Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 471 [Refusing to be recruited, instantly killing Yuanying]


Taoist Qianchou was trembling with excitement.

Top quality?

This is a fourth-grade elixir!

He once saw a fourth-grade alchemist who was at the peak of the Great Yuanying, and through various chances and coincidences, he refined the top-quality [Chaoyuan Pill].

But he is at the peak of Great Yuanying, and Chaoyuan Dan is only a third-grade elixir.

And it was refined only when the right time, place and people came together.

But this guy is just a golden elixir, but he has refined a fourth-grade top-grade golden elixir?

Hiss, hiss...

At this moment, Qianchou was very sure that Minghe was a reincarnated person.

If you are not a reincarnation person, how can you do it?

Absolutely impossible.

Let's put it this way, even a fifth-grade alchemist in the divine transformation stage may not be able to refine a fourth-grade top-quality elixir.

It's just so outrageous.

"The best elixir?" Tian Wen, Fellow Daoist Hong, and Master Fu Jian all stood up in shock.

You know, the best elixirs only belong to legends.

The top grade and the other three grades are two different concepts.

Let's put it this way, if Tian Wen takes one top-grade elixir, the amount of [Pure Jun Sword Intent] he can comprehend will be incomparable to ten or even a hundred top-grade Ningzhen elixirs.

This is not a quantitative difference.

But the difference is quality.

No matter how many there are, they can't comprehend the higher level of sword intent.

As for the top-quality Ningzhen Sword Pill, he can do it.

"Pah...pah...pah..." Tian Wenzhen clapped his hands and said: "Mr. Minghe's alchemy skills are breathtaking. I look at the alchemists in the world and there is no one who can surpass Mr. Minghe!"

Tian Wen was very shocked.


It is one thing that the other party has refined four top-grade elixirs!

On the other hand, it was Xu Changan's calmness just now, his magnanimity that he knew before refining the elixir how many top-grade and top-grade pills he could refine.

No wonder you agreed to give me eight high-grade coins.

It turns out that his other four are all top quality.


Tian Wen's heart trembled: Could he deliberately control the quality of Cheng Dan?

At this time, the low Yuan Ying 30% monk Fu Jian Zhenren spoke again: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, your alchemy skills are indeed powerful, I admire you. However, in the end, this furnace of elixirs is also for me. Your Majesty refined it, but now you have taken four top-grade ones but only gave me eight top-grade ones. Isn’t that a bit too greedy?”

"Let's do this, you hand over two top-grade coins, and I won't embarrass you!"

His tone left no room for doubt.

At the same time, a coercion belonging to the Nascent Soul stage blasted towards Xu Changan.

Xu Changan smiled coldly and said nothing.

He looked at Tian Wen.

As for coercion?

For him, it doesn't exist at all.

Tian Wendao: "Hey...Master Fujian, you are wrong. I made an agreement with Mr. Minghe. If it is eight top-grade coins, I will have eight top-grade coins. A gentleman keeps his word!"

Xu Changan cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much!"

Tian Wen looked at Xu Changan and started to recruit. He smiled and said, "Mr. Minghe, I love talents as much as my life. When I met a great talent like Mr. today, I secretly felt that my pearls were covered with dust. If you don't dislike me, go to me." How about traveling around the world with Tian Wen and planning various countries? "

"Don't worry, if my husband goes with Tian Wen, we are brothers and we will share blessings and hardships in the future!"

This is to turn Xu Changan into his disciple.

To say that brothers are worthy of each other, they are just more senior disciples.

How could Xu Changan not understand these truths: "I'm sorry... I only have the great road in my heart, and I have no intention of participating in the competition between your incense warriors!"

"I'm sorry, but I obey!"

He cupped his hand and rejected Tian Wen directly.

No face given at all.


Qianchou next to him breathed a sigh of relief.

Minghe is a member of their Yue Guotang. They didn't know what he was capable of before, but now they see how confident he is in refining the ultimate Condensation Pill and possessing the pearl of wisdom. It would be a big deal if Minghe is allowed to leave again. loss.

Fortunately, Whooping Crane refused.

It’s okay if you refuse.

Tian Wen was a little unwilling to give up. He looked at Xu Changan and said: "Sir, think about it again. If you have any needs, just ask them. I will do my best regardless of whether I can do it or not!"

Recruiting talents relies on one thing: deep pockets.

Xu Changan waved his sleeves lightly and said: "General, there is no need to say more, talking more is useless!"

I'm already very annoyed, don't be like this.

"Hmph..." Master Fu Jian, who had been looking at Xu Changan unhappy, suddenly stood up, looked at Xu Changan and said, "Everyone in the world knows that I, Lord Mengchang, are courteous and virtuous, and that I am as hospitable as life. You are just a mere monk at the Golden Core stage, Lord. "It's enough to give you face by saying this, but you don't understand current affairs?"

His eyes were like daggers, looking at Xu Changan, his hand already on the sword at his waist.

Tian Wen watched coldly, waiting to see how Xu Changan would respond.

Qianchou frowned, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.

Xu Changan looked at Master Fujian calmly: "Your Excellency, the person Tian Wen likes must be taken away. Can't you refuse?"

"It's because you don't know the current affairs!" Master Fujian said: "How dare you, you little Minghe Jindan, to despise my lord like this? Well, let me let you know why Yuanying is so angry that he bleeds for thousands of miles!"


The long sword in Master Fujian's hand was unsheathed.

"Don't be rude!" Qianchou slapped the storage bag at this time, and a big cauldron flew out, trying to stop Master Fujian.

However, Fellow Daoist Hong took the lead and blocked Qianchou.

"Minghe, I will give you three choices!" Master Fujian said, "First, kneel on the ground and kowtow to our master and confess your sins; second, follow our master and leave, and become a guest of Lord Mengchang; third, I will kill you, the arrogant and ignorant one, with one sword!"

"You can choose!"


While speaking, a series of pressure flashed on Master Fujian's sword!

Xu Changan smiled coldly, waved his hand, and the [Seven Evil Ghost Banner] that was nurtured in his flesh and blood was taken out and thrown by him.


The ninety-foot-high ghost banner unfolded, and the area within a radius of hundreds of feet was full of Yinsha aura.

Covering the sky and the earth, shielding the power of the rules of heaven and earth.

"Looking for death!" Master Fujian swung his sword and attacked Xu Changan.


Xu Changan waved his hand, and the red lotus karma fire condensed into a three-foot-sized shield.

What he didn't expect was that although the fire shield was broken, it blocked 50% of the power of the attack from Master Fu Jian.

Xu Changan didn't use the Asura Plate to dodge the remaining 50%, but easily dodged it.

Then, he waved his hand and took out the [Zhenwu Jinmu Axe], and without saying a word, he swung the axe down.

At the same time, he sacrificed another swallowing talisman.

In this swallowing talisman, there was an attack from a Yuanying cultivator.

This thing was the attack power he swallowed when he killed [Shuanghuan Taoist] in Zhenwu Jedi.

The power of this attack was called [Nine Swords of Heaven Slashing], which was extremely powerful.


One axe and nine swords slashed towards Master Fu Jian.

It must be said that the Yuanying stage power is indeed strong. He relied on various magic weapons and means to withstand Xu Changan's attack, although he was seriously injured.


At this moment, a mass of ghost heads suddenly flew out, and with three roars, they opened their huge black mouths and tore the real body of Fu Jian Zhenren into pieces.

Yuan Ying wanted to escape, but Xu Changan reached out and grabbed it and held it in his hand.

In an instant, Yuan Ying was killed.

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