Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 505 [Climbing up the stairs, Chunshen Taoist]

Xu Changan took a step forward and landed on the first step.

There was no one on the first step, and all the monks were in front.

Xu Changan looked over and saw that the most people on the thousand-foot sword ladder were between the 200th and 500th steps.

Others looked down on the lower steps and could easily walk through them.

The pressure on the upper steps was too great, and ordinary swordsmen could not pass through, so most of them gathered in the middle and lower part.

Even the first batch of sword-offering monks who came in a few days ago were still on the thousand-foot sword ladder.

Those who passed through were rare.

Of course, no matter where you are, there is no shortage of peerless geniuses. There are still many people meditating and visualizing on the high sword ladders.

Ma Fu also landed on the first step. He looked at Xu Changan and said, "Junior Brother Xu, you should be able to cross at least 300 steps in one step, right?"

Xu Changan's swordsmanship cannot be called the best, but it is not bad. On the way here, he even broke a small mountain with one sword.

So Ma Fu was wondering why Xu Changan landed on the first step.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "It's okay, walk slowly!"

Ma Fu was immediately touched and thought Xu Changan was taking care of him, so he said, "Junior brother, although I am a first-level mortal, I am at least a third-level national scholar, and I am not so fragile. You can go first and don't have to wait for me!"

Xu Changan looked at the stairs in front and said, "No hurry, if you can get the opportunity by going first, then this Moye sword should have been taken away 100,000 years ago!"

"Uh..." Ma Fu thought about it and said, "That's the truth, junior brother is right!"

"Then... let's go up slowly?" As he spoke, Ma Fu took a step and came to the second step.

Xu Changan did not go up the second step, but said: "Brother, you go first, I will think about it here, I will catch up with you later!"

"Okay!" Ma Fu nodded: "You take your time to think about it, I am a stupid bird going up first, anyway, you can catch up with me!"

Ma Fu went up step by step.

Xu Changan took a deep breath, and then sat cross-legged on the steps.

Thousand-foot sword ladder, many people can jump to 300 steps in one step.

However, it is not that they have comprehended the sword intent on these 300 steps, but the sword intent on these 300 steps is very weak and cannot cause harm to them.

What Xu Changan wants is to comprehend these seemingly weak but unfathomable sword intents.

Just when Xu Changan sat cross-legged for less than ten breaths, another man in a dark brown Taoist robe came and stepped onto the first step in the same step.

This man looked to be about twenty years old, not tall, but with a graceful temperament.

He looked at Xu Changan, and then without saying anything, he also followed Xu Changan's example and sat cross-legged on the first step.

Xu Changan was a little surprised.

Because he had a flash of wisdom, he had already seen that this person was at the eighth level of the Nascent Soul Stage.

Such a big Nascent Soul, also learned from me to comprehend the sword intent on the first step?


Xu Changan reached out and took out a piece of enlightenment tea from the storage bag, and then held it in his mouth.

The heart of heaven is clear.

"My friend!" The Nascent Soul in brown Taoist robe looked at Xu Changan and said politely: "Was that enlightenment tea you just saw?"

"Reply to senior!" Xu Changan bowed: "Yes, it is enlightenment tea!"

Although enlightenment tea is precious, it will not make people want to kill people for treasures.

Especially at the level of Jindan Nascent Soul.

"You're welcome!" The Yuanying said, "Just call me Daoyou. I have a bottle of [Qingming Jade] obtained in the secret realm of Chu State. It can remove the Dan Fire Qi accumulated in the body of Xuanmen monks who swallowed pills all year round. Can I use this thing to exchange for a few Dao Enlightenment Tea Leaves of Daoyou?"

This is more polite.

Xu Changan smiled and said, "Of course you can..."

Xu Changan still knows about Qingming Jade.

It is also a natural treasure. Its value is not inferior to Dao Enlightenment Tea Leaves at certain times.

When a monk swallows pills during the practice, Dan Fire Qi will accumulate in his body. It is called Dan Fire Qi, but it can also be called [Dan Poison].

It is a side effect of taking pills.

When this thing accumulates to a certain extent, it will have an adverse effect on practice, and sometimes it can even hinder the breakthrough of the flesh barrier.

Of course, Dan Poison only exists in low-grade, medium-grade and high-grade pills.

The Dan Fire Qi in the best pills can be almost ignored.

Even so, [Qingming Jadeite] is very useful to Xu Changan.

Adding some when refining the elixir can also soften the strong taste of the elixir.

Xu Changan took the bottle of [Qingming Jadeite] with about ten drops, then took out a jade box and threw it to the other party, saying: "Ten pieces of enlightenment tea leaves, hold them in your mouth, each piece is enough for you to use for one day of enlightenment!"

"Thank you, fellow Taoist!" The other party bowed.

Then, the two began to enlighten.

Xu Changan closed his eyes, and under the clear and bright heart, the weak sword intent around him gradually gathered on his head, forming a two-inch high small sword phantom. The sword intent floating in the void was absorbed by the small sword phantom and connected with Xu Changan's root of Tao.

Similarly, the big Yuanying in the dark brown Taoist robe opposite also entered the state of clear and bright heart.

Because the sword intent on the first step is very weak.

Although it is profound, it is not complicated, just a simple sword technique.

Therefore, Xu Changan quickly understood it.

It took about half a cup of tea.

After the understanding, go to the second step and continue to sit cross-legged on the ground.

At this time, the guy in the brown Taoist robe also went up to the second step.

One day later, Xu Changan understood one by one and came to the sixty-third step.

"Huh..." The big Yuanying in the brown Taoist robe also happened to come to the sixty-third step.

"It's getting harder and harder!" He looked at Xu Changan and said, "Daoyou has a good understanding, and the Jindan cultivation is comparable to my big Yuanying..."

"Senior, you are too kind!" Xu Changan bowed.

The man asked, "May I ask what your Taoist name is?"

Xu Changan thought for a moment and said, "I don't have a Taoist name. My surname is Xu!"

"So it's Taoist Xu!" The young man in the brown Taoist robe smiled slightly, "I am from Chu, my surname is Huang, and my Taoist name is Chunshen. You can call me Taoist Huang or Taoist Chunshen!"

"I dare not..." Xu Changan said, "You are the senior!"

"Hey..." Taoist Chunshen waved his hand and said, "Meeting is fate. You and I have come from the bottom to the top, and we have learned swords all the way. There is no third person on Mogan Mountain. This is fate. Since it is fate, we should call each other Taoist friends. If we call each other senior or junior, it will make people uncomfortable!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan saw that the other party was cheerful, so he didn't care at all, and said, "In that case, I will call you Taoist Chunshen from now on!"

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