Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 503 [Ten Thousand People Sacrifice Swords, the God of Transformation Falls]

"Sword River Waterfall!"

"Sword River Waterfall, it's Sword River Waterfall coming..."

"Get ready, we can climb the mountain to learn swords!"

At the foot of the mountain, tens of thousands of sword cultivators all looked up at the sky excitedly.

Each of them raised their swords high in their hands.

Some who had not taken out their swords before also took out their swords at this moment.

Xu Changan's [Heaven-Slaying Sword] was in his hand, a top-grade magic weapon with 23 layers of restrictions on it, and the level was not low.

At this time, Ma Fu also took out a sword.

His sword was not as advanced as Xu Changan's sword, with only 9 layers of restrictions, and it was a low-grade spiritual weapon.

Xu Changan said: "Your sword is so low-level?"

Ma Fu smiled: "Why use such a high-level sword, I'm afraid of losing money!"

"Buzz buzz buzz..."Tens of thousands of cultivators, tens of thousands of long swords, countless sword intentions lingered on these long swords, and suddenly turned into a cluster of mixed swordsmanship and rushed into the sky.

The sky above, which was covered with dark clouds, suddenly became clear.


The sun was in the sky, the blue sky was clear, but there was a roar of thunder and lightning.

After three breaths, Xu Changan stared at the front of the void in amazement. A giant dragon with nine-colored light suddenly flew over from the far away void.

Only the head of the dragon could be seen, but not the tail, because the continuous dragon body seemed to be endless and kept flying from the depths of the void.

When the giant dragon with nine-colored light came to a thousand feet above his head, Xu Changan could see it clearly.

This was not a giant dragon at all, but a river of long swords composed of long swords shining with various colors of light.

It can also be called a long sword dragon.

The dragon head of the long sword dragon came to the top of everyone's head, stopped for three breaths, and then suddenly fell down.

What fell was not a sword, but infinite sword intent.

Billions of sword intentions turned into waterfalls and fell, like the Milky Way falling from the sky.

With the sword intentions around him as vast as the ocean, Xu Changan felt that he was getting smaller and smaller.

"What a spectacular sight!" Ma Fu took a deep breath.

Looking at the tens of thousands of cultivators around him, they were also stunned, numbly raised their heads, and were speechless for a long time.

It was spectacular and breathtaking.

"Long Aotian, a sword cultivator from Xia Pi County of Qi State, sacrificed his sword!"

"Linghu Tao, a sword cultivator from Xiangshui County of Chu State, sacrificed his sword!"

"Xiao Jijun, a sword cultivator from Dongting County of Chu State, sacrificed his sword!"

"Wu Chengchou, a sword cultivator from Moling City of Yue State, sacrificed his sword..."

For a while, countless people spoke up and sacrificed their swords!

Each of them dripped a drop of blood on the long sword in their hands, and then raised it.

Swish, swish, swish...

A huge suction force suddenly came from the infinite sword intentions that looked like a waterfall directly above their heads, taking away the swords of those who sacrificed their swords.

Of course.

Not all of them were taken away.

Some people sacrificed their swords and were sucked away by the waterfall, which means that the sacrifice was successful.

Some people also sacrificed their swords, but because of various causes and conditions, the swords in their hands were not sucked away by the sword waterfall above their heads, which proved that the sacrifice failed.

Those who failed to sacrifice their swords could not set foot on Mogan Mountain.

Otherwise, once they crossed the sword bamboo, they would be killed.

Those who failed to sacrifice their swords looked decadent.

They had no way to enter Mogan Mountain to gain enlightenment this time, and they would never have the opportunity to enter Mogan Mountain to gain enlightenment in this life.

Those who successfully sacrificed their swords turned into streams of light and flew into Mogan Mountain.

It seemed that if they went too late, the opportunity would be snatched away by others.

"Junior brother, don't you want to go in?" Ma Fu held the sword and looked at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan said: "No hurry... wait a little longer..."

A golden light flashed in his eyes, and the Wisdom Eye Talisman and Taiyi Breaking Barrier Reincarnation Golden Eye opened at the same time, observing the secrets in the Sword River Waterfall.

Because once we go up the mountain, we will never have the chance to study this thing again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Many people passed by one by one and went to Mogan Mountain.

Xu Changan watched for more than 20 breaths, but did not see any clues, so he smiled bitterly and said: "Forget it, I won't watch it anymore, Senior Brother, let's go into the mountain too!"


Ma Fu and Xu Changan each dropped a drop of their blood on the long sword, and then raised the long sword.

"Whoosh..." The long swords of the two were all sucked away by the waterfall without any accident.

At this time, most of the tens of thousands of monks who had just gathered at the foot of the mountain had already gone up the mountain.

Those who stayed behind were those who failed to sacrifice the sword!

Xu Changan took a look, about hundreds of people.

"Damn it..." Not far away, a white-haired old man looked at the sword river waterfall above his head angrily and cursed: "I am a dignified mortal in the stage of transformation, and I use a top-grade magic weapon to sacrifice the sword. Why can't I enter?"


The old man looked at the waterfall and shouted loudly.

However, no one, or any living being, answered him.

Instead, those cultivators retreated one by one, fearing that the old immortal would be unhappy and slap them to death.

Xu Changan didn't pay much attention to it.

However, when he was about to enter Mogan Mountain, something strange happened.

The old man looked at Ma Fu angrily and said, "A mere mortal, but a third-grade national scholar, can enter?"

"Why can't I enter?"

"Hahaha... If I can't get in, don't even think about getting in!"


The old man turned his hand and slapped Xu Changan and Ma Fu.

Xu Changan cursed Ma Fu's physique for looking for disaster stars, then stretched out his hand to grab Ma Fu's shoulder, and with a thought, he moved the stars and changed the constellations.



The next moment, Xu Changan and Ma Fu landed next to the sword bamboo in Mogan Mountain and passed the mountain boundary.

The old man was furious again.

Just now he ignored the two small golden elixirs, so when he attacked, he didn't even use the power of rules, but just slapped them casually. In his cognition, even if he slapped them casually, he would still smash the two ants to pieces?

Who would have thought that this little golden elixir could actually teleport?

"Good boy!" The old god's eyes shrank, and he said: "It's a golden elixir that has given birth to the root of Tao... You can't stay!"

This kind of person must be a genius with extraordinary talent.

Since he has offended him, he must be killed.

As for this so-called sword bamboo?

The old man ignored it directly.

As long as I don't set foot on the territory of Mogan Mountain, what can you, Jianzhu, do to me?

"Die..." The old man thought simply. If he didn't set foot on Mogan Mountain, Jianzhu would not attack him.

However, he could lock Xu Changan and Ma Fu with the power of space rules from a distance and kill them.

He did successfully lock Xu Changan and Ma Fu who had just set foot in the mountain boundary, making them unable to move.


When his energy attack passed the mountain boundary, Jianzhu suddenly moved.

The bamboo shook, and a purple light suddenly flew down from Jianzhu, turning into a three-foot-long sword, which flew into the void and cut off the head of the white-haired Huashen with a sword from a hundred feet away.

The sword intent burst out, and Huashen not only died, but the Yuanying in his body also turned into powder.


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