Mortal Cultivation: Start with a Chaos Talisman

Chapter 207 [The Golden Pill That Traps the Dead, the Treasure Lamp of the Netherworld]

There are only a few commonly used talismans used by disciples in the Qi refining stage of the cultivation world.

For example: winding talisman, earth armor talisman, ice needle talisman, fireball talisman, thunder and lightning talisman, etc.

Xu Changan took these talismans, spent a lot of time, and carefully improved them one by one, and then taught the improved painting techniques to his disciples.

Most of these disciples in Xujiabao are new to the world of cultivation. Naturally, they know nothing about talismans and have no ability to discern the power of talismans. Even those casual cultivators at the third and fourth levels of the Qi Refining Stage may not know how powerful a normal talisman is, so they just think that the talisman taught by Xu Changan is an ordinary talisman.

The elders, on the other hand, expressed their amazement at the power of these talismans.

Kong Xuan said: "Master Nephew Xu, the talismans made by our Xujiabao are much stronger than the ordinary talismans in the world of cultivation. For example, the ice needle talisman is almost twice as powerful. This should be our Xujiabao's top secret. It cannot be so vast. Professor to his disciples!”

Kong Xuan looked regretful.

"Yes!" Elder Chi Lian followed: "Junior Brother Xu, in my opinion, your improved talisman can definitely become the top secret of our Xu Family Fort. How can it be passed on to the disciples on such a large scale? In the future, the disciples will Bringing him into the realm of cultivation would be of no benefit to Xujiabao, right?"

Xu Changan smiled and said: "Uncle, it's okay, it's just a talisman. If we all hide it, what's the value? Haiyu, don't worry, I am the only one who has the real out-of-print talisman in Xujiabao. People can draw!”

The golden thunder talisman of the same level is many times more powerful than the thunder and lightning talisman.

Even though these thunder and lightning symbols were improved by Xu Changan.

He will definitely not tell anyone about the real trump card.

The elders saw that Xu Changan was determined to pass on the painting techniques of these talismans, and they had no choice. After all, the talismans belonged to Xu Changan.

A few months later, a shopkeeper from the second floor of the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce came to Xujiabao.

"I've met Lord Xu in Wanqian Mountain..."

Wan Qianshan looks like a middle-aged man, very shrewd!

Xu Changan nodded and said: "Shopkeeper Wan, please take a seat. I have come all the way to invite you here. Thank you for your hard work... Come and serve tea!"

Then, Xu Changan took out the talismans again and said, "Shopkeeper Wanda, what do you think of my talismans?"

Wan Qianshan picked up a thunder and lightning talisman and said, "Isn't this the thunder and lightning talisman commonly used by Qi practitioners in the world of cultivation?"

Xu Changan said: "In the future, I, Xujiabao, can provide your Chamber of Commerce with a large number of these talismans. Can you give me a price?"


Wan Qianshan was overjoyed, and he said excitedly: "Master Xu, since you are providing in large quantities, I will give you a sincere price. For ordinary talismans in the world of cultivation, this one is about fifty spiritual stones!"

Xu Changan chuckled: "Shopkeeper Wan, you'd better see the power of my talisman first!"


Thousands of mountains are thrown away.


A thick silver thunder was activated.

"This..." Wan Qianshan was shocked and said: "This thunder and lightning talisman is twice as powerful as the common cultivation world talisman!"

Xu Changan said: "Yes, the quality of the talismans in our Xujiabao exceeds the ordinary talismans in the world of cultivation. Shopkeeper Wan Da, please give me a higher price!"

"Hiss, hiss..." Shopkeeper Wanda took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and considered for a long time, and said: "This way, I can give you one hundred spiritual stones..."

In the world of cultivation, which level has the most monks?

Of course he is a monk in the Qi refining stage.

As many as ants!

Therefore, relatively speaking, the cultivation resources used by monks in the Qi Refining Stage are also very large. Even the stalls of the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce and the princes and countries in the world, but the main sales still come from the Qi Refining Stage disciples.

Talismans are the second most consumable item after elixirs and are very popular.

This kind of talisman from Xujiabao can be sold as high-end goods in the future.

So there is no need to worry about sales at all.

"Okay..." Xu Changan said: "That's it, then it's settled. Every month from now on, your Chamber of Commerce will send someone to my Xujia Fort to pick up the talisman..."

"Okay, okay!" Wan Qianshan stood up and said: "Master Xu, I have a merciless request. Don't look for this talisman in your family from other chambers of commerce. Don't worry, I will definitely give you the price! "

"Also, this is a deposit. Can I pay three months' deposit first?"

Xu Changan smiled!

There are 500 disciples in Xujiabao.

The task Xu Changan gave each disciple was to produce twenty talismans every month.

These twenty talismans are the contribution that each disciple must make to the sect. As long as he completes the task, he can unconditionally use the various cultivation resources of the sect, such as the spirit gathering array, the spiritual energy-rich cave, and various elders. Classes and more!

This kind of task is not outrageous, nor is it considered exploiting the disciples.

The disciples will definitely not resist!

In this way, 10,000 talismans can be collected every month and sold to the Liancheng Chamber of Commerce, which is equivalent to one million spiritual stones.

These one million spirit stones are enough for Xujiabao's expenses for a month anyway, and they are far from being used up.

In the blink of an eye, another year has passed!

The light snow fell for the first time in winter, falling on Xu Changan's hair.

He raised his head and looked at the sky.

Suddenly, I heard another angry roar coming from the small world.

"Damn it, if you don't come here... you won't want any of my belongings..."

Xu Changan turned his eyes and looked at the small world.

I saw that the master of the treasure lamp was now so old that he was almost walking on the ground. He stood behind the exposed underworld, waved his hand, and threw a lot of spiritual stones in his hand into the underworld.


All these spirit stones were corroded by the underworld and turned into nothingness.

Xu Changan ignored him.

He had already seen that the old man was about to expire.

The period of eternal immortality is just in these few days!

Xu Changan ignored him, but this guy took out his treasures one by one and threw them into the underworld for destruction. When he was about to throw the [Netherworld Treasure Lamp] into the underworld, Xu Changan finally couldn't sit still. .


His figure appeared in the small world.

"You bastard, you're finally here..." After seeing Xu Changan, Master Baodeng's anger can be imagined. He roared angrily: "You damn thing, you've trapped me in this damn place for twenty years." ...twenty years..."

"Today, my life is about to end!"

"I will fight with you... I will kill you..."



The old and disfigured old Jin Dan brought the dark oil lamp to his mouth, and then blew hard.

Almost all the spiritual energy in the body came out and was poured into the spiritual lamp.

A faint blue flame turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant and swept towards Xu Changan.

The power of the golden elixir combined with the powerful magic weapon's full blow can be imagined. If Xu Changan hadn't teleported away through the small world in time, he would have never been able to escape unscathed under such an attack, no matter how hard he tried. .


The surrounding void was roasted and changed its shape.

In an instant, the whole small world was burning with this kind of fire.

The small world seemed to have turned into a netherworld.

After the fire disappeared, Xu Changan walked in again in a flash.

This time, Patriarch Baodeng did not attack. He knew that even if he attacked Xu Changan, it would be of no avail.

Of course, the spiritual energy in his body was almost exhausted.

In this world, there is no spiritual power for him to replenish, and the spiritual power in his body will only be used less.

"Boy, I'm going to die today, please give me a happy word..." Ancestor Baodeng looked at Xu Changan and said, "Who are you... and how did my disciples die?"

Xu Changan looked at the lantern and smiled slightly: "Why should I tell you?"

"I... give you this treasure!" As he spoke, Baodeng raised his Netherworld Treasure Lantern: "Otherwise, I would rather throw this treasure into this hell than give it to you!"

"Okay!" Xu Changan stabilized Baodeng Patriarch and said, "Let me tell you... my name is Xu Changan... it turns out that I am just a young monk from Taixuan Sect..."

Therefore, Xu Changan patiently told his grievances with Xiaolinggu bit by bit, and finally naturally told how he killed Master Changsheng and a group of Xiaolinggu disciples.

Bao Deng didn't believe it, so Xu Changan took out the [Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder Sky Ruler] again. This time, Bao Deng's old body flopped on the ground and said: "So that's it, that's it..."

"That's all!" Baodeng said, "I'm about to die, can I ask you something?"

Xu Changan asked: "What's the matter?"

Baodeng: "I want a female cultivator..."

"Find me a handsome female cultivator so that I can leave peacefully!"

After Xu Changan thought for a few breaths, he said: "Well, just wait here and I will go out to search for you. But what I am telling you is that the flow of time here is ten times faster than outside. I will go out to search." One hour, I’m afraid ten hours will pass by here!”

"You have to be patient. I promise to find it for you within ten hours!"

"Okay, okay..."

Baodeng nodded!

Xu Changan raised his foot and was about to leave, but took advantage of the gap where the old Jindan was not paying attention, and slapped the black death wheel into his body.

"Shuzi..." Master Baodeng suddenly became furious and said: "I will cut you into pieces and die for me..."


The terrifying power of the golden elixir fell from the void, and a huge palm struck Xu Changan at lightning speed.

Xu Changan dodged quickly, but was still hit a hundred feet away by the aftermath, and then fell hard to the ground.

If it weren't for the thirteen drops of golden blood flowing in his body, this attack would have killed Xu Changan.

Good guy!

The power of the golden elixir stage is truly terrifying!

Without showing your trump card, there is absolutely no chance of survival!

The key is that this old golden elixir has now reached the point where it has run out of gas, but it still has such power!

Good thing!

Xu Changan has golden blood essence.

As soon as the [Kurong Scripture] in the body rotated, the black wheel of death instantly swallowed up the last upgrade of the old golden elixir.

The Master of Baodeng fell to the ground with a plop.

A crimson golden elixir flew out, carrying the soul of the treasure lantern master towards the underworld: "Xu Chang'an, even if I die, I will not let you go..."


Suddenly a huge hammer appeared in the void and fell from the sky, slamming the golden elixir to the ground.

The soul of the treasure lamp master abandoned the golden elixir, jumped into the underworld, followed the undercurrent, and entered the six paths of reincarnation.

In the end, Xu Changan failed to kill his soul.

But it doesn’t matter. After reincarnation, who will remember whom?

Xu Changan waved his hand, and several things flew towards him.

A golden elixir!

A dark oil lamp.

And a storage ring.

This time, all the monks in Xiaoling Valley are really gone!

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