Mortal Immortal Gourd

Chapter 104 A short pain is worse than a long one

The thousands of people hiding in Sanchazi Town were still thinking about returning to Shekou Mountain.

But they didn't expect to be bombarded by Ergouzi from the sky, which scared them to pieces.

The proportion of people who were directly smashed to death was not particularly high.

After all, Ergouzi is only one person. If a head is randomly thrown from the sky, the chance of hitting the head is not that high.

But this kind of momentum is really scary. I saw the house being smashed down and my head being smashed into pieces.

No one can afford to resist at all.

And even if they wanted to resist, they wouldn't be able to hit the goose in the sky.

Therefore, the team of several thousand people, including the immortal cultivators, all fled away from Sanchazi Town.

When leaving the town, it is inevitable that they will be intercepted again and some of them will be killed.

"Brother Ji, help me keep an eye on it. Go to the town and see if we catch a few alive."

"Well, go ahead."

Himekura nodded casually.

Er Gouzi walked into the familiar town of Sanchazi. Now it was in chaos and the houses collapsed.

When many people saw Er Gouzi's figure, they were afraid to avoid him as if they were seeing the god of plague.

For those ordinary people, Ergouzi had no intention of hunting them down, and it was not worth his energy to waste.

He used the Zhanzhan Qi Technique to look at the past. If he met someone with advanced skills, he would be welcome.

No matter the cultists or the people from Snake Creek Village, they will not be spared.

At this moment, he grabbed a small rebel leader who was on the second level of Qi training and stepped on him.

"Mr. Zhang, I am Wang Tuzi from the next village. I am a fellow countryman from my hometown. Why don't you let me go?"

For this iconic bald man, there are not many people in the nearby village of Patxiang who don’t recognize him.

This guy pretended to steal Deaf Li's wife. Later, when the incident happened, Deaf Li's wife was imprisoned in a pig cage.

The surrounding villagers went to see the grand event, and this guy became famous as well.

"Where is Zhang Youxin? Where are the others?"

"King Xin... Zhang Youxin, this thief, he occupied the courtyard of the principal family in 깊xiang."

Wang Tuozi betrayed Zhang Youxin without hesitation, hoping to gain Ergouzi's favor.

Those who know the current affairs are heroes. People don't hang themselves on a tree. They must change jobs in a timely manner.

But after Wang Baldzi finished speaking, Ergouzi stepped hard with his feet and broke his sternum with a click.

Ergouzi didn't have a good impression of this guy. Several girls from the surrounding villages had been seduced by him, but he was famous for it.

After trampling Wang Baldy to death, he walked to Xiangzheng's house.

Xiangzheng is a wealthy man in Sanchazi Town who has passed the examination as a literary scholar. Last time Huang Laocai accompanied Ergouzi to apply for household registration, and even came to ask for help from the township official.

Xiangzheng's family has long since disappeared. The house collapsed, and the smooth ground brushed with tung oil is now stained with blood.

Ergouzi was still outside the door when he heard a sound like a butchering pig howling.

This voice is very familiar to Ergouzi. He has heard it since he was a child, and it used to be his nightmare.

A few days ago, he was defeated by this pig-like voice.

It's a pity that Xiao'ezi's life and death are unknown now, so there is no need for him to worry too much.

In a collapsed house, my aunt's fat body lay on the ground in pain.

Her lower body was trapped by collapsed beams and bricks.

Ergouzi's consciousness followed her body and found that her lower body was smashed and her legs were broken.

Now even if she is rescued from the ruins and treated carefully by a famous doctor, at most she can save half her life and her legs will be completely disabled.

When the aunt saw Er Gouzi coming in, she quickly begged.

"My dear nephew, please save my aunt... Ouch... it hurts to death 놖깊..."

"For the sake of raising you 10뎃..."

She didn't talk about this 10뎃, Ergouzi was still in a calm mood.

Every time I mentioned this 10뎃, it was like adding fuel to the fire to Ergouzi.

" hurts to death놖깊 dear nephew, please help me...ouch..."

"놖It's your aunt... Ouch... We are a family... Ouch... Broken bones are still connected... Ouch..."

"You don't want to die without saving..."

Er Gouzi stood in the room with his hands folded in front of his chest, watching his aunt wailing on the ground, without any thought of stepping forward to save her.

He didn't speak, just watched quietly.

"Good 놖..."

"Are you still complaining that 놖 beat you before... Ouch..."

"Oh... you don't understand. Hitting means kissing, scolding, and love. This is all for your own good... Ouch..."

"If it's someone else's child, why don't you beat him..."

"Without Auntie's so many teachings, you wouldn't be as successful as you are today..."

Finding that Er Gouzi was indifferent, Auntie began to talk about feelings with him.

"놖 is all for your own good, why don't you understand 놖's painstaking efforts... Ouch..."

If Er Gouzi had heard his aunt say this when he was three or four years old, he would have really believed it, and maybe he would have been deeply moved.

Now, he wouldn't believe a word of it.


"It hurts to death 놖깊..."

"Good nephew, please save me..."

"As long as I rescue my aunt, I will agree to whatever you want."

Er Gouzi finally walked to her side and squatted down, and there was a hint of joy on Auntie's face.

"놖Let me ask you, did you kill the big dog?"

When the aunt heard this, she had a look of astonishment on her face, but she quickly recovered.

"How can I do that? You are all my nephews, and I treat you like my own children."

"You have no parents when you are so young. It is too late to hurt your uncle. How can you kill him?"

"Alas! This child's life is miserable!"

" hurts to death 놖깊..."

"Good nephew, please rescue 놖 first, and we will talk about the rest later."

"Hmph... There's no need to pretend. My parents were the ones who snitched on you and were killed by the cult. I already know that."

Er Gouzi sneered and looked at the shrew who was struggling in pain and still telling lies with disgust.

When the aunt heard what Er Gouzi said, her face changed drastically.

"You already know, why do you ask?"

"Your father has a treasure, but he is reluctant to share it with his elder brother. He wants to hide it alone and make a fortune."

"A person as unkind and cruel as your father deserves to die."

The aunt knew that there was no point in begging anymore and showed her true colors of being sarcastic and mean.

"That brother of yours, who is a few years older than you, knows some things that you shouldn't know, and yet he dares to demand revenge in front of us."

"Begging for food under my hands and wanting revenge..."

"That night, 놖 and Youliang held down his hands and feet, and your uncle pried open his mouth and poured a bowl of poisonous soup into him. He died after a while."

"This bastard, little Ji Ji is so strong that he almost couldn't hold me down and scratched my arm."

“You are a real thief, you work conscientiously every day, you accept everything that comes your way, and you never complain.

I wanted to keep you as a servant, so I let you live until now, but I didn't expect that you had evil intentions. "

When the aunt said this, she felt a strong sense of regret in her heart.

If I had known I would have killed this brat in the first place, I shouldn't have taken such a small advantage.

Er Gouzi squatted beside his aunt, as if he could see the big dog struggling desperately before his death.

땤At that time, he was fast asleep.

Er Gouzi stood up and stepped on his aunt's finger.

There was a "click, click, click..." sound of bones breaking under the feet.


"It hurts to death 놖깊..."

"You are a murderer..."

"If you have any trouble, just kill me with one knife..."


Gouzi ignored her wails of pain and stepped aside, crushing the fingers of her other hand.

"놖 won't kill you."

"놖Life is worse than death..."

Thinking of the despair and helplessness of the big dog before his death, she felt that killing him with a knife would be too cheap.

With my aunt in her current state, it would be even more painful to let her continue to live.

At this moment, a figure came outside the door.

This person walked to the door, saw Er Gouzi, and quickly turned around and ran away.

Ergouzi didn't see this person's appearance clearly, but he felt that this person had at least the fourth or fifth level of Qi training.

He immediately abandoned his aunt and chased outside the house.

As for the shrew in the ruins, let her continue to suffer here.

After Er Gouzi chased him out, a long time passed before a gray figure crawled out from the ruins of the next room.

Looking at his face, he turned out to be Zhang Youxin.

He had previously used a Breath Condensing Talisman on himself to completely cover up his aura and was able to escape.

Zhang Youxin came to the place where his mother was trapped by the rubble.


"Son, it's great that you're not dead!"

"Get out of here quickly."

"Ouch, it hurts so much."

When the aunt saw Zhang Youxin appearing, the light of hope reignited on her face.

My own son came, and this time I was finally saved.

"Mom, please keep your voice down, wait until Ergouzi comes back."

Zhang Youxin looked at his mother under the ruins and fell into deep thought.

It will take a long time to move so many ruins one by one. Now is the critical moment to escape. Time is life.

"Mom, please be quiet and listen to me."

"Son, whatever ideas you have, my mother will listen to you."

This son has been studying since he was a child, has the most ideas, and is smarter and more lovable than the eldest son.

"Mom, my eldest brother hasn't come back for so many days. He is very likely to die."

"놖's son..."

"Shh! Don't cry! We will all die if we alert others."

Zhang Youxin covered his mother's mouth and let go after a while.

Tears flowed from the corners of his mother's eyes, and she nodded while sobbing.

"But mother, you are injured like this now. If I take you with me, I won't be able to escape."

"Mom, do you understand what 놖 means?"

When Zhang Youxin said this, he knelt down in front of his mother, and two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"Son, do you mean not to save 놖깊?"

"But I don't want to die!"

"놖I'm afraid of death, I haven't lived enough yet."

She didn't expect that even her biological son, who had finally waited for him, could not save her.

This made her more desperate than Er Gouzi killing her with one knife.

"But mother, I can't escape with you. We will both die and neither of us will survive."

"Mom... 놖 is now the only child in our family. 놖 is the only hope for the whole family. 놖 is not going to die, 놖 must live."

Zhang Youxin kowtowed to his mother again. He wanted to escape from here, and taking his mother with him was just a burden.

"Mom, my son can't bear it when you lie down and suffer like this. The long-term pain is not as good as the short-term pain."

When Zhang Youxin said this, he drew a short sword from his waist.

"Mom, please help me with your pain. Don't blame me."

"Son, I'm afraid!"

When facing death, no matter how aggressive a person is, he is now shrouded in fear.

She didn't want to die, she was afraid.

"Mom, it's better to suffer a short pain than a long one, it will be better in a moment."

Zhang Youxin said, wiping his nose, and with trembling hands he thrust the dagger forward and cut his mother's neck.

The bright red blood spurted out, staining his sword and his hands red...

After a while, Zhang Youxin knelt in front of his mother, kowtowed three times, and pulled a few pieces of ruins to cover his mother's body.

He rolled in the dust of the ruins for a few times, pretending to be a panicked soldier, and fled out of the town.

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