Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 328 [Qingyan's message, came to the store]

Xu Changan did not stop, but continued walking along Zhuque Street.

Lao Gu followed closely behind.

"Hey... You kid can do it... The last time I saw you, you had the three spiritual roots of gold, wood, and fire. When I see you this time, you have the five spiritual roots... Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's interesting. ?”

Xu Changan stopped and turned to look at Lao Gu.

I felt uneasy.

Lao Gu also stared at Xu Changan, then shook his head and said: "You must have a big secret in your kid. If it were three hundred years ago, I would have to open you up and see you naked. Alas... I am old, and I have no idea. You are so lucky to have overcome the hostility of the past...hehehe..."

Xu Changan took a deep breath.

Lao Gu came up again and said, "Then tell me, how did you change your spiritual roots?"

Xu Changan asked: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Lao Gu said: "Of course it's the truth!"

Xu Changan said: "The truth is, I originally had the Five Elements Spiritual Root. I accidentally ate a [Blood Jade Bodhi] during the Qi Refining Period, and then my spiritual root collapsed!"


Lao Gu suddenly became interested: "Then how did you repair your spiritual roots later? Could it be that you found the legendary treasure of heaven and earth?"

Xu Changan nodded: "This junior found a [Hongmeng Breath] in a ruins. After swallowing it, the spiritual root began to reshape. The last time you saw me, my spiritual root was only half reshaped at that time. !”

Of course Lao Gu had no way of verifying whether what he said was true or false.

Lao Gu scratched his head and said: "Awesome, he is indeed a man of great luck!"

Xu Changan said: "I have told you my biggest secret. Now I will also ask you a question, senior. I hope you can answer me!"

"Okay!" Lao Gu said, "Just ask!"

Xu Changan asked: "What is your cultivation level?"

The moment he heard Lao Gu speak was three hundred years ago, and the scene decades ago when Lao Gu scared Tie Zhongtang away with a cold snort was still fresh in Xu Changan's memory, so he was quite interested in Lao Gu's cultivation. .

Lao Gu chuckled and said: "Oh... let's put it this way, eight hundred years ago, I was in the state of becoming a god!"

Hiss, hiss...

Although he had expected it for a long time, Xu Changan couldn't help but gasped when Lao Gu admitted it himself, then cupped his hands and said: "I admire you...Senior, you are the real god!"

"Haha..." Lao Gu smiled coldly: "God, you are overthinking... Young man, you won't know until you reach my height. The higher you rise, the lower you find yourself!"

Xu Changan asked again: "What is your current level of cultivation?"

Lao Gu's face suddenly darkened, and there was even a hint of embarrassment in the smile he tried to force out: "Ahem... Oh, come to think of it, I'm still in the state of becoming a god!"

"We haven't made any progress for eight hundred years!"

As for why there was no progress for eight hundred years, Lao Gu didn't say, and Xu Changan didn't ask.

The two of them continued walking along Suzaku Avenue, and for a moment they were speechless.

After half a stick of incense, the ancestor suddenly slapped his thigh and said: "I almost forgot about business, what... Your wife heard that you died some time ago, and she was heartbroken. During the practice Something went wrong and almost killed her!"

"What should you do? Do you want to go see her?"

Lao Gu stopped Xu Changan.

The two of them stood under a big tree on one side of the street.

Xu Changan's heart trembled. At this moment, thoughts quietly surged up, but his heart was like a withered world, cracking piece by piece.

He almost blurted out and agreed to Lao Gu.

But after thinking for a moment, Xu Changan shook his head again: "No, please tell him that I am alive and well!"

"Amazing!" Lao Gu held out a thumb and said: "You are so tenacious. I admire you, but I can't do it. Otherwise, I would have set foot in the realm of virtual refining hundreds of years ago!"

Xu Changan took out a talisman and handed it to Lao Gu: "There are words I left for Qingyan here. You can pass it to her for me and tell her not to come looking for me recently, at least ten years later!"

"Yeah!" Lao Gu took the talisman, turned around, and disappeared.

Xu Changan was already used to this magical power.

But there is still emotion.

He took a deep breath and murmured to himself: If you cultivate to this level, you won't be afraid even if you have enemies, right?

He shook his head and kept walking!

Half an hour later, we finally arrived at the door of the shop.

This is a commercial street in the mortal world.

Clothing stores, bookstores, ironware stores, food stores, etc...


Xu Changan's shop is on the street. Facing Zhuque Street in front are three two-story buildings, and there is a three-entry courtyard in the back.

Naturally, the price of the front store and the backyard is remarkable.

Fortunately, this is not a shop on Cultivation Street. Although the price is expensive, Xu Changan can afford it.

"Anshen Hall?" Xu Changan looked at the door of the shop, and then opened the door and the smell of medicinal materials hit his face. He guessed that this place used to be a medical clinic, and he didn't know why it was closed.

Xu Changan took off the door of Anshen Hall, then made a new door with spiritual wood and put it on, with five big characters on it: Minghe Alchemy Shop.

A simple name.

After doing this, Xu Changan waved his hand and wiped away the dust. He swept away the dust and debris inside and outside the house and in the yard.

The whole house is clean.

Xu Changan was a cultivator after all, so the formation was indispensable. He took out some formation flags and formation plates from his storage ring and began to set up the formation.

A few days!

Four or five layers of formations quietly enveloped this seemingly ordinary alchemy shop, including the third-grade forbidden god formation, the third-grade defense needle, the third-grade gathering spirit formation, and the third-grade soundproof formation.

Although Jidu is the capital of Yan State, the spiritual energy in ordinary places is very thin.

Xu Changan made a gathering spirit formation, naturally not to condense the spiritual power of the Zhoutian, but to fear that the spiritual power emitted by himself would run out and attract other people's attention.

"Hello, master!"

A man in his forties stood at the door of Xu Changan's shop, looking at him eagerly.

"Uncle, what's the matter?" Xu Changan shouted habitually.

The man in his forties waved his hand and said, "Don't call me uncle, I see that you are older than me..."

Xu Changan looked at himself: uh... I am still the dignity of Minghe.

"Okay!" Xu Changan asked, "What do you want?"

The man said, "My name is Niu Baoguo. I used to be a clerk in this pharmacy. Didn't the pharmacy move? I have no livelihood. Master, if you need servants for the opening of your new store, I am willing to serve you!"

"Just pay me five taels of silver a month!"

Xu Changan didn't say anything.

Seeing that Xu Changan didn't say anything, he quickly changed his words: "Or, two taels will do!"

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