Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 111 Snake Demon

Since the siege of the county town was lifted last time, Anchang County has temporarily calmed down.

Those villagers who followed the rebellion returned to their place of origin, temporarily put away all their little thoughts, picked up their hoes again, and dug in the fields for food.

However, once a person breaks through the constraints once, his mind will be completely alive, and he will no longer be as honest as before.

Once something happens, it is possible to cause chaos again. It is the kind of unruly people who do not keep their roots as the officials said.

Usually, when dealing with such unruly people, they should be killed, but at this stage, if they are killed, no one will farm.

And it is easy to provoke civil unrest.

There are also some people who are addicted to it and cannot wake up from the dream of princes and generals for the time being.

After failing in Anchang County, they crossed counties and went to other places to continue creating troubles.

During this period, some rebel teams from other places also entered Anchang County, but the scale was not large.

The county magistrate and Dingjiazhuang 덿 joined forces and were quickly driven away.

As for the turmoil in other counties, the county magistrate and Dingzhuang 덿 once invited Er Gouzi to go together to quell the rebellion and make meritorious service to the court.

Ergouzi refused without hesitation.

When he negotiated terms with Ji Cang last time, he didn't say that he would fight elsewhere.

꺳The price of a foundation-building pill is a big loss if you take people all the way to fight in other counties.

Ji Cang only gave me one penny, so we only worked for one penny.

Therefore, Ergouzi felt at ease and did not get involved in these government affairs anymore, and practiced on the mountain every day.

No matter good or bad, success or failure, it is the emperor's country.

The rise and fall of the world is none of my business!

He concentrates on practicing on the mountain every day, chatting with Yushan in his free time, or going down the mountain to get together with everyone.

Time flies and winter turns to spring again.

This spring, Ergouzi is already a 20-year-old young man.

He was originally a little shorter than his peers. In recent years, it may be due to good food and cultivation.

His height has been rising steadily, and now he is no longer short when standing next to Hime Cang.

It's just that Ji Cang is white and tender, and looks arrogant, while Er Gouzi has soy sauce-colored skin and looks honest and honest.

One black and one white, very different in temperament.

The 20-year-old Ergouzi has not only grown taller, but also looks much more mature.

Years ago, his cultivation level took another step forward and he successfully broke through to the seventh level of Qi training.

The seventh level of Qi training belongs to the later stage of Qi training. After this period, most people prepare for foundation building.

As for the most troublesome foundation building, he had already made a reservation with Ji Cang, so there was no need to worry too much.

I just hope this guy won't default on his debt.

At this time, Er Gouzi was chatting with Yu Shan about some life insights on the top of Shekou Mountain.

"I tell you that hardship comes first and happiness comes last. Only those who endure hardship can become a master..."

Yushan deeply believes in this theory and adheres to it unswervingly. He works hard every day and can endure hardships.

"덿 people are so right. I have also discovered that the more work you do during the day, the sweeter and more solid your sleep will be at night."

The two were having an in-depth exchange of views on their experiences of hardship when the geese suddenly became restless.


Ergouzi looked at the group of geese, and it turned out that they were surrounding a big golden-haired mouse, playing with it in its mouth and flapping its wings.

This big golden-haired mouse is more than two feet long and is almost catching up with the little piggy.

I don’t know how many years I have lived, but I have become very smart a long time ago. I was just confused and attracted by the demon-transforming fruit tree, and now I fell into the mouth of the geese and suffered all the humiliation.

Ergouzi walked over, grabbed the rat's top-patterned skin and held it in his hand. It weighed about twenty or thirty kilograms and could make a full meal.

"Yushan, take this rat and wash it and skin it clean. I'll give you a rat leg later."


Yushan took the mouse and went to work very skillfully.

Because last year he took the demon-turning fruit tree out of the gourd and placed it on the top of the mountain.

Since then, the aura emanating from the Demonic Fruit Tree has always attracted surrounding beasts to fall into their trap.

Last winter, a large mutated wild boar was attracted.

The pig weighed 600 kilograms. It reached the foot of Shekou Mountain, but it was too big to climb up the mountain. It was killed by everyone at the foot of the mountain.

A few hundred kilograms of wild boar meat allowed everyone under his command to have a fat year.

Some time ago, he really attracted a locust demon. After he put it in a gourd and kept it for three days, it was eaten by two geese.

Two more geese at the spiritual beast level were successfully added.

Yushan's hands and feet at work became more and more deft, and he quickly handled a big mouse cleanly.

Ergouzi tore off a leg from above and gave it to Yushan.

He was not willing to eat the rest, but put it into the gourd and sold it to Ji Cang in exchange for a piece of rice.

"Thank you so much, people."

Yushan took the mouse leg and was so moved that his big eyes filled with tears of excitement.


At this moment, the geese suddenly exploded again, and many big white geese flapped their wings and flew into the sky.

Some big white geese made a volley and pounce action.

At the center of the attack by the big white goose, the seedlings in the field were lying on both sides, and a big snake was swimming slowly inside.

This snake was as thick as a dog's thigh and about ten 뀟 long. It exuded a violent evil aura.

It turned out to be a snake demon. Looking at the aura, it was almost the same as a human being in the middle stage of Qi training.

The scales on the snake demon's body seemed to be quite hard. It was attacked by a group of geese and was hit several times. It still spit out its tongue and swam slowly towards the demon fruit tree.

Er Gouzi pulled out the giant door panel sword from his back, and a layer of dazzling light shone on the blade. He slashed the snake's neck with a sword.


The snake's blood splattered, and the snake demon's body was separated.

Er Gouzi walked over and picked up the huge snake corpse, feeling a little confused.

I just killed a mutant little snake a few days ago, and today there is another snake demon.

Is the rumor in Shexi Village true?

As a child who grew up in Shexi Village, I have heard people say since I was a child that there is a snake demon on Shekou Mountain, and seeing it will kill you.

Looking at this big snake in front of me, which is thicker than a thigh, if an ordinary person encounters it, the chance of survival is indeed not high.

If there has always been a snake demon where I live, it is a blessing that I have not been eaten by the snake before.

Could it be that the big snake wanted to fatten itself up before eating?

I don’t know if there is only this snake in the mountain, or if there are other snakes hiding.

If there are other stronger snakes, things will be troublesome.

Er Gouzi also put the body of this snake into the gourd, and decided to sell it to Ji Chang for drinking.

The mutant little snake last time, with some chili, was also exchanged for a pill of Qi.

This snake has become a demon, and it can definitely be sold for a good price after being lifted by the gourd.

As for the demon fruit tree on the top of the mountain, he still left it there.

If there are other snake demons, just lure them out early. Being hidden in the dark is a hidden danger.

But in the next few days, Er Gouzi waited carefully every day, but no snake demon appeared again.

While he relaxed a little, he was still thinking about this matter.

Today, he took some dried chili peppers, carried the snake demon's body, and went down the mountain to find Ji Cang.

Sure enough, Ji Cang was very discerning.

Seeing the snake demon and chili peppers that Er Gouzi brought, he wrote a note without saying a word.

Er Gouzi took the note and took a look. It said "Take 20 Qi-gathering pills" and immediately put it in his arms with a smile.

"Hehe... Brother Ji, you are too polite. I feel embarrassed to write a note to me every time."

Ji Cang rolled his eyes at Er Gouzi. When did this kid learn to say polite words? If he doesn't write a note, he won't be able to eat a piece of meat.

"Stop being sour, help me peel the snake skin."


Er Gouzi had just harvested a snake and was in a very good mood. He grabbed the snake skin from the cut and pulled it, and a whole piece of snake skin was torn off.

"This snake skin is of good quality. It can be made into a soft armor. I give it to you."

Ji Cang waved his hand and gave the snake demon skin to Er Gouzi.

"Thank you, brother Ji."

"Help me process this snake meat. This part is for soup, this part is for dry stir-fry with dried chili, this part is cut into small pieces and sprinkled with chili powder, and grilled..."

Ji Cang himself can't cook, but he is very good at eating and giving orders.

Er Gouzi just got the benefit, so he didn't mind. He could get some food later. With Qiuyue busy for a while, this big snake has become more than a dozen dishes.

" spicy..."

Er Gouzi ate a piece of dry-fried snake meat and was so spicy that he cried.

It was hard to imagine that such a spicy dish was made by himself.

It seemed that he should just eat some non-spicy snake soup.

Ji Cang was enjoying himself while eating chili and drinking wine.

What surprised him was that Sima Yi and Xiao Ezi could eat chili.

Xiao Ezi's injury had not fully healed yet, and she still needed treatment and conditioning, but she could eat anything.

"Woo woo woo..."

Just as they were eating and drinking together, a cow horn sounded on the top of a mountain.

Er Gouzi threw the bowl in his hand and quickly rode a goose to the sky.

The world was not very peaceful now, so Sun Wangcai arranged some people to guard the tops of the mountains around Shekou Mountain.

If an enemy was found to be invading, a cow horn would be blown as a signal.

Er Gouzi was riding a goose in the sky and found that there was a large group of people running towards him in the distance.

Among this group of people, the leaders were the county magistrate and Ding Jiazhuang.

The two of them led a group of people and were fleeing to Shekou Mountain in panic.

Behind them, there was a large group of black teams chasing them.

This team was very strong at first glance, with a large number of immortal cultivators.

Last time, these two guys invited Er Gouzi to go to other counties to quell rebellion and make meritorious deeds, but Er Gouzi didn't go.

The two teams led the team, but they didn't expect to stir up a hornet's nest. Now they can't do it, so they ran to him and attracted the rebels.

"Brother Er Gou!"

"Help me!"

The two saw from a distance, Er Gouzi, who was riding a goose in the sky, called out loudly.

At this point, even if he didn't want to, the rebels would come here to kill him.

Behind him, Ji Cang had already ordered Qiuyue and Sun Wangcai to organize the team and set up the battle formation.

Since he was here, let the rebels see his flying goose brigade.

He rode a big goose and took the lead, followed by 10 spirit beast-level geese, flying in front of the rebels.


With a loud noise, he had thrown down a big stone, and the gravel splashed, knocking down a dozen people.

"Listen, rebels in front, I have nothing to do with you, please retreat quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for not having eyes for the stone in my hand."

After throwing a stone, Er Gouzi shouted loudly in the sky.

According to his previous experience in Anchang County, this would be enough to subdue the rebels.

But today, he was a little careless, and the rebels not only did not retreat, but continued to rush towards him with a roar.

At the same time, a figure rushed out from the rebels, and flew into the sky with a "whoosh".

There was actually a foundation-building cultivator among the rebels, and at this moment, he stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi was nervous. He had always been invincible in the sky, but this was the first time he met an opponent who could fly.

And the opponent was a foundation-building master, which was a big trouble.

"Haha, you are the legendary flying goose general!"

"I was just thinking of meeting you!"

An old man flew over and looked at Er Gouzi and the ten spirit beast-level geese around him with a bad look.

"Old man, what do you want to take for yourself?"

"Anyone who sees it gets a share. I also like these geese."

Just then, two foundation-building monks flew out from the rebels and flew in front of Er Gouzi on flying swords.

The appearance of three foundation-building monks at once was far beyond Er Gouzi's imagination.

What kind of hornet's nest did the county magistrate and Dingjiazhuang stir up to attract such a powerful enemy?

If things go wrong today, all the people in Shekou Mountain will be killed here.

The three foundation-building monks looked at Er Gouzi with bad intentions and approached him.

Er Gouzi's ability was just to fight with Qi-refining monks. How could he dare to face three foundation-building masters at the same time?

He immediately turned around and fled.

"Brother Ji!"


The three foundation-building monks were not in a hurry, and followed slowly behind them like a cat playing with a mouse.

At the same time, the rebels behind them rushed towards Shekou Mountain like a black flood.

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