Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 118 Farmland

After the last war, there were only 8 geese left in the group, and all of them were injured.

Especially Goose King, who took a bottle of elixir and rushed to kill with the dog, and almost all the hair on his body was falling off.

The skin burst due to the powerful force of the medicine, revealing the blood-red muscles inside.

During this period of time, Gouzi carefully nursed the goose back to health every day.

He discovered that King Goose would become violent in a short period of time after taking that elixir, and his fighting power would skyrocket.

However, after the medicinal properties of the elixir wear off, there will be some damage to the meridians in the body, which will take a long time to repair.

In addition to this, there seem to be other side effects, and the goose's character has become even more irritable.

During this period, in addition to giving the big geese the Huanzhen Pill to heal their injuries, I also fed some Peiyuan Pills to a few geese.

Now there are only these 8 spiritual beasts left. If they are not cultivated to be stronger, even Yushan will not be able to catch them.

After taking the real elixir, the goose's strength indeed increased much faster.

Now the geese's injuries have all recovered, and their strength has also improved.

The strength of each goose should be able to catch up with human beings in the middle stage of Qi training.

The only regret is that they don't like to lay eggs, so the population cannot expand in a short time.

괗Gouzi is also worried about the happy life of the geese.

He even kept a male and a female geese alone together so that they could develop feelings for each other.

These geese were unmoved at all and were forcibly brought together. The male and female geese raised their heads proudly and did not even look at each other.

There is nothing we can do in the short term.

On this day, Gouzi finished his training and walked out of the stone house.

"Master, look, the seeds of the iron thorn are ripe."

Yushan held some seeds that looked like small black stones in his hand and brought them to Gouzi.

괗Gouzi took the seed and looked at it.

After cultivating the iron thorn for so long, the seeds finally began to mature.

Nowadays, the entire Shekou mountain top is covered with iron thorns. Once they begin to mature, a large number of seeds can be harvested one after another.

Picked up a seed and tried to cast an entanglement spell.

With his current level of Qi refining, it is already very easy to perform the entanglement technique.

I saw a seed fly out of my hand, quickly spread out in the air, turned into an iron thorn, and wrapped around a stone.

The iron thorns were tightly wrapped around the stone, and some wooden thorns actually penetrated into the stone.

Yushan shivered when he saw it. If it wrapped around his body, his three-foot-tall little body would be pierced all over.

"Don't be nervous. You are my family. These thorns are used to deal with the enemies outside."

괗Gouzi saw that Yushan seemed a little nervous, so he comforted him gently.

"놖 is not nervous, 놖 is excited for the master."

"By the way, Yushan, when you ran away last time, you said you wanted to go back and see your relatives at home."

Gouzi suddenly remembered such a thing and felt that he still didn't care enough about Yushan.

"How many people are there in your family?"

Yushan was stunned when he heard this. He was so dizzy from such huge concern that he hesitated for a long time. He was so moved that he couldn't speak.

"If you miss your family, 늀 tell 놖, 놖 go for a visit.

I'll help you bring all your family members over. It would be great to live together as a family, in harmony and beauty. "

괗Gouzi was still very concerned and said.

As the boss, he usually has to pay more attention to the lives of his servants.

"Thank you for your kindness, Master. It's very nice here. I don't miss home so much now."

Yushan was moved to tears and rejected Gouzi's kindness.

"Oh, it's all because I've been neglectful and didn't care about you much. In fact, it's better for the family to live together."

"You are the best master, but I really don't want to go home now. A man's ambition is to live in the fourth place, so he can't think about home all the time."

"Well, since you are so ambitious, I won't force you."

괗Gouzi said, putting away the handful of iron thorn seeds.

"놖Go out for a while and take care of your home."

"Okay, boss, don't worry, I'm here."

괗Gouzi is going to visit the county town this time.

He had already finished the auxiliary medicinal materials for refining Peiyuan Dan and was going to the county town to buy some.

In addition, because the original county magistrate framed the prince and was taken away, the position of county magistrate was vacant.

Before the new county magistrate arrived, an official document came from the state capital, asking the owner of the Ding family village to temporarily assume the position of county magistrate.

The leader of Dingjiazhuang was born in Wu Juren, and he was a well-known good man. He made great achievements in suppressing the rebellion.

Let him temporarily take charge of the county magistrate of Anchang County, which is what everyone expects.

Magistrate Ding took office and invited Gouzi to meet in the county today, saying it was an important matter to discuss.

괗The dog rode the big goose and flew all the way to the county town.

After this round of turmoil, there were few people in Qingzhou.

He flew all the way, and the villages he saw along the way were all dilapidated, and there were no people in sight.

The busy scene during the spring plowing period in previous years can no longer be seen. Only a few people are plowing in the field, and most of the fields are abandoned and covered with grass.

The official road where people used to come and go is now overgrown with weeds.

There are even more wild animals on the mountain than people.

After entering the county seat, Gouzi walked on the street, which was much deserted than before.

The shop selling 늵子 on the street is still open for business.

The big meat is big and round, and the tempting fragrance can be smelled from all the way.

This is something Gouzi always bought every time he came to the county town.

But today, he hesitated and still didn't dare to buy meat.

When he walked outside the county government office, he saw a long queue at the door, and several government officials were distributing food.

괗This was the first time Gouzi saw that the county government would distribute food for free.

Everyone who received the food was grateful.

"Thank you, Mr. Qingtian!"

"As soon as Ding Qingtian comes, he will open a warehouse and put in grain."

"After so many years of hard life, it's finally over!"

When Gouzi approached 껣, he heard the surnames of the people who had been allocated food, and kept chanting Ding Qingtian's name.

At this time, the newly appointed Magistrate Ding was standing at the gate of the county government office, supervising the distribution of food by the government officials and preventing them from embezzling and enriching their own pockets.

괗Gouzi walked over and bowed to Magistrate Ding.


"Congratulations to Master Ding on your promotion to county magistrate."

When Magistrate Ding saw it was Gouzi, he quickly returned the favor with a smile.

"Oh, the chaos has begun, it's all a mess."

Although Mr. Ding became the county magistrate, he still dressed simply and looked like an honest and simple farmer.

"Brother Gou came just in time. I want to discuss some things with you."

Magistrate Ding led Gouzi into the county government office and walked into a living room.

At the same time, there are several other big masters here, who have also been waiting here.

Everyone waited for a while, and more than 20 people sat in this hall one after another.

At this time, Master Ding walked into the hall again, with a gentle expression and bowed his hands to everyone in the living room.

"Sorry! Sorry! I kept you waiting for so long!"

Those who came today are all landlords and wealthy businessmen in Anchang County. When the previous county magistrate was here, they were not qualified to say a word to the county magistrate.

Having never received such high treatment, they quickly stood up and returned the favor, and many of them even knelt down in fear.

"Fathers, don't be too polite."

Magistrate Ding quickly handed over his hands, and then personally helped up those who were kneeling.

"놖I invite you all to come today. I want to discuss important matters with you, and I want to ask for help from each other."

"Whatever Ding Qingtian's orders are, just tell them, and we will cooperate fully."

A wealthy businessman quickly patted his chest and assured.

"It's like this. After this great chaos, the population of the entire Anchang County has dropped sharply. There is only one person left in Anchang County, and it is desolate and desolate."

"As a county official, I can't help but shed tears every time I see such desolate scenes."

"As the saying goes, once you serve as an official, you will benefit every time. I want to do something for the name of Anchang County and restore the prosperity of Anchang County in the past."

"Okay, okay..."

"Ding Qingzhen is a rare good official."

After Magistrate Ding finished speaking, a series of cheers sounded in the hall.

There is flattery in it, but there is also a small amount of real emotion mixed in. Who wouldn't want to meet a good county magistrate who loves his people like his own son.

“But this is difficult to do and requires everyone’s concerted efforts.”

"Everyone, please listen to me and tell me in detail..."

Magistrate Ding told everyone his plan in detail.

To sum up, 늀 is the development of population.

Anchang County can be prosperous only if there is a sufficient population, only when people are of good race, only when people pay taxes, and only when people do corvee service.

Regarding how to develop and increase the population, Magistrate Ding also proposed several methods.

The first is to ask the landlords present to go back and reduce the rent for the tenants.

The tenants pay less rent so that they can have enough to eat, have enough food to spare, and can think about having children at night.

As long as a family has four or five children and six children, the population can double in a few years.

In the next ten years, we will surely be able to rebuild a prosperous Anchang County.

Because of the great disaster and chaos, in order to appease the people, the imperial court has exempted the entire Qingzhou from taxes for three years.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it would be most appropriate to reduce rents to tenants.

This is the request of County Magistrate Ding to the owner.

As for the wealthy businessmen invited today, they have another task.

These merchants have been traveling throughout the Zhou Dynasty for a long time, selling goods for profit.

Magistrate Ding asked these wealthy businessmen to bring other poor people, refugees, and beggars to Anchang County when they encountered them while walking outside.

As long as it can bring in more people, the county government will reward them.

This can further solve the problem that Anchang County has too small a population and a lot of land is uncultivated.

When Magistrate Ding told him these two plans, the whole house applauded.

It is conceivable that as long as these two sets of bills can be implemented, Anchang County will become prosperous in a short time.

늀Even 괗Gouzi also cheered several times along with everyone.

Anchang County finally met a good county magistrate who can make decisions for the people.

"You guys are exaggerating. The old man is a farmer. In fact, he doesn't know anything. He just treats running a county as growing crops."

"The old man's crops before were only a small Dingjiazhuang, but now his crops have become Anchang County."

"Everything still needs your support!"

As expected, County Magistrate Ding was an elder.

꺗Thank everyone and send them outside the Yamen.

Anchang County has great expectations, and everyone is full of energy.

괗After Gouzi came out of the county government office, he went to the black market. It was also deserted and he could barely buy some medicinal materials.

It seems that I will go to Sanyang County to take a look next time. The items there should be much richer.

Among the pile of IOUs in my hand, there was also a Foundation Establishment Pill.

Ji Cang had already said hello to him before he left, but 괗 Gouzi had to go pick it up in person and register his name.

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