident.

"First of all, you need to join Daoxuan Sect and provide one Peiyuan every month."

"One pill of Peiyuan 뀑 every month!"

Qingfengzi was afraid that Gouzi didn't hear clearly, so he repeated it in an accentuated tone.

The price offered to Gouzi made even him excited, and he was so envious that he couldn't sleep.

"One pill a month is really not bad."

괗Gouzi nodded, indicating recognition.

If it were other cultivators who heard this condition, they would probably immediately hand over their lives to Daoxuanzong.

I still remember the last time I set up a stall selling Peiyuan in the black shop. Four monks pooled together a piece of spiritual stone and bought a Peiyuan.

However, for 괗Gouzi, a grain of Peiyuan is not that valuable.

Peiyuan's main medicine is century-old ginseng. He knows how to make it himself, and now he takes one pill every two days.

If it weren't for his physical difficulty, he would have no problem taking one pill every day.

Qingfengzi observed for a long time, but still could not find any evidence of ecstasy on Gouzi's expression.

Anyone else would have been dancing with excitement and it would be difficult to suppress their emotions.

The dog in front of him still looked as calm as water, obviously suppressing all the excitement and ecstasy in his heart.

Faced with such great benefits, it is impossible not to be excited.

Qingfengzi secretly thought, this city is extremely deep!

Even Gouzi didn't expect that he would be so deep in the city.

"In addition to the medicine, after you successfully build the foundation, the sect will also provide you with a training method for the foundation building period."

This condition is indeed quite tempting to Gouzi. After he establishes the foundation, except for the secret techniques Ji Cang taught him, there is no major technique.

Given the current situation in the Zhou Dynasty, it is extremely difficult to obtain a Kung Fu method without being an official.

However, Gouzi still has no plans to join Daoxuanzong for a skill.

If it doesn't work, he can go to the capital to find Brother Ji, holding a bunch of IOUs in his hand, and exchange a technique with him, which should be no problem.

The first IOU written by Ji Cang was that he owed Gou Zi his life. It was written on a piece of cloth with Ji Cang's blood.

With an IOU of one life, apart from not being able to exchange for the throne, everything else should be negotiable.

After Qingfengzi agreed to these two conditions, he remained silent and waited quietly for Gouzi to agree happily.

No matter how deep your city is, you can't resist such a huge temptation.

괗Gouzi listened to Qingfengzi's conditions for opening 눕 and thought there would be many benefits later, 껩just waited quietly for Qingfengzi to continue talking.

The two of them said nothing, waiting for each other's next move, and the scene suddenly became very quiet.

Finally, Qingfengzi couldn't hold back his anger.

"Zhang Daoyou, what do you think of these two conditions? Do you want to reconsider?"

"No more?"

"That's all?"

괗Gouzi came here and wanted to seduce him to join the cult just because he had this little benefit.

"Isn't this enough?"

Qingfengzi was annoyed. He had joined Daoxuan Sect since he was a child and was loyal to the sect, but he did not receive such treatment.

For such a generous condition, Gouzi was still too little, and his contemptuous eyes seemed to be dismissive.

"not enough."

괗Gouzi shook his head.

"Besides, I won't be an official or join a cult."

"You can offer such generous conditions to 놖, because you must want to get something more important from 놖."

괗Gouzi꺳 didn't believe that Daoxuanzong would value himself so much and give him so many benefits for no reason.

There must be something inside that he doesn't know.

After being rejected by Gouzi, Qingfengzi walked away dejectedly.

It's not that he was discouraged because he failed to invite Gou Zi.

It was something he couldn't ask for, and others looked at it like shit, and that feeling of frustration stung him.

꺘After the day, Qingfengzi came to visit again.

This time, he was not a 그, but also brought a foundation-building monk from Daoxuan Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, this is Master Uncle 놖, 그called Jiu Xing Dao 그."

After Qingfengzi made the introduction, he had no room to speak and stood aside.

"Zhang Daoyou, since you don't want to join Daoxuan Sect, I can't force you. I'm here today to make a deal with you."

Jiuxingdao raised his hand and said directly.

"I don't know what kind of deal it is? First of all, let me say that 놖녦 will not sell 그口."

괗Gouzi first thought that cult monks used 그 to refine blood.

He instinctively felt disgusted with this kind of transaction.

"Young Daoist Zhang underestimated our Daoxuan Sect too much. More than ten thousand years ago, our Daoxuan Sect was a great sect of righteousness.

Since ancient times, there has been no coexistence between good and evil, and we have never bothered to do such harming things. "

Jiu Xing Dao 그 clearly stated Dao Xuanzong’s stance.

"놖We just want to ask, did you get a wooden sign recently?"

"It's probably this style."

Jiuxingdao took a piece of paper with a palm-sized wooden sign printed on it.

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