Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 056 [Killing the Ice Toad, Changes in the Secret Realm]


Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh...

Facing the spirit beast of the sixth level of Qi Refining, Xu Changan did not dare to neglect it. He kept moving his feet, and after a few ups and downs, he crossed the mountain stream and came to the top of the mountain.

There was blood under his feet.

The underground ice spikes sent by the toad had just pierced a huge hole in the calf of his left leg.

Fortunately, there were four drops of golden blood in his body, and the blood circulation in his body helped the injury on his leg to heal.

"Gu Gua Gua...Gu Gua Gua..."

Although the toad of the sixth level of Qi Refining was huge, it was extremely agile when it moved.

Just less than two breaths after Xu Changan landed, this guy followed and stabbed Xu Changan with his tongue.

"Qingmu Shield..."

The spiritual power in Xu Changan's body surged wildly, and the air shield sacrificed by the Qingmu Shield suddenly shone brightly, almost solidifying into substance.

This time, the toad's tongue attack did not work.

But the huge force also pushed Xu Changan and Qingmu Shield several feet away.

"Puff puff puff..."

The toad's tongue caught up again, and three green poisons were sprayed out from the hidden cave above.

This poison is not only poisonous, but also has the property of ice.

Soon, the surroundings began to freeze again.

"Boom boom..."

The pangolin-like ice spikes sprang out from the ground again.

However, as Xu Changan expected, after being far away from the pool, the toad's ice attribute attack power was reduced by more than half, and he was prepared in advance, so he jumped away easily!

"Beast... Die..."

Boom boom...

Xu Changan threw it in the air, and more than a dozen golden thunder talismans enveloped the toad.

In a flash, countless thunder snakes twisted and danced.

Each of these golden thunder talismans can easily kill a fifth-level spirit beast.

Although the Ice Toad was at the sixth level of cultivation, as the saying goes, "A large number of ants can kill an elephant." When the number of ants piled up, the damage to the Ice Toad caused by this Golden Thunder Talisman was still huge.

"Quack, quack..."

The Ice Toad cried out in pain!

After a burst of thunder and lightning, the Ice Toad at the sixth level of Qi Refining was covered with wounds.

However, these wounds were only superficial.

It looked scary, but it was not scary in reality.

"Quack..." Seeing that he could not beat Xu Changan, the Ice Toad turned around and ran away.

"Want to run?"

Xu Changan said, "Too late..."

Between his hands, a Tai Chi diagram slowly turned...


With a strong tear, the black and white Tai Chi diagram suddenly turned into two circular diagrams, one black and one white.

The black one was full of the breath of death, and there was a white dot in it.

The white diagram was full of vitality, but in the middle of the white circle, there was another black dot!


The black circle flew across the space, and Puff merged into the body of the Ice Toad who was about to jump up and escape.

"Bang..." Xu Changan injected the white array diagram into his body again.

One black and one white, mutually causal.

Under the operation of Xu Changan's magic power, the black pattern spun frantically in the ice toad's body, extracting the ice toad's vitality all the time.

After only seven or eight breaths, the ice toad fell to the ground with a plop, dead without a breath.

"So strong..."

It was the first time that Xu Changan used this [Wheel of Life and Death] spell against the enemy.

I didn't expect this spell to be so overbearing, directly extracting vitality, and the amount of vitality extracted was determined by the caster's cultivation level.

For cultivators who are three levels higher than their own cultivation, it is ineffective.

In other words, as long as the ice toad's cultivation reaches the seventh level of Qi Refining, Xu Changan's Wheel of Life and Death will have no effect on it.

But nothing is absolute.

It's not absolutely impossible.

For example, if the opponent is seriously injured or his mana is exhausted, he will have no power to resist the wheel of life and death. Even if he has a high level of cultivation, he can only watch helplessly as his life force is taken away once he is hit.


Xu Changan calmed down the surging mana in his body, then picked up a small flying sword and chopped off the head of the ice toad.


The bright red blood spurted out and was caught by Xu Changan in a bucket made of spirit wood.

There were four or five buckets.

Put all the blood and the toad's body into the golden talisman space.

The two mutant blue spiders like the spirit beast's body the most.


Bi Hai Peak!

The square was empty!

The peak masters and elders of the fourteen peaks did not leave, but gathered in groups of three or five on the high platform in front of the square. Some were discussing the way, some were bragging and betting, and some were watching the scenery.

The head of Bihai Peak and the elders were busy, busy taking out their own assets to greet everyone.

At this moment, the huge black vortex in the sea of ​​clouds suddenly shook slightly.


Everyone turned their heads and looked into the sea of ​​clouds.

They saw that the vortex showed signs of collapse while rotating.

"Big Brother, what's going on?" Many people looked at Tianxuan.

Tianxuan frowned and said, "It's really strange... I have never seen such a strange scene!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the vortex in the distant sea of ​​clouds shook more violently, and after a few breaths, the vortex completely disappeared.

The waves rolled in the sea of ​​clouds, but there was no trace of the vortex, as if it had never appeared.


The elders were horrified.

This is terrible!

"It's bad..." Qingxu shouted, "The disciples are still in the secret realm..."


While speaking, he had already driven the fairy light to the sea of ​​clouds!

Swish, swish, swish...

Soon, a stream of fairy light followed closely behind him and came to the place where the huge vortex was just now.

"It's gone..." Minghe Zhenren said with a dark face, "Nothing is left... My disciples will not die in it!"

"Brothers, don't worry!" The head of the sect Tianxuan said: "We have never seen such a situation, but it may not be as bad as you think!"

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!"

"Brother!" At this time, Qingling, who was wearing a goose yellow Taoist robe and stepping on a green flying sword, spoke: "The Bihai Patriarch once said that this secret realm has its own rules of heaven and earth, and disciples above the Qi Refining Stage are strictly prohibited from entering it. Otherwise The rules inside will collapse by themselves!"

"Could it be that a disciple of the twelfth level of Qi Refining broke through to the foundation-building level in it?"

"Impossible!" Tianxuan waved his hand and said, "How can it be so easy for a disciple of the great perfection of Qi Refining to break through to the foundation-building level? Even if there are enough natural materials and treasures, it is impossible to complete the transformation without dozens of days!"

"Then!" Qingling's eyes shrank slightly, and said, "That means someone was smart enough to hide his cultivation and enter it, and then was discovered by the power of the rules inside!"


Everyone's face was black.

An old man in a red Taoist robe said angrily: "Let me know who hid his cultivation and entered it, and I will chop him into pieces. If the secret realm left by the ancestor collapses because of this, what foundation will my Taixuan Sect have in the future?"

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