Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 254 [Unparalleled Patriot, Incense and Prayer Beads]

The Hidden Breath Talisman can cover one's own breath.

However, the degree of this shielding is limited.

If the cultivation level is too high, the Hidden Breath Talisman is useless. What Xu Changan didn't know was that whether it was the national destiny above the Imperial Palace of Yan Kingdom or the seemingly insignificant destiny above the bronze temple behind Zhen Qingyan, their grades were all incredibly high.

So even though Xu Changan has the Hidden Breath Talisman attached to his body, it can still resonate.

"Xu Changan...hehehe...we meet again!" Le Yi, who was wearing a linen and white robe, looked at Xu Changan and smiled: "You have already broken through from the fifth level to the seventh level of the foundation period, but I am still Yaqing of the State of Yan, failed to go further!”

"I'm so ashamed..." Le Yi laughed loudly when he said this.

Xu Changan said: "It is the juniors who should be ashamed!"

"Yeah!" Le Yi nodded: "Let's go, let's talk in the living room and introduce you to a fun old guy!"

He followed Le Yi and slowly came to the living room.

Two people were sitting in the living room.


It should be one.

Because Chen Xuanli was standing!

An old man with gray hair was sitting, motionless and as powerful as a rainbow. Chen Xuanli stood next to him, as if something had pierced his buttocks. He looked uncomfortable all over. He couldn't sit down and could only stand with his knees bent.

The old man's aura was really too strong.

"Feel free to sit down!" Le Yi relaxedly sat down across the table from the white-haired old man.

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli sat at the bottom.

Chen Xuanli was already sweating profusely. He lowered his head and whispered: "The unparalleled national scholar is equivalent to the great master of Xuanmen's Void Refining!"

Xu Changan immediately took a deep breath.


This gray-haired old man is actually an unparalleled national warrior?

"Here, let me introduce you!" Le Yi pointed at Xu Changan and said, "Mr. Su, this is Xu Changan, a disciple of Taixuan Immortal Sect in Lulong County, with extraordinary talent!"

"Who is this……"

Xu Changan quickly said: "My senior brother, Chen Xuanli!"

"Oh..." Le Yi said: "Mr. Chen is also extraordinary, with a single fire root, he is truly unparalleled in talent!"

"This is the prime minister of Yan State, Prime Minister Su!" Le Yi pointed at the old man.

Chen Xuanli and Xu Changan quickly stood up and bowed to Su Xiang: "I have met Su Xiang!"

"No problem!" Su Xiang had a kind face. Although he looked old, his sharp eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts. He glanced at Chen Xuanli, but his eyes fell on Xu Changan and said: "Not bad, not bad... Xuan I know a little bit about the sect. When you reach the level of Nascent Soul, it’s all about cultivating the heart. Talent and other things are not very important!”

"What matters is the character of the mind!"

Obviously, Su gave Xu Changan's character a perfect score.

At this moment, Zhen Qingyan, who was dressed in black robe, walked over. She walked directly into the hall and walked to Su Xiang and whispered a few words.

Su Xiang's eyes suddenly seemed to burst into flames, and he looked at Xu Changan with burning eyes.

"You two came to Jidu yesterday?" His voice was a little harsh.

"No, no, no..." Before Xu Changan could speak, Chen Xuanli hurriedly said: "It's not yesterday... it's today. I just arrived today!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan lied categorically: "This junior will arrive in Jidu today!"

"Hahahahaha..." Su Xiang laughed, and did not expose the two of them, but said: "Well done, well done...well done..."

"The so-called practice means cultivation on the one hand, and travel on the other hand. When I was a boy, I also traveled to various countries and saw all kinds of splendor in the world. Oh my, all kinds of customs are weird and strange!"

"If you have time, young people might as well go out and have a look. I especially hope that you will go to Qin State, hehehehe..."

"Qin's Xuanmen is a little different!"

The four chatted for a while.

Xu Changan stood up and said: "Two gentlemen, Sir Yaqing, actually we came here this time to ask for something!"

So, Xu Changan said what he wanted.

Le Yi said: "It's okay, Lao Gu can just take you there... But Xu Chang'an, I have something that I need your help with!"

Xu Changan said: "Please give me your instructions!"

"Yeah!" Le Yi said: "Tonight, there will be an auction at the largest chamber of commerce in Jidu [Yanbei Chamber of Commerce], and a bottle of [Red Lotus Golden Elixir] will be sold at the auction. It is not convenient for me to come in person. Can you help me?" I’ll take a photo of it!”

"This is 400,000 medium-grade spiritual stones. If it exceeds this amount, don't take any pictures!"

Le Yi threw over a storage bag and said, "Remember, take Lao Gu with you. If there is any trouble, Lao Gu will take action!"

"Yes!" Xu Changan cupped his hands, "Then I will resign..."

"I won't see you off, you can go on your own!" Le Yi said: "Xiang Su and I still need to discuss some things!"

Xu Changan and Chen Xuanli stood up and left.

Just as he walked out of the hall, Su Xiang suddenly said: "Xu Changan... wait a minute!"

Xu Changan turned around.

Su Xiang threw something like a Buddhist rosary from the air. It was a bracelet. There were eight black beads and one vermilion bead on it, nine in total.

"This is a gadget from me, given to you!"

"Thank you Su Xiang!"


Xu Changan walked out of the hall and went out with Lao Gu.

Zhen Qingyan came up from behind and said, "Junior Brother Xu, let me tell you a few words!"


Xu Changan walked to the side.

Zhen Qingyan said: "First sentence, you must wear this string of beads that my adoptive father gave you. The red beads are the old man's condensed power of incense and thought. If you are in danger, , after throwing it out, it can help you get rid of the enemy!"

"Oh!" Xu Changan was slightly surprised: "That's it!"

"What do you think?" Zhen Qingyan smiled, and then said: "Remember the second sentence. What was in the fairy pond at Guanyun Peak that day was my true body. You must not bear it. Got me!"

Xu Changan was stunned for a moment.

Zhen Qingyan turned around and returned to Yaqing's mansion.

"Let's go, stop looking... there's no one there!" Chen Xuanli looked inside the door and said, "Xu Chang'an, I seem to have seen this woman before... During the competition before, she and I We even had a fight and almost hit her!"

"The divine will is powerful, and the illusion is even more powerful!"

Chen Xuanli added: "Mother, she looks good."

Xu Changan glared at him.

Chen Xuanli said: "What's wrong?"

Xu Changan said: "She is now at the eighth level of the Golden Core!"

"Ah?" Chen Xuanli opened his mouth in shock and said, "How is that possible? How long has it been..."

He flopped down on the carriage and said, "I don't know when I will reach the eighth level of the Golden Core!"

Lao Gu shouted from the front: "Have you seated yet? I'm about to drive!"

Chen Xuanli said: "If you haven't sat down properly, I'll lie down!"

Yaqing Mansion!

Su Xiang returned to his normal seriousness. He looked at Le Yi and asked: "When you came to Jidu with the envoys of the Wei Kingdom, you also caused a shock to the fate of the Yan Kingdom in Jidu. Do you still remember? ?”

Le Yi smiled and said: "It's just a tiger, nothing to be proud of!"

When Le Yi came to Jidu, the golden cloud above the palace gate turned into a tiger.

Emperor Yan was so shocked that he paid homage to the corporal and visited Le Yi's residence seven times in person. Le Yi was moved by Emperor Yan's behavior and became the Yaqing of Yan State.

However, who would have thought that today someone would turn the country's fate into a dragon?

"The person who resonated with the national movement yesterday was Xu Changan!" Su Xiang said again.

"Ah?" Le Yi's mouth opened slightly: "Is it him?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I would give him a rosary?" Su Xiang said calmly.

Le Yi frowned slightly and said: "This man is just a simple monk, not good at planning the country, and he doesn't seem to want others to know that he is the one who instigated the fate of the country!"

"Yeah!" Su Xiang nodded and said, "He still needs to grow up!"

"That's all, let's not talk about Xu Chang'an!" Su Xiang waved his hand and said: "Let's talk about ourselves. I have already told Emperor Yan that when I resign from the position of Zhengqing, you will succeed me. You must remember Our plans must not disappoint His Majesty’s painstaking efforts, we have entrusted all our great affairs to you!”

"Le Yi must remember the teachings of the Prime Minister!" Le Yi paused slightly and said, "If you resign as the chief minister of Yan State this time, then Qi State will definitely come to invite you?"

"Hahaha!" Su Xiang laughed and said: "Of course... I was the prime minister of the Six Kingdoms back then, so how could I not be the prime minister of Qi? Don't worry, I have my own arrangements. Within half a year, I will be the prime minister of Qi. Sir!"

"But..." Le Yi frowned and said, "When we go here, the mountains are high and the roads are far away, and it's hard to predict the good or bad!"

Su Xiang nodded, and then said decisively: "Sun Wu once said that there are five kinds of rooms: the cause room, the inner room, the counter room, the death room, and the life room."

"When I leave, I will use my body as an unparalleled national warrior to live in the [death world] where I will never return!"

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