Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 495 [Master of Yi Dao, female fortune teller defeated]

Sun Wu's speculation was that Le Yi was holding back for the time being.

Nor will they continue to attack the remaining lands of Qi.


First, I will not fight, lest all the princes in the world be frightened, and then turn against our country, Yan.

In this way, many countries will think that our Yan State and Qi State are consumed by the confrontation.

Then there will be no more constraints from other countries.

Second, absorb and digest the more than 50 counties in Qi that were previously occupied.

Once these counties are completely absorbed and completely controlled, the fortune of the Yan Kingdom will reach its peak.

Thirty years later, they were wiped out in one fell swoop.

Qi will definitely die.

The kind that cannot be saved even if the princes come to save him.

Of course, Xu Changan didn't know whether Le Yi thought so.

"Okay, my lecture is over!" Sun Wu stood up and looked at the four of them: "Remember, don't go out easily. If you want to go out, the four of you must be together, and you cannot go out alone!"

"If anyone gets hit by the carriage again, I will turn around and chop off your dog's head!"

The tall old man got angry and left the Zhibing Hall cursing.

"Hey... I'm depressed, I can't get out!" Wujiang raised his head and lay on the floor, saying: "Do you know, Xu Fu is here, saying that he is going to look at people's faces at Mochou Lake today. !”

"I also want to take a look. I heard that she is very effective in reading faces!"

"It's okay now, we can't get out!"

Feng Ping said: "Then why can't we go?"


Wujiang stood up like a carp and said: "Fuck you, you didn't listen to the old man just now and you were not allowed to leave the Zhibing Hall. He also said that the four of us need to be together to go out. We can't act alone. Could it be that we have to lift Are you going to look at this guy’s face while wearing a horse suit?”

"Can't you?" Feng Ping said, "Xu Fu looks at his face, not his ribs!"

Ma's chest hurt in defeat, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead: "Feng Ping, you want to die, don't you?"

Feng Ping looked dissatisfied: "Call me Senior Brother!"

"Okay, okay!" Xu Changan said: "Actually, it's not impossible!"

The three of them looked at him and asked, "What can we do?"

Xu Changan took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve and said: "I have a panacea here. After taking it and keeping it, Senior Brother Ma's injury can be restored to its original state!"

"Can't we go out then?"

"Good idea!" Wujiang said: "What is this?"

Xu Changan pulled off the cap of the porcelain bottle, and a vague aura was released.

Wujiang's eyes suddenly shrank: "This is... the divine spring of youth..."

"What?" Feng Ping was even more shocked: "The Divine Fountain of Youth, the kind of thing that can increase your life span by sixty years?"

"More than sixty years!" Wujiang said; "The third child has no spiritual roots. He is a pure national scholar, that is, a mortal. He can add one hundred years!"

Ma Fu took the porcelain bottle with a look of joy, then drank from it in one gulp, saying: "Junior brother, you are really my lucky general...I...I...fuck..."

He swore, then rolled over and got off the bed: "Okay..."

Another function of the Divine Fountain of Youth is that it can restore injuries to flesh and blood.

As long as it doesn't hurt the Dao roots and soul, just take a drop and it'll be fine.

"Fourth, are there any more?"

"This thing is good, I am willing to exchange it with you for the treasures of heaven and earth!"

Feng Ping and Wujiang came to Xu Changan with eager eyes.

Xu Changan took out two more porcelain bottles: "Take them away... and give them to you!"

For Xu Changan, there are a lot of these things.

Because the top-level treasures of heaven, materials and earth all have the attribute of one-sided fate. They are useful once used, but they have no effect if used too many times.

Of course, I’m talking about life extension.

When it comes to replenishing spiritual power, no matter how many drops you use, it will still be useful.

"I'm going to see if the old man is gone?" Feng Ping's spiritual thoughts on the fourth level of the Nascent Soul stage suddenly opened up, and he instantly scanned the entire Zhibing Hall, and then said happily: "He's gone... He's no longer in the Zhibing Hall! "

Wujiang said: "Great, let's go... let's meet together!"

"Let's go, let's go!"

The four people sneakily walked out of the gate of Zhibing Hall, but suddenly found Sun Wu at the door.



The four of them looked at each other.

Just when Feng Ping scanned the entire Zhibing Hall with his spiritual mind, Xu Changan also scanned it and did not find Sun Wu.

Why did this guy arrive all of a sudden?

"Master!" The four of them saluted awkwardly.

Sun Wu's tall body remained motionless. He stared at the four people for three breaths before saying three words: "Be careful!"

"Hey, hey, hey..." The four of them broke free and ran out like they were trapped in a cage.

Get on Xu Changan's puppet carriage and head to Mochou Lake.

Mochou Lake is not far from the river. It was almost noon when the four of them arrived at the Mochou Lake. At first glance, the lake was dark and full of people.

Xu Changan's spiritual mind swept out and saw a female fortune teller gathered among the crowd.

The woman looks very young, has a beautiful appearance, and is wearing a blue Taoist robe.

Xu Changan noticed that although there were many people lining up in front of Xu Yang, the speed was very fast.


Because ninety-nine percent of the people, Xu negative shook his head and refused to show it.

She only reads faces for those who are gifted.

That said, the queue is quick.

"Let's get in line!" Wujiang said, "It looks like it will take about three hours!"

"According to seniority!"

Wujiang was in the front, followed by Feng Ping, and then Ma Fu and Xu Changan.


The actual queuing speed was much faster than they expected.

Two hours later, they were close to Xu Fu.





"Don't look, go!"

Xu Fu sat on a stool, and there were three or four disciples around her to manage the queue. Most people were pushed away directly and not shown.

Because a mediocre life is really nothing to see.


Xu Fu didn't say anything, and her disciples kept going.

Soon, it was Wujiang's turn.

"Go..." the disciple shouted habitually.

Xu Fu suddenly raised her white hand and said, "This is from a wealthy family, let me see!"

Wujiang smiled.

A wealthy family.

Isn't it?

There is probably no other wealthy family in the whole country of Yue that is bigger than mine.

"What a good face!"

Xu Fu looked at Wujiang, smiled slightly, showing two rows of neat and beautiful teeth, and said: "You are so noble!"

Wujiang was immediately impressed.

He came here today wearing ordinary clothes, without any royal symbols on his body.

However, Xu Fu still recognized his identity at a glance.

What does it mean?

He is really capable.

"Senior Xu!" Wujiang bowed: "Did you recognize me?"

"Yes!" Xu Fu said: "I can tell from your face at a glance!"

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